Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 764: Task 2

According to Rhodes’ idea, these actions by the lich Stephen can also explain her own attitude in some aspects.

Although Rhodes has reached an agreement with the lich Stephen, and Rhodes has even passed the gate of time and space and came to the city of death, but Rhodes does not believe that as long as he completes what he should do , Stephen will definitely teach the secret method.

Especially according to Rhodes’ expectation, perhaps in the near future, the last effect of the forbidden magic ball fragment will also be used by himself.

At that time, the Forbidden Ball Fragment was lost as the final trump card. Once Stephen did not agree with this agreement, and even shot Rhodes in turn, Rhodes had no way to deal with it.

Based on the brief contact with Stephen alone, Rhode was naturally unable to feel the true thoughts that existed in Stephen’s heart, the Peeping Eye that had greatly helped Rhode in the past. Facing Stephen, this rank is higher, and at the same time I don’t know how long the existence has survived, and it has completely lost its effect.

It was in this situation that Rhodes deeply felt the strength gap between himself and Stephen. Without the existence of the forbidden magic ball fragments, if Stephen insisted on shooting, Rhodes could not do it at all. Decent resistance.

Even if he is a sixth-order existence, Stephen’s comprehensive strength has surpassed the Brakada high-level mages that Rhodes had seen before. the resulting advantages.

The gap in strength naturally made Rhodes unable to make his promise to Stephen, and he truly felt relieved. He could only find a way to observe from another angle, so as to obtain useful information.

If Rhodes has a strength similar to Stephen’s, or even stronger than Stephen, naturally there is no need to worry about this, but for Rhodes at this time, when his strength is not yet satisfied, he can only choose to act cautiously.

At this time, Rhodes was concerned about the special things that existed in Troy.

From Rhodes’ point of view, the thing that Stephen handed over to Troy may, to a large extent, reflect Stephen’s attitude towards himself. Rhodes is also able to do prevention.

It’s just that that special item has already been included in the space ring by Trolo. Although Rhodes perceives this, he has no way to observe it.

Rod knew that even if he tried to verify this with Troy, he might not get any results.

The only thing that Rhodes can rely on is the peeping eye he has mastered. But unfortunately, through the existence of the peeping eye, Rhode was only able to know from Trolo’s consciousness that it was an extremely important item. Apart from that, only Trolo’s thoughts on Stephen were in Trolo’s mind. awe.

Even if he noticed the existence of this item, Rhodes could not get more information for a while. After realizing this, Rhodes could only feel a sigh in his heart.

From Rhodes’ point of view, whether it is Stephen in the Tomb of Death, or Sandro who exists here, they are far from being able to compete with him at present.

For these characters who have already been involved in the main line of the second expansion, even if Rhodes really entered the sixth order, he must be extremely cautious when dealing with these beings, let alone now.

Before returning to Dia, Rhode did not expect that he would have such a relationship with Stephen and Sandro, two special beings, and be involved in such an incident.

From Rhodes’ point of view, the task that Stephen entrusted to him has already involved the entire Diya situation. Whether or not he completes this task in the end, it will have a certain impact on the entire Diya.

Since these extremely powerful beings are involved, in this case, Rhodes can’t be too careful.

If there is no Forbidden Ball Fragment, even if Rhodes knew about the existence of Stephen the Lich when he first met Troy, he would be extremely hesitant to enter the Tomb of Death.

Although the purpose of Rhodes’ trip was to find a secret solution to the problem for Rowling, in Rhodes’ view, in the absence of the forbidden magic ball fragments, this completely put the possibility of success in one place. The behavior in the hands of the unfathomable lich was not a wise choice.

But in the same way, it was the existence of the Forbidden Sphere Fragment that made Rhodes choose to enter the Tomb of Death, and agreed to the conditions of Stephen the Lich, and finally came to the City of Death.

The special thing of the forbidden magic ball fragment gave Rhodes enough confidence to face Rhodes. These strengths are far beyond his own existence. At the same time, they can also allow Rhodes to achieve something. Something that can’t be done anyway.

At this time, it seemed that he thought of something. Rhode’s indifferent eyes suddenly became sharp, and in his eyes, there was even more light that he wanted to choose and devour.

From Rhodes’ point of view, since he has come here, this trip is an important opportunity for him to improve his strength.

According to Rhodes’ idea, if he wants to maximize the effect of the forbidden magic ball fragments and bring the greatest benefits to himself, ordinary goals obviously cannot satisfy this point.

And the experience points obtained through the forbidden magic ball fragments also seemed irrelevant to Rhodes at this could not make his own strength change fundamentally.

Rod understands that the only things that can make a fundamental change in strength are those artifacts that exist in the game, and this is what Rhode has always longed for.

As for the use of the forbidden magic ball fragments, after coming to the city of death, Rhodes made up his mind to use it on the peerless necromancer in the city, Sandro.

As early as when he got the Forbidden Magic Ball Fragment, Rhodes made an estimate in his heart on how to use it to maximize the improvement.

At that time, Rhode realized that only by using it in the second expansion, the peerless necromancer can bring the greatest improvement to himself, just to solve the problems on Rowling. , Rhodes can only postpone this point.

What Rhode did not expect was that he was able to come to the City of Death from the mission explained by Stephen, and soon after, he was able to see the existence of Sandro with his own eyes.

According to Rhodes’ prediction, once the situation really develops as he expected, although the use effect of the forbidden magic ball fragments has been exhausted, what he can obtain is two complete combined artifacts!

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