Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 738: Choose 2

Because of the previous contact with Erathia, it was through the existence of Cedros that went smoothly. In the following series of processes, Cedros also played an extremely crucial role.

Especially when it comes to decision making, including the strategy chosen by Erathia in this battle, in addition to taking into account the suggestions made by other legendary mages, Cedros also has a very high level of confidence in this process. the right to speak. Erathia’s side also couldn’t ignore the suggestion made by Cedros.

Faced with this situation, even the commander of the Erathian side would not dare to make a decision without absolute certainty. In the previous battle, the timing of the opening of the gate of different dimensions was completed under the guidance of the legendary mage.

It was also in this situation that an army of barbaric creatures was seen fleeing from the field, and the original legendary mages did not seem to have any plans to pursue them, but just dispatched some golems and puppets to follow behind. these savage creatures.

When this situation occurs, even the commander of Erathia seems to be uncertain for a while, and can only make certain adjustments to the army under him.

Under the mobilization of Commander Erathia, some of the most powerful knights and griffins, which are easy to detect, have already left with the savage creatures, and have always followed behind them, even more than the wizards control The golem puppet, but also closer to the location of these savage creatures.

In addition to these chasing creatures, more creatures belonging to Erathia stayed in place to rest under the instruction of their commander.

Because of the low mobility, even if the commander of Erathia chooses to send these ordinary warriors together, it will only slow down the overall progress, and will not be able to play any substantial role in the process of pursuit. the role of sex.

Looking at the courier sent by Erathia in front of him, Cedros realized that the purpose of Erathia might not be as simple as he expected at first.

With the progress of this battle, even the knights who came to support Erathia had only heard about the effects of the artifact in Tanan’s hand, but now, when it is in the forbidden magic barrier Within the shrouded range, after having the most intuitive feeling, you can undoubtedly realize the powerful effect of the forbidden magic ball.

Cedros believes that when the commander of Erathia’s side feels the effect of the forbidden magic ball, he will not easily let go of this powerful treasure. If there is a chance, even if he needs to take a great risk , and will take this treasure into his hands.

If you get the forbidden magic ball, it’s not the savage creatures of Krulod with insufficient background, but the powerful forces such as Erathia. These golems and puppets controlled by mages alone may not be at all. Unable to deal with it.

It is also in this situation that the commander of Erathia, without any consultation with the legendary mages of Bracada, dispatched the most elite men to seize the demons controlled by the mages. Before being like a puppet, chase the retreating savage creatures.

Cedros believes that the true purpose of this Erathian commander is the forbidden magic ball in Tanan’s hands. If Erathia’s side can take the forbidden magic ball, it will undoubtedly make the situation of the whole battle change greatly.

At this time, the messenger sent by the Erathian army commander, in the eyes of Cedros, is more like a means of stabilizing the legendary mage. On the surface, these Erathian army’s Actions still have to be discussed with the legendary mages of Brakada, but in fact, their actions have long surpassed the existence of legendary mages.

Cedros has no worries about whether the forbidden magic ball will fall into the hands of Erathia’s pursuers.

According to his own information, Cedros knew that among the Bracada creatures who went to chase the hero Tanan, except for the high-level mages who used to belong to the Magic Guild and the golems they controlled , The legendary mages of the Magic Guild also shot.

Among them, there is even the most powerful existence within the current magic guild. In order to ensure that the forbidden magic ball does not fall into the hands of other forces, legendary mages who used to practice in the magic guild have taken action one after another. For this, the mages of Bracada will not back down.

Cedros believes that in this case, the savage creatures fleeing from the rear, and their current location, is the place where the battle is most intense.

At this time, after hearing the answer from Cedros, the courier in front of him was obviously not satisfied, and continued:

“Too many warriors have died in the fight against these savage creatures, including even a legendary knight with a title.”

“We hope that the remains of these companions can be transported back to Erathia as soon as possible. As for staying to celebrate, etc., it is not considered by the Erathian warriors. We also invite powerful mages. During this process help us.”

Toward the side of Cedros, the courier told Erathia’s real purpose at this time, and asked for the assistance of the high-level mage.

Obviously wants to quickly return to Erathia, but it is obviously impossible to achieve it with the basic abilities of these warriors, and it can only be done with the help of the space spells cast by mages.

Since he has long realized that the true purpose of the Erathian creatures is the forbidden magic ball that exists among the savage creatures, Cedros can also understand the reason why these Erathian creatures intend to evacuate as soon as possible.

Once the true purpose of these Erathian chasing troops is exposed, it will not only be as simple as coming to help in the eyes of other mages, but it will pose a very serious threat to the existence of the entire Bracada. .

In this case, the mages of Brakada will not have a good face for the Erathian warriors that exist here, and some mages with intense emotions will even directly confront the Erathian warriors that exist here. One party launches an attack.

If the Erathian warriors who went to pursue them really completed the mission of this trip and took the forbidden magic ball into their hands, the Erathian warriors who stayed here would only be destroyed by the enraged legendary mages.

In order to prevent this situation from really happening, Erathia’s decision was to take advantage of the existence of space magic and leave from here before the result of the battle at the rear.

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