Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 549: Variation 1

Facing the Ice Blue Magic Academy with a large number of mages stationed, the Cyclops who came to attack did not use their long-range attack method of throwing boulders. Instead, after getting close to the Ice Blue Magic Academy, they moved towards this place together. Charge from the location.

The existence of the Mage makes the Cyclops give up the way of long-range attack. No matter how the Cyclops throws boulders, the damage caused cannot be compared with the spells cast by the Mage.

As the commander of this group of Cyclops, the Hero One-Eyed King naturally has a full understanding of this. The Cyclops will charge towards the Ice Blue Magic Academy because of the order of the Heroic One-Eyed King.

The charge launched by many Cyclops together made a deafening sound, and all the mages who looked at this scene could feel the sky-high momentum emanating from the Cyclops.

As the Cyclops approached, the mages in the Ice Blue Magic Academy could feel an obvious shock, and those mages above the barriers felt it more deeply.

Some mages with low strength and never experienced war, just feel the momentum generated by the arrival of the Cyclops, they seem at a loss, and the knowledge they have learned before can not be remembered at this moment, Not to mention casting spells to deal with it.

In addition to these mages, a few mages reacted the moment the Cyclops charged and began casting spells towards the Cyclops’ location. However, due to the long distance, these spells have not achieved any results, and they turned into magical elements and dissipated. The actions of these mages are just venting their inner fears.

During this process, when these mages cast spells, the mana fluctuations will undoubtedly have an impact on the surrounding environment. Any mages in the Ice Blue Magic Academy can feel this.

And those really powerful mages were not affected by the momentum of these cyclops in the slightest, they still stayed on the barrier of the Ice Blue Magic Academy, calmly watching these cyclops coming.

In the eyes of these powerful mages, there is only chaos in the Cyclops’ charge.

Just like a beast charging a hunter, in the process, the beast may gain the upper hand in momentum, but what it doesn’t know is that it has already entered the trap of the hunter.

By charging, the Cyclops can quickly close the distance with the mage in order to attack the mage, but in the process, the Cyclops also enters the mage’s casting range.

Some extremely powerful spells also have a lot of restrictions when they are cast, and cannot cause damage to creatures that are far away. If the Cyclops is still far away, it may not be affected by these spells. Pulling closer, the first thing to worry about is these cyclops.

Chaos is the only assessment these high mages have made of the Cyclops’ charge. As these Cyclops approached, these high-level mages raised their hands one after another, and only after a large number of Cyclops reached the casting range, they cast their best spells.

During this process, like the surrounding high-level mages, Thork raised his hand, ready to cast the fourth-order hellfire magic on the approaching Cyclops, causing a devastating blow to them.

As each high-level wizard prepares for spell casting, the magic elements around the entire Ice Blue Magic Academy seem to have frozen, and there is no longer any sign of flow. Gao Mage is casting spells, and it can only have an extremely subtle effect on the surrounding magic elements.

Any mages in the academy can clearly feel this, no matter how powerful the mages are, after feeling this, they all understand in their hearts that a series of extremely powerful high-level spells will soon be will come, and it will act on this group of cyclops.

Although these spells have not yet arrived, even the low-level mages who seemed to be panicking in the face of the Cyclops’ charge at the beginning were relieved at this time.

Feeling the condensed magical elements around, these mages believe that under the influence of many high-level mages casting spells together, these cyclops will be instantly killed by these spells.

Among these high-level mages, Thok, who was preparing to cast the flames of hell, also had this idea in his heart. In Sock’s view, this crisis caused by the arrival of the Cyclops can undoubtedly be resolved smoothly.

At this time, Thork’s eyes once again looked at the hero Cyclops among the group of Cyclops. In Sock’s view, in the face of the spells cast by many high-level mages, even if the heroic one-eyed king himself is powerful, there is no solution.

Sok noticed that in the face of the surrounding magical elements and the upcoming spell attack, the One-Eyed Hero showed disdain for it, and even the one-eyed on the Hero One-Eyed King’s head showed With a mocking look.

This discovery undoubtedly surprised Thork. Thok has realized that the heroic one-eyed king obviously has some special means to deal with these upcoming spells.

Before Thork made a prompt to the surrounding high-level mages, the heroic one-eyed king immediately took action.

I saw the one-eyed hero raised the hand that he had been holding tightly, and slowly opened it, revealing the things he had been holding in the palm of his hand.

The in the hand of the one-eyed hero is a small piece of red crystal with a special brilliance. Compared with the palm of the one-eyed hero, the volume of this red crystal is almost negligible, but Any wizard who notices this red crystal will be drawn to it.

With the movement of the heroic one-eyed king, this special red crystal slowly rose and floated in the air.

When Thok notices the hero’s movements, and discovers the appearance of the red crystal, Thok realizes that something is wrong.

The sense of crisis in his heart made Sock unable to wait any longer. Even if the group of Cyclops did not enter the best strike range of Hellfire, Sock planned to cast this spell immediately.

Before Thork could unleash the flames of hell, the red crystal that the hero One-Eyed King took out changed dramatically.

After the red crystal floated in the air, without any warning, a red barrier centered on the crystal spread rapidly around.

In an instant, both the Cyclops who came to attack and the mages in the Ice Blue Magic Academy were shrouded in this red barrier.

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