Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 381: Potions

Lord has a lot of knowledge about potions.

In the game of Lord’s previous life, after this potion competition, potions science has been vigorously developed in Brakada.

Even the impending war has only created some resistance to the development of potions.

On the contrary, when the war ended, Bracada did not slump because of it. Instead, it was like a new life and vigorously developed various matters in the territory.

Among them, there are traces of the development of potions. With their own efforts, mages have turned the momentum of potions research and development from the curse and negative effects at the beginning to various beneficial effects.

It can be said that with the progress of the expansion, when Rhodes was in the period, almost all mages mastered the knowledge of potions and were able to refine some potions. But now, potions are an extremely unfamiliar subject for the mages participating in the college event.

Due to his past life experience, Rhodes has far more insights than the current mages when it comes to potions, in addition to some potion formulas, which is why Rhodes is confident to participate in this potion event.

Looking at the mages refining potions off the field, even if it was a simple and crude process, in Rhode’s eyes, it was full of loopholes.

For Potions, Brakada has not yet formed a complete discipline, and the research on some of these matters can only rely on the mages themselves.

There were also a few people who caught Rhode’s attention in the field of the first test, and these people also took the initiative to choose to complete the refining of the potion, but compared with the previous man, the control during refining On, it’s still a lot worse.

It can be said that in the potions competition held by the Ice Blue School of Magic, the previous man was regarded as the one with the deepest knowledge of potions.

Mages attach great importance to potion formulas. In the process of refining potions, they will deliberately change the original form of the materials and use them directly from the space ring, so there is no need to fear that their formulas will be discovered by other mages.

At this time, the eagle eye technique can play some role. If you are lucky, there is a certain chance to analyze the materials in the hands of the mage, but only one of the materials can be analyzed.

In order to cooperate with the Eagle Eye Technique and master the formulas in the hands of other mages, the mages themselves still need to have certain attainments in potions.

Due to the special nature of Potions, there are no special skills for Potions.

What Potions need is a series of special skills related to the wizard himself. The control carried out when refining potions belongs to the master’s mastery of basic skills, among which, the special skills of the four elements of magic can significantly enhance this.

The formulas for potions belong to the category of mysticism and alchemy, and it is necessary for the mage to master the properties of various substances in order to make some changes during refining.

Because there is no such special skill at all, even if Rhodes has a lot of skill points left, he cannot directly improve the skill level of potions.

Potions involves a wide range of aspects, and requires the ability of the wizard to reach a certain level before in-depth research.

Fortunately, Rhodes has mastered the mysticism related to the nature of potions and raised it to an advanced level.

In the process of potion refining, the selection of refining materials is extremely important. How to select the refining materials and judge whether the properties of the refining materials are suitable depends on the skill level of the master’s mysticism and alchemy.

For Rhodes, if he raises the special skill level of alchemy, he can affect the potions he makes, but Rhodes doesn’t have this idea.

Different from potions, alchemy involves a wide range of aspects. Whether it is the production of materials or the manufacture of golems, alchemy is required.

In the life of the mage, the role of alchemy is also extremely extensive. It can be said that Brakada can achieve its former glory, and alchemy has played an extremely important role in this.

For the study of alchemy, it is still not enough to learn special skills, and it still requires the mage to spend a lot of time in order to achieve success.

For the current Rhodes, alchemy is not very helpful. Although Rhodes was able to create some special potions through alchemy, these potions did not conform to the rules of the potion competition.

Because potions originally originated from magicians, the types of potions are naturally very confusing. In addition to potions that can be taken directly, there are potions that are directly applied to the surface of the target to produce effects.

Among them, most of the potions created through alchemy knowledge belong to the latter potion.

The uses of these two potions are equally extensive and can produce decidedly different effects, but because of this potion competition, the potions that can be taken and bring positive effects are designated, so alchemy is very important for mages. not much help.

Because of this, even though he knew that alchemy could improve the types of potions he could refine, Rhodes did not study it.

After a long time of research on refining magical medicine, how to combine various refining materials to form the best way to refine a magical medicine, so as to form a fixed magical medicine formula, which is treasured by various mages.

Lord, who is observing the wizards in the initial test, can clearly see that these wizards rarely refine the potions according to the formula, and most of them refine the potions according to their own understanding of the properties of the materials.

When refining potions, these mages were unable to determine which materials should be added and how much, and often added more of one of the materials to make up for it by adding more materials as a whole.

If there is no clear potion formula, the effects of the potions produced will vary Even if the potion is successfully refined, it may only depend on luck.

At this time, the background of the mage can be reflected, whether he has mastered many rare formulas in the past research process.

Lord knew that in the finals of the potion competition, for those mages whose refining techniques were not too different, the quality of the potion formula often directly determined the outcome of the potion competition.

The potion formula is not fixed, and the mage can change the ingredients in the formula according to his own knowledge, so as to obtain potions with changing effects.

The appearance of potion recipes requires the mage to spend a lot of time researching, and controlling the amount of input of various materials, refining it over and over again, in order to obtain the best formula for the same potion.

In the course of the game in the previous life, Rhode happened to have mastered several powerful potion formulas, which were enough to deal with this potion competition.

After observing for a while, Rowling gradually lost interest in observation due to the repetitive process of refining the potion.

Seeing this, Rhode led Rowling away from the venue.

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