Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 326: Tanan 1

? Just as Rhodes was waiting for the news from Elon, a major event was also happening in Kru Lord, not far from Rhodes.

The successive expeditions have brought new vitality to the long-quiet Krulord. The barbarian’s already numb mind seemed to be revived as the battle progressed.

In the eyes of the mages, the vitality that appears in Krulod may be a factor of instability, but in the eyes of Krulod’s leader, the hero Tanan, this vitality is Krulo A sign of the impending counterattack of Germany.

Fugitives like the heroic ogre are only a very small number in the territory of Krulord. More barbarians do not have the strategic vision of heroes, but are more nostalgic for the land they live in. , even though it has long been enslaved by Bracada.

Dare to lead all ethnic groups to migrate when the situation is unclear, which itself is a matter of extreme courage. The migration of ethnic groups has to consider many things, the choice of the road, the source of food, and whether the migration location is not. Suitable. Due to the difference in biological stages, it is likely to migrate in the past, but the environment in which it is located is worse than that of Krulord.

Especially when Tanan showed great strength, the successive victories greatly enhanced the confidence of this group of savage creatures. Almost all creatures believe that the hero Tanan will win this war.

Under the persuasion of the hero Tanan, these rescued barbarians easily joined Tanan’s army. Whether it is a powerful ogre, an ordinary half-orc, or even a centaur that retains the wild habits, Tanan will unite them, with the common certificate in their blood, the blood of Krulod.

Even in the past, conflicts between some races in Krulord often broke out, and even there was a deep blood feud, but in this case, due to the rule of Tanan, the conflicts between races were suppressed. go down. Now, all their attention is on the fight against Bracada.

Tanan vowed to change all of this when he first returned to Kru Lord, seeing these conditions in Kru Lord.

At the beginning, Tanan was also hindered a lot, and various tribes did not recognize the rule of Tanan. But when Tanan showed his strength and proved himself with his actions, this obstruction ceased to exist.

Now, all the liberated races in Krulord are headed by Tanan and have recognized Tanan’s leadership.

For ordinary savages, they are very grateful to Tanan when they are finally freed after years of enslavement. The status of Tanan in their hearts is like the status of the **** of wizards in Brakada in the hearts of ordinary wizards.

All creatures that remain to fight in Krulord believe that their leader, the hero Tanan, will lead them, drive all invading mages out of Kru Lord, and lead Kru Lord in A glorious era.

When Rhodes first entered this world, he inquired about the hero Tanan in the Thieves Guild, precisely to determine the period of the expansion.

If at that time, Tanan’s reputation was only just spread, and he could get his news with less gold coins, then now, the Thieves Guild will even take the initiative to block Tanan’s news, No information about Tanan can be learned from it unless a great price is paid.

At that time, Tanan was still fighting for the liberation of the entire Krulord, and there were not many creatures that he could mobilize, and his identity was only a natural hero of Kru Lord. The only thing worth caring about was his strength. Powerful, and mastered this artifact.

But now, Tanan has become the de facto leader of Krulord, most of the territory has been liberated, and the number of creatures that can be mobilized is unknown.

Faced with Tanan in such a state, even if Brakada is ready for a full-scale challenge, there may not be a way to defeat him, let alone Brakada who doesn’t take Tanan to heart at all.

The wizards of Bracada are still unaware of the horrors of Krulod, and perhaps even wizards who could anticipate it would not take it to heart.

Mages all have their own goals, whether it’s researching spells, building territories, or something else. In the eyes of these mages, it is better to spend time and energy on their own affairs than to spend time and energy in the unknown situation of Krulord.

After all, if there is any abnormality in Krulord, it should be handled by other mages, and it has nothing to do with themselves.

Like Aaron who is conducting a special deal with Rhodes, Silver Cliff City is considered a town near the border. As for what happened in Krulord, Aaron should be the first to know arrived.

But the actual situation is not the case. Almost all of Aron’s attention is devoted to transforming the death knight. I am afraid that even if Krulord hits Silvercliffe, Aaron will respond.

What state the rest of the mages are in, Rhodes can’t know, but judging from Elon’s performance, the other mages must not be much better.

For the long-decayed Brakada, although it still retains the name of the Holy Land of Mage, its splendor is no longer than the original time.

The process of spell research has been going on, but the mages who study spells have undergone great changes, for Brakada I don’t know whether it is good or bad.

At this time, Tanan is in a ruin, thinking about the information about Brakada.

Just finished a battle. Facing the already rotten mage in Krulord, Tanan didn’t even display the ability to ban the magic ball. He simply led his men and easily destroyed the mage station here.

Tanan still retains the habits of a barbarian, and does not pay much attention to the surrounding environment. After the battle, he sat in a ruin, thinking about the information about the war.

According to the information collected by his subordinates, the position that Tanan needs to attack next is an important strategic location, a city located on the border of Krulord, the city of conquest.

Almost all the mages who go to Krulod, the first stop they arrive is the city of conquest. After the mages established their dominance, they established the city in Krulod.

For the creatures of Crowlord, the city of conquest represents more than just a town. It symbolizes the long-term enslavement of Crowder by the mages, and is the mark of Crowder’s shame. .

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