Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 2360: 1 liar

“Are you really not going to agree to him? Elliot, that’s a large amount of gold coins that the Yaojin Merchant Group feels pain in the flesh…”

After the brown-haired mercenary left, the elf Graal continued to persuade him, and his words were full of unwillingness, as if the wealth had flown away. On the way to see Kenlo, he kept persuading Swordsman, unfortunately it didn’t work.

“We have more important things, don’t we?” The swordsman replied lightly.

Seeing that the swordsman had a firm attitude, Graal gave up his persuasion, but he still mumbled, as if complaining about the swordsman’s wrong choice. If he had such a strong power, he would definitely not let go of those wealth.

Besides, Berry showed a bit of helplessness. She looked at the familiar building in the distance, and then said, “Elliot, aren’t you going to find Kenro? He is in the quiet room in front.”

Lord nodded and put his eyes in the direction Berry was pointing. Even before he got close, he could smell the unique aroma of wine in the air. The legendary hero seemed to have a soft spot for fine wine. .

Coming to the quiet room where Kenloh was, Rhode saw once again the legendary hero who took the initiative to show his favor in the assessment. At this time, Kenloh had taken off his horn helmet and was holding a bucket Free flow of wine.

Aware of the approach of Rhodes and his party, he threw the empty wine barrel aside: “Which **** without long eyes dares to disturb me at this time… It’s you, Elliot. “

After noticing the swordsman’s outfit, he changed his tone and couldn’t help laughing a few times: “It seems that you passed the test, like me, you are an S-rank mercenary, such a moment worth celebrating, How can you be without good wine as company? Come on, this is the spirit brewed by the dwarves, and I respect you.”

Speaking, he handed a barrel of spirits to the swordsman and patted the swordsman on the shoulder enthusiastically.

Listening to the dull sound from the armor and feeling the slightly deformed armor, Rhode had no doubt that if Kenlo patted on the shoulders of ordinary people, it would be enough to break their bones.

“These fine wines are the rewards that Rank is willing to pay for hindering you. It has been a long time since those necromancers eroded Eri’s jungle, and I think you will like it too. “Kenlo said enthusiastically.

“Hero Kenlo, I’m looking for you for a serious business, something you absolutely want to know.” Rhodes held the wine barrel in his hand, not drinking like Kenlo, but said slowly.

“Oh?” Kenlo raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Berry next to Rhodes, “What you said, shouldn’t it be her task? She has found me before, but unfortunately she can’t come up with it. The reward I want, and now I’m pestering you again, do you need me to help you drive her away?”

Seeing Kenro’s unceremonious targeting of himself, Berry stomped secretly, her beauty being useless in the face of this legendary hero.

“She is my partner, but I came to you, not for this.” Under Kenlo’s slightly puzzled gaze, a reward list appeared in the swordsman’s hands. “Why don’t we talk about that liar you’ve put a bounty on.”

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“What did you say?” Hearing the swordsman mentioning the liar, the originally drunk Kenro’s aura changed, and the terrifying aura that escaped forced Berry to take a few steps back, gasping for breath, “You Any news about the liar?”

“You’re right.”

The swordsman’s tone sank, and under Kenro’s suspicious, vigilant, and deepest anger eyes, the swordsman slowly stepped forward and said in a low voice, “A few years ago, a man from the Mage Empire You have been approached by a young scholar who claims to be the best student of Eric, the famous scholar of Bracada, and wanted to ask you to help collect some artifact parts, which you did.”

Listening to the swordsman’s narration, Kenlo’s breathing became heavy, and his memory seemed to return to the original situation: “What else do you know?”

“He said it was his teacher’s order to study and destroy the evil undead artifact, and to vouch for the Bracada and his teacher’s reputation, which fooled you. But at the last minute , but he ran away with those artifact parts, and he didn’t even pay a cent for the reward he promised you, didn’t he?”

As Rhode continued to talk, Ken Luo’s fists clenched, and the tendons spread across his thick arms: “You are all right, it seems that you must know the whereabouts of the liar, tell me, I will Kill him with your own hands!”

However, about the whereabouts of the liar, the swordsman kept his mouth shut. Instead, he studied the wine barrel in his hand, which made Kenlo anxious on the side. After a while, the swordsman said: “Lord Kenlo, just As you know, that’s not free news.”

“How much do you want? I can give you all of these fine wines!” Kenlo nodded, this is a normal thing in the Freelance Chamber of Commerce, and said immediately.

Rod shook his head slightly: “I’m not very interested in these wines. What I care about is you, Lord My partner plans to go deep into Sieracia, if you are willing to Assist her in her mission, and I will let you know the whereabouts of that person.”

Berry was stunned for a moment, obviously didn’t expect Rhodes to mention this matter, before she could say anything, she heard the hero Kenlo roar: “How do I know, what you said is not a lie? Me? I investigated the whereabouts of the liar and found nothing, what do you know?”

“His name is Sandro.” The swordsman said slowly, “It’s not just you, he also deceived one of Eli’s heroes and collected another undead artifact for him. He brought those two A piece of artifact went to Diya, and was preparing to show a grand plan, but another necromancer took one of them…”

“I know who you’re talking about. It’s that **** Rhode who made me run out of dwarf wine to drink. If there’s a chance, I don’t mind cutting him off too.” Kenlo ordered He nodded and said, “It seems that you do know something. If you believe me, tell me the whereabouts of the liar. I promise you that I will definitely help that person to go to Sierasia as promised before. And not break the promise like that liar.”

Listening to Ken Luo’s words, Rhode’s mouth twitched, but he quickly came back to his senses and said, “After Sandro left Dia, he went to the underground world where the sorcerer is located. Gong, I’m currently working for the queen there, the hero Moriel, if you can see Moriel, you can see the liar.”

“Very good.” Kenlo’s face sank, “Come to me when you leave, now I want to be alone for a while.”

After he finished speaking, he held the wine barrel and continued to drink. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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