Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 2249: The Prophet taught

“Lord Rowling, do you have anything to do with me?”

Outside the Prophet’s hut, Rowling meets a young Messika.

Looking at the prophet, or the king of hell, whose demeanor was completely different from what he had imagined, but the details were exactly the same, Rowling said quickly: “Prophet Messika, you call me Luo. Lynn is fine. I am very grateful that you left the prophecy card with me, and speaking of it, I haven’t had a good chat with you since you returned from hell.”

Facing Rowling’s greetings, the corners of Messika’s mouth twitched into a smile: “You are that person’s younger sister. If the prophecy card can help you, I am very honored.”

Rowling was stunned for a moment. The person in Messika’s mouth was obviously referring to Rhodes. Hearing what the prophet said, she was able to get that unique set of prophecy cards thanks to Rhodes’ existence.

When the huge waves came, all the creatures on the island were trembling with fear. Only the Prophet Messika could not see the embarrassment that belonged to her.

Before this, Rowling had ordered Death Knight Kane to organize the evacuation of the creatures on the island. When the news was notified to Mexiga, she was rejected by her and did not intend to leave.

In the back of the Prophet’s hut, dull snoring continued to be heard, and a big dog was sleeping soundly here. He didn’t seem to know that the island was just facing the danger of destruction, but was sleeping soundly.

From Messika, Rowling faintly felt the unfathomable meaning, even if her strength improved, put it into ordinary creatures, it is already a rapid existence, but it is different from Messika who has existed for countless years. In comparison, it is still a far cry.

After a few simple chats, Rowling quickly cut to the point: “I encountered some doubts in the process of researching the prophecy card. Please answer one or two for me.”

“Let’s hear it.” Messika looked at her with a half-smiling look on her face.

Seeing this, in front of the former owner of the prophecy card and its maker, Rowling asked unreservedly: “Now I have only achieved the ‘use’ of the prophecy card, but In how to inscribe the prophecy card, that is, ‘creation’, it has fallen into a difficult problem, and there has been no new progress for a long time.”

“Where have you come?” Mesika asked with interest.

Rowling replied somewhat ashamedly: “Now I can only engrave creatures whose strength is far inferior to me in the prophecy card. If those creatures’ rank is higher, or they have a strong will, I will will fail. Until now, I have not been able to inscribe a single legendary creature, or even a hero.”

“Don’t worry, your progress has been very fast. When I was still a human being, I spent half my life as a witch to complete the manufacture of the prophecy card, and you are far more than me at that time. Talented. With Rhodes here, your accomplishments on the prophecy card will one day surpass mine.” Messika said softly.

Hearing the prophet say this, Rowling was overjoyed, not because of the praise from Messika, but from the words of the prophet, she felt that she valued Rhodes.

“The most important point in order to complete the inscription of a prophecy card is that you must have seen the inscribed things with your own eyes, and you must have a deep understanding of them. Inscription of legendary things out of thin air will only lead to failure in the end.”

Soon, Messika taught Rowling the lessons of engraving prophecy cards.

“In order to imprint heroes, especially those with strong will, you need to thoroughly understand their heroic will, and guide them with suffering in advance even before they become heroes…”

With the detailed instructions of the prophecy card maker, Rowling sometimes frowned, showing a thoughtful look, and sometimes her eyes glowed, and her heart comprehended.

“Engraving those more powerful creatures requires the cooperation of the sea of ​​spirit. Unlike the physical body, the sea of ​​spirit contains unlimited potential, which is enough to bear the backlash during the engraving process, but be careful of the sea of ​​spirit. There is damage, you are a mage, you should understand what the sea of ​​​​spirits means better than me…”

Under the meticulous teaching of Messika, Rowling only felt that the problem that had been trapped in her was finally solved, and her eyes suddenly opened up.

At this moment, Rowling only felt that her understanding of the prophecy card had risen to another level. Looking at the Messiah Prophet, Rowling’s eyes were full of gratitude. Without her teaching, she would not know how many detours she would have to take, how many failures she would have to go through, and finally get these experiences.

“Thank you very much, Prophet Mexica…” Rowling said sincerely.

Mexijia shook her head: “It’s useless to have these experiences. You have to try it yourself to get the final conclusion.”

Rowling understood what she meant, and immediately took out a prophecy card with an empty front from the space ring.

Recalling everything in the past, Rowling soon chose the object to be Under the gaze of Messika, on the originally empty prophecy card, a human figure slowly emerges slowly.

It was a human man in a large cloak. Looking closely, he was holding an irregular blue sword blade and a pendant with surging magic power around his waist. Intimidating.

On the front of the prophecy card, the figure of the man gradually appeared. From the initial outline to the continuous complete body, the front of the eyes was completely formed, and finally it suddenly became dark.

If it wasn’t for Messia’s help, Rowling, who was holding the Prophecy Card, would probably have fallen to the ground. At this time, she was completely exhausted, her expression was sluggish, and the sea of ​​spirit was even more chaotic.

She looked at the prophecy card in her hand again, but found that there was nothing on it. This time, the engraving ended in failure.

“Don’t be discouraged.”

Beside Rowling, Messika patted her on the back and whispered in her ear, “The person you want to engrave can no longer be measured by ordinary hero cards, only ace cards are enough. Carrying his power, it is normal for you to fail now, and you need to start with other simpler inscriptions.”

While speaking, Messika gently stretched out her hand and took the empty prophecy card from Rowling’s hand.

Although Rowling was unwilling, she still accepted the result. She firmly believed that as long as she kept engraving other prophecy cards, one day she would be able to engrave that person into the prophecy cards.

“For example…this.”

After receiving the prophecy card returned by Messika, Rowling was stunned for a moment. She looked down at the contents on the card, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her wide mouth could not be closed for a long time.

Appearing in the card is a huge wave with no end in sight. The tsunami that destroys everything and contains the power of the elemental monarch has been completely engraved on the prophecy card at this moment.

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