Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 1833: Rahab

Even someone like Friss, who follows the **** king and knows little about the demons under the command of other kings, has heard of Rahab’s name.

Rahab, the first priest under the current arrogant king, lives in the temple of arrogance all year round, answering all kinds of doubts for other demons, but he has another identity that the demons are more familiar with, and that is the last term arrogant king.

Each **** king seems to have no good ending. Either he is defeated by a powerful demon of the new generation, takes away his identity as a king, and is completely forgotten by other demons, or is killed by a more powerful enemy, not to mention the relationship between kings. There are still wars, and deaths at the hands of other kings are still happening.

As powerful as Beelzebub, he was in charge of all the plagues, colluding with the pagans of the surface world, preparing to use the plague to destroy everything on the earth, but also died at the hands of a hero. By now, if it weren’t for the fact that the enemy happened to be using the power of the disease, Friss couldn’t even remember his name.

Crazy as Messika, but also imprisoned by the current arrogant king, trapped in the door of perfidy, as a sacrifice to the beast.

Among the many kings of hell, only the lazy king and Rahab are special beings.

In Fries’ memory, the Lazy King is a giant three-headed dog that sleeps all year round. His favorite thing to do is sleep. Even his followers don’t see him wake up several times a year. At the moment, as long as you get close to the Lazy Temple, you can hear the thunder-like snoring.

When the lazy king woke up a few times, he also enjoyed the various foods that the dog handlers collected for him, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

In a **** of fighting and killing, the Lazy King looks out of place with other kings. Perhaps because of this, the position of the Lazy King has not changed. It has been held by this three-headed dog who loves to sleep for countless years.

The lazy monarch is the only monarch whose selection hasn’t changed since the first term. As for the other **** kings, I don’t know how many changes have taken place in countless years, and the candidates have been replaced constantly.

But Friss knows that something big will happen soon.

From the mouth of the great demon Aglan, the succubus learned that the current arrogant monarch seems to be selecting a suitable candidate for the greedy monarch from many demons, and he does not know what to do.

Fris, a succubus, is very curious about this and wants to learn more from Aggrand.

As a succubus, Friss naturally has her own channels for obtaining information. For her, her body is the best weapon.

Unfortunately, at that time, Friss, whose body was being eroded by the power of the plague, her skin was festering, and there was no bargaining chip to tempt Agrand. , of course there is no way to know more.

However, after thinking for a while, Friss quickly got the answer, that is the arrogant king, who is preparing to infect another king. The so-called king candidate is prepared for this. of.

All the demons who are expelled from the king’s seat will not end well. Usually they will end in death. Even if they survive the king’s battle, they will be used by the newly appointed king as a prestige. object.

In Fries’ memory, the current **** king Cecilia she followed, when she took office hundreds of years ago, she cramped the former **** king, and castrated her to death. It is also the norm in the battle of kings.

Among the former **** kings who had a tragic end, Rahab was very special.

Unlike the Angry King, whose candidates have changed dozens of times, the Arrogant King has only two from start to finish. Before the fall of Lucifer, Rahab was the arrogant king.

According to the records of the classics, countless years ago, in the face of Lucifer who fell from the sky, the arrogant king Rahab reached an agreement with him, giving up his status as a king and becoming the first priest under his command.

Rahab, who gave up his status as a king, turned to study the occult, from shocking magic to magical sorcery, all within the scope of his research.

In order to better study all of this, he has changed his identity several times, going deep into the surface human world, as well as the underground world of witchcraft. In many classics, the various improvements he made to spells and sorceries after he changed his identity have been circulated to this day.

Until now, every year, many great demons go to the Temple of Pride to verify everything recorded in the books from Rahab. As a succubus, Friss is not qualified to go to the Temple of Pride, let alone meet him.

In Fries’s impression, in the whole hell, when it comes to the occult, Rahab can be said to be the worthy number one, and there is no demon who can surpass him in this aspect. From the knowledge he possesses, You can even see the development trajectory of the entire spell and sorcery.

However, from the words of the great demon Agland, Friss was surprised to find that there was someone who could surpass Rahabo in mysticism. How could it not surprise her?

“What else did Lord Rahab say?” After discovering this, Friss asked.

The great demon Agran scratched his head, as if he didn’t want to say more.

After discovering Fris took the initiative to take his arm, took the scythe in his hand for him, and brought her soft body closer to him.

Looking at the face of Friss recovering from the power of the plague, Agland said: “When the power of the plague disappeared, I happened to be by Lord Rahab’s side, so from his mouth, Learned more.”

“According to what he said, the creature that made the plague disappear has very ancient knowledge of mysticism, and it doesn’t look like the knowledge of this era at all.” Agland said to Fries while recalling.

“Ancient? Lord Rahab, do you mean that his knowledge is unique? Like it was passed down from some powerful sorcerer?” Friss asked with a wink.

“Your doubts are the same as what I thought before.” Aggran glanced at her and sighed, “But according to Rahab, the older the better, the occult. For countless years, So many sorcerers are studying mysticism, which has already changed rapidly. Now any apprentice of sorcerers could be regarded as a formal sorcerer hundreds of years ago. This is knowledge. the gap.”

“After Lord Rahab said this, no matter how I asked, he didn’t say anything more. That’s all I know.” Aglan replied slowly.

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