Invincible Hero of Necromancer Chapter 1808: Dog Cave

“Sacrifice? What is that?”

To Rhode’s disappointment, Kerret didn’t understand the sacrifice ritual he mentioned. On the contrary, he showed blank and puzzled eyes.

Ordinary sorcerers are not qualified to come into contact with such powerful rituals, and only the royal family of Nigon has relevant records of such rituals. Rhodes can know this information by relying on his previous life. Advantage.

“Since it’s not a sacrificial ceremony, what are you doing with these wounded dogs?”

Although he was a little disappointed, Rhodes quickly adjusted. Sacrificial rituals can be said to be the highest level of sorcery, and it is normal for Kerrit to not know.

In Rhodes’ memory, in addition to King Nigon, the records of sacrifice rituals were also sealed in the relics left by the King of Hexists, and were not discovered by players until the end of the third expansion. If you can get back your former body, you can get the method of sacrifice ritual.

“Look well, I’ll show you the ritual of the lazy king. I don’t know what you mean by sacrificial ritual, but that doesn’t sound like a good thing, I don’t care. , it is impossible to sacrifice these lovely dogs.”

It seems that he sensed the faint disappointment in Rhodes’ words. Kerrit let out a dry cough, which attracted Rhodes’ attention, and then spoke even louder.

Under Kerret’s order, many injured dogs came to the center of the field cleared by the dog trainer, and formed a large circle according to Kerret’s request, and the center of the circle was also full. Hellhound.

“Dogs, please show the strengths that the Lazy King has given you, perform secret techniques that only you can use, and dig out the passages through space, I need your help!”

Kerret’s order immediately aroused a certain emotion in the hearts of those hellhounds, and for a time, loud and messy dog ​​barking came one after another. If the soul of Hell Beamon is still awake, I am afraid it will have another headache.

The hellhounds who received the order bowed their bodies one after another, and used their front paws to continuously dig the ground below. The finely broken soil was smashed by the hellhound and splashed backwards. After the formation of the hellhounds, they stepped back to the distance to avoid being splashed by the mud.

That’s the case with a pack of hellhounds. With the spectacular scene of many hellhounds leaning down and slicing the ground, the ground at the center of the hounds dropped rapidly, and a deep hole was dug in a blink of an eye.

The appearance of the deep pit did not affect the Hellhound’s movements. Instead, a new batch of Hellhounds joined in under the leadership of the dog trainer, digging the pit deeper and deeper.

Soon, Rhodes, who was on the side, could no longer see the hellhound in the center of the pit.

“What are they?” Rhodes, who has legendary navigation skills, showed a look of surprise at this moment.

Through the knowledge attached to the legendary navigation technique, in Rhodes’ view, the deep pit dug by the Hellhound should have come into contact with the magma in the lake of fire long ago. The land in front of him is not as thick as he imagined. .

However, the facts in front of him made Rhode realize the mistake of his thinking. Not only did the Hellhound not dig into the magma, but on the contrary, he accelerated the movement of his hand, digging the hole deeper and deeper, without worrying about once digging. When they reach the magma, the magma poured into it will engulf them all.

“What you’re seeing now is the unique secret technique that the lazy king taught us dog trainers, digging dog holes,” Kerret said loudly, with undisguised pride on his face.

“What?” Rhode’s mouth twitched.

At this time, Kerret finally said the name of the secret method, but Rhodes was not happy at all. He always felt that this secret method was a little different from what he thought.

“You should have heard of the flame vortex on the lake of fire, right? The power of the vortex can bring the creatures that enter it to the location of any other vortex in the world, and even has the magical power of the cross-domain plane, the dog hole. The effect is the same.”

Seeing that Rhodes seemed very confused, Kerret took the initiative to explain: “Through the dog hole, you can reach any other dog hole. In order to ensure that we can successfully complete the task, the lazy king has sealed off the rest of the hell. The dog hole in the location, leaving only the dog hole in the trial site, so that we dog trainers can unite and occupy more shelters.”

Looking at the hellhound that was digging, even if the dog hole was not fully formed, Rhodes could feel the strong spatial fluctuations contained in it.

Due to the different materials formed, the spatial fluctuation in the dog hole is more stable than the vortex on the sea surface, and it can exist for a longer time.

Rhode, who has traveled through the whirlpool many times, naturally understands the power of the whirlpool. The dog hole in front of him also has the ability to cross space.

“Are the objects connected by the dog hole random? As far as I know, those vortices can’t choose where to appear. If the objects connected by the dog hole are random, then its effect will be greatly reduced.” Found Rhode, who was the problem, immediately asked Kerret.

Kerret was also a little surprised. He never imagined that the huge monster in front of him would be able to tell the most crucial part of this ability. It seemed that the monster’s terrifying appearance concealed a keen observation.

“Of course it’s not You can specify any dog ​​hole that already exists. If the lazy king doesn’t close other dog holes in the world, you can even rely on this ability to go directly to the surface. The world, of course, presupposes that there is a dog hole there. This ability has been improved many times by the lazy king, and its practicality is even comparable to the gate of **** cast by the great demon.” Kerret replied.

After receiving an affirmative answer, Rhode’s expression became solemn. If the effect of the dog hole is as Kerret said, the preciousness of this secret method can even be equal to that of fifth-order magic.

At this time, Rhodes seemed to have thought of something, and his face became ugly: “You said that you can use this secret method to go directly to any place in the ten doors, shouldn’t you mean…”

“As you think.” Cerrit nodded, “We need to wait for a strong dog trainer, first step outside the ten gates, dig a dog hole, and then go there through the dog hole. Rely on With the ability of the dog hole, we can indeed go to any place in the ten doors, can’t we?”

Rod was a little helpless. He never imagined that the method in Kerret’s mouth was actually referring to this.

Rather than staying in the shelter, waiting for other dog handlers to occupy the ten gates, and then going through the dog hole, Rhodes is more willing to take the initiative to attack, even if he faces many enemies, it is better than waiting.

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