Inside The Black Mist: The 1227th destruction

Scavenger City Convoy.

Tian Yang was sitting in his senator’s car, displaying some information on his communicator.

This is the message Mihawk sent to him before, about the commanders of the three dragon tooth formations.

The commanders of these three formations are two men and one woman.

The only female is called ‘Shadow Butterfly’, her appearance is very ordinary, not too strong identification, but such a person is dangerous.

Because the characteristics are not strong, it is easy to be ignored, ordinary people are fine, if it is a high-ranking assassin, the degree of danger can be imagined.

As for this woman named Yingdie, she is not particularly outstanding in frontal combat, but she is a first-rate expert in concealment, stealth and assassination. In Mihawk’s record, she had successfully assassinated two strong men of rank 6 and escaped unscathed, so she knew that she was not simple.

This is the commander of ‘Black Fang’.

Next, Tianyang saw an old man. In the photo, the old man is of medium build, with white hair and a pair of glasses. He looks like a scholar.

In the photo, he is holding a beaker in one hand and a test tube in the other, as if conducting some kind of experiment.

This old man named Guldo is the commander of ‘Poison Fang’, and he is good at using various toxins. His record of shooting is quite small, and more often, he prefers to stay with his own toxin research team.

The last one is the commander of ‘Blood Fang’. This is a man in his thirties. In the photo, his body is straight and his eyes are as sharp as an eagle. He is not handsome, but he is very oppressive. Feeling, that is the bitter breath that can only be refined through countless blood and fire battles.

This Westlander named Cam uses two exaggeratedly large armor gauntlets. According to the information provided by Mihawk, these two gauntlets can change their shape in actual combat. Variations can be adjusted as needed.

From the weapons he uses, it is not difficult to see that this is a fierce man who is good at frontal combat, and his fighting style must be crushing purely by strength.

After reading these materials, Tianyang let out a sigh of relief and looked out of the window. At this time, he could no longer see the Castle of the God of War.

“Stop here for a while.” Tianyang issued an order.

His special car stopped near the road, and Tianyang said in a deep voice, “I’ll leave for a while, we will meet up in Shigulin later, you guys keep going.”

Qianhong and the others nodded, Tianyang opened the car door, and his figure flashed and disappeared.

With a big hand, Leiding closed the car door, and then shouted: “Drive.”

After a short delay, the convoy moved on.

Shi mushroom forest.

Silver light emerged from the shadow of a rock, and quickly outlined a virtual ancient archway. This mysterious door opened staggeringly, and there was darkness behind the door.

A moment later, a lizard with a wolf-headed lizard body and seven or eight thick human arms crawled out from the ‘Gap Door’, and among them was a giant claw monster with huge claws , These slender Yan Mo bent slightly, stepped out of the gate, and landed on the hot sand.

Then another crocodile-like but human-like rock guards came out. They were few in number, but exuded a deep and violent aura, which made the low-level Yan Mo back away unconsciously.

The phantom demon, the aphid demon, the snake demon, the tyrannical demon, the iron bear knight and other Yan demons continued to appear from the door.

Finally, tall figures stepped out from the gate. These figures were all over two meters in height, and their bodies were covered with extremely heavy armor. Some blood-red symbols were engraved on those armors, exuding the essence of **** smell.

These Yan Mos wearing ferocious helmets had two groups of crimson flames burning in the gaps in their visors, and they dragged a long and wide broad sword with runes engraved on it and gems inlaid on it.

This is the demon king’s guards, Youhua’s personal guards. After they appeared, they were divided into two sides, left and right, with broad swords on the ground and kneeling on one knee.

Tian Yang came out from the cracked door, passed by the four guards of the demon king, and behind him were two taller figures.

The Flame Bat Guards, who are nearly four meters tall, tried their best to keep their bodies low, and followed Tianyang out of the gate. These bat-like heads have a cluster of twisted horns that look like branches, and their eyes are shining red. The monster holding an unusually heavy halberd exudes a violent and terrifying aura.

The sense of oppression is even stronger than that of the devil’s guards.

The ‘crown of black fire’ appeared in the eyes. Through the connection of the fragments of the king’s weapon, Tianyang shared some information with the guards of the demon king and the two personal guards of the flame bat.

Information about the location of the three ‘Dragon Tooth’ formations, and then coldly ordered: “Destroy all humans in these three places.”

After receiving Tianyang’s order, the Demon King’s bodyguard and Yanbat bodyguard immediately let out a deep roar, and nodded to Tianyang at the same time.

Next, the guards and personal guards went together in pairs, each leading a mixed army of Yan Mo, like three black torrents in the stone mushroom forest, to the location designated by Tianyang.

Bloodfang station.

It is not far from the highway, and if you march at full speed, you can reach it in ten minutes.

At this moment, Commander Cam gulped down a gulp of strong alcohol, then threw the empty bottle aside.

He spewed alcohol and said: “Cheer up, Mr. Hann said, our enemy will arrive in about two hours.”

“At that time, according to the original plan, we will take the lead and give Black Fang and Venomous Fang the opportunity to assassinate and expand the results of the battle.”

The Bloodfang warriors all wearing dark red battle armor shouted loudly, and everyone picked up the wine bottle, poured down the spirits, and smashed the bottle!

On the periphery of the crowd, behind a bloodfang warrior, the space twisted slightly, and then, like a curtain was lifted, a gap was quietly opened in the scene behind the warrior, and a strip of light protruded from that gap. tentacle.

These tentacles plunged into the back of the warrior’s neck and emerged from his throat. The soldier couldn’t breathe for a moment, and the rifle in his hand fell to the ground. He reached out to touch the neck, and touched the tentacles that came out there. His eyes were wide open, and his eyes were full of fear.

He wanted to pull out the tentacles, but his face quickly turned a liver color, and the lack of oxygen made his consciousness blurred. In the end, he could only make a muffled sound, and finally stopped breathing.

Until his body fell to the ground, no soldiers nearby noticed it. When several Bloodfang warriors turned around, they suddenly saw two figures in gray bronze armor rushing towards them. The warriors saw that inside the armor was a wriggling mass of flesh and blood!

Bang! boom! boom!

The two tyrannical demons swung their heavy weapons, let out a gloomy roar, and swept the bloodfang warriors with an afterimage.

The Bloodfang Warrior’s body flew out, and it was torn apart in mid-air. Before he could even scream, his soul returned to the underworld.


Blood and body parts were spilled all over the floor, and even some soldiers were suddenly drenched in hot blood, and some human internal organs were even hung on their bodies. Tooth Warrior also screamed in fright.

“Calm down!”

“Don’t panic!”

Cam immediately put on the armor gauntlet placed next to him, and transformed his left arm into a large shield, and his right arm into a warhammer.

This is one of his most commonly used tactical combinations.

Just as he was about to reprimand his subordinates and stabilize his position, he saw purple **** of light floating over. These **** of light advanced very slowly, but when they floated, they would continuously emit beams of light.

These beams consume the energy of the sphere itself, and often the sphere will disappear after dozens of beams are fired.

But they appeared suddenly and penetrated into the crowd. For a while, the bloodfang warrior who was already flustered was even more flustered by the beam.

Under the command of the demon king’s guards, Yan Mo, who rushed into the Blood Fang garrison, started killing. Before the phantom demon assassinated, after that, the tyrannical demon opened the way. Then the giant claw demon and lizard beast rushed in, expanding the chaos.

The two demon king guards walking at the end raised their broad swords high, covering the tyrannical demon charging ahead with a layer of distorted and ever-changing purple light.

This is the ‘Magic Helmet’, which can comprehensively improve the abilities of high-level Yan Mos, allowing them to be improved in all aspects.

After obtaining the protection of the ‘Magic Helmet’, the tyrannical demon is even more fierce. Only the sublimation of rank 5 can barely parry them, and they are not much different from ordinary soldiers when they are fully equipped with rank 4. the difference.

“Damn it, this monster jumped out of nowhere!”

Cam roared and rushed towards the tyrannical demon, his body was filled with battle energy, forming a set of heavy and clumsy armor.

He set up a large shield, took the tyrannical demon’s blow head-on, and followed the hammer with a violent blow, causing the tyrannical demon to retreat continuously.

Cam erected his large shield, then slammed into the other tyrannical demon, and pushed it away, allowing the three rank 5 masters to catch their breath.

At this time, Cam saw again that the two creatures in black armor released a huge gray light ball behind them, and wherever the light ball passed, whether it was rocks, plants or human bodies, it was destroyed. Swallowed silently.

Even if someone just brushes past the ball of light, there will be a smooth gap in the body, as if the part that brushed the ball of light has fallen into another dimension.

Such ability made Cam’s scalp tingle. He knew that if he didn’t kill the two humanoid creatures, it would only be a matter of time before his men were killed.

But those two humanoid creatures exuded a very strong sense of oppression, any one of them required him to go all out, let alone two.

Thinking of this, a thought suddenly flashed in Cam’s mind.

‘Maybe, today is the day of my death! ’

He shook his head to drive this thought out of his mind, roaring and galloping forward, his fighting spirit armor shining brightly, Cam burst out with a huge aura, and rushed straight to one of the demon king’s guards.

The guard immediately looked at him, raised his hand, and wiped his broadsword.

When the guard’s iron palm passed by, all the symbols on the broad sword lit up, and the edge of the sword shone with a layer of indeterminate cold light.

The guard of the Demon King has added a ‘God’s Edge’ to his weapon. When it raised its broadsword and slashed at Cam, Cam’s intuition almost screamed. The feeling of smashing!

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