Inside The Black Mist Chapter 806: The oriole is behind

Blue Dragon didn’t think that Lin Ke dared to kill him. After all, he was the colonel of the storm. Any colonel was an extremely precious talent for the fortress.

If Lin Ke kills himself, even if he can leave the tomb, Sky Castle will not let him go, nor will the church.

What’s more, as a colonel, Blue Dragon naturally has one or two ways to save his life.

He believes that as long as Lin Ke is not in a daze, he will understand this. Therefore, Lin Ke’s greater purpose should not be his own life, but the things on his body.

The key to the grave!

Besides this thing, Lan Long couldn’t think of anything else worth Lin Ke doing.

Although because of the injury, the aura is a little weak. However, as a Silver Crown Knight, Lin Ke is also a Rank 6 God of War. Coupled with the fact that the blue dragon is the heart of the elements, the compatibility of these two classes is simply incompatible.

Seeing that Colonel Blue Dragon was being restrained by Lin Ke, none of the Storm’s men dared to act rashly. After all, at such a short distance, if Lin Ke really wanted to do something, Colonel Blue Dragon might be in danger.

“Lin Ke, let the colonel go!”

“Are you crazy, what are you doing!”

Two majors of the rank of God of War stared at Lin Ke. The soldiers, the guns of the smart weapons, were aimed at this silver-crowned knight.

At this moment, several streamers of light pierced through the air from a distance, hitting the feet of the two majors and other officers.

Although the power is not as powerful as the shots that attacked the Abyss Knight before, they still blasted a few deep holes into the hard ground. These shots are full of alarm.

The people in the storm immediately remembered that there was Xingluo in the distance, and it would be hard for anyone to be exposed to the sniper’s gun. What’s more, that hunter is a level 6 hunter. As long as this level is 5, he already has the ability to ‘mark’.

What’s more, if Xing Luo has the heart, none of these people can dodge the attack of the female knight.

Blue Dragon said angrily, “Lin Ke, tell that woman to stop!”

Lin Ke said lightly: “Don’t worry, Colonel Lan Long, Xing Luo will not mess around. As long as your people are not impulsive and don’t rush in, she won’t hurt anyone.”

“But on the contrary, if you are not willing to cooperate, that is another matter.”

The blue dragon restrained his anger and said: “Lin Ke, didn’t we have an agreement a long time ago, and now you have also got the Twilight Slate, why do you want to do this.”

“Twilight Slate?”

Lin Ke glanced at the thing in Lan Long’s hand: “No, it’s not the Twilight Slate. Besides, even if it’s a real Twilight Slate, I’d do the same.”

“Colonel Blue Dragon, in fact, from the very beginning, you shouldn’t have insisted on that grave key. It’s a hot potato, but now, you should know how hot it is.”

Blue Dragon is not surprised at all and said: “You really wanted to use that key!”

“Of course.”

Lin Ke smiled softly: “If that wasn’t the case, why would I work so hard. Well, Colonel Blue Dragon, now please act according to my orders.”

Blue Dragon said in a low voice: “What do you want to do?”

Lin Ke looked at the people in front of him: “First of all, let your people evacuate. They must not appear in my sight, otherwise, next time Xing Luo will not warn, but directly attack.”

“How dare you!” Blue Dragon opened his eyes wide.

At the same time, a beam of light brushed across the arm of a lieutenant in the storm, tearing a wound immediately. The officer was injured, and his face was ugly while covering his arm. Lin Ke asked calmly: “Now, what do you think, do I dare?”

Blue Dragon nodded angrily: “Okay, just wait, since you can do such a thing, prepare to pay the price.”

“The price, that’s for the future. Now, the initiative is in my hands.” Lin Ke said disapprovingly.

Blue Dragon did not expect that the hostage was not himself, but his subordinates. Except for the two majors, if these people were exposed to Xing Luo’s guns, they would have no chance of surviving.

“Back off.”

Blue Dragon said in a deep voice: “Gao Bao, you take over the command temporarily and lead them to withdraw for one kilometer.”

Gao Bao is one of the two majors. He has thick eyebrows, big eyes and a burly figure. He has worked with Lanlong for a long time and is the colonel’s right-hand man.

Hearing the order from Blue Dragon now, he shouted unwillingly: “Colonel, how can this be possible.”

“This is an order!”

Blue Dragon said loudly: “Major Gao Bao, now I order you as a colonel to withdraw one kilometer with our brothers!”

Gao Bao glared at Lin Ke, clenched his steel teeth, and squeezed out a word after a while: “Yes!”

With a big wave of his hand, the people of the storm began to leave, and after a while, they were no longer seen.

“Very good.”

Lin Ke nodded and said: “Colonel Blue Dragon, please hand over the key to the tomb now. You believe me, I absolutely don’t want to hurt you, so as long as you hand over the key, we won’t have any conflicts.”

The blue dragon snorted, let go of his hands, and let the stone slab fall to the ground.

Lin Ke reminded: “Please slow down and move as softly as possible. Don’t do anything stupid. Now Xing Luo’s gun is aimed at you. If you let her misunderstand, I can’t guarantee it. will do something.”

The blue dragon glanced at him, put his hand into the cup, slowed down, and took out a key from his hand.

The key to the grave!

Lin Ke’s breathing was slightly heavy, but he quickly controlled his emotions, and he stretched out his hand: “Give it to me now.”

The blue dragon handed over the key.

Lin Ke said with satisfaction: “Very good, you are very cooperative. From this point of view, we can probably exit peacefully.”

“Next, I need you to enter the tower, don’t come out. You have to leave the tower after I leave, otherwise Xingluo will greet you. Or, greet your subordinates.”

Lin Ke said lightly: “You know, for a hunter with a rank of 6, one kilometer is actually not far.”

The blue dragon said bluntly: “Don’t shoot at them, if they lose a hair, I will find you no matter how far the world ends!”

“Okay, okay, let’s talk about it later.”

Lin Ke took the key and began to back away, facing the blue dragon, pointing with his long sword: “Now, Colonel, you can go in.”

The blue dragon also retreated, and Lin Ke was relieved when he saw him retreat into the shadow of the tower.

But at this moment, his heart trembled.

Without time to think about it, the silver knight urged Xing Yun to transform his fighting spirit. As soon as the brilliant light rose in front of his eyes, it was as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer on the back, causing him to rush forward involuntarily.

There was a gunshot in my ear.

He turned around again, and saw a stream of light coming towards him. Lin Ke almost vomited blood, he didn’t understand why Xing Luo attacked him.

Barely a block behind.

Suddenly, a black shadow descended from the sky.

From the corner of Lin Ke’s eyes, he saw only a dark curtain of light fall, followed by his left shoulder, and when he looked again, it turned out that his left hand was cut off by a sword!

On that arm, the key is still tightly held.

Lin Ke roared and was about to pick up the broken arm, but Xing Luo’s several bursts of shots forced him to give up. He didn’t even need his arm, and slid down the mountain path, avoiding Xing Luo’s attack while walking away.

The blue dragon heard the gunshots and screams outside, rushed out, and saw a man in a black-and-gold armor, taking out the key from the palm of Lin Ke’s severed arm.

Blue Dragon subconsciously wanted to make a move, but suddenly the gravel flew under his feet, and a hole the size of a bowl was blasted out by Xing Luo.

Just after a moment of delay, the man had already picked up the key, turned around and walked away.

The blue dragon shouted loudly: “Please stop!”

“That key is very important to us, if you return it to me, our storm will be rewarded!”

But that person didn’t stop at all, turned a deaf ear, and left soon. The blue dragon still wanted to catch up, but a sharp aura rose up in the distance, making him feel a little needle-like pain in his chest.

He knew that Xing Luo was still locking on to him, if he chased after him, he would definitely be attacked by the female knight.

Lan Long couldn’t understand why Xing Luo turned against Lin Ke, and who was the mysterious man who suddenly appeared. It seems that this mysterious man and Xing Luo are on the contrary, is there a conflict within the church?

A moment later, Blue Dragon saw another figure.

Although the other party was wearing a strange old armor, the iconic silver hair made the blue dragon recognize the other party immediately.

“Captain Tianyang?”

Blue Dragon frowned, becoming more and more confused about the development of the situation.

The one who appeared in front of Lan Long was indeed Tian Yang. A slave of Tianyang.

In the previous offensive and defensive battles, Tianyang asked Xingluo to support Lin Ke according to the original plan.

Afterwards, Lin Ke threatened Lan Long, and Tianyang asked Xing Luo to do so, lowering Lin Ke’s vigilance. It wasn’t until Lin Ke got the key that Tian Yang ordered Xing Luo to attack the Silver Knight.

At the same time, Su Lie is unwilling to be lonely. When Lin Ke was bewildered by Xing Luo, he inserted a hand, removed Lin Ke’s arm, and got the key to the tomb.

The tomb key can open the gate inside and leave this abyss world. Losing the key, Lan Long and the others could only wander in this world, and in the end they either died in the hands of the black people, or became the skins of some fallen person.

And neither of these two endings is what Tianyang likes to see, that’s why he appeared.

“It’s nice to meet you, Colonel Blue Dragon. But you probably won’t be happy when you see me, especially what I’m going to say next.” Tian Yang took off the helmet of the life-killing armor with a smile on his face meaning.

Blue Dragon frowned and said, “Why do you say that, Captain Tianyang.”

Tianyang held the helmet and said: “I won’t go into details about the specific situation. You just need to know that the key is in my hand now.”

Blue Dragon could hardly believe his ears: “What did you say? You mean, the man in armor just now, and Xing Luo, are all from your side?”

Tianyang admitted frankly: “Yes, the reasons for this are very complicated, so I won’t waste time explaining them. I just want to tell you, Colonel Lanlong, please gather your troops as soon as possible, and then I will send you out, send You leave this tomb.”

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