Inside The Black Mist Chapter 716: Big win

After the elite black man wearing a goat horn helmet appeared, the lair black men of the same class appeared one after another.

In there, Tianyang saw the black wolf with a crown-like chip on its head that he had encountered earlier, but it was injured in the previous “Heaven’s Injury”, and there were many skins on its body. It festered, exposing the white bones, and yellow pus came out of those wounds, and it hurt to look at them.

There is also a dark sniper, which swims around the outside of the battlefield like a ghost. From time to time, he shoots an ‘Arrow of Netherness’, but the arrow with both speed and destructive power, under the weakening of those illusory city walls, both speed and power are greatly weakened, so that the assault troops on the battlefield can Respond calmly.

In addition to these two black men, there is also a black man who looks like a prowler. Its figure is distorted and bloated, like a mountain of meat. Its face and body, it was not known whether it was born like this, or it was injured in the previous blow, they were all rotten and pitted.

But on the forehead, chest, and two arms, there are yellow eyes all over.

This mountain of meat moved with difficulty, and it became an obvious target for the soldiers. Smart weapons and star element rifles launched fierce attacks on it. But this ‘fat man’ possessed a deflecting force field, causing both the light beam and the bullet to deflect before hitting.

Another elite black man looked like he had just been picked up from acid. There was a continuous layer of yellow-green pus flowing from the surface of his body. yellow-green mist.

The black man in the mist raised his hands from time to time. Its palms were deformed and its fingers were thick. It waved its hands and splashed those highly corrosive liquids around.

The last elite black man looks exactly like the kind of tree demon that can make a child’s voice, but there are no baby-faced fruits under its branches, but dark brown vines hanging down. Its roots resemble the tentacles of an octopus, and these tentacled roots wriggle and squirm, allowing this higher-ranking dryad to quickly enter the battlefield.

These elite black folk, together with the Dreadlord, are the last remaining strength of this lair.

The giant halberd-wielding black people who appeared at first rushed into the battlefield with a clear target, and the seven or eight-meter-long bronze halberd fiercely stabbed towards Xun.

Kaoru maintained the ability to soothe the mind and did not move.

Tianyang next to him didn’t move either. He knew that Ding Ran would definitely stop this black man. What Tianyang is more wary of is the dark sniper, even if the arrow of You Wu is weakened by the barrier of order, the speed and power of this thing are greatly reduced.

But if it hits Kaoru, with Guanghui’s weak physique, it can definitely kill Kaoru.

But as long as Tianyang is by his side, this is almost impossible to happen.

The other side.

Ding Ran saw the bronze-armored giant rushing towards him with a calm expression on his face. He raised his hand and shook his wrist.

A stream of light shot out, hitting the tip of the bronze-armored giant’s halberd. When there was a sound, the tip of the bronze halberd was broken by the streamer, and the huge impact caused the bronze-armored giant’s halberd to deflect, turned involuntarily, and rushed to the other side.

Tianyang glanced and found a long feather condensed by silver light nailed to the ground. It turned out that it was the ‘true body’ of that streamer.

At this moment, the bronze armored giant stopped and turned around. In the gap of the visor, two burning red eyes shot out anger, and Xuanji let out a roar from the visor.

It raised its hand, held up the bronze halberd with a broken tip, and violently threw a spear.

Pierce the bronze halberd towards Ding Ran.

Colonel Storm had no intention of wrestling with the giant, and with a single slide, he had already flashed out of the landing point of the bronze halberd, shaking his wrists continuously, and streaks of silver light hit the giant like bullets.

Each stream of light is a long silver feather, and they strike **** the giant’s copper armor. The seemingly thick copper armor couldn’t stop these weak feathers, holes were pierced, and black liquid gushed out endlessly.

The giant roared in the visor, and strode wildly. It had been completely irritated by Ding Ran, and it let go of Xun. Clenching his fists, he smashed at Ding Ran brutally.

Ding Ran’s figure drifted away, and he did not entangle with the giant. He raised his arm, raised his thumb, and stretched his index finger.

At the fingertips, several rays of light converged at one point, emitting a streak of silvery white.

It accurately sank into the gap in the giant’s faceplate, broke out from the back of the helmet, and traveled an unknown number of kilometers.

It’s just that, above the lair, there remains an intermittent silvery white trail.

Click, click, click.

On the giant’s helmet, from around the gap in the visor, a silvery white pattern spread rapidly.

In just an instant, it was already all over the giant’s body, and then the giant that was still running began to disintegrate.

Big pieces of copper armor and the flesh and blood inside rolled to the ground, and after running four or five steps, the giant stopped, its body completely crumbled, and the flesh and blood began to decompose, turning into black sludge.

Tianyang looked away, probably guessing that the colonel should be a hunter.

At this moment, he caught a low howl, and caught a dim light piercing through layers of illusory city walls, shooting towards Xun’s head.

Tianyang was about to make a move. In his field of vision, a silver light flashed across and hit the You Wu Arrow, blowing it into dots of dim light.

It’s Ding Ran!

After he dealt with the Youwu Arrow, he appeared in the vicinity of Xun, raised his hand and pointed towards the distance, and silvery white bloomed from his fingertips, forcing the Dark Sniper back.

Seeing his calm attitude towards the enemy, Tian Yang understood why Fei Mei appointed this colonel to protect Xun.

Ding Ran’s ability can be far or near.

Facing a close-combat opponent like the bronze-armored giant, keep a distance and use silver flying feathers to fend off the enemy; while facing an ultra-long-range opponent like the dark sniper, use the pointer gun to irritate the silver-white beam.

In this way, no matter what kind of opponent you face. Basically, he can protect this important target without leaving Kaoru too far.

The hand on the handle of the moonlight sword was put down again, Tianyang could even release half of his attention to pay attention to the changes on the battlefield.

In the field, after the giant in bronze armor, the black man in the form of a fake prowler also fell down. Under the joint firepower network constructed by smart weapons and soldiers, its deflecting force field continued to be consumed .

After the force field failed to maintain, the fierce fire fell on it. Immediately, it was blasted to pieces by various beams and bullets, and finally the cage of will buried in its chest was broken, and it fell on the battlefield.

Subsequently, the black wolf was joined by several fortresses to use the ‘Star Cloud Barrier’ in reverse and connect it to the black wolf.

After being captured, Zhu Huang lit a fire in the Xingyun barrier, directly roasting the black wolf into charcoal.

The remaining rotten black people and tree demons were gradually driven to a dead end by the ascendants in the storm army.

After several rounds of confrontation between Ding Ran and the gloomy sniper, the sniper still lost to Colonel Storm, was hit by Ding Ran with two consecutive silver beams, and fell to the edge of the battlefield.

After killing the sniper, Ding Ran didn’t continue to shoot. He stood beside Xun with his hands down, observing the changes on the battlefield with cold eyes.

The rotten black man was sealed in the ice layer by the elemental heart of rank 4 using ‘withering’, and after he couldn’t move, he was completely wiped out by the pillar of fire that rushed from the ground.

In the end, only the dryad was left, with arrows, roots and branches all over its body, and it was continuously chopped down by two War God ranks.

After persisting for a while, the tree demon was cut into several sections, and the cage of will hidden in the tree was also shot through by a hunter, completing a decisive sniper kill.

At this point, all the elite black people have fallen, leaving only the Lord of Dread.

Just when Tianyang wanted to climb up the stone walls raised by the blue dragon to see what happened, he suddenly had a premonition, and then the ground shook violently.

In the distance, there was a dull crashing sound, and through the light of the fire, one could even see a dragon of smoke rising from the distance outside the stone wall.

Outside the stone wall, Colonel Hong Xiang punched the ground with an iron fist, creating an exaggerated pothole, which made the ground shake. Although it missed the dreadlord, it still made the lair leader unstable and lose his balance.

Seizing this opportunity, the Blue Dragon, who was outside the battle circle, suddenly raised his hands up.

Under the Dreadlord’s feet, a stone spear was stabbed suddenly, causing it to fly into the air, green flames splashed, and pieces of armor fell off.

Colonel Danqing screamed, jumped onto the stone spear that was stretching obliquely towards the sky, ran on top of the stone spear, caught up with the Lord of Terror, and swept away with a sharp light from his long sword.

A silver light appeared in the sky immediately, this light stretched across the air, suddenly up and down, the space was like a torn picture scroll, covered with fine and faint lines.

The dreadlord threw it involuntarily, green flames, armor pieces, blood, and splashes all over the sky.

Suddenly, it threw out the long black rune sword, which was wrapped in green fire, and chased after the female colonel.

Illusory city walls appeared in front of Danqing, and when the rune sword passed through these walls, its power continued to decrease. When he came to Danqing, the female colonel swung her sword upwards, and then moved the sword far away, and she fell back on the stone spear.

The other end.

The dread lord fell to the ground, and before it fell, a war stone statue had rushed over, with its arms outstretched, hugging the lord tightly.

The stone statue quickly split and shattered into countless gravels. The gravels clinged to the lord’s body, and the pieces were superimposed, gradually combining into a round stone.

The remaining stone statues ran one by one, disintegrated, and wrapped the round stone with their fragments, expanding its volume, forming a solid prison.

After the last stone statue contributed its body, a round rock like a hill fell to the ground. At this time, Hong Xiang ran forward, and the middle-aged colonel raised his right fist while roaring.

A spiral ripple appeared on the front of the fist, pulling out streaks of silvery white like electric fire.

The blue dragon raised both hands, and the ground in front of Hong Xiang lifted up and stretched obliquely, forming a bridge leading to the center of the rock ball.

Hong Xiang rushed up to the overpass and landed his iron fist heavily on the center point of the rock ball.

The rock ball spun violently and shattered in an instant. The fragments were thrown around the battlefield by a huge centrifugal force. And the dread lord inside the rock ball, his body twisted and deformed, his armor shattered, and the green flames that wrapped around his body finally went out…..

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