Inside The Black Mist Chapter 626: Team

Seeing Jiu Ling who had been severely injured, but recovered most of his injuries at once, and his condition had become a little abnormal, Tian Yang’s face became serious.

This time, he has already used the ‘Super Acceleration’ mode and the secret technique ‘Flickering’.

As he had expected, he still couldn’t kill the rank 6 powerhouse, but it was still possible to inflict heavy damage.

But Jiuling didn’t know what he had done, and he canceled most of his efforts all at once. However, the opponent’s state is obviously not good.

The man held his head and moaned in pain, and abnormal black lines appeared on his face.

Like, under the skin, something is squirming.

Tianyang discovered that a box was discarded at the foot of Jiuling. The storage object he used was the same as the one he found on Shiji.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Jiu Ling suppressed the pain, recalled what he was going to do, and then put it into action.

He rushed to Tianyang.

If it was normal, he might have noticed that the sword wave he released just now did not kill his opponent smoothly.

You may notice that Yunfeng did not continue to attack after dealing with the sword wave.

You will notice that an unusual storm is brewing.

And now, right now!

It’s time for this storm to unleash!

The blue light is on.

Before Jiuling could recall it, his figure was submerged in a blue light.

A cyan sky river surges and surges, engulfing everything.

When it rumbled away, it left a huge and deep gully on the ground.

Qing Ming Tian Road!

Tianyang picked up the steps and came to this ‘scar’ on the earth, and saw that there were blue flames burning in this scar.

Jiu Ling’s body was lying at the bottom of the wound, no longer breathing, and his body and the items on his body were severely damaged.

The boy who had always been ‘thrifty’ couldn’t help but let out a sigh.

Tonight’s retaliation kicked off at the spider nest intelligence army controlled by Yan Bing and several other Yun family guards.

The climax was reached in the successive hands of Tianyang and Yunfeng.

And now, it is the closing stage.

The members of the Yun family gathered around the encirclement, and after most of the mercenaries were killed or injured, the remaining mercenaries chose to surrender.

Next, they will be taken by the Yun family for interrogation before being submitted to the fortress for disposal.

In any case, this noisy night is finally over.

The next day.

Tianyang and others bid farewell to Brother Yunfeng, left the small town, and returned to Qingtian Castle along the way they came.

Two days passed.

At noon that day, the bison stopped on the road near the apartment.

Tianyang, Xiaoniao and Qianhong jumped out of the car one after another, waved goodbye to Bai Yinglan in the cab, but went home separately.

Opening the door of the apartment, the home smart system began to ventilate, Tianyang threw the luggage aside, and threw himself on the sofa.

Sit still in a comfortable position.

After returning from the wilderness, Tianyang felt the breath of civilization again, and read several messages through the intelligent system.

One of them cheered him up a lot.

Luoshan has already prepared the sublimation medium for him, and asked Tianyang to go to the medical center to pick it up in the next few days. Luoshan said that Tianyang had to inject the medium in front of her this time, so that she could observe the boy’s changes in real time, collect required data.

The other one was sent by Lao Xu.

He found three or four courses on strategy and tactics, and asked Tianyang to choose and sign up for them.

After Tianyang rested for a while, he first replied a message to Lao Xu, thanking him for finding so many courses for him.

He replied to Roseanne again, saying that he would visit her at the medical center tomorrow.

After finishing all this, the boy came to the bedroom again, took out the communicator of ‘Wuying’, and checked if he had received any messages.

After turning on the communicator, I found a message.

In the evening, Wuying has a rally in the lower town.

After remembering the time and place, Tianyang lay down on the bed, planning to take a nap.

Time passed quickly, and it was night in a blink of an eye.

Tianyang, who had already had dinner, made some preparations, opened the cracked door, and headed to the lower city.

When he stepped out of the door and landed in a dark alley in the city, the boy had already turned into a ghost face, wearing fog ghost armor.

Just in case, he was equipped with the ‘Crown of Bones’ and ‘Sorrow of Ice’, and he also brought the ‘Screaming Copper Whistle’ with him.

With the blessing of these remnants, the boy is confident in killing the top 6 naked members. This strength should surpass the shadowless members in the fortress.

Passing through the alley, witnessing a robbery, passing by clamoring gang members, ignoring a few attractive women, Tian Yang came to an abandoned warehouse.

There are lights on in the warehouse, Tianyang enters through the open door, sees the wooden boxes discarded at random, and sees candles scattered all over the surroundings. I saw Liu Guang and a few people I hadn’t seen before.

“Ghost face, you are here.”

Liu Guang still greeted him so gently, but Tian Yang knew that this man was not simple.

Maintaining the character design of the ghost face, Tianyang nodded, walked to a dark corner where the candlelight could not reach, and stood silently.

Members of Wuying arrived one by one.

The still lazy sword style, the rude and wild iron lion, the timid black pupil…

After greeting Liu Guang, Jianfeng found Tianyang, and Jianfeng walked over with his long sword casually resting on his shoulder: “Long time no see, ghost face.”

Tianyang is like a lifeless wood carving, without movement or reaction.

Jianfeng picked his ear with his little finger: “You are still so cold, we have fought together.”

Tianyang raised his hand, the mist gathered to form a saber, and drew two words on the ground: Shut up.

Jian Feng touched his chin: “Your **** is too bad, gloomy guy, be careful not to make friends.”

The wild lion snorted: “Sneaky guy, who would want to make friends.”

He remains hostile to the Ghost Face.

Liu Guang smiled and gestured to draw everyone’s attention to him: “The main reasons for bringing everyone here today are two things.”

“The first thing, let me introduce a few companions who have just arrived at the fortress.”

Beside Liu Guang, several strangers came out, four men and two women, each with his own characteristics.

Tianyang firmly remembered their names and characteristics, knowing that this was Wuying’s arrangement to supplement the loss of personnel in the secret realm.

“Okay, let’s get to the point.”

After some introductions, Liu Guang went straight to the topic: “It’s been a while since everyone came to the fortress. I think everyone is on the fortress and found their own shelter.”

“I won’t say anything redundant. I think everyone should remember our mission and purpose here.”

“Yes, we want to infiltrate this fortress. The superiors believe that this fortress will have great competitiveness in the future.”

“It is of great value to the organization. However, it is not an easy task to infiltrate this fortress.”

“But now, there is an obstacle waiting to be crossed before our eyes. We have received information and know that there are several powerful organizations in the darkness on this fortress.”

“One of them has been confirmed and will cause great trouble to our work. That organization is called ‘Shadow’!”

Under the mask, Tianyang’s expression moved slightly.

Ye Xing has already acted?

It seems that it has already hinted that Heitong contacted his teacher ‘Long Dan’ and the cadre in Wuying, and let Wuying know the existence of ‘Shadow’.

Things are going the way he wants them to.

Liu Guang continued: “This organization has been dormant in the fortress for many years, and their power is deeply rooted here. It goes up to the fortress system and down to the bottom gangs.”

“Shadows are everywhere.”

“It is our biggest obstacle, so the order given to us from above is to deal with this organization first, replace it, or destroy it.”

“So, next, all the mission instructions you receive should be related to this matter. Here, let me tell you first.”

“Then, I would like to know. In what capacity are you currently active on the fortress. I need to collect information about this for the next task arrangement.”

Liu Guang smiled and said: “But you don’t have to say it, please write the answer to me.”

The purpose of doing this is to prevent the members from knowing each other’s information. Tian Yang, who knows this, is also considering what kind of identity to fabricate.

Liu Guang took out papers and smiles, and distributed them to everyone one by one.

After thinking for a long time, Tianyang finally decided on his identity.

A gold digger.

This identity is very common in fortresses. They have no fixed place to live, will enter the reverse world at any time, and have no fixed contacts. It is very suitable for covering up the existence of the ‘ghost face’.

He recorded it with a pen, folded the paper, put it in an envelope next to it, and wrote his name on it.

Finally, the envelope was handed over to Liu Guang.

After everyone handed in the envelopes, Liu Guang happily said: “Thank you for your cooperation, this is the end of tonight’s gathering. However, there is one small thing.”

“Next, please stay with the person whose name I read, and the others can leave.”

“Iron Lion.”

“Black pupil.”

“Sword Wind, and Ghost Face.”

Liu Guang smiled and said, “Please stay here for now.”

No doubt, no stay. Except for those whose names were called, the other members left one after another. When there were only five people left in the warehouse, Iron Lion stood up and asked questions.

“What did you tell us to stay here? Can’t you just say something in one breath? It’s like squeezing toothpaste, squeeze it bit by bit!”

Liu Guang didn’t take it seriously: “I’m sorry, Mr. Iron Lion. The next thing is important. Except for those who have experienced the secret realm together, I can’t fully trust other people.”

“In the near future, I will hunt down an important person in the shadow. I believe that if I succeed in obliterating this person, it will have a huge impact on the shadow.”

“So I need the four of you to form a team and cooperate with each other to achieve success in one fell swoop.”

Team formation?

Tianyang was slightly taken aback, his eyes in the mask swept across the few people on the field calmly, and then quietly waited for the next sentence.

Jianfeng asked: “Who is the target you want to hunt?”

PS: In the past few days, someone, Cong, asked me if I made 300,000 yuan a month writing a book, but I didn’t respond, saying that I feel sorry for the poor.

Now I’m here to respond to you, yes, I don’t make that much money, I’m dead poor. You have such a great ability, don’t BB, just come and reward me with dozens of Supremes, okay?

If you can’t do it, let’s be equal, don’t let me look for superiority. Protect your privacy here, do not publish your information, waiting for you to reward Supreme Ha

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