Inside The Black Mist Chapter 459: The polluter

I don’t know if it was because he couldn’t get out so he gave up, or because He Wenchi’s words had a soothing effect, in short, the rescue team became quiet.

Under the instruction of the priest, he returned to the defensive position and put the equipment back into the tent that he left in a hurry without recovering it.

The warrior controlling the ‘War Creed’ entered commands on the control screen, and the smart weapon released the defense units to establish a defense line around the position.

Back to the position, Tianyang said decisively: “Let me search for the ‘origin’. Wuhen and Nuo Jin stay in the position to protect Priest He and the others.”

Wuhen smiled and said: “I have no objection.”

Nuo Jin shrank back, did not express her opinion, her eyes flickered, but she concealed it very well.

But He Wenchi did not agree.

“I think it would be better for the three churches to start.”

He Wenchi looked around and said: “Besides discovering that there are still survivors in the investigation team, the church has paid close attention to this place. What is certain is that in the past month, no black people have visited this place.”

“Now we are in the ‘past’ time node, in other words, we are not in danger. It is enough to have apologist warriors and war creeds here, and it is a waste of resources to keep the two churches here.”

Since He Wenchi said so, Tianyang certainly has no objection, he just emphasized: “Even if the three of us set off together, it may not be at the same time point, Xia Yuan is an example.”

He Wenchi nodded and said, “That’s right, but with one more person, one more opportunity. This is a gap in time, and it’s so chaotic, so it’s hard to be sure whether the origin will be fixed at a certain time node, or randomly. In different nodes.”

“In addition…”

He Wenchi made a gesture to get the three churches closer, then lowered his voice and said, “From the time we entered the hospital until just now. I have roughly analyzed the situation, and hope it will be helpful to your investigation.”

“First, the distribution of time nodes in this gap space should be regional. Simply put, different regions have completely different time points. Just like the square area we are in now, the time here is 9 days ago. “

“After entering the building, the time node is three years ago, or even longer.”

“If this is the case, then there may still be a similar time zone in the building. Once you step on it, it will appear in a longer time point. If there is no accident, the closer to the depth of the building, or the top of the building The time point will become longer and longer, you should pay attention to this.”

Nuo Jin shrank her head lightly, and said with some fear: “If we step into a certain point of time rashly, we may suddenly bump into black people. If there were black people visiting at that point in time For the hospital…”

He Wenchi nodded and said: “That’s right, maybe one second it was empty, and the next second you are surrounded by black people. Because we don’t know what has been here in the past .So, everyone can’t relax their vigilance.”

The priest continued: “Second point, even if they set foot in the same area, the timing of everyone’s entry is random. This is why Tianyang and Xia Yuan are ‘lost’, and the investigation team is also separated the cause of the situation.”

“This is another manifestation of chaos in this time gap.”

“Finally, the origin of the gap can be anything, it can be a mirror, or it can be a person. No matter what form it appears in, it has one thing in common.”

“It will cause your astral accumulation to show the loss and entry. So when you connect to the origin, you will feel it, and you can use it to judge whether the thing is the origin.”

Tianyang said in a deep voice: “Then, how do we recover the ‘origin’?”

He Wenchi smiled wryly: “If it is an ordinary gap, it can be recycled, and there are corresponding recycling methods. But the special space between time gaps, usually the origin cannot be recycled.”

“Especially now that this gap is so abnormal, if you want to close it, you can only destroy the origin and disconnect with the gap world.”

Tianyang nodded: “I understand, so when I found the origin, I destroyed it directly.”

He Wenchi looked regretful: “That’s the only way to go.”

Wuhen exchanged fists and palms: “Then let’s go!”

He Wenchi reminded: “I don’t know how long I will stay in the crack. You should bring enough rations. Tianyang was able to come back just now, probably because he hasn’t gone too deep into the crack. Once he goes too deep, I’m afraid he can only return by destroying the origin. “

Thus, the three of them brought enough rations and water for a week before heading towards the hospital building.

In front of the building, facing the dark hall inside, Tianyang, who had already taken out the burst gun and long sword, looked at Wuhen and Nuo Jin beside him.

“From here, it should be another time zone. We may be scattered, and we may encounter enemies. So, everyone, be careful.”

Wuhen took out the weapon, Xing Yun appeared, nodded and said: “I wish us good luck.”

He strode forward, stepping through the gate first. The moment he passed by, his figure disappeared in the eyes of Tian Yang and Nuo Jin.

“It’s really weird…” Nuo Jin sighed softly.

Tianyang mobilized the stars, activated the shield, and was ready to activate the remnants at any time, and followed through the gate.

The trance feeling like passing through the Clough Gate reappeared, and when he was standing on the floor of the hall, he suddenly felt something hit him behind him.

Taking a step to the left, Nuo Jin frantically stopped at the corner of her eyes.

Actually entered the same time zone as her?

Tianyang suddenly felt a headache.

“Scared me to death!”

Nuo Jin patted her chest exaggeratedly: “I thought I was going to be alone, but luckily I’m with you, Tianyang.”


Tianyang responded indifferently, turned on the lights, and moved forward.

“Wait for me.”

“How old are you, Tianyang?”

“It looks like it should be younger than me.”

“Why are you so powerful.”

“When did you awaken the variant body?”

“Speak to me…”

The girl talked non-stop, so Tianyang really wanted to tape her mouth shut, but it was a pity that Nuo Jin didn’t seem to realize it, and kept looking for topics while walking, trying to arouse Tianyang’s interest.

Suddenly Tianyang stopped.

Nuo Jin almost bumped into her head, she hurriedly took two steps back: “What’s wrong?”

Tianyang suddenly lowered his center of gravity and assumed a fighting posture: “Something is coming.”

Nuo Jin hurriedly looked forward, and saw a black shadow slowly slipping out from behind several cabinets in the light provided by the lighting. Under the light, it can be seen that it is a black gel-like thing, it is oval in shape, and from the top, there is a continuous liquid dripping down slowly.

It goes round and round, endlessly.

It has no eyes, ears, mouth, nose, arms or legs, or anything that could be called an organ.

Except for the orange light shining inside its translucent body, it is more like a moving mud.

Nuo Jin whispered: “This is the polluter…”

“The polluter?”

Tianyang instantly remembered the description about this kind of black people.

Pollutant, risk level 2.

Without any organs, it looks like walking mud, and is immune to physical damage, unless it can destroy the ‘will cage’ hidden deep inside the body.

It wraps its prey in its own body, suffocating it to death. But just getting close, the spirit will be polluted, become crazy, even irrational, and perform horrible and unexplainable behaviors.

The Defiler’s weakness is Fire or Ice. Fire will melt its body, while Frost will freeze it.

“Be careful, there is more than one polluter!”

Nuo Jin yelled, under the light, the polluters slowly slipped out of the darkness one by one. When these things pass through obstacles, whether it is a vase or a cabinet that fell on the ground. Or the warning signs and tables standing on the ground. The way they are used is that the body rushes through these things.

Sure enough, they are like mud, flowing silently, and nothing can stop them from passing.

Heavenly Sun suddenly shot out and passed by a polluter, and the golden wind cut its body open. The part that can be cut is quickly closed after the blade passes by.

The boy stopped, and a polluter next to him suddenly swelled up, stretched into a shape like a curtain, and fell towards the sunshade!

With the howling of the wind, Tian Yang returned to Nuo Jin’s side, leaving the polluter in the air.

“Let me do it.”

Nuo Jin lightly raised her hands, the surrounding space quietly became more warm, the heat continued to rise, and the hospital hall quietly lit up with a misty fire.

Although Tian Yang doesn’t think that a few polluters can make it difficult for him, he is also happy to enjoy the rewards if he has his companions to do it for him.

The heart of the element is preparing the ability of fire, while the actions of the polluter are still slow, looking a little careless.

A moment later, Tianyang felt the surge of the stars, and then those polluters who had come not far in front of them, red round spots appeared on the ground under them.

The ground suddenly arched, and streams of fire erupted from under the cracks. The stream of fire gathered in one place, forming a pillar of flames!

Five or six pillars of fire rushed into the air, scorching the roof of the hall, drowning the defiled figure. The flames spewed out, and there was a sizzling sound in it, and thick black smoke emitting a foul smell kept gushing out.

After continuously spouting for nearly ten seconds, the power of the flame subsided silently, leaving only a few black scorched spots still shining with fire. Among those circular focal spots, there are two circular spots, each of which is shaped like a diamond, but its color is pitch black, and there are remnants of yellow light flowing from time to time.

“It’s pollution crystals!”

Nuo Jin said excitedly: “This is a good thing. It is made into a material weapon, and usually has a fixed ability of mental interference.”

Tianyang nodded: “They belong to you.”

The female sanctuary that was originally a gold digger looked embarrassed: “This is not good…”

“You deserve it.” Tian Yang had no intention of competing with her for the spoils, although he really wanted to know what effect the pollution crystals could have on his heart.

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