Inside The Black Mist Chapter 376: Arrangement

A hand clapped on the high-strength glass cover made of composite materials. In the somewhat excessively large observation window, a tired but excited face was reflected in the eyes.

Gong Bo, the director of the Black Star Research Institute, was looking out the observation window. Outside the window is an underground space excavated by humans. In the center of the space, there is a gray-white brain floating.

This brain is the size of a cannonball, with clear lines, and clusters of purple-red nerves grow from all around. They stick to the soil layer above the brain and penetrate deep into the soil.

Bursts of light flashed across the surface of the brain from time to time, and the light flickered, as if the brain was breathing.

“What a wonderful creation.”

Gong Bo sighed sincerely: “Although it is still in the growth stage, it already has certain biological instincts. For example, it realized that this war, especially the invasion of Qingtianbao, would pose a threat to its living environment, so it accelerated The growth of the bacterial flora, and actively attack the army of the Sky Fort.”

“It’s unimaginable, unimaginable.”

A young assistant in his twenties came over: “Teacher, according to your instructions, I have sorted out the research data on the gods and the growth records of the demon brain.”

Gong Bo nodded and gestured again. A Black Star Fort soldier came over with a pitch-black suitcase. Gong Bo took the suitcase and handed it to his assistant: “Lu Ye, you are my most proud student. Listen, Black Star Fort is over, and we are powerless. Now, I want you to bring These things, and this box leave.”

The young assistant known as Lu Ye shook his body slightly and looked at the suitcase: “Teacher, what’s in it?”

Gong Bo’s smile was a little crazy: “You already guessed it, didn’t you?”

Lu Ye took a deep breath, and after a while, he calmed down: “Such an important thing should be taken away by you personally, teacher. I can’t complete this task.”

Gong Bo shook his head: “You can, I have already passed on all the knowledge I have to you. And you have a richer imagination than me. Lu Ye, remember the first time I gave you Class, how did you say it?”

Lu Ye nodded: “The teacher said that those of us who are engaged in research must have rich imagination and a skeptical spirit that dares to question authority!”

Gong Bo happily said: “That’s right, you haven’t forgotten, very good. Lu Ye, your future achievements will be higher than mine, and now I can foresee this. So, you can’t continue here Stay here, I want you to leave here.”

Lu Ye excitedly said: “Teacher, can you go together too?”

Gong Bo waved his hand, laughed and said: “The era of Master Beichen and I is coming to an end, this place will be our grave, I will not go anywhere.”

“Not to mention.”

He tapped the observation window lightly: “I still want to watch this little guy, I want to watch it until the end.”

Lu Ye shook his head and said, “Even if I can go out, where can I go?”

“Go to [Scarlet Fissure], I will arrange someone to **** you there.”

Bei Chen, the lord of Black Star Castle, came on foot: “In that great rift valley, there is a city that is the closest to hell. You go there, find someone named [Luo Wu], and give this to Him.”

Bei Chen took out a red dagger, on the scabbard of the dagger was engraved with a golden word [武].

Lu Ye reached out to take it, only to feel that the dagger was not light, and there was a faint warmth from the scabbard. “Go, go there, and accomplish what your teacher didn’t accomplish!”

Lu Ye was slightly startled and looked at Gong Bo. Gong Bo was already lying on the observation window, it seemed that the demon brain outside attracted him even more. Lu Ye took a deep breath, nodded his head, put away the dagger, picked up the suitcase, and strode away.

After the young man left, Bei Chen turned around and looked at Gong Bo: “Aren’t you going out to welcome our distinguished guest?”

Gong Boy reluctantly left the observation window, and said with a smile, “No, it’s enough for Lord Beichen to welcome them. I prefer to stay with this little guy.”

“Whatever you want.” Beichen said lightly, “This time, if we say goodbye, it should be forever. Goodbye, Director Gongbo.”

Gong Bo bowed slightly: “Take care too, Lord Beichen.”

The corners of Bei Chen’s mouth raised, he left this room, and took the elevator to Black Star Fort. The elevator door opened, and he saw his two generals, Cang Lang and Shadowless General Agriff.

“I’ve been waiting for a long time.” Beichen said lightly.

Agriff said with a little Xilu accent: “General Shanshan has been killed. General Kuangge and Ms. Xueyan are ready to welcome guests in the city. As for other arrangements, they are also ready.”

Bei Chen glanced at him: “Thank you.”

Another general called out: “My lord, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. I plan to go outside the city to meet the guests. Maybe I can stop a general from Qingtianbao.”

Bei Chen nodded and said, “You can do whatever you want.”

The man who has already taken off his cloak, his hair and beard still carefully groomed today said happily: “Then I will go, oh yes, Lord City Master. I have no intention of dying for the city. If the situation is not right, I will Will surrender.”

Bei Chen said lightly: “It’s okay, you can do whatever you want.”

Cang Lang took a few steps back and bowed deeply: “It is my honor to serve you.”

After leaving these words, he strode away, and within a few steps, he had already disappeared in this deep corridor.

The masked General Wuying said in a low voice, “Lord Beichen, what is your plan now?”

Bei Chen walked in another direction with his hands behind his back: “I’ll go to the conference hall and wait for those distinguished guests.”

“I’ll accompany you.”

Agriff followed behind Beichen.

Bei Chen said calmly, “Aren’t you going to leave? There is still time to leave now.”

Agriff calmly said: “No need, anyway, the intelligence, data and related materials collected have been taken away, so I won’t leave.”

Bei Chen smiled softly: “Then I won’t be polite. Oh, by the way, what’s your number?”

General Wuying said softly; “I am Agrif 103.”

“No. 103…” Beichen shook his head, “How many reinvented people like you did Agrif make?”

General Wuying said lightly: “Then I don’t know. I don’t have enough authority to obtain this information. One thing is for sure, I will never be the last one.”

Bei Chen smiled and said, “I guess, you don’t know where the real Agrif is?”

General Wuying immediately replied: “Isn’t this a normal thing?”

Bei Chen stopped, and the meeting hall arrived: “No matter what, you ‘Wuying’ have helped me a lot these years, and I would like to say thank you to your ‘father’.” General Wuying nodded solemnly: “I I will bring it.”

Bei Chen pushed open the door of the conference hall: “Then let’s say goodbye here.”

The city lord strode in, and the sound of powerful footsteps echoed in the hall. General Wuying closed the door until he was nowhere to be seen.



A large group of flames spewed out, igniting the bacteria colony surging from the side of the mountain road, even though the demon brain in the hinterland of Shen Yuefeng had already formed the prototype of the forest of resentment. But it was completely incomparable with the scale of the forest in the Beidou base. There were no monsters on the ground like the giant tree of resentment, and there were no accomplices such as humanoid foreign objects, wood girls, and fungus people. Moreover, the number of bacterial flora is also limited, and it can’t even cover the entire Shenyue Peak. It can only be concentrated in the back mountain area and attack the infantry army of Qingtianbao.

This way, the impact of the flora is limited. Except at the beginning, after successfully invading some soldiers and controlling the soldiers to attack. Next, Optimus Fort used simple equipment such as a flamethrower to make the bacteria inaccessible.

On the top of Shenyue Peak, Tianyang stood on a big rock, looking down, the mountain road was ablaze, and a fire dragon had come nearby. In a short time, they should be able to join the army.

Tianyang sensed a little bit, and his own star accumulation also recovered to seven or eighty-eight, which should barely be enough to open the Milky Way flickering once.

He looked up.

The black curtain covering the four fields has begun to become thinner, and gradually the sky light shines in through this black curtain.

Shen Yuefeng’s bacterial flora is limited, but when he first discovered it, Tianyang was still shocked.

After the family competition, he already knew that the formation of the Forest of Resentment was related to the devil’s brain. Obviously, there must be a devil’s brain under Shen Yuefeng, but I don’t know how Black Star Fort managed to get a devil’s brain.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for the infantry regiment of Qingtianbao to join them. Under the leadership of Han Shu, Tianyang and others walked with the army. Seeing that they were about to climb to the top, the team suddenly stopped.

At the end of the mountain road, a figure appeared. One person with one sword, blocking the road.

If you dare to intercept the army at this time, you are either a lunatic or a master.

A real master!

Soon, someone recognized the other party: “It’s the general of Black Star Fort, Cang Lang!”

That’s right, the interceptor is Cang Lang.

Cang Lang faced the army directly, without blinking his eyes, and said slowly: “General of Qingtianbao, please go out and fight. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Canglang is one of the top battle strengths of Black Star Fort, and Sky Castle naturally knows his information. If a powerhouse with rank 7 is not restricted, he can do it with all his strength. It is difficult to kill the main force of Qingtianbao, but it is still possible to severely damage the army.

Since they didn’t kill the generals at the beginning, and now they challenged the generals of Sky Fort, Sky Fort naturally had to respond.

Instantly, a haughty and icy aura rose from behind the army.

The crowd surged, and the soldiers consciously retreated to both sides of the mountain road, forming a passage.

At the end of the passage, a tall figure walked calmly. The mountain wind blew her black hair, and the long dark purple military uniform swayed slightly in the wind. The general star on her shoulder was shining brightly by the flames on both sides. Walk through the passage of this crowd.

Go alone until the end.

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