Inside The Black Mist Chapter 277: Raw rice and cooked rice

Going back to the corridor of the base where Tianyang and Bai Yinglan met before, it is basically considered safe to come here. Without the command of the fly man, those brain-eating flies are basically useless. After Tianyang planned to go back, he would notify Yunze and ask him to send someone to deal with this hidden danger.

I believe that cutting off a fly nest will earn a lot of points for the team.

“Thank you, Tianyang, I owe you a favor.” Bai Yinglan offered to extend her hand with a smile on her face.

Tianyang deeply admires her, Bai Yinglan’s courage and skill in fighting male flies alone just now are the demeanor that a child of a family should have. What’s rare is that although Bai Yinglan is a daughter, she is so heroic that she won’t give way to a man!

Holding Bai Yinglan’s hand, Tian Yang found that her palm was very soft, as warm as jade.

Bai Yinglan felt that the boy’s hand was more powerful than she imagined. It’s just that this power is hidden in the body, hidden and not revealed.

The two had their own feelings, and for a while, they forgot to separate.

Until the little bird coughed dryly, and said sourly: “How long are you two going to hold?”

Bai Yinglan’s ears felt slightly hot, and she let go of her hands quickly, using a dry cough to cover up her embarrassment, and said, “Then let’s not stay here, Tianyang, I hope to see you again.”

Tianyang nodded, said “Take care” to Xiaoniao, and turned to leave.

“Let’s go too.”

Bai Yinglan made such a proposal, and everyone has no objection. It’s just that there were a lot of people in the team when we came, but there were only a few people left when we went back, which is unavoidable.

Pang Yizhi’s face was even more gloomy, and he stretched out his hand to touch the shallow wound on his neck, and snorted softly in his nostrils.

Li Qing walked over and talked with him in a low voice.

Bai Yinglan and Xiaoniao walked at the end, and the two girls chuckled from time to time, obviously talking about something.

Suddenly, Bai Yinglan said: “You, Tianyang, are not bad.”

At first, Bai Yinglan praised Tianyang, Xiaoniao and Yourong, and his face turned pale. But when she chewed on Bai Yinglan’s words carefully, the girl’s face turned red, she waved her hands and said, “What about mine and yours? Tianyang and I are ordinary friends.”

Bai Yinglan said in a low voice: “Really? That’s great. I think he is courageous and resourceful, and he is also good at skills. He is just a talent to make. Recently, the family plans to recruit a son-in-law for me. I think He looks good too, although he’s a little smaller than me. But I don’t mind.”

“I still think that you like him, so sisters, of course, can’t steal your heart. But this is all right, since you are just ordinary friends, then I will go back and tell my father, and let him send someone to find him. Tianyang can talk about it.”

The little bird’s expression changed drastically, and he jumped up and shouted, “No! Absolutely not!”

Bai Yinglan looked puzzled: “Why not?”

“Because, because…” the little bird twisted the corner of his clothes vigorously, but he couldn’t find a suitable reason, so he simply shouted: “Anyway, I said no, I just can’t!”

“Hahahaha…” Bai Yinglan burst out laughing, “I’m kidding, look at you, I’m almost crying. If you like someone, take the initiative, if you want other girls to grab it, I think there are plenty of them.” When you cry.”

After Xiaoniao said this, a girl’s figure flashed in her mind. She sighed and said, “How do you know that I don’t take the initiative? I’ve already taken the initiative. But that idiot treats me as a Ordinary friends!”

Bai Yinglan looked at her with surprise on her brows: “Little Bird, are you serious?”

The little bird blinked and asked: “What’s the matter with you, you asked me to take the initiative just now, but now you ask me if I’m serious.”

Bai Yinglan curled her lips and said, “I was talking casually just now, but you…you plan to…”

Little Bird quickly covered her mouth, then nodded: “You just know, don’t say it.”

Bai Yinglan took her little hand away: “Little bird, are you taking too much risk? Judging from his performance just now, although he has a certain potential. But…”

Little Bird smiled slyly: “I know what you want to say, don’t worry, I’m a good judge of people. Besides, I have inside information!”

As she spoke, her little face darkened again: “I was worried that if I let him know my plan, he would be angry with me and ignore me from now on.”

Bai Yinglan touched her head and said: “Since you are so sure, he can help you. Sister, I have a clever plan. I will keep you to take Xiao Tianyang. How about it? Do you want to listen to it?” ?”

Little Bird immediately hugged her hand and said, “Speak quickly.”

Bai Yinglan whispered a few words in her ear: “Cook raw rice!”

“What!” Xiaoniao’s face immediately flushed red, almost smoking.



The boy who was walking suddenly sneezed, Tianyang touched his nose, feeling a little puzzled.

After becoming a sublimator, especially after strengthening his physical fitness twice, it is impossible for Tianyang to catch a cold. So the young man thought, either there is dust in the air nearby, or someone is plotting against him behind his back.

Well, it should be mostly the latter.

Thinking about it now, there was the Xie family before and the Pang family later. It’s not surprising that some people calculate themselves.

However, even if the Xie family can continue to participate in the big competition, after returning to the fortress, they should have no time to pay attention to themselves in a short time. The Pang family had to guard against it, but unfortunately there were too many people just now, especially Bai Yinglan and Xiaoniao were present. Otherwise, Tianyang wanted to take away Pang Yizhi’s ashes.

“Why don’t I look for a chance, and I’ll ‘slip’ once?” Tianyang’s thoughts were racing, and he had already begun to consider various possibilities, just as there were huge variables in the frontline area. If there is a chance to kill Pang Yizhi, it can be arranged as the result of being beheaded by the black people. No matter the shadow of the deep shadow or the ash familiar, this can be done.

Just as he was lost in thought, Tianyang suddenly stopped.

Something is wrong!

He looked around, and it was quite close to the camp of the Yunlong team. Logically speaking, when you come here, you should have seen the security personnel.

But there are not a single ghost here.

Also, the neighborhood is so quiet, it’s so quiet that almost everyone is dead.

Thinking of this, Tianyang’s heart sank, and he directly communicated with the black mist, and his perception quickly extended forward.

After a while, he “saw” the camp of the Yunlong team. There were obvious traces of the battle in the camp, and there were even afterglow flames everywhere on the ground.

Several base vehicles were tilted to this side. Judging from the direction they fell, there should have been quite a violent explosion. The side of one of the base vehicles was extremely damaged, and it was of the kind that could no longer be repaired.

Besides, what caught Tianyang’s attention the most was the corpse!

Landed on the ground in disorder, most of them were service personnel wearing protective clothing, and one or two corpses of sublimators were also seen inside.

Suddenly, a figure crashed into the young man’s perception.

It’s Kunlan, who is lying on the ground, not knowing whether he is dead or alive.

Resisting the urge to rush into the camp, Tianyang continued to use the black mist to perceive the surrounding situation, and he soon discovered that Yunze and the others were not there.

Their bodies were not found in the camp either. Tian Yang went back and forth several times to confirm that there were no traces of the black people before leaving to enter the camp.

When we came to the camp, there were one or two high-power searchlights around the camp, so Tianyang could still see clearly without flares.

Just like what he observed with the help of the black mist just now, there are traces of battles in the camp, and there are afterglow flames everywhere on the ground. Slightly different from the model constructed by the black mist, Tianyang smelled a strange smell in the air, and the smell of the corpse being roasted.

The smell made him uncomfortable, even more so in his stomach, but not to the point of nausea. There have been a lot of going in and out of the reverse world, and the boy’s tolerance for these things has improved a lot.

He walked quickly through the camp, not forgetting to be vigilant around, and came to Kun’s side cautiously but quickly.

Tianyang squatted down, stretched out his hand to lightly press the main artery on Kunlan’s neck, and felt a slow but still strong throbbing. Fortunately, Kunlan was just in a coma, not dead.

Tianyang rummaged through Kunlan’s pocket, found a box of first-aid injections in the pocket, gave the blue-haired boy an injection, and went to search for other survivors.

It’s a pity that Kunlan was the only one alive in the entire camp. When Tianyang came back after searching but failed, the blue-haired boy groaned in pain, and then tried to open his eyes.

As soon as he was able to open his eyes, he was about to jump up, but when he moved, the wound was involved, so he fell back on his stomach again.

“Don’t move around, I’ll check for you.” Tianyang’s voice calmed him down a little.

Kun Lan raised her head again, only to see Tian Yang approaching her side, and then gently turned herself over.

Tian Yang took off the armor on his body, and found that the guy’s abdomen had been cut open. The opening was long, but luckily it wasn’t deep, at least it didn’t expose the abdominal cavity to the air.

“Be patient, your injury needs to be dealt with immediately, or you might get infected.” When the boy turned around just now, he had collected a lot of things deftly, including several sets of first aid kits.

He took out one of the groups, opened it, and took out the debridement spray to disinfect Kunlan first: “What happened, have you been attacked by black mobs?”

Kun Lan hummed in her throat, and said in a hoarse voice: “Not long after you left, we were attacked by black people.”

After cleaning the surface of the wound, Tianyang took out the stapler and sewed up Kunlan’s wound: “There are not many black people in this war zone, and they are advancing in echelons. How could they destroy the camp like this?”

Kun Lan smiled bitterly: “You guessed wrong, the ones who attacked us were not the black people in the war zone. They were in the forest. Do you still remember the army of bacteria in the upper base that almost wiped out the Yunyang team? We encountered those things again, yes, there are also monsters built by flora.”

“That thing captured Young Master Yunze. Before I fell into a coma, I saw Yanhong leading people into the forest. I don’t know what to do now. Hey, take it easy.”

Hearing that Yunze had been arrested, Tianyang accidentally slapped his hands a little harder, quickly put away the stapler, then tore off a few hemostatic patches, and stuck them on Kunlan’s wound.

Finally put on a bandage and you’re done.

Tianyang stood up: “You can deal with the rest yourself, and I will go in and have a look.”

Kun Lan shouted: “Slow down…”

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