Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1733: God is not omnipotent

The next day.

Tianyang woke up in a room in Yunfu, which was the room used by Xiaoniao before.

Even if she leaves, the room is cleaned every day, so it doesn’t look messy.

Tianyang opened the window, he didn’t go out in a hurry, he leaned against the window, the morning breeze was blowing, his mood was calm.


After recovering He Xi, before he had time to rest, he went to war with the two gods, Xing Tian and Mi Leiya.

It made Tianyang’s spirit exhausted and showed signs of instability.

So he didn’t leave immediately, but chose to stay in the Sky Fort.

Through meeting and interacting with Han Shu and others, the spirit is relaxed and the state is re-stabilized.

In addition.

Tianyang also noticed that after losing Xingyun, he was being influenced by ‘Yong Ye’ and became more and more indifferent in temperament.

Although before this, Tianyang also felt that he was slowly changing.

But after becoming a ‘god’ and losing the stars, this sign became more obvious, and the speed of change also accelerated a lot.

Fortunately, through these two days of contact with everyone, many memories of the past have been awakened, and the feeling of ‘humanity’ has been regained.

“Stay for a few more days, and go to the recorder after the adjustments are made.”

Tianyang smiled, and then let two small gleams appear on the palm of his hand.

These are the two inferior ‘essences’, only prototypes, not perfect yet.

But the important thing is that this is the ‘essence’ of the universe outside the gate.

During the few days of staying in the “Knowledge Temple”, Tianyang learned how to contact, analyze and control the essence through the recorder.

These two lower ‘essences’ are the result of learning during that period of time.

They are ‘wind’ and ‘light’ respectively, prepared by Tianyang for Qingming and Xitong.

If all goes well, in the end, he has to reclaim the essence of Xitong, so that he can completely return it to ‘Eternal Night’, allowing him to enter the next stage of ‘restart’.

Therefore, Tianyang first prepared two ‘Essence’.

One of them was given to Qing Ming to see if she could be reborn.

Another one is to be exchanged with Xitong.

But now, these two essences are only embryonic, and Tianyang needs to continue to analyze the two laws of ‘wind’ and ‘light’, so as to construct the essence and master them.

If it wasn’t for the lack of time, Tianyang would also like to analyze other laws, so as to construct the essence that truly belongs to him and can support himself to become a god.

But now, he can only focus on the matter of God.

“The remaining gods are Chi Yi and the recorder.”

Tianyang left the window, planning to visit the lower city today.

After breakfast.

Tianyang borrowed a magnetic motorcycle from Yunze.

He drove alone to downtown.

Driving along the familiar road, passing the zenith corridor of the fortress, watching the ring train whizzing past his head, Tianyang had a wonderful feeling of returning to the past.

However, after coming to the lower city, he obviously felt the difference and the change.

Now the residents in the lower urban area have not been completely relocated, and many bungalows and sheds are still preserved, but there are already many vacant houses.

On the other hand, for the residents who have completed the relocation, their original living places were bulldozed, surrounded and turned into construction sites.

On the construction site, large construction vehicles are working, and various factories are being built.

But now it is only the stage of laying the foundation, so from behind the fence, you can only see busy workers, but there is no building yet.

Tianyang came to the shack where he used to live, and it was indeed protected. People passing by would stop from time to time and look inside curiously.

Tianyang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and after a few glances, he drove away.

After walking for a while, the road began to become congested because of the increase in the flow of people here.

Tianyang could only stop, park the car, and walk into the crowd at will.

In the crowd, there are children mixed in, and they are staring at the pockets of passers-by.

Tianyang is no stranger to this point.

Tianyang still remembers doing similar things with his friends when he was young.

I stole a passerby’s wallet that day, and when I got home, I proudly handed the stolen contribution card to my mother.

But instead of being appreciated, he only got a beating.

Tianyang still remembered that his mother was crying while beating him, and told him through gritted teeth that if there was another time, she would chop off his hand.

At this time, Tianyang raised his hand and grabbed a hand that was reaching into his pocket.

He looked back and saw a six or seven-year-old girl.

The hair is messy, the face is dirty, and the eyes are flustered.

Tianyang smiled at her, then let go of her hand, and the little girl ran into the alley like a rabbit.

“Xiao Xi, are you okay?”

Soon several older children ran over and asked the little girl with concern.

The little girl shook her head, and said in a tone that she was not sure about: “I seem to have met a ‘savior’ just now.”

Of course the boys didn’t believe it. They laughed and laughed at the little girl. When the little girl raised her fist, they scattered like clouds.

Tianyang glanced at these children.

It was found that their arms and legs were as thin as branches.

Although the Fortress has implemented a new policy, it has not yet spread to everyone, especially the children and the elderly who are at the bottom.

Even if the sun shines through the dark clouds, these people will be the last ones to be illuminated by the sun.

Even Tian Yang has no good solution to this point. Although he is a ‘god’, he cannot immediately make everyone live a happy life.

He laughed at himself: “Who says gods are omnipotent?”

When Tianyang stopped, he came to the cripple’s grocery store.

The door of the small store has been opened, but there are no crippled people in sight. Some people come in and out. After taking what they need, they consciously take out their ID card and swipe enough contribution points before leaving. .

When another person came out, Tianyang stopped him and said, “Excuse me, is the **** here?”

“Are you looking for a lame?”

The man pointed in the direction of the construction site: “He went to construction site No. 7.”

Tianyang wondered, “He’s going to work?”

The man laughed: “How can it be, ‘Big Bear’ took care of the construction site, but ‘Fire Dragon’ wanted a piece of the pie.”

“They have been arguing for several days about this matter, and they almost got into a fight.”

“The **** was taken as a middleman.”

Tianyang knew that the **** had a certain prestige in the lower city.

However, if the so-called ‘prestige’ is not based on one’s own strength, sometimes it will be worthless.

The **** is one of Tianyang’s few friends in the lower city. After asking about the location of the No. 7 construction site, Tianyang left the grocery store.

In the No. 7 construction site, the two teams crowded the construction site, leaving only a blank space in the middle.

There is a round table here, and there are three people sitting there.

One is a man nicknamed ‘Big Bear’. This man is quite burly and has many scars on his body.

In front of him is ‘Fire Dragon’, a man with a violent temper.

As for the third person, he is naturally the **** in the grocery store.

‘Fire Dragon’ slapped the table hard at this time: “Big Bear, no matter what you say today, I will get half of the work on this construction site!”

“Fire Dragon, have you stepped over the line? In order to fight for the job at the No. 7 construction site, I have worn out my words with the elders above. What have you done?”

“Now that we have won this project, you just want to take a share. It’s not so easy.”

‘Big Bear’ snorted coldly, then looked at the old man next to him: “Cripple, to be fair, did I say anything wrong?”

Before the **** opened his mouth, ‘Fire Dragon’ stood up: “What a **** and a blind man, he’s a fart, it’s his turn to talk here!”

But at this time, someone said: “Who dares not listen to the lame man, I will throw him out of here.”

‘Fire Dragon’ couldn’t help being furious, he was challenging his own authority, he looked around: “Who, get out and speak!”

After a commotion, the crowd automatically divided into two sides, exposing a figure to the sight of the ‘Fire Dragon’.

The **** looked over and was taken aback for a while, then a smile appeared on his face.

‘Fire Dragon’ looked at the silver-haired young Tian Zi, and shouted: “Where did the white-haired boy come from, what does this have to do with you, get out of here quickly.”

The **** stood up and said, “He is my friend.”

‘Fire Dragon’ waved his hand and said, “So what if I’m your friend, throw this kid out for me, far away!”

Two powerful men came over immediately, trying to pull Tianyang out, but before they touched Tianyang, the two men suddenly disappeared.

Yes, that’s right.


In full view, the two big men suddenly disappeared.

‘Fire Dragon’ froze for a moment, rubbed his eyes, and then shouted: “Damn it, where are they?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t die.”

“It will take a while to come back.”

“You too.”

Tianyang snapped his fingers, using the essence of ‘space’ to transfer the ‘Fire Dragon’ to another place.


The crowd exploded.

Everyone ran out in a hurry to make way.

Tianyang walked to the table and said to the cripple, “Now you don’t need to be a middleman.”

The **** laughed, stood up and said, “It’s not right.”

“Let’s go, I’ll buy you two drinks when I go back.”

Tianyang nodded and wanted to help him, but the lame man pushed his hand away.

“I can walk by myself.”

Tianyang shrugged his shoulders and let him go.

After the two left.

‘Fire Dragon’ and the two workers suddenly appeared again, they looked dazed, and after a while, ‘Fire Dragon’ looked ugly as if he had seen a ghost, and hurriedly led his men away.

‘Big Bear’ stood up at this moment, looked at his own humanity and said: “How about it, let me say that the **** is reliable, the old man does not know how many strong people he knows.”

“With him in charge, there will be no injustice.”

“When you see him in the future, be honest with me!”

In the grocery store, the **** didn’t know that Tianyang raised his hand invisibly because of his prestige.

He returned to the store, took out a dirty bottle of wine from under the cabinet, wiped it, unscrewed the bottle cap, and poured a glass for Tianyang: “I brewed it myself, you taste it.”

Then asked again: “I heard that you are the ‘savior’ now, can you help me change my lost leg back?”

Tianyang glanced at him and said, “Take off the prosthesis.”

The **** was shocked: “Really?”

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