Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1667: Dark Communion

There will be no new influx of black folks in Clough Gate everywhere…

There are only two ways to achieve this condition.

One is that the forward bases behind the Krafft Gate are guarded to cut off the influx of black people from the root.

Second, close the Clough Gate.

The first method.

If it was in the past, it would not be difficult.

But now that the ‘Kuroshio’ has broken out, at least half of the 128 Krafft Gates have fallen.

In other words, more than 60 Clough Gates are defenseless.

In addition, the ‘Golden Tribunal’ no longer exists.

Even if it is necessary to dispatch troops from other fortresses to rebuild the forward base behind the gate, it can be said that it is completely wrong.

As for the second method.

Close the Clough Door.

For nearly a thousand years, only the Clough Gate controlled by Lieyangbao once closed itself.

But no one knows how it does it.

After serious consideration, Tianyang felt that the first method was unconditional.

For the second method, perhaps Candle Yin can provide advice.

He raised his head and said: “Regardless of whether there are new black people pouring into Krafft Gate, if the black people on the three continents can be cleaned up now, people can at least breathe a sigh of relief.”

“Get time and space to buffer.”

Gao Xinghu nodded, looked at Lu Ye and said, “Mr. Lu Ye, since the test has been successful.”

“Then let’s launch a clean-up operation against all black people on the three continents.”

Lu Ye nodded and said, “Then I will start the unfreezing process of all ‘devil brains’ now.”

“It is estimated that in three months, all the dark people on the three continents will be cleaned up!”


Donglu, Fort Glory.

Under the effect of the ‘purification bomb’ of Firmament Fortress, there is no longer any black mist in the sky above this super fortress.

The fort has night and day again.

The dispelling of the black mist brought a fatal blow to the black people.

It also gave Brilliant Castle some breathing time.

As the black people have gradually collapsed recently, they will automatically die out.

The pressure on the fort has been reduced a lot.

This brought some life back to the night in Kornfort.

In addition to reappearing the previous Wanjia lights.

The curfew time was also postponed from nightfall to early morning.

This makes the streets full of crowds and breath of life.

It is night.

Zhao Xiong put on a dark cloak, pulled up his hat, and walked on the edge of the street.

Try not to draw any attention.

Tonight, the ‘Dark Gathering’ was held again.

Also, the membership of the party is increasing and the size is growing.

Because of the useful clues provided last time, Zhao Xiong’s status in the party has improved.

The materials allocated are also richer than before.

This became the motivation for Zhao Xiong to attend the party.

And, became a fanatical believer.

The night is getting dark.

It began to rain lightly.

The street lights are dim, making the scene on the street look like a dream.

Come to the meeting place.

Zhao Xiong did not enter directly through the gate.

He circled around and followed the convener’s instructions.

First observe whether there are suspicious characters nearby.

After confirming that everything was safe, he got in through an open window.

This is the old town of the fort, with old streets and dilapidated buildings.

The building where they gathered was even more deserted.

After Zhao Xiong entered the house, he stepped on the dusty room and walked to the corridor.

All kinds of items are thrown all over the place, looking extremely messy.

He walked up a staircase to the third floor and knocked on a door with strange symbols painted on it.

Three long and two short, after the knock on the door at intervals.

The door opened, and a pale woman in a black cloak glanced at Zhao Xiong, then turned sideways.

“Welcome, my brother.”

Zhao Xiong hugged her: “May the gods protect you, my sister.”

Partners now call each other brother and sister.

After entering the room, Zhao Xiong found a place to sit down by himself. Instead of taking off his cloak, he pulled his hat lower.

This is to prevent recognition.

Prevent being reported.

As time passed bit by bit, the members of the party arrived one after another.

There are obese men here, the kind who need to take a few steps to catch their breath.

There are also slender women, which make people fantasize about it.

All kinds of party members quickly filled the room, obviously more people than last time.

So many people didn’t have chairs to sit down, they just leaned against the wall or stood by the door.

After no new members appeared, the woman who opened the door picked up a silver bell and shook it lightly.

Not long after the crisp bell rang, the organizer of the party walked in.

He gestured.

Soon all the lights in the room went out.

A moment later.

A candle is lit.

The orange candle became the only light in the room.

“Dear brothers and sisters, because of the great god, we can gather together.”

“I suggest that before the meeting, let’s pray to the gods.”

After the convener finished speaking, he stood up and said: “Everyone form a circle, hold hands, close your eyes, and chant after me.”

A woman who seemed to be attending the party for the first time asked in a low voice: “Who is the **** we believe in?”

“Are there no statues?”

The convener smiled and said: “The evil **** will create an image for himself to cover up his ugliness.”

“The righteous gods don’t have specific images, they are tending towards ‘concepts’, we only need to recite the name of the gods, and we can pass on our beliefs to the gods.”

“The **** we believe in is the ‘Pillar of Eternity’ Shadika.”

“Any questions?”

The woman shook her head: “No more.”

But then, she took off her hat, looked around and said, “The ‘Eternal Illuminator’ is indeed right, there are people in the city who are spreading dark beliefs.”

“You actually believe in the ‘God Devourer’ Shadiga, he is the real evil god!”

Zhao Xiong was extremely nervous all of a sudden.

Dilated pupils.

Because he recognized the woman.

When he was in the church, he could only look at the woman from a distance.

This woman is the Sun Saint of the ‘Glorious Church’, Su Yun!

When Su Yun raised his hat, the window and door of the room were knocked open at the same time.

The church knights rushed into the room one by one, shouting: “Everyone, don’t move, put your hands on your head!”

The members of the party suddenly exclaimed, and some rushed towards the gate desperately, but they were all knocked down by the church knights. If they were not honest, they would inevitably receive one or two punches.

Some members cried and cried: “Don’t catch me, I just heard that there are free food distribution here, I just want to eat more.”

Some roared: “You believers in false gods, you will be punished.”

Zhao Xiong didn’t resist, nor roared.

He squatted down with his head in his hands, but when no one was paying attention, he quietly retreated into another room.

Then got out of the window and ran wildly.

I can’t get caught here.

I still have a wife and children to support!

I can’t have an accident!


Right now.


He heard gunshots.

The body then feels heavy.

Falling uncontrollably to the ground.

Zhao Xiong touched his chest subconsciously.

Hands are hot.

He spread out his hand, and the palm was already stained with a deep red.


I don’t want to die.

God, help me.

Please redeem me.

Please… help me.

Zhao Xiong’s eyes looking at the night sky gradually became lax.

From the corner of the eye, a drop of liquid rolls down.

Until death, the **** he believed in.

The ‘Pillar of Eternity’ never even glanced at him as a believer.

The next day.

The Brilliant Fort made public about the ‘Dark Faith’ and secret gatherings.

The church also issued a statement.

Claim that this is an evil belief that must be stopped.

If anyone is found to believe in black people, neither the fortress nor the church will provide asylum.

And today.

These believers, and their families, must leave the Fort of Glory.

Responsible for their folly!

The gates of the Brilliant Hold roar open.

One magnetic energy car drove to the door, the door opened, and the soldiers pulled the people inside out and threw them into the wilderness.

“Don’t, don’t leave us behind.”

“We don’t even know what party Zhao Xiong participated in.”

A woman wept with tears streaming down her face. She hugged a soldier’s thigh, but was knocked away by the soldier with the **** of his gun.

Her child hugged the mother, the child had no idea what was happening.

On the city wall.

Just in front of the big screens in the fortress.

The residents of Brilliant Castle witnessed the whole process with their own eyes.

We all know the seriousness of ‘Dark Faith’.


Those who believe in black people, residents who believe in darkness and their families.

Under the gunpoint of the soldiers, they could only cry and walk into the wilderness.

Waiting for them is a life without shelter. Among these people, I am afraid that only a very small number of people can survive.

Glory Church.

Sun Temple.

Teacher Tang Xin looked at the big screen and said with a sad face: “Actually, I don’t want to be so ruthless, but because of these scum who believe in darkness, Shadika has important information.”

“If these cancerous tumors are not removed in time, then our struggle against Shatika will become even more unfavorable.”

A sun sage said: “Master, your decision is correct.”

“Short-term pain is worse than long-term pain.”

“Those family members are not completely innocent, after all, they also enjoyed the ‘dark sacrament’.”

“Their hearts have been polluted by darkness. Even if they don’t betray now, they will betray in the future.”

Another sage said: “It just happened to show our determination through this incident, so as to prevent similar incidents from happening again.”

“In the long run, this actually saves more people.”

Tang Xin nodded at this point, and continued: “You guys know about Cangwu Castle’s ‘God-making Project’, right? How is the sculpture going now?”

“There are already design drawings.” Su Yun took out an electronic board and handed it to Tang Xin.

Tang Xin took over. From the design drawings, we can see that this statue is based on Tianyang, and then exaggerated and mythologized.

Tang Xin nodded: “No problem, I’ll just make some comments, since it is a statue cast by our church.”

“Is it possible to add some sun logos to the statue?”

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