Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1587: Dangerous Faith

It is already morning, and because of the existence of the black mist, the world is still bleak.

The battle for Sunhold is over.

A large number of black people died outside the high walls of the fortress, piled up knee-high black mud, and left behind countless materials.

At this moment, Lieyangbao is cleaning up the battlefield.

The sludge decomposed by the blackfolk will quickly coagulate and calcify after a short time, eventually breaking down into harmless gravel.

Therefore, to clean up the sludge, you only need to scoop it up, put it into a delivery vehicle, and then send it to the depths of the desert for dumping.

As for the materials, they are sorted by a professional team after recycling.

The high-quality ones will be sent to the research and development center in the city of “Wild Wisdom”, where they will be developed into material weapons and then provided to officers for use.

The cleaning of the battlefield is proceeding in an orderly manner.

In the city, in the meeting room of the municipal building.

Tianyang listened to the report on the war.

From the report, it can be seen that despite the great victory of Lieyangbao this time, the supplies are quite consumed.

Especially the ammo.

The ammunition currently in stock is no longer capable of fighting a war of the same scale and intensity.

That is to say, once the black people in the next battle approach 40,000, Lieyangbao will run out of ammunition.

At that time, we can only rely on sublimators, but there are so many sublimators.

The second is food.

Because Lieyangbao had stockpiled food in advance, until now, the rationing of living supplies has not been a problem.

The reserve materials in the warehouse can still be used for a while, but it will never be too long.

Next is medical supplies……

Hearing all kinds of questions, Tianyang’s head is overwhelmed.

If this is the case in the past, if the supplies are urgent, you can turn to the Golden Tribunal and the Castle of the God of War for help.

But now is the time of war, and many fortresses have fallen, and even the most powerful ally, the Bastion of Ares, is now unable to take care of itself.

The Golden Tribunal is far from the water, but it is difficult to put out the near fire.

In desperation.

Tianyang can only issue orders to compress life rations and give priority to protecting soldiers.

He took out 90% of his share, anyway, now that he is already a heavenly rank, he doesn’t need to eat all the time.

But living supplies can be delayed for a period of time by compressing the rationing, but ammunition and medical supplies cannot be compressed.

At this time, Adolf proposed a somewhat unrealistic solution.

“Master Tianyang, as far as I know, although some fortresses fell, they were not completely destroyed.”

“The residents of these fortresses usually evacuate before the black people arrive, and the black people only attack humans, and destroying the facilities is just an incidental act.”

“So, or we can send search parties to search for those forts that haven’t suffered much damage.”

“The residents in the city are moving in a hurry, and they will definitely not be able to take away all the supplies……”

Tianyang nodded: “This is a way. You are responsible for this matter. I will let Murray Knight cooperate with you.”

‘Fireless’ Murray is a heavenly **** of war, and if he walks with him, as long as he doesn’t encounter a large number of black people, he will basically be in no danger.

Adolf nodded quickly and agreed to come down.

After a while of communication, the meeting is over.

After the meeting, Tian Yang went to the front line to visit the soldiers, motivate them and boost their morale.

Once busy, the day will pass.

He was about to return to the city when he received news that the Lord of Iron Blood Castle, Beria, came with a team.

It turns out that Iron Blood Castle has fallen.

Only the city lords Beria, Raymond, and Thor, the two generals, the lord of Sequoia Castle, and less than 500 officers and soldiers managed to break through the encirclement.

Hearing the news, Tianyang secretly sighed in his heart.

I just feel that the situation in the Western Continent is getting more and more serious.

Having three heavenly ranks like Jagged Fortress, plus the foreign aid heavenly rank, the city lord of Sequoia Castle, will fall, and other small and medium-sized fortresses are even more unimaginable.


Tianyang saw the four Tianjie including Beria.

These four people looked haggard, looked embarrassed, and their clothes were disheveled.

Where is the image of Tianjie.

It can be seen that the battle to break out is not easy.

“City Lord Tianyang, I have seen you.” Beria sighed, holding Tianyang’s hand, “The black people are really rampant, if General Raymond hadn’t made a decisive decision to abandon the fortress, I’m afraid the few of us They can only die in the city.”

Tianyang comforted: “It’s good that you are fine, everyone has worked hard all the way, I will ask someone to arrange a place for you immediately.”

“Originally, everyone came from afar, so I should have a banquet for you.”

“But the living supplies in the city are already in urgent need, please forgive me.”

Belia and the others expressed their understanding.

Then Beria said again: “Master Tianyang, you have to be careful of the people in the city.”

“Originally we wouldn’t be so easy to break into, but I don’t know when it started. Some residents in the city believed in the black people, thinking that those monsters came to save the world. They are really stupid!”

“But these stupid people stormed the city gate. At that time, our army was fighting outside the city. How could we expect the backyard to catch fire.”

“It’s too late to send troops back to suppress it until it is discovered.”

Tianyang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He still remembered that the last time Guan Feng came, he reminded him to pay attention, under the current situation, some extreme beliefs quietly appeared.

They take advantage of people’s desperation and pain to spread quickly.

But I didn’t expect that the danger of this extreme belief was already so great.

And Iron Blood Fort is the victim!

“I see, thanks for the reminder, everyone go to rest first.”

Belia nodded, and then said: “I am very grateful to the Lord Tianyang for taking us in. If you need us, please feel free to speak up.”

“Well, if necessary, I will not be polite to you.”

Tianyang nodded.

After sending Beria and the others away, Tianyang immediately found Ah Huo, the leader of the Fire Ant Gang.

“Just now I talked with the Lord Beria, and he reminded me that because of the extreme beliefs of the black people in the Iron-Blooded Fortress, their fortress fell. We must be vigilant about this problem.”

“I will define the city gate and even the area around the guard wall as a restricted area, and civilians are strictly prohibited from approaching.”

“In addition, you have people watching everywhere to prevent such extreme beliefs from emerging. Once they appear, they will be severely punished.”

“The leaders must be arrested, and they cannot be allowed to spread this dangerous belief.”

Ah Huo nodded again and again, and after agreeing, he went down to work.

Tianyang rubbed the center of his brows and returned to the study.

He took out the ‘Black Night Crystal’ sent by Lin Jianping, took it with him, and then opened the ‘Gap Door’, intending to find Jiuyou to accumulate experience.


The city of hearts.

Above countless dark and gorgeous buildings, a rainbow bridge spans the void.

On the Rainbow Bridge, cute dolls who looked like Xitong at the age of eight or nine were attacking the distorted figure that was trampling on the illusory serpent.

Some of these puppets released terrifying thunder, some condensed white long spears, some created storm-like flames, and some created ice cones exuding astonishing cold air. …..

The puppet’s attack is varied.

Moreover, there are quite a few puppets that use abilities such as hallucinations, control, and curses.

In the face of countless attacks, although that distorted figure could still resist, it was beaten more often.

The figure appears to be a thin man with a deformed body and long hair.

On the face that seemed to be covered with shadows, the eye sockets were deep-set, staring at a pair of golden snake pupils.

His feet merged with the illusory serpent below, without any distinction between them.

While he resisted many attacks, he still had the strength to look at Xitong, who was riding a white unicorn on the Rainbow Bridge, like a princess from a fairy tale.

Looking at the beautiful girl who grew up in an instant, the figure let out a hoarse roar.

Afterwards, pale green scales appeared on his body surface, and his back was slightly arched, with one after another turbid yellow bone spurs growing on his back.

His body surface cracked one after another, and the flesh and blood inside wriggled, squeezing out the vertical and flat eyes of snakes.

It was as if the strange snakes that had melted before were all awakened on his body at this moment.

He got weirder and scarier.

On the Rainbow Bridge, Xitong raised the illusory black scythe and swung it down through the air.

A black line lay across the figure’s neck.

The scary man’s head fell off immediately.

The head fell on the top of the illusory giant snake, and it suddenly disintegrated into countless strange snakes. They quickly swam into the man’s legs.

Afterwards, another head popped up from the man’s neck.


Xitong snorted, spun the scythe, and suddenly threw it out.

The black scythe spun around and suddenly appeared around the man’s body, and the scythe blade set off a black storm.

In this black storm, the man’s whole body was cut and shattered into pieces all over the ground.

Those fragments disintegrated into countless strange snakes, and they wanted to gather and fuse again, but at this moment, the scythe turned into a cloud of black mist.

They permeate and wrap the strange snakes, making them swim in place, but it is difficult to gather.

It is as if they are cut off from reality, unable to break through.

Xi Tong reached out to catch her.

Those black aura gathered together, pulling countless swimming strange snakes, forming a perfect pitch-black sphere.

At this time, the snake pupil in the sky slowly turned and turned to the back, allowing the moon to reappear.

Xi Tong breathed a sigh of relief, she had temporarily blocked the will of the ‘Original’, so that it could not affect the City of Heart.

But this is only temporary.

Next, she needs to find a way to completely destroy the ‘original’ will.

Only in this way can we ensure that the ‘Original’ will never recover and never return.

In the Fort of Glory.

Xi Tong, who had been lying on the ground, opened her eyes.

After blocking the ‘original’ will, she was finally able to leave the city of heart.

Xi Tong, who still looked like a little girl, jumped up to check her status, but it didn’t affect her at all.

At this time, the snake pupils on the back of her neck had already closed, and even the gap disappeared.

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“Not getting noticed.”

Xi Tong patted his chest, then got into bed.

Now as long as she wants, she can become a brave girl in the city of heart at any time.

However, Xitong didn’t want to scare Kaoru and the others, so she still maintained the current appearance.

At this time, the voice of the bird sounded outside: “Little slob, you can get up!”

Hearing this voice, Xitong laughed.


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