Inside The Black Mist Chapter 156: The Trouble of the Lame

Tianyang put down the feed, walked to the window, looked at the buildings in the upper city outside the window, and asked curiously: “What does the captain want me to do?”

“Don’t worry, it’s a small thing.” Han Shugan laughed twice on the communicator, “You are from Xiacheng District, do you know the **** on Dongmen Street?”

Tianyang became more and more curious: “Yes, the captain also knows him?”

Han Shu’s tone seemed a little embarrassed: “When I was young, I often drank and fought. When I was injured, I basically found a **** to treat me. Oh, he hadn’t limped at that time. If you come and go, you owe it to me.” Pay some favors.”

So, here comes the lame debt collector? Tianyang thought to himself.

“Anyway, the **** asked me for help last night. It seems that something happened. You should go and ask him for details.” You are the most suitable. How about it, can you help me with this?”

The **** helped Kaidi before, but now Han Shu is asking for it again. Tianyang thought that he was fine anyway, so it would be fine to go around the downtown area.

“Sure, I’m going now.”

Han Shu breathed a sigh of relief: “Great, hey, I’ll buy you a drink when you come back.”

Can we change the captain to something else?

“Han Shu, are you alright? I’ve already taken a bath, how long do you plan to let me hang out on the bed?” A strange female voice suddenly sounded from the communication machine.

Tianyang finally knew why Han Shu was not free.

He looked out the window, but it’s daytime now, does the captain have to sleep in the morning?

Ending the communication, Han Shu sent him another text message, to the effect that this matter might be related to force, and asked Tian Yang not to reveal his identity as a night crawler. If you have any other questions, please contact him at that time.

Tianyang doubts whether he really needs to contact Han Shushang, and whether he can be found.

It is inconvenient to reveal your identity, so the defensive armor and uniform cannot be worn obviously. It doesn’t matter to Tian Yang, with his current physical fitness and reaction speed, as long as he doesn’t meet an ascendant with rank 4 or above, it is impossible to kill him with one blow.

As for the ascendants with a rank of 4 or above, they probably wouldn’t go to the downtown area to embarrass a cripple, right?

He changed into a dark undershirt, a pair of khaki leggings, and found a long gray trench coat he bought not long ago from the closet.

The windbreaker wears a hat, and when the hat is buttoned on the head, it looks much more low-key.

Put on short boots that are easy to move, Tian Yang originally wanted to take the Chiyue Saber. Thinking about how easy it is to reveal your identity, you simply don’t bring it with you.

He tied the multi-purpose **** pack around his body again and covered it with the windbreaker. There are Black Ting and Nightmare Mask in the **** pack, the former is just in case, and the latter can be put on the face when needed, which can not only conceal the identity, but also activate the dream ability.

After getting ready, Tian Yang left the apartment.

Came to the parking lot of the apartment, stood in front of the unicycle and hesitated for three seconds, Tianyang still gave up this too conspicuous vehicle.

Take a public electric rail car on the street outside the apartment, and go to the weapons store in the fortress to buy a manganese steel narrow knife.

The quality is average, the sharpness is average, and it cannot be infused with star energy, but it is more than enough to deal with ordinary people. As long as the sublimator does not match other people’s special weapons, they can also survive a few tricks.

The most important thing is that with the price of 50 contribution points, Tianyang won’t feel heartbroken when he runs out and discards it.

As for why he discarded it, it was naturally to prevent people from tracing his identity, although Tian Yang felt that he was a little too cautious.

A **** in the downtown area shouldn’t provoke any troublesome people, right?

Put the narrow knife in the popular knife bag provided by the business, Tianyang carried it on his back to board the train around the city, and got off at the dark street station.

When getting off the train, Tian Yang put on the hat of the windbreaker, lowered his head slightly, and got off the train.

There are a few homeless people sitting on the platform, begging for food from people passing by. Of course, very few people pay attention to them.

Only a well-meaning girl of fifteen or sixteen years old hesitated to take out a piece of bread, but several homeless men all ran over and surrounded the little girl.

Among them, one hand touched the little girl’s bag full of food…

Things like this happen every day in the lower city, and even worse incidents are commonplace.

When Tianyang passed by the group of homeless people, he cleverly bumped into the guy with dirty hands, and as a result, he and his companion rolled into a ball.

The little girl was so frightened that she took the opportunity to run out of the site.

When you come to the dark street, the buildings on both sides are close together. Even in the daytime, the colorful lights on the signboards are still so conspicuous.

The air smells of tobacco, alcohol, and mold.

Pedestrians on the street behave in a discreet manner. When passing by the doors of some bars, there are always women in revealing clothes, who are engaged in skin business, soliciting customers.

No matter day or night, the lights never go out here.

When passing the Volcano Bar, Tianyang discovered that the place has changed hands.

Now the bar has changed its name to “Heat Wave”, and the bar is still closed, and the windows are dark.

Tianyang looked at it for a while, then bowed his head and left.

While walking, he suddenly felt that he was being watched.

Tianyang was a little surprised, he had just arrived in Xiacheng District, how could he be targeted so quickly?

He is very familiar with the environment in this area, and deliberately led the people behind him around in various alleys. When passing by a small shop, Tianyang saw the stalker through the window of the shop.

He is a strong man, his hair is obviously uncut, like a mess.

The chin is full of stubble, he is wearing a dark gray coat and trousers, and he is carrying a shoulder bag across his back.

This kind of people can be found everywhere in the lower city, and they have almost no distinctive features.

Only his eyes.

His eyes are very bright, he is always staring at the boy in front of him, with a clear goal.

Don’t let Tianyang glance at the window, roughly remember his appearance, then quickly turn his head, not to let the other party know the fact that he has been exposed.

[笔趣阁] After walking a few more alleys, the feeling of being stared at disappeared. I don’t know if it was because he threw off the other party, or that person lost his way in the maze-like alleys.

However, this was a good thing for Tianyang. He quickened his pace, rented a car during the period, and finally came to the grocery store of Lame on Dongmen Street.

The shop is closed, and there is no trace of violence. It seems that I am not too late.

Tianyang knocked on the door.

The impatient voice of the **** came from the door: “No business today, get out!”

My temper is still so bad.

Tianyang lowered his voice and said, “Cripple, Han Shu asked me to come.”

There were hurried footsteps in the store, and the door opened with the sound of something falling.

The **** looked out and saw Tianyang’s face hidden in the hat: “Is that you?”

The cripple’s legs are not good, but his memory is not bad. Naturally, he remembered the scene where the white-haired boy in front of him couldn’t help but barge in when Kaidi was here for treatment.

Tianyang nodded: “Go in and talk.”

The **** immediately moved out of the way, Tianyang flashed in, and closed the door by the way. But the **** was still worried, so he added a few more locks, and then beckoned Tianyang to follow him.

The two of them came to the small room full of medical equipment. The smell inside was very bad. Besides the smell of disinfectant, there were other weird smells.

Tianyang took off his hat: “Then, what kind of trouble did you cause, and you have to settle it with our captain.”

The **** was stunned: “Are you in Han Shu’s team?”

Tian Yang looked around, but didn’t answer his obvious question.

The **** took out a tin pot: “Do you want it? I made it myself.”

Tianyang shook his head: “I don’t drink, and I’m not here to drink.”

The **** nodded, took a sip, wiped his mouth and looked at Tianyang, and suddenly said: “You should go back, Kaidi said he treats you as a half-son, I don’t want you to have anything to do with this shit. “

Tianyang frowned: “The captain asked me to come, I want to go back empty-handed like this, it’s hard to explain to him.”

The **** took another sip: “This trouble, it’s nothing to do with Han Shu, but you…”

Tianyang put down the knife bag and put it aside: “Cripple, when did you become a mother-in-law? This is not like you.”

“Go away.” The **** said unhappily, “Boy, I’m doing it for your own good.”

Tianyang laughed: “Don’t worry, I just fight. If something happens, the captain will solve it.”

The **** glanced at him, reluctantly squeezed out two words: “Thank you.”

“Thank you, no need, tell me, who is looking for trouble for you.” Tianyang unzipped the zipper of the knife bag, took out the narrow knife inside, and pulled out the long knife to try the feel.

The **** looked at the knife in his hand and said, “It’s from the upper city.”

Tianyang was stunned for a moment: “How did you provoke people in Shangcheng District?”

The **** snorted: “I didn’t provoke it, but they provoked me. There is a big difference!”


“Xie family, do you know?” The **** rolled his eyes strangely and looked at Tianyang.

Tianyang immediately thought of Xie Miao, nodded: “I know.”

“They broke my leg back then.” The **** gritted his teeth and said, “I don’t know why the Xie family went crazy, but they suddenly sent someone to find me a few days ago and asked me to be their family doctor.”

The so-called family doctor is a private doctor who specializes in serving that family. Usually such a doctor will be enshrined by that family.

Even if the salary is not as high as that of those high-level powerhouses, it is still a good home for ordinary people.

At least you can live comfortably.

So Tianyang was even more confused: “That’s not bad.”

“Not a bad fart!” The **** said excitedly, “They threw me out of the upper city like a dog back then, and now they want me to go back to serve them, and I won’t go if I kill you!”

“So…” Tian Yang roughly guessed the ending.

The **** sneered: “So yesterday they came to warn me, either go with them today, or break my other leg. And this time, I will be thrown out of the Sky Castle!”

“I understand.” Tianyang shook his head, “But even if the captain comes here in person today to drive them away, but in the future. They will still trouble you in the future. Can you help me?”

The **** sneered: “You don’t know the face of those families too much. No matter how arrogant they are, they want to maintain the face of the big family on the surface.”

“If they just deal with me, of course it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter how easy it is. But if Han Shu is found to intervene, the Xie family will restrain themselves. After all, if Han Shu stabs this matter out, let the people in the upper city know It would be embarrassing for a big family of theirs to oppress a doctor in the lower city.”

Tian Yang understands that what the lame man wants is not Han Shu’s strength, but his identity.

An identity that is enough to make the Xie family fearful.

But because the captain wanted to sleep, he left this matter to himself… Tianyang rubbed his temples, Captain, can’t you sleep at night again!

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