Inside The Black Mist Chapter 140: The so-called general

“The things I want to talk about are basically these, and other things, I will contact you when necessary.” Ling Feng’s eyes slid to the holographic projection tactical sand table not far away, “Sometimes, more deduction of the battle situation, you You won’t forget what you learned before.”

“That’s not true, but in terms of deducing the battle situation, you are there.” The female general’s words seemed to be sabotage, but she said that her face was not red and her heart was beating, and she was even a little aboveboard.

The corners of Ling Feng’s mouth slightly raised, but soon there was a faint smile, and then quickly disappeared: “As a general, you don’t think it’s too much to leave all the work of the battle layout to me, the general staff Already?”

Fei Mei spread out her hands, and answered irrelevantly, “You know what? I once went to Tianqing Academy to listen to Liu Jinglin’s class. I still remember him saying that there was a game called Chess.”

“They use so-called chess pieces to represent the different arms of the army, and they fight against each other. In this game, there is a term called ‘general’, do you know what that is?”

Ling Feng said indifferently: “Obviously I haven’t listened to Academician Liu’s class, so I don’t know that there is such an interesting game in the reverse world.”

Fei Mei sighed softly: “So there are things you don’t know, so let me tell you. The so-called general, it means that one move will determine the outcome of the chess game!”

She leaned back: “I, the general of the Storm Legion. The meaning of my being here is to give the black people a fatal blow at a critical moment and make their situation completely collapse!”

The voice of the female general is not high, but it is powerful and irrefutable.

Ling Feng lightly pressed the armrest and stood up: “Yeah, I almost forgot. The generals of the fortress don’t necessarily have to be able to lead troops to fight, the meaning of their existence lies in…”

“With one’s own strength, it can rival the whole army!”

“Let’s go.”

“No delivery.”

When Ling Feng was leaving the tent, she seemed to have met someone. After Fei Mei heard a few voices from outside, someone opened the tent and came in.

Two people, to be exact.

A man and a woman.

The man is nearly forty years old, but still looks cynical. When she smiled, crow’s feet appeared at the corners of her eyes, and the two nasolabial folds were also very clear.

He smelled heavily of alcohol, in fact, he was holding a tin bottle in his hand. It looked like the little thing was full of wine, not water.

There is a scar on his face. This scar divides his face obliquely into two. It is as ugly as a centipede scar. Even when he is smiling, he still looks so hideous.

As for that woman, she was obviously older than Fei Mei, but she was well maintained. Although the skin is no longer supple, but at least it is still smooth.

The long black hair is still so shiny, and when the hair is dancing, it exudes a light fragrance.

Even though the years have begun to leave marks on her face, it can still be seen that when she was young, she was as beautiful as Fei Mei.

Her eyebrows and eyes all reveal a kind of inherent arrogance, but it is different from Feimei’s cold arrogance like a cold winter plum.

A beauty mole on the corner of the mouth adds a bit of mature charm. At least, the man walking behind her never took his eyes off her alluring back.

The woman with black hair and a mole on the corner of her mouth suddenly stopped: “Zhang Dongcheng, if you stare at me again, just say goodbye to your tricks!”

The man surnamed Zhang was startled, he quickly looked away, and greeted Fei Mei with a smile: “I ran into Ling Feng outside just now, this kid hasn’t changed at all. He was still a rookie back then It was very stinky when I was young, and after so many years, it is still the same.”

“He’s not the only one who hasn’t changed.” The black-haired woman sneered, “It’s not like your surname Zhang hasn’t changed. You were a major back then, but now you’re still an honorary school. Ten years as one day, it’s rare.”

Zhang Dongcheng looked at her with a headache on his face: “Yin Qi, don’t you just look at you a few more times, you don’t need to hurt me like this. After all, I’m still your senior, don’t you have to respect me a little bit?” A little.”

If Tian Yang were here, he would definitely be shocked. The black-haired lady in front of him is exactly the “Yin Qi” he saw in Su Lie’s video.

The slight difference is that she is more mature and charming than in the video.

“Excuse me.” Fei Mei stood up, with a just-right smile on her face, “Thank you for your hard work today.”

Yin Qi shook her head: “When the battle situation is not smooth, it is our responsibility to clear the obstacles.”

Zhang Dongcheng, who had already turned to the holographic sand table, looked at the sand table and casually said: “The general called us over, it’s not as simple as just saying thank you.”

Fei Mei clasped her hands behind her back and said with her jaw: “That’s right, I have something else to teach you two.”

Zhang Dongcheng turned his head, smiled and said: “It seems that it is not a trivial matter, let’s talk about it.”

“It’s related to the Black King.” Fei Mei put away her smile and stared at the two of them, “17 years ago, Bastion organized an operation against the Black King. That action.”

“But I know that the two of you participated in that operation. So I want to ask you two to tell me, what exactly is the black king?”

At first there was still a smile on his face, but after hearing what the female general said, Zhang Dongcheng’s expression immediately changed into a smile. Not only did the smile disappear, but her expression became even more displeased.

He clapped his hands and walked towards the gate of the camp: “Suddenly remembered that there is still something to do, so I will leave first.”

Fei Mei narrowed her eyes slightly, but she didn’t stop her eyes from falling on another formation-breaker.

Yin Qi faced the female general’s eyes calmly: “Although I was called at the time, I was injured in the last mission, so I didn’t participate.”

“Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with information about Black King.”

Fei Mei shook her head lightly: “It’s okay, I’ve worked hard today, sister Yin Qi, go back and rest first. If you need anything, I’ll come to you again.”


Yin Qi turned around quickly and left the command camp.

Fei Mei exhaled lightly, and looked at the sand table where all kinds of lights and shadows were constantly changing: “One was injured and did not participate, and the other was unwilling to tell. Even the higher-ups did not give me information about the Black King… “

“Why do I feel that the participants of that day seem to be hiding something together.”


When Tian Yang woke up, he saw a little red light floating in the dim tent.

It was the light of the captain’s cigarette butt.

The boy got up from the marching mat, moved his almost stiff body, and reminded with a slight complaint: “Captain, is it bad to smoke in the tent?”


Han Shu seemed to have just realized it, laughed dryly, threw the cigarette on the ground and stamped it out with his foot: “Don’t sleep for a while, it’s still early.”

Tianyang stood up, did a few stretching movements, and heard a few soft sounds from the joints in his body.

“I won’t sleep anymore, I’m afraid I won’t be able to get up if I sleep too long.”

Han Shu turned on a small lamp, and the orange light illuminated the space between him and Tian Yang.

“Young people should eat more, sleep more and exercise more. When I was young, the highest record was sleeping for three days at a stretch!”

Captain, are you sure you didn’t pass out? The corner of Tianyang’s mouth diverged in thought.

“By the way, I heard that you met thugs yesterday. You are so lucky to come back alive.” Han Shu’s expression at the moment was not so much emotion as curiosity.

In fact, he also conveyed his own mentality next: “Tell me about the mob, is it really a combination of biology and machinery? I heard Lao Xu mention it before, but from the end to the truth met.”

Tian Yang was about to answer, but suddenly he had an idea: “I’ll tell you that there is no problem, but wait a while, can I ask the captain to answer a question for me too.”

Han Shu was stunned, and then slapped Tianyang on the head: “Stinky boy, you have learned to ask me! You have become bad, tell me quickly, what does the thug look like.”

Tianyang covered his head, Han Shu’s slap was so strong that he almost thought that the electronic eyes were about to be slapped.

Next, he described the appearance of the mob, including the monster’s ability, and the last thing that nearly blew itself up.

Han Shu was really emotional this time: “The reverse world is really weird. There is such a combination of creatures and machines in those dark miscellaneous things. Speaking of which, the lunatics who appeared on the main battlefield yesterday were also For this type, there are still formation-breakers who can make a timely move, otherwise Lao Tzu’s **** will have to be smashed by that thing.”

Army breaker?

Tianyang asked a little excitedly: “Captain, I just want to ask you about the Breakers. Are they nightcrawlers? I think their uniforms are the same as ours, but the colors and logos are different.”

Han Shu gave him a strange look: “You know quite a lot.”

Tian Yang’s heart skipped a beat, knowing that he was impatient, he had slipped his tongue a bit, and wanted to make amends, but Han Shu didn’t seem to care.

The captain took out a cigarette, didn’t light it, just put it in front of his nose and sniffed it: “Yes, the formation breakers are also a member of our night walkers. But they are limited in number, and they are directly facing the commander and the fortress. The higher-ups are in charge, so we rarely see each other.”

Tianyang suppressed his excitement, carefully organized his words, and tried to sound like he was curious, rather than deliberately inquiring about the news of the breakers: “Why do we set up such a position in Nightcrawler. Speaking of it, What on earth do the Breakers do?”

Han Shu pinned the cigarette to his ear: “Just like the literal meaning, their function is to break through the enemy’s formation and promote the development of the battle situation to our advantage. Of course, they also accept some secret missions at ordinary times. , or in groups of two or three, or explore alone in the reverse world.”

“If we talk about the ordinary army, including the regular army, the storm and us nightcrawlers. If we say that we are the shield and sword of the fortress, then the formation breakers are heavy artillery! It is a rail gun! It is a star particle cannon!”

“The only meaning of their existence is to destroy, to destroy those obstacles that block the advancement of the battle situation!”

Tianyang was dumbfounded.

Han Shu glanced at him, and said in a warning tone: “However, they are all dangerous people. Don’t approach them, don’t inquire about them, don’t talk to them…even just say a word word!”

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