Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1395: Shame

When he found out that the mediator was following him, Luo Wu drew up a bold plan. He first split a clone and went to the monitoring station not far away, because he knew that the mediators would definitely find that clone.

Once the location of the avatar is determined, Peter will be dispatched. At this time, he has a high probability of letting the mediator stay behind, which is the most reasonable approach.

Peter did so, but Luo Wu found that although the mediators stayed, there was still a silver-haired man in the team, and that human gave Luo Wu a faint threat.

Luo Wu cautiously did not act rashly. He split the second clone and used it to attract the man’s attention. As he expected, the silver-haired man was indeed a heaven-level powerhouse, but he did not expect What I saw was that the atmosphere released by the other party was so magnificent and terrifying!

However, when the silver-haired man focused on his second avatar, Luo Wu took decisive action. He knew that if he didn’t take this opportunity to kill all the mediators, there would be no such thing in the future. Here’s the chance.

After tonight’s battle, both Peter and the silver-haired man will know his hole cards, and it is absolutely impossible to be fooled a second time.

This is the reason why Luo Wu still took action after seeing the magnificent and magnificent celestial phenomenon of the other party, and still took risks.

But he still miscalculated.

At a critical moment, the opponent even pulled a few celestial bodies and threw them at him. Suddenly, Luo Wu couldn’t care less about killing the mediator.

In this situation, even if he can kill the reconciler, he will still be killed by those burning celestial bodies, which is meaningless at all.

So Luo Wu could only explode with all his strength!

His corners, his hair, every scale and every grain of his body burned hotly, spewing out violent and raging flames, and as Luo Wu folded his palms together and pushed forward, the flames converged into a river, He greeted the golden celestial body that had already occupied the entire field of vision.

Jiang He is naturally unable to devour the celestial body, but he can still do it with a slight delay. When the celestial body is slightly blocked, Luo Wu roars, his two arms instantly heat up, glow and heat, explode suddenly, and shoot out Tens of millions of tiny lines of fire, the countless lines of fire criss-crossing, swept across one of the celestial bodies falling from above.

Each line of fire created an extremely thin incision, and in an instant, a few golden celestial bodies spread across the incisions on the order of millions.

The energy set off a wave, locked on Luo Wu and continued to rush towards him, but Luo Wu also knew this very well, so when he chopped up the celestial bodies and detonated their energy in advance, Luo Wu shook his head, letting a The root corner flew out.

The horn was red all over, exuding a strong aura deliberately, while Luo Wu himself concealed all malice and restrained his aura. With a kick, it crashed into a magnetic energy car and flew away.

The violent energy wave rolled towards Luo Wu’s corner, making the thing light up at first, and then quickly dimmed, turning into pieces of black ashes.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. When Tianyang realized that Luo Wu had used his corner to shift his lock, the alien **** had already rushed away. Zhong was even sweeter, and he couldn’t restrain himself from spewing out a mouthful of blood mist, and his face suddenly turned pale.

With the disappearance of the ‘Golden Universe’, the scene has returned to normal. Suddenly, seeing Tianyang’s eyes bleeding and blood spurting from his mouth, Alice was startled, and quickly asked: “Master Tianyang, how are you? “

Tian Yang knew that this was caused by forcefully driving the weather and pulling the celestial body to attack Luo Wu just now, he shook his head: “It’s not in the way.”

At the same time, I thought to myself that my weather has not been able to send and receive freely and smoothly, so I will be backlashed.


There was a muffled sound.

Peter Desmonk landed heavily on the field, causing violent airflow, and then casually threw a head on the ground, but it was the head of the previous clone.

At that time, after Peter used secret techniques to severely injure the clone, he destroyed its body neatly, and finally took off the clone’s head, and felt the magnificent aura that appeared on the ancient battlefield.

When he looked at the location of the convoy, he saw that the night sky and the earth had disappeared, and huge golden celestial bodies fell from the void, slipped past Tianyang, and smashed into another Luo Wu !

Suddenly, Peter probably guessed what happened, but at the same time he was also shocked by the weather displayed by Tianyang. From his eyes, it was natural to see that it was a big celestial phenomenon, and it was the top one.

As a bystander, he was still shocked by the weather formed by the cosmic celestial body. It is not difficult to imagine that if he was targeted by the weather, it would probably make people despair.

“No wonder you were able to unify the Scavengers City at such a young age. Hey, this Tianyang City Lord is very unusual.”

At this time, Peter discovered that Luo Wu’s body appeared again, and was going to attack Alice and other mediators, so he didn’t dare to neglect, and rushed back at full speed.

At this moment, seeing Tianyang’s pale face, Peter said in a deep voice: “Master Tianyang, you stay and rest, I will take someone to chase that guy.”

Tianyang nodded.

Peter looked at Alice: “Little girl, can you show me the way?”

Alice was startled, then glanced at Tianyang, and then nodded slightly.

“Okay!” Peter said energetically, “Come here, it will be faster if I carry you on my back.”

“Okay…” Alice gritted her teeth, lay down on Peter’s back, and grabbed his shoulders with both hands.

Peter distributed part of his energy to wrap Alice so that she would not be thrown out, and then ordered: “Hold tight.”

The next moment, the councilor had already rushed out, chasing in the direction Luo Wu was going, because he couldn’t use the ground when carrying Alice on his back, so Peter could only use his legs to walk.

As a God of War class, his speed is not his forte, but he has reached the heavenly rank, and under the impetus of powerful force, Peter’s speed is not slow.

Alice’s small snow-white face was pressed tightly against the councilor’s thick back, and she used her intuition to point Peter in the direction.

After they left, Tianyang entered a magnetic vehicle on the grounds of taking a rest, and then activated the ‘Fog Ghost Amulet’ to fill the surroundings with fog, using the ‘Deceitful Hand’ to project himself a minute ago, see Seeing this somewhat sluggish projection, Tianyang nodded in satisfaction, and then the mist gathered to form an armor. Transformed into a ghost face, he dived into the ground, locked onto Peter’s breath and chased after him.

Despite being backlashed by the weather, he suffered a little injury, and after using the ‘Golden Universe’, his star energy plummeted. However, Tianyang still has dark particles to use. After chasing for a while, he took out the ‘Chunhua’ potion made by the sage of the natural church, Shang Yao, to reconcile the injury, and then continued to track.

On the cold and desolate plain, Luo Wu stopped, the two spots of crimson in his dark eyes almost burst into flames, the plan that had no flaws in it failed, this made Luo Wu really unacceptable.

“Since the arrival of those **** human coalition forces, nothing has gone smoothly!”

“First I attacked the human woman and was intervened, and then I was almost killed by a guy who hid his head and showed his tail. Now I can’t even kill a few mediators. Am I rejected by this world?”

Luo Wu looked up at the night sky, gritted his teeth and said: “In order to deceive this world and this universe, we have to abandon our original noble bodies and exist in the form of will, and finally we have to rely on the human beings of this world.” You can only pass through that door if you have a skin bag.”

“But even so, this world is still rejecting us, but so what, after that adult comes, we will transform this world, this universe!”

“Whether it is the universe or these humble beings, they will all bow to us!”

Suddenly, Luo Wu’s bent horn and lost arm regenerated instantly, he raised a magma claw, pointed at the night sky: “Just wait for us.”

At this moment, he caught the whistling sound in his ears, and when he turned his head, he saw Peter descending from the sky with Eds on his back.

The **** the member’s back exclaimed softly and closed her eyes, but she didn’t feel the shock as imagined. Peter’s movements seemed wild and rough, but he was careful not to let the shock force hurt the **** his back. He fell to the ground and stared at Luo Wu. The councilman bent down and said softly, “Little girl, run away, Run as far as you can.”

Alice jumped off the member’s back, glanced at Luo Wu who was not far away, and suddenly her feet became weak.

Gritting his teeth, Luo Wu squeezed out a sentence: “The mediator! Another mediator!”

He raised his arm violently, about to drop it, and create energy cutting out of thin air to kill Alice.

Suddenly there was a figure flickering beside him, Peter approached with ‘shrink ground’, his big hand tightly grasped Luo Wu’s wrist, the councilor who was a head taller than Luo Wu looked down and said lightly: “What do you want to do? “

Without waiting for Luo Wu to answer, Peter suddenly pulled Luo Wu up, spun around, and fell to the ground hard, causing the ground to sink and crack, and then flew up, kicking Luo Wu like a rubber ball. Far away, keep him as far away from Alice as possible.

Next, Peter released his ‘Blood Fighting Qi’, formed armor, shot forward with electricity, charged his fists, locked onto Luo Wu who fell from mid-air, swung countless blood-colored fist shadows, and rolled towards the target like a storm .

Destroy Fist. Desmonk Cannon!

Bang bang bang bang bang——

A series of muffled sounds suddenly sounded in the wilderness, and Alice watched in a daze as Luo Wu’s body kept rolling in the distance, unable to land. , He can only drop, drop, and drop again.

During this process, Luo Wu’s body was constantly being destroyed and shattered. With Peter’s final punch, the Ability God’s already inhuman body fell to the ground like a tattered puppet. .


“A mere human, a mere human, how dare you do this to me!”

“I’m going to kill you all!”

The shame of being trampled on the ground by Peter finally burned Luo Wu’s last thread of reason.

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