Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1277: The general trend

The thing drilled out of the sand is a disgusting mass of dark flesh, with various organs growing randomly, and these organs grow together in a completely irregular manner.

An organ resembling a heart is wrapped by fingers. What spits out from a **** mouth is not a tongue but sections of dark red small intestines. A human-like arm has several different shapes. Eyeballs, and gray bones protruding from the two human legs…

This monster is constantly wriggling and shrinking, and the organs on its body are gathered into the body cavity and fixed in certain specific positions.

Under the moonlight, the lump of flesh drilled out of the sand gradually took shape, and the flesh and blood squirmed to form a head, body, and limbs, and then two eyes grew out of the head, and a fairly straight nose , two tight lips, two not-so-ugly ears…

The body was gradually shaped into a strong, masculine outline, and the hands and feet that were originally a mass of wriggling flesh and blood were also fixed in the shape of the palms and soles, and pieces of nails grew on the bare fingers.

Finally, the light brown hair also emerged, so under the moonlight, on the sandy ground, a male human in his early thirties appeared. Between the random movement of bones, a relatively ordinary face was formed.

Now, the man transformed from the previous dark flesh has a ring of light whiskers on his neck that fits in straight lines, the light disappears, and the surface changes color, with a layer of wheat color.

So if you don’t look carefully, you will only feel that there are some stripes on its neck, but you don’t know that it is a camouflaged whisker.

The man, who was obviously transformed by a god, blinked his eyes, and his pupils made a final adjustment, from the original slightly narrow pupils to round, so it looked like there was no other weird place.

Besides that it doesn’t have any clothes to cover its body at the moment, if it is thrown into the fortress, no one will associate it with the abomination.

It raised its head, walking staggeringly like a newborn baby. It didn’t take long for it to walk on the desert like flying, leaving footprints one after another, and these footprints pointed to a place.

Fortress of the God of War!

It has been three days since I returned to the fortress. In the past few days, besides accompanying Xitong and the other girls, Tianyang is still studying the newly acquired essence.

He obtained an incomplete essence from Ali: Nightmare.

Through these few days of exploration, Tianyang roughly understands the role of this essence.

Using ‘Nightmare’, Tianyang can make the target fall into a dream. The weaker the mind of the target is, the shorter the time to enter the dream. Unknowingly fell into a dream.

However, he can also forcibly pull the other party into the dream, but this method is too rough, and it is easy for people to find a sense of disobedience, so they can see through and exit the dream.

After letting the target fall into a dream, Tianyang can manipulate the dream and make the opponent fall into a nightmare that he cannot extricate himself from. Dead like ashes, self-destructing.

In addition to this function, ‘Nightmare’ can also allow Tianyang to dig out the fear in the opponent’s heart, so as to understand the opponent’s weakness and use it.

In general, the essence of ‘Nightmare’ is not that powerful, and there is a big gap compared with ‘War-Aggression’, but it has other essences in terms of letting Tianyang understand the opponent and discover weaknesses. unreachable effect.

And Tianyang was thinking that the previous three essences of ‘door between cracks’, ‘fate interference’ and ‘distance control’ naturally formed a talisman.

Now, after he has more ‘war-invasion’ and ‘nightmare’, will he have another essence to form a second talisman?

It’s quite exciting to think about it.

In addition, when he was free these few days, when he recalled the process of fighting in the star capital and accumulated experience, he had a vague understanding of his unique weather, but it was still a little bit.

But my father said that everyone’s strong image cannot be rushed. It is the product of the integration of experience, perception, temperament, etc. It may come in the next second, or it may always be one step away half a step.

Therefore, Tianyang did not dig into the horns in this regard, and looked at this matter in a rather relaxed state.

Calculating the time, it was time to go back to Shihuang City to take over the Thunder Council, so I bid farewell to everyone and left War God Castle temporarily.

There is a gap in the inside.

In the collection room, the dust flutters quietly, but the gray daylight that came in in the past is no longer there. It also added a bit of warmth out of thin air.

The silver light was highlighted, silently outlined, and soon a pair of silver wings took shape. It unfolded slowly, revealing a mottled ancient arch behind it, the arch opened with a sway, and Tianyang stepped in.

After closing the door, Tian Yang didn’t return to Scavengers City immediately, anyway, it was only a blink of an eye for him, so he wasn’t in a hurry.

He left the collection house and came to the square where the parasite was cultivated a few days ago.

As soon as Tianyang approached the square, he immediately got in touch with the ‘Psyllium Split Brain’. At the same time, he saw a black-blue group of reverse-world bacteria growing on the square. They shone slightly with blue light, covering a small part of the square.

Tianyang raised his head and looked at the two ancient corpses not far away. In his mind, he gave instructions to the ‘Psyllium Division Brain’, ordering it to let the reverse world fungus start to invade and parasitize.

Soon Tianyang saw that the black and blue flora on the ground split into two pieces, rushing towards the ancient corpse like two carpets, and when they came to the ancient corpse, they rolled up The legs of the ancient corpse.

Tianyang was slightly nervous, afraid that the ancient corpse would resist, but the ancient corpse did not move, as if he was ignorant of what was happening outside. They let the flora climb up the body, and then drilled in from the mouth, nostrils, ears and even the corners of the eyes.

At this time, Tianyang obtained a piece of information.

‘The flora begins to parasitize, and it takes 12 hours to complete parasitism. ’

Tianyang exhaled: “It’s going well, but the bacteria produced by the brain seems to take longer to parasitize, but it doesn’t matter, I can afford to wait for 12 hours.”

So he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and the cracked door appeared. When Tianyang walked out from the door, he had already come to the desert not far from the city of scavenger.

Tianyang raised his head, only to feel that the sun above his head was extraordinarily bright. Wearing the cloak prepared for him by the little bird, Tianyang pulled up the hood, and walked towards the Scavengers City on foot like an ordinary traveler.

When he passed the canyon with the old buildings left, he attracted a lot of malicious eyes, but firstly, he had no obvious property on him, and secondly, he was alone. Therefore, although the refugees and gang members in the canyon looked at him, no one did anything.

The wolf of the desert is greedy and cruel, but also very cunning.

They know what kind of people to provoke and what kind of people to hide away.

There is no doubt that a traveler like Tian Yang who went to the scavengers alone is someone they can’t afford to provoke.

After all, no matter how stupid they are, they know that those who dare to walk through the desert alone will definitely not be simple characters.

Tianyang knows that a cloak can’t hide anything, and soon the news of his return will spread throughout the Scavengers City, and this is exactly what he hopes. A simple foreshadowing also allows some people to make up their minds as soon as possible and make a good idea.

After entering Scavengers City, Tian Yang went straight to the headquarters of the Thunder Council. Before he could enter the important area of ​​the council, Gong Zhibin, who had already received the news, drove to greet him in person.

On a street in Scavengers City, suddenly a group of vehicles from the Thunder Council drove over and stopped in front of Tian Yang.

For the first car, the door opened, and the fat man jumped out, opened his hands and laughed loudly: “I hope you are back, Councilor Tianyang. No, Speaker!”

Tianyang glanced at Gong Zhibin indifferently, and the latter lowered his arms knowingly, and did not continue to hug.

After asking Tianyang to get on the car, the team turned around and returned.

In the car, Tianyang looked at the street outside, and asked casually, “What’s going on in the city recently.”

Gong Zhibin laughed twice and said: “Since you left last time, the news that you will succeed the speaker has spread. Moreover, from you eradicating El Hoin, from the support of the Castle of War God, from all these signs. Look, many people are guessing that your next step is to unify the Scavengers City.”

Tianyang is not surprised, these people in the city of scavengers are all good people, if they can’t even understand this, then they have already fed the dogs.

“So, what’s the reaction in the city?”

Gong Zhibin touched his chubby face and said, “During the time in the Blue Fortress, I have come to see Lei Ke frequently…”

Tianyang interrupted and corrected him: “It’s called the speaker, and even if the speaker Lei Ke resigns, he is also the former speaker.”

Gong Zhibin immediately figured out Tianyang’s intentions, and quickly changed his words: “Yes, yes, the leader of the Blue Fortress has come to see Chairman Lei Ke frequently recently, and said that they are loyal allies of the parliament. It was before, it is now, and in the future It will be.”

“However, the Fire Ant Gang and Yunshanghui didn’t say anything, but not long ago, they sent a representative from each side to leave the city. As far as we know, they went deep into the Tarikivia Desert , and don’t know what to do.”

“But I think these two organizations are expected to make some moves.”

Tianyang smiled lightly: “The general trend is the trend, so they can’t help but choose. I hope they don’t do something stupid.”

Gong Zhibin nodded desperately, he was calm on the surface, but secretly his heart beat faster. Fatty always felt that every time he saw Tian Yang, this young man seemed to become more powerful.

Just like now, this young man behaved too peacefully, as if he didn’t care about the actions of the Fire Ant Gang and Yunshanghui, as if to him, these two organizations were just ants that could be crushed to death.

If it was in the past, Fatty would definitely find it ridiculous. But now, having witnessed Elhoin’s fall with his own eyes, Gong Zhibin believes that if Tianyang really wants to do this, it is almost an iron fact that the two organizations will be razed.

But looking at Tianyang, the fat man couldn’t guess what this young man was thinking.

At this moment, seeing Tianyang smiling, the fat man shuddered, and turned his head away, not daring to stare at Tianyang again.

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