Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1222: Layer after layer killing net (add more)


Fortress of the God of War, Elhorne Manor.

Hann got up in his room, he looked back, and saw two young Xilu women on the bed with graceful figure and naked body. After enduring his night’s conquest, he was still so exhausted that it was difficult to get out of bed.

Hann stood up expressionlessly, took a shower, changed his clothes, and walked into a small study. He sat down, lit a cigarette, and pushed another button, and the wall flipped over to reveal a screen with an icon connecting.

A moment later, the screen appeared, and a man in his thirties, with brown hair and brown eyes, and two beautiful mustaches appeared on the screen.

Hann narrowed his eyes slightly: “Joe Peter? Where’s Gao Yue?”

Jobet’s eyes flickered, and he said with a smile on his face: “Good morning, Mr. Hann. Gao Yue…he was busy with military affairs last night, and he hasn’t gotten up yet.”

“Busy about military affairs?” Han En snorted, “Don’t hide it for him, he must have brought a woman back to spend the night again. Tell him, the recent period is a special period, don’t make trouble for me.”

“I will be very busy in the future, and I won’t be able to go back to the base. You all have to watch over me and don’t take it lightly.”

“Is the base okay?”

Joe Peter hurriedly said: “Everything is normal, Mr. Hann, do you want me to find Gao Yue?”

Hann looked at the time, shook his head and said, “No, I have something else to do, so let’s do it.”

He ended the communication and snorted slightly dissatisfied. He knew very well that Gao Yue, this guy known as the ‘butcher’, had to sleep among women every night. If he was not allowed to vent his excess energy, there may be mistakes.

Hann stood up, put on his coat, and left his room.

In the restaurant, his brothers are all here.

The second child, Gail, is sitting on the left side, wearing white clothes and white trousers, talking to the old Viktor for some unknown reason.

Han coughed dryly and said, “Where’s father?”

Victor raised his head and said, “Wang Lingjun is here, and my father is meeting him.”

Hann sneered: “He has already lost to others once, I doubt whether he has the confidence to stand in front of that young congressman.”

As soon as the voice fell, a long laugh sounded outside the restaurant.

Then Wang Lingjun’s voice sounded: “Young Master Han En, don’t worry, last time Wang just pleaded big and didn’t even take out his weapon, so that arrogant kid won a move.”

“Wang will go all out this time, and Elhoin will definitely be disappointed.”

Han turned around and saw Wang Lingjun and his father walking in.

Old Jones blushed, and enthusiastically pulled Wang Lingjun to sit down and said, “Who says it’s not, Mr. Wang’s ‘Seven Great Trends’ is one of the best secret skills in the whole Westland. what.”

Wang Lingjun raised his hand and said with a modest attitude: “Mr. Jones has won the prize. He is one of the best, so he dare not take it. But if I am allowed to show my sword power, I will definitely be unlucky for that brat.”

Old Jon patted his palm and said: “Mr. Wang, then this time, we, Elhoin, will depend entirely on you. Shall we have breakfast together?”

Wang Lingjun stood up: “No, no, Wang doesn’t have the habit of eating in the morning, and with my body, it’s nothing if I don’t eat or sleep for several months. Take it slowly, take it slow.”

After that, he left in a very graceful manner, and even smiled at Han En, as if he didn’t take his ‘offence’ just at all.

After Wang Lingjun went out, Old Jones made a gesture, and the butler immediately closed all the doors and windows of the restaurant, and activated the sound insulation device.

At this time, Han En said: “Father, when shall we do it?”

Victor raised his head and said, “The news came back from our eyeliner at Scavengers City. Not long ago, that councilor had already left. Two congressmen and their private troops accompanied them.”

“In addition, the “Blue Ling Corps” of the Blue Fortress has also been dispatched. The total number of people who came to the God of War Castle this time is nearly 200.”

Old Jones laughed, cut off a piece of grilled fish with a knife, dipped it in the sauce, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully for a while before swallowing it, then wiped his mouth with a white napkin on one side, and said: “Then It is natural for a councilor to defeat Wang Lingjun, which is eye-catching. Needless to say, the Thunder Council protects him, and it is understandable for other forces in Scavengers City to make friends with him.”

“The only difference lies in the word sincerity. It seems that Blue Fortress is very sincere to build a good relationship with this representative. Also, their mercenary group has conflicts with us from time to time, and they will support that representative. It’s nothing more than normal.”

Han lowered his voice and said: “Our three Dragon Tooth formations are already in place, and they are currently distributed in the ‘Stone Mushroom Forest’. Just in case, I will not use the previous troop storage point, but a new one. .”

Victor said worriedly: “Father, assuming that congressman is a strong man in the sky, even if Wang Lingjun goes all out, he may not be able to secure the victory. Is it too much for us to put all our chips on him?” Adventure?”

Gail also said: “And we also promised him that regardless of success or failure, we will give him a level 8 material afterwards. If he wins, it’s okay to say, if he loses the battle, or if he fails to do things well, then we are at a loss Big.”

Old Jones lit a cigarette, took a puff, and said unhurriedly: “Although he will be given a set of materials regardless of success or failure. But if he loses, do you think that congressman will let him Did he come back alive?”

“Take a step back, Wang Lingjun is so shameless that he surrendered before the battle to live. If the news gets out, he, Wang Lingjun, might not be able to stay in Xilu. At that time, will he still have the nerve to ask us for materials?”

Old Jones exhaled a puff of smoke, dusted some ash, and continued: “In addition, I have already visited the church. Joseph has promised to lend a ‘flameless man’, this one is our real The hole card. Of course, that is also after Wang Lingjun’s defeat.”

“I hope that Wang Lingjun won’t let me down, otherwise, even if there is a ‘flameless man’ who is behind the scenes, we will still owe the church a huge debt. This kind of favor cannot be dismissed with a set of level 8 materials. “

The eyes of Hann and the others flickered, of course they knew what the ‘flameless one’ represented. In the Church of War, there is an ‘Ash Trial House’, which is a trial organization composed of ‘Ash Knights’, and the ‘Flameless’ is the leader of the Ash Knights. There are not many of them, and it is said that there are only two of them.

But they are all heaven-level powerhouses, and they are unscrupulous, only aiming to complete the task, without dignity, without any worries!

This kind of person is ten or a hundred times more terrifying than a strong man like Wang Lingjun.

The three ‘Dragon Tooth’ elites deal with the opponent’s guards and allies, and Wang Lingjun targets the biggest and strongest targets. In case of failure, there is still the ‘flameless man’ at the bottom. This plan can basically be said to be a sure thing. Even old Jones, who has always been mature and prudent, can’t think of how the young member of parliament will get through the killing net. Go back to Scavenger City alive.

At this time, Han En said: “Father, when is the specific time?”

Old Jones blew out a smoke ring: “Of course it was when the negotiations were over and he returned to Scavengers City. At that time, his vigilance was the lowest, so this time, no matter how harsh his demands are, you can express your dissatisfaction. But in the end you have to promise him.”

“As long as we endure this moment of anger, we can slap this **** to death!”


Old Jones slapped the table with his palm and picked it up again. There was a slapped fly on the table.


White Rock Camp.

Jobet wiped his sweat and walked out of a temporary room that was almost exactly the same as the original command building.

He looked up, and saw the young congressman talking with a colonel of War God Castle.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Tianyang turned his head and smiled at Qiao Peter: “Is it Elhoin?”

Jobet respectfully said: “Yes, Master Tianyang, it is Han En, he said that he has no time to manage the Baishi camp recently.”

Tianyang patted him on the shoulder and said, “From today onwards, you will replace Gao Yue and Han En to manage the Baishi camp. From here on, you have the final say, and you only need to be responsible to me.”

Excitement filled Qiao Peter’s eyes, and he nodded suddenly: “Please rest assured, my lord, I will manage the Baishi camp for you.”

Domerinte squinted his eyes, knowing in his heart that Tianyang will use the Baishi Camp as his private base in the future, and he will train his own army here. He is really a terrible person.

Tianyang glanced at the signal tower. Originally, Domerinte wanted to attack the signal tower with missiles, but Tianyang had other ideas, so he gave Tianyang a circuit breaker.

Tianyang didn’t destroy the signal tower, the purpose was to paralyze Elhorin and prevent Elhorin from having an escape route in the Castle of War God that no one knew, even Mihawk didn’t know about.

If Elhoin escapes from the Castle of War God by then, 100% will flee to the White Rock Camp. Then, at that time, they would throw themselves into the trap, and all of this must be based on the premise that Elhoin failed to control the situation in the Baishi camp.

So after the battle, Tianyang restored the communication signal and let Qiao Peter communicate with Han En.

“Mihawk gave me some information, mainly about Elhoin’s army hoarding point in Shigulin. It seems that this is not the first time they have done this kind of thing.” Tianyang smiled and said, “However, I doubt Elhorn would use the new location if they were careful enough.”

“A new location?” Domerinte opened his eyes slightly and said, “That’s troublesome. The area of ​​the stone mushroom forest is too large for us to investigate one by one. It is difficult to do what you said, in Ayer. Huo Yin killed Longya before he acted.”

Tianyang smiled and said: “Another way of thinking, there should be more than a hundred people in the three dragon teeth formations, and there should be a lot of food and water every day. If we start from this aspect, we may be able to find clues.”

Domerint’s eyes opened a big slit: “This is a good idea, I’m contacting the fortress now, we can find clues from Elhorin’s material transfer.”

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