Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1190: Watch

For the residents of Stormwind Castle, they are all unfamiliar with the Water Prison.

This is a group of prisons built to detain serious criminals in the early days of the construction of Stormy Wave Fort. With the gradual expansion of the fortress and the disrepair of the years, these prisons built on the sea are no longer used.

Moreover, most of the cells have already collapsed, leaving only some broken and broken bridges.

Now there are only one or two water prisons that can still be used, and these prison cells share a stone bridge across the sea, so Tianyang is not worried that he will find the wrong place.

He stepped onto the stone bridge, holding the ‘Blood Drink’ in his hand, as the waves burst into waves. He walked forward unhurriedly.

This stone bridge is about three meters wide, which is quite spacious, but there are no guardrails for two weeks. When people walk on the bridge, if the wind is stronger, they may be blown down.

At the end of the stone bridge, Tianyang saw a brazier, next to the brazier someone was holding a long stick, leaning against the wall, sitting on the ground as if dozing off.

That’s the only guard in the dungeon.

The opponent was wearing a gray and simple cloak, which was full of holes and the edges were severely damaged. In the light of the fire, it could be seen that it was a man, but his head was bowed, and his weed-like hair was constantly dancing in the wind.

His hand holding the long stick has rough skin, and his feet protruding from under the cloak are not wearing shoes, and he looks almost like a tramp.

On the other hand, his long staff was made of stone-like material, black in color, with a few amber lines on it, reflecting a light yellow light under the firelight, it seemed that it was not an ordinary weapon.

Tianyang walked all the way to the middle of the stone bridge without making a sound.

The guard suddenly let out a long sigh, and said in a hoarse voice: “It’s freezing cold, I finally fell asleep, do I have to wake people up?”

Tianyang smiled slightly: “You can continue to sleep, I will find someone and leave.”

The guard grabbed his weed-like long hair and said, “There is only one person imprisoned in this water prison, but the city lord ordered that no one else be seen except him.”

“Why don’t you do me a favor and go back, I just pretend I didn’t see you.”

Tianyang shrugged his shoulders and said: “I’m very sorry, the man in the prison, I want to take him away tonight. Otherwise, I will give you a sum of money, you can go anywhere, it is better than watching here Such a dilapidated cell.”

The guard finally raised his head, and saw that he was unkempt, with a beard that grew to his chest, and he was worse than a homeless man. Things have already been played.”

“So, I’m not leaving. It’s good to guard this cell. It’s quieter than outside, which is very noisy.”

Tianyang finally stopped, less than 100 meters away from the guard, this distance came in a blink of an eye for him.

“Is there no room for negotiation?” Tianyang asked with a smile.

The guard leaned on his rock stick, climbed up, yawned, patted the cloak on his body, and shook his head: “No.”

“Alright then.”

Silver-white rays of light bloomed from Tianyang’s body bit by bit, spreading out slowly, like a mass of silver flames.

The guard also moved his body, followed him by turning his head, opening his shoulders, and stretching his legs. The joints on his body kept crackling, and as the voices in his body resounded, his aura gradually grew stronger.

The guard’s aura is not known for its sharpness, but its superiority is thick and solid, like a piece of fine iron that is so hard that people can’t touch it.

He stretched out his hand and tore off the cloak casually, revealing his naked upper body. He was wearing a pair of wide-leg trousers and stood barefoot. His body was covered with scars, and those marks criss-crossed, like a medal of merit, recording his past glory.

On his chest, Tian Yang saw the coat of arms of the fortress rank, and saw a number: 6.

Fortress of Rank 6…

Although he is only rank 6, the aura emanating from this guard is by no means simple. He is very similar to Wang Liangyi from Qingtianbao. They are both at the peak of rank 6.

It’s just that Wang Liangyi is like a sharp and peerless sword, but the guard’s aura is like a majestic and towering mountain.

All are their own weather.

Tianyang shook his head: “A person like you, why would you be a guard here?”

The guard smiled and said: “You are still young, when you can no longer think about anything in the world, you will understand my state of mind at the moment.”

Tianyang’s thumb lightly pressed on Xueyin’s sword: “Since you can’t even think about it, why are you staying here?”

“I’m used to living here. Besides, it’s boring. I still have to pay back what I owe, right?” the guard said with a smile.

Tianyang let out a sigh: “What should I call you?”

“Everyone calls me Lao Liu. As for the name, it’s been a long time since no one mentioned it, so I almost forgot.” It gives people the feeling of being unshakable like a mountain.

“Be careful, Lao Liu.” Tianyang began to walk forward. At the same time, he communicated with the ‘Obsidian Original Furnace’, felt Tianyang’s will, and realized that the pitch-black original furnace in the wilderness was raging. The symbol blinks.

Immediately, Tianyang released two original furnace abilities to the guards.


Corrosion of will!

The guard Li felt something, his eyes changed slightly, and he seemed a little surprised: “You kid, no wonder you dare to come to the water prison alone. There is indeed something special about you.”

Tian Yang was also surprised. Through the feedback from Yuan Fu, he knew that these two abilities had little effect on the guards.

In the past, ‘weakness’ could at least reduce the target’s star accumulation by three points out of thin air, but now, the guard’s star accumulation only disappeared by more than one point, less than two points.

As for the ‘corrosion of will’, it only slightly shakes his mind, but it cannot be shaken. It can be seen that this person’s spiritual will has been tempered and tempered, and it is difficult to affect his will.

“Very strong…”

Tianyang took another step, and a silver light appeared on his body surface, outlining the pattern of wings.

The galaxy twinkles!

In the sight of the guard, his figure suddenly disappeared.

In Tianyang’s feelings, there were many obstacles around him, and the air seemed to freeze, but he still swept away.

So there were layers of ripples around his body, and the sun passed through the ripples one by one, and the surrounding scenery turned into a blurred halo that quickly receded. As for the guard, his eyeballs did not move, and he was still inhaling In his movements, he couldn’t see Tianyang’s figure at all.

Just like that, a rust-red light flashed past the guard.

In the next second, the shadows of knives are all over the sky!

Secret technique, a flash of surprise!

On the stone bridge, there was a dense, layer upon layer of tremors.

Countless sparks erupted from the guard’s body, and he was like a real piece of hard steel, forcibly withstood Tianyang’s blow.

Never took a step back.


His hair, his beard, and his wide-leg trousers all shattered into a cloud of dust.

Hundreds of dark red marks appeared on his body. After a few breaths, the color of these marks changed from dark to light, and finally only white marks remained.

At this time, the guard’s hair was less than one centimeter left, and the beard that grew to his chest had also turned into stubble.

Only Tianyang knows how powerful this guard is.

“Really hard…”

Tianyang’s figure appeared a few meters behind the guard. At this time, the ground sprayed sand and gravel, and then turned into white smoke. , you can see the ocean below.

“Are you compressing the limit of your ability and clinging to your body?” Tian Yang turned around and saw crystal-clear light spots as thin as cicada’s wings falling down on the body’s surface.

The guard laughed and said, “It’s a little trick, but you can see it.”

“You are also very powerful, I can’t even see your movements, is that your ability, or is it the credit of your ‘alien body’?”

The blood drink had already been unsheathed, and with a slight shake of the saber in Tian Yang’s hand, a crack appeared on the ground.

“Does it matter whether it’s a variant or an ability? I think you can see it too. I’m more restrained in your fortress, so why don’t we just stop here?” Tianyang smiled and suggested. To be honest, he There is no ill feeling towards this guard, and because of the Ability God, he is not willing to hurt people’s lives.

The guard turned around and said with a serious face: “If you can’t fight, don’t fight? Sorry, I don’t have such a habit. Besides, it’s rare to meet an interesting opponent, and I don’t want to miss it.”

Tianyang smiled helplessly, his eyes suddenly froze, his aura suddenly grew stronger, and at the same time, it also became unpredictable and unpredictable.

The guard let out a ‘huh’ sound, but this time, he no longer passively defended. Similarly, the star energy barrier he put on himself was compressed to the limit, turning into a thin layer that clings to the body surface.

All around the stone bridge, illusory city walls also rise. This is the ‘Barrier of Order’. The light was shining, and it was erratic on the rock stick.

This is ‘Dawn Wave’!

After adding defensive ability to himself and adding ‘Dawn Wave’ to the weapon, the guard suddenly kicked his toes and rushed towards Tianyang. When approaching Tianyang, he let out a loud roar, and raised the rock stick high, wrapped in the light of the morning sun, like a mountain collapsing, like a jade peak tilting, and smashed down towards Tianyang.

Tianyang flashed out of the spot with ease, and the guard hit the ground with a stick, as if a small sun had risen on the stone bridge. I saw that the ground of the stone bridge was torn apart, and a gap was made by the guards.

Missing a hit, the guard turned around suddenly, and the rock stick swept across, sweeping out a wave-like light.

The waves of light rolled, roared, and swept across.

It seems that in the next moment, it will drown the sky. But between it and Tianyang, there seems to be an ocean, a galaxy!

No matter how hard Guang Chao tried, no matter how turbulent it was, it was still difficult to get close to Tian Yang.

In the wilderness of consciousness, there is a symbol shining on the obsidian furnace.

This is one of the ‘essences’ mastered by Tianyang, distance control!

PS: Thanks [kurayami] for the rewards these two days~

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