Inside The Black Mist Chapter 1027: Regret

Wearing ancient armor and a ghost mask on his face, Tianyang stepped forward after adjusting for a few seconds.

He passed through the door soundlessly and stood in the passageway of the cabin with his insubstantial body like air.

In front of his eyes were two other corpses, the corpses of two soldiers, one with a large amount of blood on his chest, and obvious marks of gunshots on his protective clothing. The other body had a cracked helmet, the head inside, protruding eyes, protruding tongue, and bruises on the neck. Like the one in the room, it was strangled.

“It’s strange, it doesn’t seem like the black people did it.”

Tianyang raised his head, leaped upwards, and his body passed directly through the top of the passage, reaching the upper deck. He didn’t sneak into the control room in a hurry, he stood in a corner, stepped in the shadows, Tianyang communicated with the black mist, and extended his perception.

Soon, he saw A Kai in the control room.

The man is still alive, but bound in a corner with tape over his mouth. He tilted his head and looked unconscious. If it wasn’t for the heaving of his chest, Tian Yang would have thought he was dead.

At first, I thought the enemy was in the control room, but there was no suspicious person in the control room.

So Tianyang simply scanned the whole boat, inside and out, even the bathrooms and toilets were not spared.

Unfortunately, apart from some corpses, nothing was found. Now on this boat, only Ah Kai is alive, and the rest of the soldiers are all dead.

This situation can’t help but make Tianyang feel puzzled. The ship was obviously attacked by someone, but why did the other party leave A Kai alone?

And, where did the murderer go?

Tianyang quickly thought of the answer to the previous question. The man probably didn’t know how to sail a boat or steer this kind of warship, so he kept Ah Kai, otherwise Ah Kai died, and the murderer himself would not be able to return to Deep Sea Fort.

As for the murderer’s whereabouts, Tian Yang only thought that the other party might also go to the island, and his target might be himself and the others.

It should be that he wanted to ambush himself on the island, but he didn’t meet them on the way here. From this point of view, A Kai may not have told him which island he and the others went to.

If this is the case, it will be simple, rescue A Kai, then pat his **** and leave, and let the guy who threw himself in the wrong place stay on the island and wait to die.

Thinking of this, Tian Yang went to the control room, he was careful not to appear directly at the gate, nor did he take off the fog ghost armor.

Tianyang came to the roof of the control room and looked inside.

Suddenly, he saw another person besides A Kai in the control room.

The man was sitting in the corner, wearing a dark long coat and a pair of red leather shoes, very eye-catching. In his hand, there is a leather whip and a pistol with a long barrel!

Although Tianyang doesn’t know him, he knows this person!

When they raided the battleship in the dark sea area, Tianyang took over the four sublimators in the control room, and Moonlight sneaked into the cabin to deal with the other person.

That person is the one in front of you.

At that time, Yueguang said that he jumped into the sea to escape, Tianyang was a little puzzled, can this person be saved if he jumped into the dark sea?

It now appears that after the man jumped into the sea, he returned to the battleship and found a place to hide.

But at that time, Tian Yang scanned the entire battleship for the sake of caution, but did not find the existence of this person.

Now it seems that there must be something on this guy that can escape the induction, just like just now, Tianyang scanned the control room, but did not find his existence.

At this time, the man in the red leather shoes was eating, and there was a plate in front of him. On the white plate was a grilled fish, and some sauce was poured on it.

It looks like he grilled the fish for himself. It is not surprising that there are food reserves on the battleship, but in this case, he can still cook for himself. It seems that this person has great confidence in himself.

At this moment, I cut a piece of roasted blood, dipped it in the sauce, and put it in my mouth.

After chewing for a while, he swallowed it, then picked up a bottle of wine next to him, and took a sip.

During the whole process, his movements were unhurried, and he didn’t make any sound.

Of course Tianyang didn’t have time to watch him eat. Since he was an enemy, Tianyang was not polite and quietly imposed the ‘distress’ on the target.

The long-clothed man continued to eat, but did not find anything wrong with himself.

During this process, Tianyang discovered that the man’s left hand was not very flexible, which is not surprising.

At that time, he was injured in the moonlight’s ‘lunar eclipse’, and the wound was on the left side of his chest. Even though he has already stopped the bleeding for himself and may have dealt with it, his wound cannot heal within a day unless he has the help of ‘Glory’.

It is quite remarkable to be able to fight with people, but the movement of the arm involves the wound, so it must not be as flexible as usual.

At this moment, the man put a piece of grilled fish into his mouth, but when the fish fillet was close to his mouth, it fell, and it fell onto the man’s trousers, leaving stains on it.

The man in long clothes seemed to be a bit of a clean freak, he stood up frowning, and took a napkin from the side to wipe his pants. But the napkin was under the plate before, so when you pull it, the plate will slide off.

He quickly backed away, although the sauce on the plate was not splashed, but the unfinished food in the basin fell to the ground and was no longer edible.

The man in long clothes frowned and muttered: “Unlucky.”

Suddenly. He found that the surrounding fog was rising, and his vision suddenly became blurred.

This change aroused his vigilance, he immediately picked up the whip and the long-barreled pistol, he released the star energy, transformed into battle energy, and covered his body with it.

At this moment, he heard someone say in the thick fog: “Who are you?”

The long-clothed man didn’t respond, but whipped the whip fiercely towards the place where the sound came from. He had already wrapped the whip with grudge, making the whip crackling and crackling.

But I took a break.

Even so, the whip still caused the surrounding fog to flow to both sides, and the ground was sunken with a trace.

But soon, the gray fog closed up again.

“Are you planning to avenge Yu Fei?”

This time, the voice sounded from behind him, and he didn’t feel anything during the whole process.

The man in long clothes turned around expressionlessly, the whip no longer lashed vertically this time, but swept out horizontally, with a cry, the long whip whipped up a gust of wind, blowing away the surrounding fog.

But still, this whip failed.

Next, a gray fog filled the air, but the man didn’t continue to speak. The man in long clothes sensed carefully, but found nothing.

He suddenly said: “My name is Night Demon, of course, this is not a name.”

The voice in the gray fog rang out: “Well, this is obvious.”

The Night Demon raised his gun this time and fired in the direction where the sound came from. The bullet pierced through the gray fog, but there was no sound of hitting the human body.

“Yu Fei and I are not in the same group.” Night Demon continued, looking around.


The sound is ringing above his head!

The night demon immediately rolled over on the ground and shot overhead, but only punched a bullet hole in the roof above the control room, but failed to hit the opponent who was acting like a ghost in the dense fog.

The man in the long coat snorted softly from his nostrils, this was the first time he was so passive in his career.

He doesn’t know where the opponent is, or from which corner the opponent will emerge. In order to know the other party’s location, he can only speak and throw out some information to arouse the other party’s interest.

In this way, you can know the opponent’s position just like before.

But doing so made him passive and weak.

“Don’t you want to know why I’m on this ship?” Night Demon said in a deep voice, rolling his eyes and looking around.

If the other party moves in the fog, it should cause changes in the gray fog. As long as you observe carefully, you can catch clues.

“Will you tell me the answer?”

Yemo never expected that this time, the other party’s voice came from the front, and it was very close to him!

The long whip immediately poked over like a poisonous snake, and shot into the gray mist like lightning. At this moment, he felt something caught in it, so he pulled it back violently, and then raised his gun to shoot.

Bang bang!

Sure enough, he pulled back a black shadow in the gray mist, but when he saw it clearly, he couldn’t help feeling annoyed.

What Daredevil pulled back with his whip was a chair!

He shook his wrist violently, the whip vibrated violently, and instantly shattered the chair.

He felt that his patience was exhausted at an extremely fast speed. He had never faced such a difficult opponent. For the first time, he was not very confident in his actions.

“One of you is the target that my client named to deal with.” Ye Mo threw out another message.

At this time, he heard a heavy breath, as if the other party heard valuable news, and his breath couldn’t help but sink.

How could he miss this opportunity.

Turning around suddenly, there was a faint blue-black light on the long-barreled pistol in his hand. As the night demon fired, what was fired this time was not a single bullet, but a tiny ‘bullet’!

It’s a shotgun attack!

“I probably know who it is.”

In the ear, the other party’s voice rang. Ye Mo suddenly turned around, and saw a figure appearing in the thick fog. It was a young man with silvery hair and looked about eighteen or nineteen years old.

Great opportunity!

The Night Demon immediately swung his long whip, and the whip immediately became dark, and the surrounding light suddenly dimmed, as if the night had suddenly fallen.

Under the ‘dark night’, Night Demon appeared behind the silver-haired young man. He pressed his long-barreled pistol against the opponent’s head and pressed the trigger without hesitation.

But at this moment, he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis, he didn’t even bother to look at the result of the shot, and rushed to the side.

He heard gunshots and saw the young man disappear like a phantom. At the same time, he felt severe pain, and a hole was cut in the fighting energy on his left side, which was used to protect his body, and there was a pitch-black arc falling around the hole.

His grudge was torn apart, and the other party left a scorched black wound on his body. If he hadn’t reacted fast enough just now, then at this moment, he might have been pierced through the heart by some kind of sharp instrument.

Falling to the ground, the Night Demon rolled over and saw a figure in ancient armor sinking into the gray mist while he was busy.

So he knew that the silver-haired young man just now was just a phantom, a bait to lure him into the bait!

He almost died.

The night devil’s scalp was blown, and he began to regret accepting this task….

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