Infernal Hero Chapter 615: Reborn

Born like a rock, ugly and heavy but able to dominate. Although the arrow flowers are gorgeous, they only have a momentary brilliance.

The arrow came through the air, the feeling of the previous moment was still ready to go, and the next moment came to Gu Tianyou’s eyes. The arrow edge flashed brilliant light, the tail of the arrow dragged the streamer, and shot straight at Gu Tianyou’s forehead. The fox girl tried her best to block, and even tried to block with her body, but she couldn’t keep up with the arrow with her fastest speed.

A light gray streamer with a little greenishness flashed quietly, thinner than the strands of hair, and no one except Gu Tianyou could notice that it existed for a moment. That seventh-grade magic weapon, Zhao’s massive golden bow, shot out of this dwarf clan, was engraved with a three-layered magic circle called a mithril arrow that could catch up with photons, and disappeared without a trace at that moment. At the same time, Gu Tianyou’s forehead suddenly cracked.

“Pfft!” Gu Tianyou never caught up and fell and was caught by the fox girl in mid-air. He asked anxiously, “Master, how are you?”

Gu Tianyou let out a long sigh, shook his head and said, “I can’t die yet.” As he said that, between turning his hands, there was already a small piece of vigorous greenery stuffed into his mouth. This is the secret sound of danger. Unexpectedly, the other party is also ruthless, and the killer will be killed as soon as they meet. At the same time, he was secretly vigilant and should not underestimate these seven surnames in the Aurora Yuanjie. Compared to the seven surnamed giants of the Longxing Association headed by Wang Xian, these people seem to be more unscrupulous.

In the moment just now, if Gu Tianyou hadn’t blocked the arrow with the Chaos God Thunder at all costs, he would have been pierced by the mud pill and all his form and spirit would have been destroyed at this moment. Even so, there was still a hole in the forehead pointed by the arrow, and what Gu Tianyou really couldn’t bear was that moment, his body couldn’t bear the great power contained in the Chaos Divine Thunder brought out by the Chaos Dao Xiang from the Yuanjie. . Although it was only a short moment, it almost shattered Gu Tianyou’s Seven Souls.

At the critical moment, Lao Liu pulled out a piece of his spiritual root in time and handed it over to Gu Tianyou. With the vitality contained in the spiritual root of heaven and earth evolved from this small piece of chaotic energy, it was timely. After restoring Gu Tianyou’s seven souls, he would not collapse immediately.

The medicinal properties are so strong that it would be a waste of time to just eat it. But because the situation is so critical, I can’t take much care of it. At this moment, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly moved his Yuanshen to mobilize his own five elements to digest this huge vitality Yuanqi. First, guide the Yuan Qi to travel all over the body with the path of true yang, and the vitality Yuan Qi immediately turns into a bright fire of true yang and travels in the five interiors. . He hurriedly changed to Chaos Dao, which temporarily stabilized the medicinal essence.

The whole body was hot and cold, and the black hair on his head turned white in an instant, even his eyebrows were not spared. Then the skin begins to crack and fall off. Gu Tianyou only had time to issue the last command: “Li Zhongkui, capture that boat for me.” After that, he fell into a coma.


Gu Tianyou felt that he was dead. This feeling was only for a brief moment. He soon noticed the temperature of his own blood, and then he woke up alive.

The little fox girl Qiu Linger pressed her ear with a happy voice in a hurry and said, “Master, you are finally awake, it’s really good.”

“Calm.” Gu Tianyou opened his eyes and saw her cheeks with tears and smiles, both pure and charming. With a grin, he said, “If you press me like this again, even if you don’t die, you will be pressed to death.” The little fox girl hurriedly got up. Gu Tianyou asked with a smile, “How long have I been dizzy?”

Ye He came over and said, “It’s about an hour since the black-clothed demon **** who appeared inexplicably captured the Zhao’s ship with the technique of transforming into a phantom.”

“It didn’t take a long time.” Gu Tianyou was slightly comforted, and then asked again: “What happened to the Zhao’s battleship by that magician?”

Ye He spread his hands and said inexplicably: “That senior came in a strange way, and went even more inexplicably. After appearing out of thin air, he directly overturned Zhao’s ship, and then it became large and small, and the small And disappear without a trace.”

Gu Tianyou sat up and asked, “Where are the people on that boat?”

Ye He said: “They are all on the boat, including Gina, there are thirty-eight men and women, all of them unconscious, and the two I met in the Temple of Light were among them.”

“Let them be so dizzy first.” Gu Tianyou nodded and said, “Wait until I fully recover before playing with them.”

Ye He reminded: “Listen to Pindao’s advice, and don’t act with anger. These children of nobles with seven surnames never take human life seriously. The Zhao family is good at refining weapons. The entire Metaverse is a top-ranked aristocratic clan, and they have frequent contacts with the Great Western Continent Federation. If you want to go west to plan important things, you don’t dare to offend that old fox Zhao Yuanlong.”

Gu Tianyou is noncommittal, hey smile: “I want to do what to those guys now, but I can’t do it.”

Ye He said with a suspicious look on his face: “The poor way is a little bit familiar with the way of medicine. I gave you a pulse when you were in a coma, and took the liberty to observe the situation in your body. It seems that you have practiced the methods of the witch clan. Seven There is actually the power of the soul of the bear soul in the soul, if not for this, this body will never be able to withstand the impact of the surging vitality.”

Gu Tianyou asked calmly, “What else did you see?”

Ye He said: “You should have practiced the living dead technique of the witch clan, and after that, those vital essences were transformed by your body into a kind of primitive energy in the most primitive state. You have limited literacy, but I don’t know what’s the point of it, but later on, you became what you are now after those Yuan forces dissipated.”

“What has Lao Tzu become?” Gu Tianyou fell to the ground sideways, and the little fox girl took a mirror and held it in front of her eyes, only to see herself in the mirror with silver hair, and the roots of life were shining with the charm of life. , the appearance of the face has not changed much, but the skin has almost become the skin color of a baby that can be broken.

“His, what’s the situation?”

Ye He said: “It’s about being reborn, but your situation is different from the so-called Taoist spirit body in our Yuxu Taoist sect. After our Taoist sub-sages cultivate into a Taoist spirit body, they will rejuvenate once. It is rebirth and reincarnation, laying a solid foundation for future practice, but in your case, after absorbing a lot of vital energy, your body has produced an evolutionary phenomenon that the poor Dao cannot understand.”

“You just said that the living dead technique is a witch technique?”

Ye He said on his forehead: “The living dead technique ranks among the top three of the top ten forbidden techniques in the Yuan Realm. It was created by the great virtue of the Wu clan during the Pangu Yuan Realm period. In the realm of immortality and invincibility, no matter what the dharma and Taoist thoughts cannot be restrained, so Taihao Yuansheng has long passed down the decree that anyone who practices this technique is the mortal enemy of the entire human race, and must immediately destroy him in both form and spirit. “

“What do you think?” Gu Tianyou asked.

Ye Hedao: “Pin Dao thinks that Tai Hao is right, the witch clan’s magic is in harmony with the soul, and imitates all the laws of Taoism by himself, and achieves an invincible demon body. It is far more destructive than those stupid barbarians and demons with complex spirits and limited achievements.”

Gu Tianyou said with a smile: “Then can’t you now hand over me, a guy who practices witchcraft sorcery, to ask for credit? Maybe you can clear your identity as a member of the Shuntian Dao for you?”

Ye He shook his head and said: “Pin Dao thinks that all techniques come from the heaven, only high and low, and there is no righteousness and evil, the Wu people’s body refining into the Dao is to integrate the heaven and earth in their own body and strengthen themselves. To become an immortal entity with the same lifespan as heaven and earth, isn’t this a great sacred art?” After a while, he said, “The poor Daoist thinks that the art itself is not wrong, but it is too difficult to seek the way according to this method, and you have to endure it yourself. The pain is too great, so the inner demons are hard to subdue, and it is easy to enter the evil way, plundering the soul of others by killing and swallowing.”

“Well said!” After this calamity, Gu Tianyou already understood that no matter what the name of the witch clan’s sorcery is, how much particular attention is paid, the ultimate goal is to destroy the yin and yang of the five elements, merge the three souls with the spirit, and seek It is to return to the ancestors and return to chaos, turning oneself into the body of chaos gods and demons. Although this way of seeking the Tao runs counter to the way that other sects pursue spirituality and use the power of their own life, soul and Tao to learn from the natural way of seeking the Tao, but at the root of it, it is far from being a sorcerer.

What Ye He said is quite right. The witchcraft is based on the soul of the gods. It is inevitable that you will endure too much pain and suffering when you train your body to enter the Dao. technique. Take the technique of living dead as an example. From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many people have practiced this technique, but in the end, they have all turned into ignorant spirits.

Ye He said: “Pin Dao has known you for such a long time, and in you, I can only see that the spirit is full of vitality, and the human nature is displayed incisively and vividly in you. How can such a person with such a great spirit be a witch? Are those cruel demons comparable to those of the clan?”

Gu Tianyou said: “With your words, even if I didn’t make friends with you in vain, I passively practiced the upper body of this witch living dead technique when I was in the surface world. At that time, it was just to save my life. I hit it and practiced the combination of the seven souls in the early stage of this art, and then, under the guidance of Brother Huang and Zen monks, I realized that the mind is the god, the virtual body of the seven souls. Did not fall into the path of blood eaters.”

Then continued: “After that, the kung fu became more and more profound, and I found that the end of martial arts will eventually be summed up in the Tao, and at the beginning of the human being, the closest thing to the Tao is the true nature of the three souls of oneself, comprehend the nature, and introduce the element aura that fits with oneself. Later, these three souls evolved into the current three-soul Dao-sign, and now the Dao-sign is full of great perfection, and it is impossible to make further progress, but even so, I never thought that the three souls would be combined into one and seven souls would return to the original.”

Ye He was slightly moved, and said: “I didn’t expect Brother Gu’s experience to be so tortuous, you said it lightly, but Pindao heard many of the hardships and hardships that are not enough for outsiders, and I couldn’t help admiring Brother Gu’s perseverance. , Mr. Zou Yan, the teacher of the poor way, once said that the cultivators are not necessarily all amazing and talented people, but the enlightened ones must be those who are persevering and courageous. The Most Holy Road.”

“It’s just that the times create heroes, people are afraid of being forced, and horses are afraid of riding.” Gu Tianyou took the initiative to change the topic, and changed the topic: “I feel much better now, let’s talk to those people in the past. Let’s go.” Just as Ye He was about to say something, Gu Tianyou waved his hand to stop him, and said first: “The ugly words are ahead, how did the Zhao family’s boat chase after me, and why are they targeting me like this, you probably know something in your mind, If I do something bad when you ask Gina later, you have to be more careful.”

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