Inexorably in Love Chapter 4858:

“It’s just nonsense, how could our Tongtong kill someone he doesn’t know! She can’t do that!” The baby was really angry.

No, she can’t go now, she wants to find Tong Tong and take her with her.

She must not leave Tong Tong here alone.

Thinking of this, the baby felt inexplicably relieved.

After the baby talked to Yang Feng on the phone, she knew that Tongtong’s whereabouts was missing, and she had no intention of leaving now.

It seems we have to wait.

Even if she wants to leave, she has to take Tongtong with her, or she must be sure of her safety.

“Don’t worry too much, Yang Feng didn’t say that Tongtong went out by herself. How do I think she wants that person to find her?” Ren Lan felt that his feelings could not be wrong.

“How is this possible? Tongtong is not stupid, why would she want that bad guy to find her? Don’t let me run into that person, if I run into him, I will blow his head!” Baby Speak angrily.

“You, let’s find someone before talking.”

“Do you know that Luo Wuji? What does it look like? Isn’t it fierce, particularly ugly?” The baby asked angrily.

“I don’t know this, I haven’t touched it or seen it.” Ren Lan shook his head.


“By the way, what are your plans next?” Ren Lan looked at her and asked.

“Look for Tongtong, I must find her as soon as possible.” The baby is worried about her safety.

In case that Luo Wuji is a pervert, Tong Tong will be miserable.

“I mean your original plan, what is it, do you want to go back to Lu Tianzun?” Ren Lan asked.


“I originally wanted to leave with Shining, but now because of Tongtong, I don’t think I can leave yet.”

“I can find a place for you, so that Lu Tianzun can’t find you. I don’t think you should go back there. The elder hasn’t done anything to you once, I think he will find a way to deal with you.”


“Why? Are you really reluctant to be there?” Ren Lan’s heart tightened, and he felt a sense of breathlessness.

“Why? I just think it will be more troublesome to find Tong Tong and avoid Lu Tianzun when the time comes. It’s better for me to live there for the time being. Lu Tianzun will not restrict my personal freedom anyway. “Baby thinks there is nothing wrong with this reason.

“What else can you do in his house? If you go out late and return early every day, how can there be time to find your family?”

“…” Baby thinks what he said makes sense, but she still thinks it would be better for herself to stay there.

“I will discuss with Lu Tianzun, I think he will be more lenient with me.”


Since she said so, Ren Lan didn’t say much, but his eyes were dark, why he can’t see it now, she didn’t want to leave that place.

In other words, she doesn’t want to leave Lu Tianzun now.

Did she have feelings for Lu Tianzun?

Didn’t she say that she had a husband and children?

Can a person empathize so easily?

“Do you really think it is convenient to live there, or is it for other reasons?” Ren Lan couldn’t help but asked directly.

“Other reasons? What do you mean?” The baby frowned and looked at him.

“Lu Tianzun, are you in love with him?” Ren Lan asked.

“I fell in love with him? How could it be? You think too much! It is absolutely impossible!” The baby denied immediately.

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