Indestructible God King Chapter 993: Wan Spider Conversion Array

The Yama Palace!

Yan Luo Renhuang and Jiu Miao Zhenren inspected all the halls of the imperial palace.

“Fortunately, there is no problem with your clone, but the guard at the door is missing!” Real Jiu Miao said with a deep face.

“Impossible, these days, they have all turned into demons, and they are my loyal subordinates, how can they leave their duties without authorization?” Yan Luo Renhuang’s face sank.

“Suppression hell?” Madam Jiu Miao suddenly exclaimed.

The Emperor Yan Luo’s expression also changed, and the two of them headed straight for the hall where the Demons Hell was located. As soon as they entered it, they suddenly found a group of fainted people lying inside.

“Not good!”

The two immediately pushed aside the fainting demons, and rushed directly to the bottom of the Suppressing Hell. As soon as they entered it, they saw all the jailers fainted to the ground, and their repairs were all sealed.

“There is a problem with the funeral of the two temples of war just now!” Yan Luo Human Sovereign exclaimed abruptly.

Real person Jiu Miao looked at the countless demons in the Hell of the Suppression of Demons, but he sighed: “Fortunately, fortunately, this place has not been destroyed!”


The Emperor Yan Luo rescued a jailer and stared: “What happened just now? Who are those two?”

“The emperor, the emperor?” the jailer asked in surprise.

“Say it!” The Emperor Yan Luo stared.

“I don’t know, but I heard one of them call the other Zhang Tianshi, I’m not sure…!” The jailer said anxiously.

“Master Zhang?” Jiu Miao real person exclaimed.

“He’s back? Damn, he’s back, it’s him? Just acted for me? He got into the palace!” Yan Luo Renhuang exclaimed.

True person Jiu Miao is very excited: “No, I can’t wait for Zhang Li’er anymore. Let’s start now, let’s start now!”

“Starting now? Then I will return to the Biancheng Temple now!” Yan Luo Renhuang also said anxiously.

“No, it’s too late, hurry up, now, I completely activate the formation, you can fly to the direction of the Biancheng Temple in the Hell of the Suppression of Demons! Also, your body is the body of the right way, immediately swallow the demons and get into the demons! “Jiu Miao said.

“Ah? Good!” The Emperor Yan Luo flew in a direction of the Suppression Hell.

The Emperor Yan Luo opened a jade bottle and instantly poured it into his mouth. After only a while, the Emperor Yan Luo burst into black air, his eyes turned red, and two fangs appeared in his mouth. But it was the Emperor Yan Luo who was enchanted at this moment.

Reality Jiu Miao rushed to the bottom of the Demon Suppression Abyss in an instant.

“The vast world, surging mysterious yellow, panic and wild, vast universe, lunar blossoms, seizing demons and good fortune, ten thousand spiders transforming into a great formation, rise!” Jiu Miao real person suddenly shouted from the bottom of the hell.


In an instant, countless spiders rushed out from the depths of the Demon Suppression Hell, and instantly went straight to the body of the Yama Emperor, and in a blink of an eye, the whole body of the Yama Emperor was wrapped.

At the same time, the entire **** of the Suppression of Demons was bursting with dazzling silver light. Under the blast of the silver light, all the prisoners who were locked up suddenly shook their spirits, as if they were all awake, and they all screamed sorrowfully ll.

Not only the prisoners, all the jailers in the palace, all the guards, all the guards suddenly screamed.


Countless screams gathered together, and the voices were huge, but the palace was isolated by a large array, and people outside the city could not hear the screams.

The spider tattoos on all the demons suddenly turned into huge phantoms. As they became larger, they entangled their respective demons, and the spiders’ teeth slammed into the demons. It makes the evil demon’s screaming scream more intense, and the bite of the fangs seems to have a paralyzing effect, making the evil demon unable to move at all.

At this moment, all the spider phantoms on the demons suddenly spit out a silky black light beam from the spider’s tail, heading straight to the top ten directions.


The Yama Emperor is surrounded by countless spiders. At this moment, these spiders are connected to every black beam. Suddenly, the spiders seem to have penetrated into the Yama Emperor, and a wave of power is directed at the Yama Emperor.


The Emperor Yan Luo cried out in pain, but at this moment, the cultivation base seemed to be increasing rapidly.


A cloud of robbery appeared over the palace.

At this moment, all the demons bitten by the spider tattoos are slightly shriveled to the naked eye, as if the energy of the whole body is poured into the body of the Yama Emperor.

No, not only the Yama Emperor, there are nine other directions, but the other Yama Nine Palace clones, all of which are madly absorbing everything that a million demons provide.


The ten Yama Sovereigns woke up almost at the same time, one by one they cried out in pain. At the same time, the breath of horror was rising wildly.

At the same time, in the Biancheng Temple.

Wang Ke spared no effort to hit Huang Jue.

“Don’t you say it? Where’s Zhang Zhengdao?” Wang Ke stared.

“What I said is true. It has been snatched back by your people. My clone took Zhang Zhengdao to find Zhang Li’er, but…!” Huang Jue shouted in depression.

“I don’t believe it, let’s talk…!” Wang Ke continued to slap.

“What I said is true, ah, stop hitting, ah, this whip can beat the soul. My soul has just split two clones. I am extremely weak and can’t be beaten anymore, ah!” Huang Jue Cried out in pain.

This was beaten, even Zhang Shenxu was unbearable: “I think he shouldn’t lie!”

“I know!” Wang Ke nodded.

“You know? You know you still fight?” Zhang Shenxu asked in surprise.

“Huang Jue, I wanted to hurt me many times. I beat him to vent my anger. How can’t you? It’s just that you have been beaten for so long, and you don’t want revenge at all? Do you like being beaten? “Wang Ke stared at Zhang Shenxu in surprise.

When Zhang Shenxu’s face becomes stiff, you only like to be beaten. Your whole family likes to be beaten.

“Give me the whip, I’ll come!” Zhang Shenxu stepped forward, propping up his weak body.

“You, I have told the truth, you all believed what I said, and you still fight? Ah, the Emperor of Yama, Mo Jiu, come and save me!” Huang Jue screamed sternly.

No matter what, Zhang Shenxu could hear nowhere at the moment, and he kept beating with the whip in his hand.

“Zhang Tianshi, well, the man is saved, you can push it horizontally!” Wang Ke said.

Zhang Tianshi checked the state of his children and grandchildren, looked at Wang Ke with a weird look, nodded, and was about to speak, suddenly a screaming scream came from outside the hall.

“This hall isolates the sounds inside, but the sounds from outside can come in. This, something happened outside? Is it the screams of the guards?” Zhang Tianshi exclaimed.


At this moment, in addition to screaming, the entire palace was shaking.

Zhang Tianshi’s face changed, and he waved his probing hand.


The doors and windows of the Biancheng Temple instantly opened, revealing a square picture.

But I saw that some of the guards who had been on patrol suddenly all fell to the ground, crawling on a imaginary and real spider. The spider bit the guard. The guard screamed and shrivelled little by little. , It seems that all the energy of the whole body is being extracted by the phantom spider, and the spider uses the tail silk to instantly rush the extracted power in ten directions. It is the Ten Temples of Yama.

“This is…?” Zhang Tianshi exclaimed.

“Huang Jue, what’s the situation? What is this? What are Yan Luo Renhuang and Jiu Miao real person doing?” Wang Ke snatched the whip in Zhang Shenxu’s hand and shouted.

“I don’t know, I don’t know their plans. Before, I didn’t know that the Emperor Yan Luo was invaded, let alone that Jiu Miao was the Magic Nine. The previous Magic Nine was a masked face to meet with me until Last time I invited the Purple Lotus Demon God to deal with you, and then was beaten into the Hell of the Suppression of Demons, I only learned that the real Jiu Miao is Mo Jiu, and I knew that Mo Jiu had a very good relationship with the Emperor Yan Luo, and what I was conspiring. I don’t know what they are up to, I don’t know anything!” Huang Jue exclaimed.

“Don’t tell me anymore, I will kill you!” Wang Ke was beaten with a long whip.

“I really don’t know, I really don’t know, ah!” Huang Jue shouted sternly while being beaten.


Outside the imperial palace, there was a cloud of black clouds above the sky, but suddenly thunder dragons descended from the sky and rushed straight into three of the palaces. The Biancheng Temple where Wang Ke was located was one of them.

“What’s the situation?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“Hurry up! This is Dengxianjie!” Zhang Tianshi’s expression changed and exclaimed.

While speaking, Zhang Tianshi pulled Wang Ke, Zhang Shenxu, and the fainted Zhang Donglai back in an instant.

“And me, and me, take me along, my cultivation base is sealed, take me away! Ah~~~~~~~~!” Huang Jue shouted in horror.


I saw the Biancheng Temple exploded. Not only the Biancheng Temple, but the other two halls also exploded. Two avatars of Yan Luo human emperor inside, are going through the catastrophe. And the Biancheng Temple exploded, revealing another Yan Luo human emperor in the midst of the tribulation underneath the **** of the demons.

Zhang Tianshi grasped the crowd and looked at the blown hole in the **** of the suppression of demons, and suddenly saw the picture in the abyss. The prisoners of the millions of demons were also deprived of the power of the whole body by the phantom of the spider.

“This is, what kind of exercise is this? Do you take all the power of others and supply it to the Emperor Yan Luo? A million demons? How can the power of a million demons…?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“Ten Temples of Yama? Ten avatars of Yama Sovereign, with different strengths, but I feel that the breath of the ten Yama Sovereigns is becoming stronger and stronger, **** it, **** it, I understand Yes, I understand!” Zhang Tianshi suddenly exclaimed.

“What do you understand?” Wang Ke stared blankly.

“The eight memories of the Great Light Bodhisattva acquired, saying that the Great Demon King wants to globalize the demons and turn people around the world into demons! Then kill? No, not kill, but absorb all their essence. , All demons will be the food of the Great Demon King? As long as they become demons, the Great Demon King can extract all their energy, primordial spirit, life, soul, and body, all of them? This, this, this…!” Zhang Tianshi Exclaimed.

“Boom, click, click!”

Suddenly, thunder dragons descended from the sky one after another, rushing to the three avatars of the Yama Emperor to help them cross the immortal calamity, and at this moment, the thunder and fire also instantly enveloped the palace.

“While they are not finished yet, do it!” Wang Ke said anxiously.

Before Wang Ke finished speaking, he saw that the avatar with three Yama Sovereigns suddenly brightened their eyes, and came straight to Heavenly Master Zhang, so fast that they arrived in no time.

“Not good!” Zhang Tianshi’s expression changed, and the three of them immediately let go of Wang Ke and greeted him.


The flames of the entire palace exploded with the huge impact, and the entire God of Yama was stunned. This is still the effect of Zhang Tianshi’s control of power, otherwise, this time, the God of Yama would collapse.

“Brother! Are you enchanted? What are you doing?” Zhang Tianshi roared.

“Junior brother! It’s really you, come to ruin my good deeds?” The three Yama Sovereign clones shouted.

“Climb to the fairyland? These clones of yours are all in the fairyland?” Zhang Tianshi exclaimed.

“Can’t let you be in front of a beautiful woman?” Yan Luo Renhuang said grimly.

PS: Three changes are over!

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