Indestructible God King Chapter 991: Millions of Demons

Yam Luo God, in the palace!

Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi pretended to be sealed and escorted to a main hall of the palace by a group of guards. When they entered the main hall, there was actually a downward passage.

Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi looked at each other, did not speak, and were slowly escorted down the tunnel by a group of guards. After walking through some steps, a huge underground space was instantly exposed.

“This, what’s the situation? The entire palace underground has been hollowed out? Moreover, there are nearly a hundred floors down? This, there are so many people detained here? There are as many as a million, right?” Zhang Tianshi exclaimed. .

But I saw that the underground palace in front of me was too huge, a hollow like a huge abyss, surrounded by countless cages, and there were countless prisoners in the cage.

Millions of people?

Millions of people, where are so many people? Are they all detained here?

“No, these prisoners, why are they not moving?” Wang Ke was surprised.

I saw all the prisoners standing motionless in the cell, like zombies, with talisman on their foreheads. If it weren’t for a heartbeat, Wang Ke thought they were zombies.

“Oh? Why did you spit out the cloth strips in your mouth? You don’t want to live anymore? I have been sealed for repairing, but I don’t know if I’m afraid?” A guard immediately grabbed Zhang Tianshi.


Zhang Tianshi flipped his hand, and immediately knocked a group of guards to the ground, unable to climb up.

Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi stopped pretending, and immediately got up and looked at the huge abyss of the underground palace.

“Seal the exit first, let’s watch it slowly!” Wang Ke said.

“Do you want to tell me?” Zhang Tianshi rolled his eyes, and immediately took out the whisk, sealing the entrance just now.

“Who are you? What are you doing?” In the distance, there seemed to be a jailer specializing in watching prisoners rushed.

But, in an instant, I was completely frozen by Tianshi Zhang, staring one by one, looking at Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi incredulously.

Wang Ke immediately checked.

“I visually observed that the millions of people detained here are all demons, and some of the findings I checked are all demons who have a lot of cultivation skills!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Evil? Evil? These jailers are all evils, even the guards who arrested us just now are also evils? When did Yama Palace become a devil’s cave?” Zhang Tianshi also exclaimed after checking.

“The key, the evil demon jailer, guarding millions of evil demons, is this wrong? Aren’t they all demons?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“There is no right way, it’s all demons! Brother, he has fallen into the way of the devil after all?” Zhang Tianshi said with an ugly face.

“Here, I see, this is the most mysterious ‘demon hell’ of the Yama Dynasty!” Wang Ke’s expression changed abruptly.

“Suppress the hell?” Zhang Tianshi looked at Wang Ke.

“After your clone suppressed the Dragon King more than two hundred years ago, the Yama Dynasty appeared in a **** to suppress the devil, imprisoning all the people who were caught in the demon way, and the Yama Dynasty fought against the demon kingdom. All the demons that were caught, all Sent to the Hell of the Suppression of Demons. For a long time, no one knows where the Hell of the Suppression of Demons is located. So, here? Under the palace, what the **** is going to do?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Suppression **** of millions of demons? These demons, seemingly weak in cultivation, have also reached the Golden Core Realm!” Zhang Tianshi’s expression changed.

“Over two hundred years of accumulation, there are many natural demons. What are they going to do?” Wang Ke asked curiously.


Zhang Tianshi awakened a jailer.

“Say, why are you imprisoning demons here? Why are you demons too?” Zhang Tianshi stared and interrogated.

“Help, my lord!” the jailer shouted suddenly.


Zhang Tianshi slapped the jailer and slapped the jailer to the ground with blood and limp: “If I ask you something, say it quickly, otherwise, I will kill you immediately!”

“I, I, I don’t know, I don’t know, I have been loyal to the emperor since I was a child, and then one day I listened to the emperor’s order and then I was arranged here, we just guard this place! We don’t know! “The jailer said in horror.

Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi interrogated other demons again. However, other demons are the same, no one knows the situation, just obey orders.

“Senior brother has been enchanted? How is it possible?” Zhang Tianshi said with an ugly face.

“I remember, the Emperor Yan Luo is the body of the right way, engrossed? Maybe it was the avatar that he cloned, but the body was not engrossed?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

Zhang Tianshi’s face was ugly, and he obviously didn’t understand the reason at the moment, but, soon, Zhang Tianshi’s eyes widened, and he immediately removed the clothes of a guard.


“Tianshi Zhang, what are you doing? What are you doing to tear his clothes? Still staring at his ass? You are not a pervert, are you?” Wang Ke exclaimed, staring.

“You are a pervert!” Zhang Tianshi suddenly stared at Wang Ke, “See it for yourself!”

Wang Ke looked curiously: “Uh, does this man still have tattoos? A spider?”

“Look again!” Zhang Tianshi suddenly tore another person’s clothes.

I saw that the man’s chest also had a spider-mosquito body.

“Are they a couple? Couple tattoos?” Wang Ke stared in astonishment.

“What are you talking about? The two of them are men, they are lovers, not both of them, but everyone here has spider tattoos!” Zhang Tianshi said.

Wang Ke took a look at him immediately, and his eyes widened under the probe. Sure enough, everyone has spider tattoos.

“Not only these jailers, look at these immobilized evil demon prisoners, everyone has spider tattoos on their bodies? All these million people have spider tattoos!” Zhang Tianshi said in a deep voice.

“So many?” Wang Ke looked strange.


At this moment, the spider tattoos on everyone in the Demon Suppression Hell trembled, as if black silk threads were emerging from each one, and they went straight to the ten places above the Demon Suppression Hell. It disappeared again in a flash.

“What was that just now?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“I don’t know, but these spider tattoos are not simple, they seem to be motivated by something, and they go straight to ten places above the Demon Suppression Hell. What should be there to contact these million demons!” Zhang Tianshi frowned.

“It’s really weird. However, we still need to find someone now. Ask first!” Wang Ke said.

Zhang Tianshi nodded.

“Say, where are Zhang Donglai, Zhang Shenxu, and Zhang Zhengdao?” Zhang Tianshi tortured a jailer.

“I don’t know!”


“I really don’t know, stop fighting!”


“Senior forgive me, we are ordinary guards, we don’t know anything!”




After a series of interrogations, Wang Ke and Zhang Tianshi were also depressed for a while and did not get the news that the two wanted.

“Should we go out and look for it?” Wang Ke asked.

“Okay!” Zhang Tianshi nodded.

Although I am full of doubts about the Hell of the Suppression of Demons, my son and grandson matter at this moment.

After the two sealed all the jailers, they went back the same way.

Quickly stepped out of the previous hall.

Although there are still many guards walking in the palace, facing these ordinary people, with the cultivation of Zhang Tianshi, they can still be easily avoided.

“This hall!” Zhang Tianshi pointed to a hall and said.

“How do you know here? There are sound barrier arrays and soundproof arrays here. How do you know that Zhang Zhengdao is inside?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“I don’t know if they are inside or not, but I just saw the light from the spider tattoos of a million demons, blasting in ten directions. This is one of the halls where a million rays of light rushed, these ten places It must be related to my son!” Zhang Tianshi said.

“Oh?” Wang Ke showed curiosity.

The hall was also shrouded in darkness, and the door was guarded by a large number of guards. However, this couldn’t be difficult for Zhang Tianshi. With a wave of the probe, everyone fainted before they had time to shout. With a wave of Zhang Tianshi, a group of guards were instantly thrown to the hall where the Demon Suppression Hell was located.

“Chujiang Temple?” Wang Ke showed a curious look.

The two walked to the entrance of the Chujiang Temple, gently pushed open a small slit, and suddenly saw a figure standing in the hall, with billowing black air enveloped all over.

“The Emperor of Yama? Woo!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

While Wang Ke screamed, Zhang Tianshi instantly blocked Wang Ke’s voice with a magic technique. Let Wang Ke not disturb others.

“This is…!” Zhang Tianshi exclaimed.

“No, this is not the Emperor Yama, uh, it seems exactly the same!” Wang Ke was surprised.

But I saw that there was a Yama Sovereign wearing a dragon robe standing in the main hall, but at this moment, the Yama Sovereign seemed to be surrounded by countless black spiders. He stood motionless, and countless spiders appeared black. Qi enveloped the Yama Emperor, so that his whole body was immersed in the spider’s black Qi. And this Emperor of Yama, with fangs from his mouth, and a spider tattoo on the center of his eyebrows, as if he was standing there and entering Ding.

“This is the clone of the Emperor Yan Luo? The clone of the evil demon?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“No, not here, let’s go to the next hall!” Zhang Tianshi said.

Although Zhang Tianshi was also surprised, but at this moment, he cared about his children and grandchildren, and did not spend much time staying, and soon found another hall of contact with millions of prisoners.

“Qin Guang Temple?” Wang Ke said the name in surprise.

This hall, like the Chujiang Temple, was guarded by a large number of guards, and the two of them quickly opened the hall together. I saw the inside in an instant.

“Is another avatar of the Emperor Yama? He is vomiting his fangs and being wrapped in countless spiders. What’s the situation?” Wang Ke was surprised.

“Qin Guang Temple? Chujiang Temple? Yama Temple? There are seven others, no, won’t you want to build ten Yama Yama Temples? Every Yama Temple is a clone of Yama Emperor?” Zhang Tianshi was surprised. .

“Ten Temple Yama?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“This is the legend of the Taoist sect. Brother can’t really do it, right?” Zhang Tianshi asked in surprise.

“What kind of legend?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Assemble the ten temples of Yama, and attack the immortal realm in one fell swoop, but the conditions are extremely harsh, and it is much more difficult than our normal practice, how does he…!” Zhang Tianshi frowned.

“Look for the son first, and the grandson first!” Wang Ke persuaded.

Zhang Tianshi stared at Wang Ke: “That’s my son, my grandson, don’t take advantage of you!”

“Who has the advantage? I will help you find it too!” Wang Ke stared.

“The Ten Temples of Yama? Look at one by one, go, and go to the next hall!” Zhang Tianshi walked anxiously with his eyes.

Wang Ke followed!

PS: First!

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