Indestructible God King Chapter 960: We are playing around

The entrance to the Temple of Yama!

The Emperor Yan Luo looked towards the sea in the distance.

“The emperor, the clone of Heavenly Master Huang just now was still fighting with the evil demon Zi Bufan, but just now they were getting farther and farther away, and they were no longer visible!” A guard immediately stepped forward respectfully.

“The emperor, Huang Tianshi is the first seat of the Tianshi Palace, how can it be enchanted? They are lying!” a judge of the Tianshi Palace shouted.

“The emperor, what I said is true, the Purple Lotus Demon God and Huang Jue’s body are besieging Wang Ke and Zhang Li’er in Zhang Mansion, please do it quickly! Here is the God of War Order!” Nine Miao Zhenren also said anxiously.

“The emperor, what about the order of the God of War if you can’t believe them? This is not a great good dynasty. We only respect the order of the heavenly master. How can this be possible? The emperor must have lied and asked the emperor to arrest them now! “A Heavenly Master Palace judge suddenly said.

The Emperor Yan Luo glanced at the seriously injured real Jiu Miao, and took a deep breath: “I believe you!”

“The emperor!” a group of judges exclaimed.

“What do I need to do now?” The Emperor Yan Luo looked at Reality Jiu Miao.

“Zhang Mansion has the Purple Lotus Demon God, whose strength is to climb the fairyland. If you want to deal with him, the emperor must mobilize the power of the Yama Dynasty to defeat it!” Jiu Miao said immediately.

“The emperor, now the situation is unknown, we still need to investigate…!” a judge called.

The Emperor Yan Luo ignored it, but stepped outside the hall.

“The people of the Yama dynasty, today, there are demons in the fairyland who come to the Yama gods to cause chaos. I ask the people of the Yama dynasty to use my strength to destroy the demons! Please raise your right hand!” The Yama King shouted loudly. .


Above the head, the sea of ​​merit and virtue blew up, and in an instant, the voice of the Yama Emperor reached the ears of all the people of the Yama dynasty. Wubai surname is also startled. For many years, I haven’t heard the emperor take advantage of it. This is…!

“The emperor, use my power!”

“Hurry up, raise your hand and lend strength to the emperor!”

“Admiral the emperor, punish the demons!”



Above the clouds of merit, there was no sound of hundreds of people. A stream of power seemed to have turned into a golden river, converging from all directions, directly above the sea of ​​merit.


There was a roar of dragon roar from the sea of ​​merits and clouds, and then countless merits swept the power of the endless people into a dragon and came straight to the Emperor of Yama.


The Emperor Yan Luo mobilized the power of a country, and a terrifying aura appeared all over his body. The power grew stronger and stronger, causing the people around him to keep retreating.

“Emperor Yan Luo, so believe in the real Jiu Miao?” Zhang Zhengdao looked at Zhang Shenxu in surprise.

“Don’t you know? The Emperor Yan Luo was attracted to Master Jiu Miao, and wanted to accept his concubine, Master Ji Jiu Miao, but Master Jiu Miao did not agree, and only wanted to be a Taoist companion with my father. So, The Emperor Yan Luo has always been displeased with my father!” Zhang Shenxu explained.

“It’s no wonder that as soon as the real Jiu Miao speaks, the Emperor Yan Luo leans towards us! Great!” Zhang Zhengdao said excitedly.


The Emperor Yan Luo mobilized a wave of power, and his body swelled, and the powerful aura formed waves of storms that swept across the square.

“The power of a country? The Empress Youyue first entered the Martial God Realm. If you mobilize the power of a country, you can defeat the peak of the Martial God Realm. The Emperor Yan Luo himself is the peak of the Martial God Realm. Now?” Zhang Zhengdao’s expression moved.


The Emperor Yan Luo stepped on, crushed a lot of masonry, and headed towards Zhang Mansion on Tianshi Island.


Tianshi Island, Zhang Mansion! In the Beidou Purple Thunder Array.

Wang Ke and the Great Yen God are united. In this way, not only the attack power is increased, but the defense power is also increased. Behind Wang Ke, the Purple Lotus Demon God desperately attacked Wang Ke.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!…”

“Purple Lotus Demon God, you are crazy, why are you chasing after me? I have been beaten by your cultivation base, you still beat?” Wang Ke roared sadly.

“As soon as I stopped, you ran away from the tunnel? Humph! Why didn’t you fight back? If you didn’t fight back, how do I know your flaws? Wang Ke, why didn’t you fight back!” Zilian Demon snarled depressed. .

This Wang Ke merged with the Yuanshen, just didn’t fight with him, and pierced his body with a sword. Wang Keren was okay, his sword was melted? This makes myself so upset!

Wang Ke is now in the state of soul, just a ball! It’s so round and round, it’s the same everywhere, even if it’s useless to put his eyes in, it can block his own impact. Letting yourself attack for a long time has no effect. Who can understand the despair of the Purple Lotus Demon God at this moment? What’s so special, for the first time in so many years, I have encountered an opponent like the stone in the pit, smelly and hard, and there is nothing to do. I can’t help it!

“I can’t beat you, how can I fight back?” Wang Ke called.

“You can fight back!” the purple lotus demon roared.

You are beaten like this. I don’t know how to hurt you. Only if you do it, I can find your flaws and kill you. Now, I am embarrassed.

“You fight back!” the purple lotus demon roared.

“Can’t you tell? My soul has no hands! How can I fight back?” Wang Ke cried.

Purple Lotus Demon God: “…………!”

What did I tell you about loneliness for a long time?

“Wang Ke, are you really sick? The Purple Lotus Demon God hit you. You don’t return his hand. I didn’t hurt you. Why are you chasing me and hitting you? Ah!” Huang Jue was sad and angry not far away. The roaring.

It’s because every time the purple lotus demon attacked Wang Ke, his attack power turned into Wang Kezhuo’s true essence. Wang didn’t want to be promoted, so he could only spit out the turbid true essence. As a result, Huang I felt that Wang Ke spit out with all his strength.

I saw that the mouth of the Great Yen God was like a laser cannon, desperately slamming Huang Jue in front of him. The surrounding fire was blazing, and Huang Jue became the core of the fire.

Seven thunderballs like stars surround Huang Jue to help Huang Jue resist the laser cannon that Wang Ke spit out. However, the Great Yen God vomited crazy. It looked like the sun’s solution was pouring down, and the seven thunderballs in his hand were about to be melted. Huang Jue could only spur the seven thunder orbs with all his strength. If it weren’t for the seven thunder orbs to resist, and he was directly impacted by the real fire of the sun, that would be the most desperate.

At this moment, Huang Jue is struggling hard, his heart is so tired, he hits you, you hit me? Why is it me who is unlucky?

“I am also innocent. If you tell the Purple Lotus Demon God to stop, I will stop. He doesn’t stop, how can I stop?” Wang Ke yelled depressedly.


The billowing laser cannon hit Huang Jue. After all, these powers were created by the impact of the Purple Lotus Demon God, and Wang Ke was transformed into Huang Jue, which was equivalent to the Purple Lotus Demon God’s power attacking Huang Jue, and Huang Jue was naturally restrained everywhere.

For a time, Zhang’s mansion fell into a weird circle. No matter how the purple lotus demon beats Wang Ke, Wang Ke will always play Huang Jue!

“Wang Ke, you fight back!” the purple lotus demon roared.

“Wang Ke, he beat you, why did you beat me?” Huang Jue roared sadly.

When the three of them were fighting, there was a sudden phoenix sound.

“Hey, Wang Ke, where are you! Don’t die!” A flame phoenix broke into the battlefield instantly.

Zhang Li’er is anxious, not in Central China Continent these years, naturally I don’t know what happened in Central China Continent, but it’s only a few years now, Wang Ke should have a low cultivation base, one in the fairyland and the other in the martial arts The pinnacle attacked Wang Ke. Wang Ke was not good enough, right? Zhang Lier didn’t know how to face the bad news when he pounced.

But spreading his wings and rushing into it, he saw a strange picture.

It is the Purple Lotus Demon God who is hitting a ball, punching and palming non-stop, the ball is spitting out a flame cannon and impacting Huang Jue. The scene is extremely strange.

Wang Ke saw this phoenix, but his eyes lit up.

“Li’er, are you back?” Wang Ke said in ecstasy.

However, Zhang Li’er didn’t look at Wang Ke, but looked around.

“Wang Ke, Wang Ke, where are you? I heard your voice, where are you?” Zhang Li’er looked around anxiously.

When I got here, Zhang Li’er saw that the surrounding houses had melted a lot, but there was no king. The purple lotus emperor and Huang Jue couldn’t fight each other, how about Wang Ke? died? No, I heard Wang Ke’s voice just now!

“I’m here, I’m here, Li’er, stay away, I’m fine!” Wang Ke shouted.

“Where is it? Why can’t I see it?” The Flame Phoenix was still anxious.

The Purple Lotus Demon God and Huang Jue looked at Wang Ke with weird faces. Can’t you see such a big living person? No, this is a ball.

Sure enough, after searching, following the voice, Flame Phoenix finally looked at Wang Ke’s Great Yen God.

“I’m here!” The Great Yen God said Wang Ke’s voice.

Flaming Phoenix froze for a while: “You, Wang Ke? What’s your situation? How did you become a ball?”

Huang Jue and Zilian Demon God stared at the Flame Phoenix. Don’t you know Wang Ke’s Great Yen God?

“Uh, this is a long story! I’ll explain to you later, how did you come back? Have you really become a phoenix? Still colorful flames all over your body? What kind of phoenix are you?” Wang Ke cried .

“This, it’s a long story! I’ll go back and explain to you! What’s the matter with you now? This is the Purple Lotus Human Emperor? He is beating you? You are attacking Huang Jue?” Flame Phoenix also fell silent.

“It’s okay, the three of us are playing around, you quickly find a place to hide, don’t hurt yourself, by the way, in your boudoir, you go out from that tunnel first!” Wang Ke persuaded Zhang Li’er .

After all, now I can still maintain a balance of income and expenditure, and it is too dangerous for Zhang Lier to be here.

The Purple Lotus Demon God and Huang Jue stared at Wang Ke. What are they playing around? You are just playing around, haven’t you seen us fight to death? Do you still have time to tease girls?

“Flame Phoenix? Is Zhang Li’er back? The Purple Lotus Demon God, quickly grab Zhang Li’er and threaten Wang Ke with her!” Huang Jue suddenly yelled eagerly.

“Dare you! Li’er, if you don’t leave, you will attack Huang Jue with me. What’s special, he saved this game today, hit him!” Wang Ke shouted.

“Okay! Ming~~~~~~~~!”

The flame phoenix uttered a long roar, and immediately went straight to Huang Jue.

Although Wang Ke is relaxed and jokes about it, can’t he see that Wang Ke is comforting himself? How can I go by myself? Since you want to do it, let’s do it!


The sharp claws of the flame phoenix blasted a red guardian thunderball in front of Huang Jue. In an instant, the endless real fire of the sun enveloped Huang Jue.

“Ah! Stop!” Huang Jue screamed in pain.

Why are you like Wang Ke, when the Purple Lotus Demon hits you, you just hit me? I am innocent!

PS: Second!

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