Indestructible God King Chapter 954: The death of Zhang Donglai

Looking at the four enchantments in the jade box in his hand, Wang Ke can’t wait to throw them to the ground. What are you doing for me now? What’s the use for me now? The Four Lotus Demon Gods have already survived the tribulation, what else can I do with this thing?

“It’s not that the evil emperor can’t give it to you in advance, but waits for the four lotus demon gods to step into the Dengxian realm before giving it to you!” Zi Bufan explained.

“Why? The evil emperor doesn’t know, is it the best time for them to urge Ten Thousand Years Gu when they cross the Tribulation?” Wang Ke questioned.

“The heavenly way to climb the fairy bead is a reward from Wang Gushan to the four lotus demon gods! The reward is for them to reach the fairyland! The evil emperor will not move them, and we will not allow us to move them. This is the evil emperor to her husband. A kind of respect! Therefore, the evil emperor will not destroy the Four Lotus Demon Gods and Demon Thirteen to reach the Dengxian Realm, but if the Four Lotus Demon Gods reach the Dengxian Realm, it means that the reward is over, and the Evil Emperor allows us to do it!” Bufan said.

“So troublesome? I thought the evil emperor and Wang Gushan fell out, they…!” Wang Ke said with a strange expression.

“The evil emperor and Wang Gushan have a deep relationship! How could it be easy to fall out?” Zi Bufan shook his head.

“But this thing is useless! Climbing into the fairyland can already suppress the Ten Thousand Years Gu in the body, and can slowly get rid of the Ten Thousand Years Gu in the body!” Wang Ke frowned.

“The evil emperor said that the Four Lotus Demon Gods had just stepped into the first stage of ascending to the fairyland, and within one or two years, they could not get rid of the Ten Thousand Years Gu in their bodies. Secondly, even if they suppress the Ten Thousand Years Gu, urge them to attract them, There is also a weak influence!” Zi Bufan explained.

“Weak influence? What’s the use!” Wang Ke frowned.

“Don’t forget it, I’ll return to the evil emperor!” Zi Bufan stared.

“Uh, yes, yes, I’ll just talk about it!” Wang Ke suddenly smiled and took it.

A little impact is a little bit. Don’t do it for nothing!

“By the way, you can send any person to me with these four gu quotes. Why did you run it yourself? Aren’t you busy lately?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

Zi Bufan frowned slightly: “I’m here to ask you for a favor!”

“Help?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

Don’t you go to Zhu Hongyi, ask me for help?

“My brother Zizhongshan was trained as a clone by Huang Tianshi of the Yama Dynasty. I want to find that clone. Even if my brother is dead, my brother’s body is not something he can insult! Come here, I want your people to help me find the right way!” Zi Bufan took a deep breath.

“Your brother?” Wang Ke frowned.

Zichongshan came out of the one hundred thousand mountains back then, thinking that it was valued by a certain Dao Sect predecessor, and went to defect, but was refined into a clone of Heavenly Master Huang, but was killed by Heavenly Master Huang! It’s just that Heavenly Master Huang was extremely cunning, and he kept being cloned, and couldn’t find where the clone of Zizhongshan was.

“Yes!” Zi Bufan nodded solemnly.

“Don’t look for it either. I will go to Yama Dynasty soon. If you are free, let’s go and have a look together!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Are you going to Yama Dynasty?” Zi Bufan asked in surprise.

“Yes, something happened over there!” Wang Ke smiled bitterly.

Zi Bufan is about to ask. Suddenly the voice of Wang Ke’s subordinates came from outside the door!

“Patriarch, the two managers Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu have arrived!”

“Let them in!” Wang Ke said.

“Yes!” A subordinate shouted from outside the door.

“Zi Bufan, do you wait in the next room for a while?” Wang Ke looked at Zi Bufan.

Zi Bufan nodded. This time he came secretly. Although he knew that Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu had a good relationship with Wang Ke, he still avoided.


Zhang Zhengdao pushed the door and entered.

“Wang Ke, why are you looking for us in such a hurry? Zhang Shenxu has just finished the catastrophe and has not yet begun to consolidate!” Zhang Zhengdao entered the room and suddenly sat down.

“Huh? Someone has been here? Is there any leftover tea here?” Zhang Zhengdao curiously asked.

Wang Ke ignored Zhang Zhengdao, but looked at Zhang Shenxu: “You have already breached the Martial God Realm?”

“Yes, grandpa left our ball. There is a huge amount of power inside, and I just absorbed it! The feeling of the Martial God Realm is really good, hahaha!” Zhang Shenxu laughed in satisfaction.

“What are you going to do? It’s the same ball. I passed the Martial God Tribulation in a month, but you have spent half a year, and you are so embarrassed!” Zhang Zhengdao said triumphantly.

“I’m different from you. I take it externally. You take it internally. It’s naturally different! Do you know how the **** are made?” Zhang Shenxu proudly said.

Zhang Zhengdao’s face turned dark, obviously not wanting to go into the matter.

“Wang Ke, why did you call us all the way?” Zhang Zhengdao immediately changed the subject.

“That is, I still have a lot of things in Shiwan Dashan, and the logistics of the **** king, now I am going crazy!” Zhang Shenxu also frowned.

“Don’t you know?” Wang Ke frowned.

“What do you know?” Zhang Zhengdao asked puzzled.

“Yes, your question is inexplicable, how do I know what?” Zhang Shenxu also stared.

“Your father is dead!” Wang Ke said.

Zhang Zhengdao: “…………!”

Zhang Shenxu: “…………!”

The two were silent for a while.

“Your father is dead!” The two cursed Xiang Wang Ke almost at the same time.

“It’s true, Zhang Shenxu, your father is really dead. This is the information you just received today. Look for yourself!” Wang Ke immediately handed out a letter.

Zhang Shenxu stared at Wang Ke, but immediately took the letter and read it. Zhang Zhengdao also stretched his head to look at the content of the letter.

“How, how is it possible? This is impossible!” Zhang Shenxu exclaimed.

“Your father is really dead?” Zhang Zhengdao also exclaimed.

“This is not true, it is definitely not true, Wang Ke, you say!” Zhang Shenxu said in horror.

“It should have been ten days. For these ten days, your father has not been out of the house and your family has been blocking news. Our God King Company has a branch in Yamashen. If there are children from the King family, I was curious to inquire about it, not only Your home was quietly sealed up, and some of your clan homes were also sealed off! In this way, they felt something was wrong, and my people finally got into your home, only to realize that your home is covered with white cloth, and your father has already Lying in the coffin!” Wang Ke said.

“Impossible, if my father is dead, why no one will tell me!” Zhang Shenxu said anxiously.

“I told you that the news was blocked! How did they pass the news to you?” Wang Ke said solemnly.

“No, no, I want to go back and have a look, I want to go back immediately!” Zhang Shenxu said anxiously.

“Uncle died? And the news was deliberately blocked? Why on earth? Wang Ke, do you have other news?” Zhang Zhengdao looked at Wang Ke.

“No! However, Zhang Shenxu’s father died suddenly, there must be a conspiracy, and in the Yan Luo Dynasty, the person who can block this news must also have a strong power! You are now in the Martial God Realm, and we will accompany you together. Take a trip!” Wang Ke said.

“Okay!” Zhang Zhengdao answered.

“Go! Go!” Zhang Shen couldn’t wait to rush out.

“Zi Bufan, follow us by yourself! See you from Yan Luo Dynasty!” Wang Ke shouted at the side room.

Although Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu were puzzled, they were anxious at the moment and naturally did not pursue them much. As Wang Ke quickly rushed out of the building and headed for the Eastern Yama Dynasty.

After Wang Ke left, Zi Bufan was confused, but quietly followed.

Wang Ke and his party were very fast, and it didn’t take long before they arrived at the Yama Dynasty!

From afar, you can see a huge city by the sea. There is a sea of ​​merit and clouds in the sky, and the city below is the city of Yama!

But at this moment, none of the three paid much attention to Yama Shendu, but an island next to it.

There is dense fog on this island, and countless palaces and formations can be vaguely seen!

“That is the Tianshi Island, and the island is where the Tianshi Temple is stationed. Uncle’s house, our house is there!” Zhang Zhengdao pointed to the Tianshi Temple not far away.

Zhang Shenxu was eager to return home at this moment, and he didn’t want to delay at all, and went straight away in an instant.

“Zhang Shenxu, don’t worry, let’s take a look at the situation first. My people said, your house is blocked and there are many people staring at it! Take a look first!” Wang Ke shouted.

“I can’t wait!” Zhang Shenxu refused.

Seeing that the word Zhang’s mansion is hung on the front door.

“Stop! Who!” Two men in Taoist robes rushed out of the door to stop Zhang Shenxu.

“Go away!” Zhang Shenxu’s eyes stared.


In an instant, two men in Taoist robes were beaten out. Zhang Shenxu opened the door instantly and broke in.

As soon as I entered it, I saw that the home was covered with white cloth!

“Father? Father!” Zhang Shenxu exclaimed.

“The son is back?” A housekeeper in Zhang’s mansion, wearing a funeral gown, suddenly looked at Zhang Shenxu in surprise.

“Where is my father?” Zhang Shenxu cried.

“In the lobby, in…!” The butler suddenly showed a look of sadness.

“This mansion has a sound barrier array? There is also a soundproof array? There is also a smoke array? It’s not right!” Wang Ke said with a deep face.

“Father!” Zhang Shenxu anxiously went straight to the lobby behind.

At this moment, Zhang Shenxu couldn’t care about anything else, and was even more alarmed when he saw the white cloth around him. He rushed in without hesitation.

“Wang Ke, I’ll also go and see, if the uncle is really dead, grandpa’s side, I can’t explain it!” Zhang Zhengdao anxiously rushed over.

Although Wang Ke has doubts in his heart, he also followed at the moment. After all, this Donglai may also be his father-in-law, and there is no way. Even if it might be dangerous, you still have to break through. Besides, I have a certain amount of confidence now. What are you afraid of?

Suddenly, I arrived at the backyard lobby.

In the lobby of the backyard, there are some weeping people standing, a coffin is placed on the top of the mourning hall, and a middle-aged woman in a Taoist robe is kneeling beside her, her eyes are red, and she is wearing mourning clothes, and her expression has a sad hollowness.

“The son? The son is back!”

“My son, why did you come back!”

“Shen Xu, you failed to see the last side of Big Brother!”



A group of people in the courtyard immediately gathered around.

However, Zhang Shenxu didn’t look at these people at all, but immediately rushed to the coffin.

The lid of the coffin has not been closed yet, and there is a man lying inside at the moment, who is it if it’s not Zhang Donglai?

“Father! Father! What happened? Father, what happened to you!” Zhang Shenxu felt sad.

“Really dead?” Wang Ke was surprised.

Zhang Zhengdao also ran over anxiously, inspecting the corpse in the coffin, his expression changed: “Uncle! What’s the matter? Uncle has already entered the realm of Martial God for the first time, how could he die?”

“What happened to my dad? How did my dad die?” Zhang Shenxu suddenly looked at the crowd with red eyes and crying.

“Why are you back? Xuer! And you, Zhang Zhengdao, why are you back? No!” The middle-aged woman who was kneeling beside her face changed.

“Uncle Jiu Miao, how did my father die? How did my father die?” Zhang Shenxu looked at the woman with tears in his eyes.

“Jiu Miao, who killed my uncle?” Zhang Zhengdao also said anxiously.

The middle-aged woman suddenly got excited, her expression changed: “You go, hurry, take your father’s body, take me away, your father can still be saved, hurry!”

“What?” Zhang Shenxu was taken aback.

“You got it! This is a trap, a trap waiting for you to come!” The middle-aged woman anxiously urged.

Wang Ke’s face changed. Immediately rushed out of Zhang Mansion.


At this moment, a dark enchantment suddenly appeared in Zhang Mansion, and countless purple flames enveloped Zhang Mansion, making people nowhere to escape.

PS: Second!

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