Indestructible God King Chapter 924: Kick the ball

Evil Dragon City, the entrance of the Dragon Terrace!

Wang Ke and General Huang are both berating the black and red lotus emperors. It makes the faces of the two emperors extremely ugly, shouldn’t you tear each other between the real and the evil emperor? Why did you suddenly throw the problem to us? How do we know which of you is true and who is false? This really evil emperor, wouldn’t it be the opportunity to specifically cheat us? Want us to offend her and kill us before the Lord is out of trouble?

The Black Lotus and the Red Lotus Emperor did not dare to move at this moment, and they kept thinking of many terrible thoughts in their heads.

After all, the situation in front of me is obvious. If one is true and one is false, the false emperor must be frightened and dare not do anything at all. As for the true, he deliberately liquidated himself. What should we do now?

Ignore the cold sweat on the back of the two emperors at the moment. At this moment, Wang Ke is also the rest of his life. Wang Ke originally planned to perform a show with Longyu and Bujie monk later. After the four lotus empresses appeared, they flicked and surrendered two lotus flowers, and then dragged the four lotus emperors by himself. , Let Long Yuhe Bujie run away! But now, another evil emperor appeared, completely disrupting his plan!

There are only multiple steps now! First trample the opposite side falsely to death!

“What are you doing? What are you doing? Why don’t you do it?” Wang Ke glared and scolded the two emperors of Hong Lian and Hei Lian.

“Can the emperor do it himself?” General Huang also stared angrily.

The Red Lotus Emperor: “…!”

The Black Lotus Human Emperor: “…………!”

We want to do it, but what if we do it wrong? Obviously, it was the evil emperor who was giving us a trick. If we helped the false emperor beat the real evil emperor, then the evil emperor could take the opportunity to kill us! At that time, even Demon Thirteen can’t protect himself. After all, the Lord is about to be troubled, and he doesn’t seem to be of much value anymore? Is the evil emperor going to carry out a major purge before the Lord is out of trouble?

“You can’t tell, are they fake? I, my king, I am the emperor’s confidant, don’t you know? What are they? The real emperor next to me is the real emperor. Evil wanted, but, don’t you have any points in your heart? The devil is the emperor’s confidant, don’t you suspect that we are fake?” Wang Ke stared.

“The emperor’s reliant team is the most loyal to the emperor. Also, the evil divine sword just now, you are blind and haven’t seen it? Don’t you still suspect that we are fake?” General Huang also stared.

The black lotus emperor and the red lotus emperor have a cold sweat on their foreheads. What you say makes sense, but it’s a trap. You have to do it. Why don’t you do it yourself? We have to let us. Hands on? Isn’t this just blatantly setting us off?

“The next set?” The Red Lotus Emperor was suddenly excited.

Suddenly, the Red Lotus Human Emperor looked at the Black Lotus Human Emperor and quietly transmitted his voice.

“Are these two evil emperors deliberate?” The Red Lotus human emperor said with an ugly expression.

“What deliberately?” The Black Lotus Emperor said in a puzzled voice.

“The evil emperor deliberately removed Mo 13 and others, and then the evil emperor arranged for a false self to appear, one true and one false. It was the evil emperor deliberately set up a game in order to force us to death?” The emperor said.

The black lotus emperor suddenly shrank his pupils, and the voice transmission said: “No, won’t it?”

“Have you forgotten? The evil emperor’s daughter was stolen. The evil emperor has long been on our body and hated us for a long time. It just needs us to nurture the second-grade lotus flower and the promise to the Lord. What’s more, we have calculated the evil emperor a few years ago. Does the evil emperor want us to die? The evil emperor wants us to die without a burial place. However, once the Lord is out of trouble, the Lord will protect us. The evil emperor can’t do anything to us. The evil emperor must have thought of this. Therefore, the evil emperor rushed to the Lord before he got out of trouble and set us a dead end. In other words, if we attacked the wrong one, we would die. The place of burial!” said the Red Lotus Emperor.

“Hiss~~~~~~~!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor sucked in a cold breath.

“No, maybe it’s not that we attacked the wrong one and the evil emperor will take the opportunity to kill us. Rather, as long as we do, the evil emperor will have an excuse. No matter who we attack, the evil emperor will definitely change the one we attacked. Become true yourself, the evil emperor can do it! She is killing us!” The red lotus human emperor said with an ugly face.

“Hiss~~~~~~~~!” The Heilian Emperor sucked in cold air again.

Wang Ke’s face blackened: “Heilian Renhuang, do you smell the ramen anymore? What are you doing? If you want to do it, why don’t you do it?”

“Black Lotus Human Emperor? Red Lotus Human Emperor? You two look at each other, and your expressions are constantly changing. Are you carrying us, secretly transmitting there?” General Huang also stared.

The black lotus emperor and the red lotus emperor looked ugly. You want to kill us, can’t we send a message to discuss countermeasures?

“Don’t do it yet?” Wang Ke stared.

“Kill!” General Huang scolded, too.

The two did not encourage their own “fake evil emperor” to do it. After all, they don’t know the details of the opposite emperor. Although the opponent is definitely a fake, if it is a stubborn stubbornness, this fight will be unremarkable. One of his tricks cannot be destroyed, it is easy to expose himself, and the best way now is to force the Black Lotus and the Red Lotus Emperor to do it.

However, after the black lotus emperor and the red lotus emperor have complemented each other, they have made up their minds. They will not do anything to the evil emperor if they are killed. The previous temptation can be justified. It is for the sake of safety, but now you can do it again. Just looking for death!

“Do it!” Wang Ke urged, staring.

The black lotus emperor and the red lotus emperor are neurotic, how come they are like wood? Didn’t you think you were pretty good before?

“Don’t do it yet?” General Huang also urged.

What are these two masters doing? Could it be that we also found that our two evil emperors were both fake?

At the time when Wang Ke and General Huang were being persecuted, after all, the Black Lotus and Red Lotus Human Emperors consciously couldn’t escape. At this time, if they didn’t obey the order and deliberately planted the will of the evil emperor, it would be easy to slander. If you betray yourself, you must speak up.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor and the Red Lotus Human Emperor looked at each other, and finally figured out a plan in the quiet transmission.

“Huh, evil emperor? Bold madman, I can tell at a glance, you are fake, you are looking for death!” The black lotus emperor’s eyes widened, and he suddenly yelled at Wang Ke and his party.

After all, the black lotus human emperor had just won the evil divine sword of the first evil emperor. At that time, it was believed that they were real, so in order to maintain the character, he had to stand on the side of the first evil emperor.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor’s attack immediately caused Wang Ke’s pupils to shrink, and a huge threat enveloped his body. Is it over? Did you wear it?

General Huang’s side was overjoyed, and it was done!

“Presumptuous, Black Lotus Human Emperor, what are you talking about? The evil emperor next to Wang Ke is the real evil emperor, and the evil emperor next to General Huang is the fake one. Do you want to rebel?” Red Lian Ren Huang scolded angrily.

“Huh?” The joy in General Huang’s heart suddenly froze.

Wang Ke’s side was also taken aback, what’s the situation? The black lotus emperor says we are fake, the red lotus emperor says we are real? The two of you, the emperor, why did you suddenly get inside? How did this trilateral confrontation become a four-party struggle for hegemony?

“The Red Lotus Emperor, blinded you? It’s true and fake, you can’t tell? You didn’t see the evil spirit of the sword just now? Wang Ke and the others are fake!” Hei The Emperor Lotus stared.

“Emperor Black Lotus, you are blind. The king is the confidant of the evil emperor, you don’t know? The devil is here too, don’t you understand that the devil is the dark child of the evil emperor? You lost the second. Pin Hei Lian, he deliberately rejected Demon Lord and dared to slander the true evil emperor, are you looking for death?” The Red Lotus Human Emperor stared.



The Black Lotus Emperor and the Red Lotus Emperor suddenly quarreled.

The dispute between the two great emperors became more intense. At this moment, they had to fight with their hands. Wang Ke and General Huang stared at him. What are they doing? For what? Are you going to fight yourself?

The two emperors of Hei Lian and Hong Lian have made plans just now. At this moment, they are deliberately quarreling. The big deal is that the two of us faked each other’s two punches. As long as we don’t attack the evil emperor, as long as we don’t attack us Opportunity, what is this? Humph, evil emperor, do you want to set up a situation to harm us? How will we let you succeed?

The two emperors of Hei Lian and Hong Lian became more noisy and fierce. They even collided with each other, and the air waves were overwhelming, as if the two were going to fight each other. This, this made Wang Ke and General Huang silent collectively.

What’s the situation? where am I? What am i doing? Who are they?

“The evil emperor, the black lotus emperor does not know good or bad, I suspect that he is in the same group as these people who pretend to be you. I will subdue the black lotus emperor now to clear the obstacles for the evil emperor. As for this Fake evil emperor, please trouble the evil emperor to do it yourself!” Red lotus emperor said.

“The evil emperor, the Red Lotus human emperor defends the false emperor in this way, and slanders you as a fake. I will subdue him and clear the obstacles for the emperor. As for the false emperor on the opposite side, please trouble the emperor personally. Pack it up!” said the Black Lotus Human Emperor.

While they were talking, the two rose into the sky.


The Black Lotus Human Emperor and the Red Lotus Human Emperor face each other in mid-air, and the aftermath of the fierce impact forms a billowing wave of air and rushes straight in all directions. The two didn’t really fight, they just acted, but, in this way, they kicked the ball back to the two evil emperors. You have the ability to kill each other. When you finish killing the fake one, we will come down and ask for sin. I said I was wrong. Then, the imperial gang of people who read correctly said something nice, and a crisis was diffused invisible.

Hei Lian and Red Lian Emperor are very good at calculating, but in this way, what will Wang Ke and General Huang do? Do you really want to do it with each other?

The two false emperors were silent for a while, and Wang Ke, General Huang and others were also silent for a while. At this moment, all of them had a cold sweat on their foreheads. Now, what should I do now?

In mid-air, when the black and red lotus emperors were ‘stalemate’, they also secretly looked at the two false evil emperors. Seeing the silence of the two false evil emperors, he naturally strengthened his guess. Sure enough, this was the situation set by the evil emperor against us. Fortunately, we were smart and easily resolved.

Just, can the situation be resolved? Both Wang Ke and General Huang had cold sweats on their foreheads. The two evil emperors were both fakes. Now they will show off their stuff if they don’t do it with each other, but once they do it with each other, they will show off the stuff faster. We are so difficult!

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