Indestructible God King Chapter 923: False Evil Emperor VS False Evil Emperor

Diankou of Longtai!

The Emperor of Red Lotus and the Emperor of Black Lotus heard that there was another evil emperor, and suddenly felt that something was not right. How could they be easily deceived if they were able to rule the dynasty for thousands of years? Although the General Huang and the evil emperor in front of them looked real, the evil emperor covered his whole body with a black mist, which was originally unusual. Wouldn’t it be right to have another one at this moment?

It doesn’t matter who is true and who is false, because as soon as the two evil emperors meet, everything will come to light. At that time, we don’t need to do anything at all, and the false will naturally be killed immediately.

However, if the evil emperor in front of you is a fake, what is the purpose, we still have to find out. After all, that is the evil emperor. Who dares to impersonate her today?

“Evil emperor, there is another evil emperor outside, he must be posing as the evil emperor, why don’t you listen to what he said? What is the purpose?” said the red lotus emperor.

“Okay!” General Huang agreed.

The promise is simply, let the Red Lotus and Black Lotus also raise their brows. Are you a yellow general, are you qualified to agree on behalf of the evil emperor? Could it be that you are fake?

Despite suspicion, the red and black lotus emperors did not delve into it, because the bat demon over there has attracted a new evil emperor.

At this moment, Emperor Yan Luo and Tianshi Huang are also worried. Although the two are strong, but the evil emperor comes in person, can they stop them? Special, don’t fall here today! What should we do now?


The gate of the main hall closed suddenly, and the Red Lotus Emperor stayed in the hall, accompanied by General Huang and the evil emperor shrouded in black mist.

The black lotus emperor is responsible for welcoming the new emperor outside the temple.

“Wang Ke? Demon Lord?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor suddenly shrank his pupils and looked at the three flying in the distance.


But it was the trio of Wang Ke, Mozun, and Evil Emperor who fell at the entrance of the Longtai Palace.

“Huh? Heilian Emperor, why are you alone? What about the other three Emperors? Seeing the evil emperor come, they didn’t come to greet you? What are you going to do? Do you want to rebel?” Wang Ke preemptively scolded Tao.

Wang Ke wants to turn the attention of the Black Lotus Human Emperor to himself, so that the Black Lotus Human Emperor does not pay attention to the evil emperor who is posing as Long Yu next to him. If he wants to attract the Black Lotus Human Emperor’s attention, he is best offended. , Scold him, once he loses his mind, he will only pay attention to me and not pay attention to the true or false of the evil emperor next to him.

However, the Black Lotus Human Emperor is not angry at this moment. After all, he has seen the world before. I have just seen an evil emperor. Here comes another one. Why should I be angry for the king?

It’s just that, why is the evil emperor in front of him covering his body with black mist?

“Evil emperor?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor looked at the dragon jade shrouded in black mist with a weird expression.

“The emperor has just made the sword of goodness, and his body is accumulating power at the moment, and the black mist is engulfed. Waiting for the next seal to be opened, it is temporarily inconvenient to speak, and the minister will dictate it on his behalf!” Wang Ke suddenly said.

Wang Ke finished speaking, the Black Lotus Emperor was startled. Why is this, this sentence a bit familiar? I seem to have heard it just now?

“What are you looking at? The emperor is going to open the seal and accumulate all your energy. Do you still want to fight fakes? In this world, who dares to pretend to be the emperor?” Wang Ke scolded.

However, the Black Lotus Human Emperor did not divert his attention because of Wang Ke’s anger.

“Why are you only here? Where are the demon gods?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor frowned and asked.

“On the way here, I met the people of the good emperor, and the two demon gods went to drag them, and they were horrified. Therefore, the emperor only brought us here!” Wang Ke said.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor: “…………!”

The people in the Longtai Temple: “…!”

Isn’t this what General Huang said just now? Exactly the same? This is so evil!

“What are you doing? Heilian Emperor, what are you staring at the emperor? Do you want to offend the emperor? Do you want to die?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor turned his head and stared at Wang Ke: “Wang Ke, how could the evil emperor only bring you two? The evil emperor can’t speak? I can only let you dictate? Huh, you want to lie to me?” /

“Cheat? Haha, Black Lotus Emperor, do you want to live anymore? The Evil Emperor is face to face, and dare to question? I told you, the Evil Emperor is full of strength, inconvenient to use force, to open the seal later. What are you doing here? Questioning the evil emperor? Then you see, am I a fake? Is this Demon Lord fake?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

The demon lord who doesn’t stop posing, looks weird, I’m fake! Don’t lead me to fire, I’m just here to help.

“Hmph, then I invite the other three emperors to come over, you can tell everyone, how?” Heilian emperor said solemnly.

“What do you mean? Didn’t the emperor let the four of you come together? What about the other three emperors? What are they doing? They all want to rebel? At this time, you have to dare to break the emperor to open the seal, and you don’t even want to live!” Wang Ke stared angrily.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor’s face was ugly. The grass platform team of Wang Ke and the three of them looked even more unreliable than the honor guard team in the Longtai Hall. However, the Wang Ke and the three dared to call the Four Lords to come and see him together. ? Are you not afraid of being dismantled and unable to run away at all?

In front of him, Wang Ke is more like a fake, but Wang Ke’s attitude is different from that of General Huang inside. The General Huang inside doesn’t seem to want us to gather together with the Four Lotus Emperors! This……!

“What are you doing? Heilian Emperor, what are you talking about today? I asked you to call them over, you didn’t hear it? Let the emperor wait for you here? You go shout! Do you still suspect that the emperor is a fake Isn’t it possible?” Wang Ke stared.

You don’t have a second-grade lotus on your body either. You are here, and I can’t get any benefits for a long time by fooling you. Call someone else to come.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor looked at the evil emperor who was posing as Longyu with a complicated expression, because Wang Ke was so determined and confident that the authenticity of the evil emperor before him was greatly increased.

If it was before, I might have to try his strength, but at the moment I don’t need it, let the evil emperor face the evil emperor, there will definitely be someone exposed in a while.

Wang Ke and the Bujie monk on the side looked at each other. According to Wang Ke’s previous calculations, at this time, the Black Lotus Human Emperor would definitely dismantle the dragon jade. At this time, he and the Bujie monk must act at the same time to block him. The Black Lotus human emperor slapped Dragon Jade in the palm of his hand, and the monk did not give up to play a demeanor-like demeanor. Just waiting for the Black Lotus Emperor to do it.

However, the Black Lotus Human Sovereign didn’t do anything but spoke: “It’s not that I suspect that the evil emperor is a fake, but that the evil emperor has arrived before you come!”

“What?” Wang Ke’s face froze.

The evil emperor came early? Well, then, Long Yu and I are going to sit on wax?

The monk who didn’t give up on the side even shrank his pupils and looked desperate. It’s so special, I can’t say that I won’t come, now it’s over?


The door of the main hall opened suddenly.

Wang Ke and Bujie monk have a lot of cold sweat on their foreheads.

As soon as the door of the main hall opened, a group of people inside were exposed. The Red Lotus Emperor inside looked suspicious, and General Huang also had a lot of cold sweat on his forehead at this moment. The evil emperor, who pretended to be Emperor Yan Luo, stood there quietly, also at a loss.

For a moment, the evil emperor looked at the evil emperor, and Hei Mist looked at Hei Mist! Wang Ke and General Huang and his party were all stiff. Only the Black Lotus Emperor and the Red Lotus Emperor stood together and looked at these two groups of evil emperors suspiciously. I want to see who is the fake one.

What to do?

General Huang and Wang Ke have this voice in their minds at the same time? Is this done today?

The scene suddenly fell silent, and all three parties seemed to have suffered a hold-in technique. However, the three parties are extremely alert to each other, and at the same time each secretly prepares for battle, as if they are ready to kill at any time.

No way, both evil emperors just want to escape now, and if they want to escape the first time, they think they will die if they don’t run. This also led to General Huang suddenly showing a rabbit head scepter in his sleeve, and General Huang grasped the rabbit head scepter as if he wanted to do it.

Wang Ke’s eyes lit up when he saw the rabbit head scepter. No, no, shouldn’t the rabbit head scepter be in the hands of Master Huang Tian? How is it in the hands of the evil emperor? what’s going on? fake? They have problems!

By the way, if the evil emperor in front of you is real, will the evil emperor remain silent for a long time? There must be a problem, they are fake, haha, I’m an insider, you use me to play the remaining tricks to deceive me?

“Black Lotus Human Emperor, Red Lotus Human Emperor, are you looking for death? If you dare to pretend to be the emperor, do you want to rebel?” Wang Ke stared angrily.

“What did you say?” The Black Lotus Human Emperor’s face stiffened.

Should you not tear each other between the true and false emperor? Are you attacking me?

The Black Lotus Human Emperor’s consternation was not over yet, and General Huang on the opposite side stared, because General Huang found that the opposite’Devil Zun’ had his palm turned golden.

It’s because the monk who doesn’t give up is too nervous, the golden body of an Arhat, ready to run away, so the flaws are exposed. At this moment, General Huang instantly sees that this Demon Venerable is fake?

What’s so special, how could the devil be fake? Don’t Wang Ke and Mozun wear a pair of pants? What does he use a fake demon to do? No, Mozun is fake? And the evil emperor in front of us didn’t attack us immediately, could it be fake? Fuck, we use the fake evil emperor to deceive the two emperors, can your king also play this set?

“The Red Lotus Human Emperor, the Black Lotus Human Emperor? They are you looking for to insult the emperor? Do you want to rebel?” General Huang stared.

The Red Lotus Emperor also has a stiff face. You two, the real and the evil emperor, shouldn’t you tear each other’s skins? Why are you bothering us? Now, how do I know which of you is real and who is fake?

“The one who betrayed the emperor, die! Now that the seal is about to be opened, do you want to rebel? The black lotus emperor, the red lotus emperor, if you don’t capture and kill this imposter, it will be a capital crime!” Wang Ke stared at him and shouted. Tao.

“Black Lotus Human Emperor, Red Lotus Human Emperor, if you don’t kill the king, it is a death penalty!” General Huang also cried out.

The Black Lotus Human Emperor: “…………!”

The Red Lotus Emperor: “…!”

Is something wrong? Shouldn’t you two tear each other? Let us help you? what is this? How do we know which of you is real and who is fake? What if you make a mistake?

“What are you looking at? Don’t do it yet, kill them!” Wang Ke stared.

“What are you doing in a daze? Do it! Kill them!” General Huang also stared angrily.

Black Lotus Human Emperor, Red Lotus Human Emperor: “…………!”

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