Indestructible God King Chapter 905: Are you going to die?

“Do you do all the tricks?” Wang Ke stared at Cao Xiong in the big Luojin bowl.

I just want to ask you for a few human skin masks. Everyone wears them so that they can run away. What are you recruiting? I didn’t let you recruit? Why are you still adding the drama yourself?

“Yes, I did all the tricks. In the princess mansion, I discussed with the emperor and wanted to trick you into stealing things from the Arhat Hall. But, who knows that you suddenly broke me, my conspiracy with the emperor It is destroyed, I can only find another way to guide you from the opposite direction! Hey, can you take these out first, vomit…!” Cao Xiong said anxiously.

Wang Ke, Gong Wei, Lu Yutian, Ximen Jing glanced at each other, what’s the situation? You and the emperor conspired with us?

“Cao Xiong, you dare to lie to me, how can my father count me?” Gong Wei suddenly stared.

“It’s not about you, it’s for your own good, vomit~~~~~~! You guys withdraw first, I can’t stand it!” Cao Xiong shouted desperately.

Wang Ke waved his hand, and the turbid Zhenyuan from the mouth of the God of Great Yen slowly withdrew, so that Cao Xiong resumed his normal breathing in Yi Ji Ling.

“Let’s talk about it, you know the taste just now, if there is a concealment, you can taste the taste just now!” Wang Ke threatened.

Cao Xiong is an exciting spirit: “I said, I said!”

Now that Wang Ke is trapped, he can’t get out of the soul. If I don’t say it clearly, I do it again. How can I bear it?

“The Arhat Hall suppressed the Dragon Palace! The endless grievances suppressing the Dragon Race’s resentful spirits, why have they been unable to dissipate for a thousand years, do you know the root cause?” Cao Xiong said solemnly.

“What’s the root cause? It’s that the dragon clan is grieving! The reincarnation plate has already been told to me just now!” Ximen Jing frowned.

“No, the reincarnation disc must not be clear to you. It is hiding from you, grievances? What grievances? People die like a lamp, even if there are grievances, the dragons are all dead, how can these grievances persist for thousands of years What’s more, the Luohan Temple is useless day and night? There is no carrier, why can’t it disappear for a thousand years? Look at other places in the world, can there be so many grievances that can last for a thousand years?” Cao Xiong said.

“Oh?” Wang Ke raised his brow.

“That’s because of the Dragon Ball of the Dragon Emperor! Although the Dragon Clan is extinct, the Emperor Dragon Ball, the highest identity symbol of the Dragon Clan, is still in the Dragon Palace, because this dragon, although the Dragon Clan is dead, can still think about it. And this emperor dragon ball still gathers endless resentment, carrying the monstrous resentment of the dragon clan, it has swelled for thousands of years, and will last for a long time!” Cao Xiong explained.

“Is this the Emperor Dragon Ball?” Wang Ke frowned.

“It is the Emperor Dragon Ball, the Dragon Ball of the Dragon Emperor, and the highest symbol of the Dragon Clan. It contains monstrous divine power, powerful, and can shock immortals!” Cao Xiong explained.

“Oh?” everyone was surprised.

“What do you mean by saying that my father and you conspired to lie to me?” Gong Wei stared.

“The emperor did not lie to you, but wanted to be good for you! Yuanmiao Luohan wanted to destroy the Dragon Palace, wanted to destroy it along with the Emperor Dragon Ball, and the emperor meant that he hoped you could get this Emperor Dragon Ball, and then Refining Emperor Dragon Ball, inheriting the inheritance of Dragon Emperor, intercepting the huge power of Dragon Emperor, and wanting you to get great luck!” Cao Xiong explained.

“Me?” Gong Wei said in astonishment.

“Yes, our original plan was, I will accompany you to the Luohan Temple, and when we meet Ximen Jing together, I will confuse Wang Ke, let Wang Ke help you enter the Dragon Palace, and then help you get This Emperor Dragon Ball!” Cao Xiong explained.

“Uh, help Gong Wei get the baby? Isn’t it a good thing? Why are you doing so sneaky? Are you lying to me? Are you still trying to taste what you just saw?” stare.

“No, I didn’t lie, what I said is true!” Cao Xiong exclaimed.

“Fart! Wang Ke, don’t believe him, he must be lying to you, what a special thing, Emperor Dragon Ball, if it’s a good thing, why doesn’t Yuanmiao Luohan take it by himself? Also, why doesn’t Gong Shanhai come to take it by himself, If you have to lie to us to go to the Dragon Palace, this is obviously a lie to us!” Lu Yutian stared.

“Hmph, looking for death!” Wang Ke’s eyes stared.

“Oh, no, Wang Ke, quickly withdraw your stuff. It smells so bad. I didn’t lie to you. It’s true! The emperor naturally wants to take the Emperor Dragon Ball, but Yuanmiao Luohan doesn’t allow it. , Because Yuanmiao Luohan is also a dragon, she is also a dragon!” Cao Xiong exclaimed anxiously.

“What? Yuanmiao Arhat is a dragon?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“I remember. When we first came, when we mentioned that Wang Ke killed the Dragon Emperor, a murderous aura flashed in the eyes of the monk Yuanmiao Luohan?” Se Yutian suddenly remembered the previous scene.

At that time, Wang Ke pushed all the deaths of the Dragon King onto the monsters in the abyss, and the murderous intent on Yuanmiao Arhat disappeared.

“I just asked about the reincarnation disc consciousness, and the reincarnation disc consciousness said that Cao Xiong did not lie!” Ximen Jing said.

“Uh? Really?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“Gurulu, vomit, no, Wang Ke, I’m all in it, vomit, I didn’t lie!” Cao Xiong shouted desperately.

“Huh? Sorry, sorry, I accidentally made too much just now!” Wang Ke suddenly apologized.

Detecting his hands, Wang Ke withdrew the Zhuo Zhenyuan from the mouth of the Great Yen God.

Cao Xiong is just an exciting restoration of peace. It’s so terrifying, Wang Ke, bastard, how could there be such a smelly thing in the soul?

“A thousand years ago, the evil demons arrived, the dragon clan was annihilated, and the dragon palace was looted. However, this emperor dragon ball could not be taken away. Later, the Buddhist gate came and some people said that since the dragon clan has been destroyed, the emperor will be taken away. Take the dragon ball, but Yuanmiao Arhat didn’t allow it, and tried everything to block everyone. The emperor dragon ball contained all the resentment of the destroyed dragon clan. Yuanmiao Arhat couldn’t bear it and wanted to save them all, it’s a pity Yuanmiao Arhat means that even if these dragon wraith spirits cannot be overtaken, the Emperor Dragon Ball cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of outsiders. Yuanmiao Arhat is ready to sacrifice the reincarnation plate and die with the Emperor Dragon Ball. No, it is not a joint destruction, but a force. The price of sending these resentful spirits into reincarnation is that the reincarnation disc is completely destroyed, and the emperor dragon ball is also destroyed!” Cao Xiong explained.

“Yuanmiao Arhat, as the dragon clan, is this the last thing to do for the dead dragon clan? Send them to the west?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes, the emperor had talked with Yuanmiao Arhat many times, but Yuanmiao Arhat was stubborn and refused to make any concessions. The emperor was helpless, and Yuanmiao Arhat also guarded the emperor and did not allow the emperor to come to take the emperor’s dragon ball. !” Cao Xiong explained.

“Oh? Since Gong Shanhai wants to steal the Emperor Dragon Ball, why doesn’t he do it himself?” Wang Ke frowned.

I have already decided to steal, what else can I do?

“Emperor Dragon Ball contains Dragon Emperor resentment. If you want to forcibly collect it, even the emperor must have a monstrous movement, and it will definitely disturb Yuanmiao Arhat. Therefore, the emperor decided to let Gong Wei get this inheritance!” Cao Xiong explained Tao.

“Gong Wei? Gong Wei takes the Emperor Dragon Ball, and there is no movement?” Wang Ke frowned.

“You forgot, Gong Wei also has dragon blood?” Cao Xiong said.

“Ah, yes, Gong Wei’s mother is Long Po’s sister. Gong Wei’s mother died. Long Po took Gong Wei to live in Shiwan Dashan. Gong Wei, your mother is a dragon, so, You also have dragon blood!” Wang Ke looked at Gong Wei.

“Others taking the Emperor Dragon Ball will definitely cause the earth to shake, causing chaos in the Dragon Palace, and attracting the attention of Yuan Miao Arhat. However, Gong Wei has the blood of the Dragon clan, which is different. The Emperor Dragon Ball will naturally recognize Gong Wei. It will be easy to get the Emperor Dragon Ball! The emperor meant that we would do our best to help Gong Wei get the Emperor Dragon Ball!” Cao Xiong said.

“Dad is doing me good?” Gong Wei frowned slightly.

“No, since it’s for Gong Wei’s sake, why do you want to hide it? Why keep hiding it and lie to us? Cao Xiong, you are lie to us? Right! This is definitely not for you when you enter the Dragon Palace to get the Emperor’s Dragon Ball It’s that simple? Isn’t it?” Wang Ke stared.

Cao Xiong was silent for a while.

“Cao Xiong, are you still lying to me?” Gong Wei said solemnly.

“I did not deceive, but there is a price to enter the Dragon Palace. There is a lot of resentment in it, which is like extinction and poisonous, and it is even more obstructed by resentful spirits. If you enter it, you will definitely be hurt. Entering it together, I figured out a way to bring Wang Ke, Ximen Jing, and Lu Yutian together, attacking the grieving spirits, sacrificing us, and helping Gong Wei get the inheritance of the Emperor Dragon Ball!” Cao Xiong smiled bitterly.

“Sacrifice us? Help Weiwei?” Lu Yutian’s face froze.

“Are you going to sacrifice yourself too?” Wang Ke stared.

“No, I have a Buddha treasure lent to me by the emperor, which can allow me to survive serious injuries, and you…!” Cao Xiong explained.

“In other words, are you going to lie to us to enter the Dragon Palace together, sacrifice a few of us, and help Gong Wei get the Dragon Emperor’s inheritance? Afterwards, if only you can survive, we all have to die?” Wang Ke stared.

“Uh, the original plan was like this! I did all the tricks, I didn’t lie!” Cao Xiong said anxiously.

At this moment, Cao Xiong trembled all over the torture of Zhuo Zhenyuan and didn’t dare to lie at all.

“Hmph, if I let them die, I don’t want any Emperor Dragon Ball! Dad, too, I told him. In my heart, Serang is the most important thing. If Serang has something good or bad, I don’t want to live. That’s it!” Gong Wei said solemnly.

“Princess, you don’t know how good the Emperor Dragon Ball is. In the Emperor Dragon Ball, there are all the inheritance of the Dragon Emperor, the lifelong cultivation of the Dragon Emperor, and the merits accumulated by the Dragon Clan for tens of thousands of years. There is…!” Cao Xiong smiled bitterly. Tao.

“I don’t want it, I don’t want it, I don’t want it, the cultivation base, I will slowly fix it by myself in the future, if there is no Selang, I would rather die!” Gong Wei stared angrily.

“No, wait, what did you just say? In the Emperor Dragon Ball, there are the merits accumulated by the dragon clan for tens of thousands of years? What you just said was merit?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes, is there any problem?” Cao Xiong stared blankly.

Wang Ke’s spirits all over his body. What a peculiar **** has eyes. I don’t know what to do with the next cremation crisis. Suddenly a big pie fell from the sky.

“Gong Wei, let’s accompany you to get the Emperor Dragon Ball!” Wang Ke said excitedly.

“Wh, what? Wang Ke, what’s your nerve?” Gong Wei’s face became stiff.

“I mean, what’s the nerve? How good is the Emperor Dragon Ball. If you don’t take it, don’t you have a disease? Don’t worry, as a friend, I will help you with this favor. I will help you to get it!” Wang Can be excited.

“Wang Ke, are you crazy? Cao Xiong just said that there is a poisonous form of resentment inside, and there are countless resentful spirits obstructing it. If you enter it, you will die!” Se Yutian stared.

“Putting a knife in your friend’s ribs, what are you caring about for this little thing?” Wang Ke stared.

Lust: “…………!”

Is this a trivial matter? Am I arguing about it?

“Teacher, are you going in? In case something is wrong!” Ximen Jing worried.

“Bah, what’s the matter? I’m in the Dragon Palace! Don’t stop me!” Wang Ke stared.

“Cao Xiong, where is the entrance to the Dragon Palace? Take us there!” Wang Ke said to Cao Xiong in the big Luo Jin bowl.

“Wh, what? Are you really going in?” Cao Xiong stared in astonishment.

You know, in order to lie to you to go in and die, do you know how hard I and the emperor were? Do you know how many brain cells I burnt to death? Do you know how much I worked hard to stand in line? Why, I have done so much but I can’t get to the point. I told you to go and die, but you want to go? This, this is unreasonable! Which link went wrong?

PS: The first update of the new year, I wish you all a happy New Year of the Ox, and three changes today. This is the first update!

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