Indestructible God King Chapter 904: I did all the tricks

“I just told me about the reincarnation disc, and I just knew that the reincarnation disc in my body was just a sense of consciousness!” Ximen Jing said.

“What do you mean?” Wang Ke was puzzled.

“A thousand years ago, the dragon race drew the wrath of the evil spirits because of their involvement in the battle of the righteous demons. At that time, the dragon emperor had his birthday, and the dragon race came to congratulate him. At that moment, the world’s top demons came to besiege. So far, the Dragon Palace was destroyed, and the dragon clan was destroyed. Only a few of the dragon clan outside survived. Although the dragon clan was extinct, it was filled with grievances and resented the human race, constantly resenting the dragon, attacking the human race in the Central Shenzhou, regardless of the right demon, they must eat. They have to kill, they hate the human race, and they want revenge at all costs!” Ximen Jing said.

“I know about this. On the way here just now, Gong Wei and the others told me?” Wang Ke stared.

“Later, Buddhism sent two powerful men to suppress Yuanmiao Luohan and Gongshanhai. Gongshanhai later opened up the reincarnation dynasty for Buddhism to be a power here, and Yuanmiao Luohan used the reincarnation disk to suppress the dragon palace’s grievances. All the resentful spirits are suppressed here! And Arhat Hall has been set up!” Ximen Jing said.

“Yuan Miao Arhat, use the reincarnation plate to suppress the dragon palace grievances?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“Yes, the reincarnation plate is a Buddha treasure, like a big golden bowl. It has its own spiritual consciousness. At the beginning, the power of the dragon palace’s resentful spirit was too large. If the reincarnation plate was destroyed at the cost of destruction, it would be able to And the Dragon Palace’s resentful spirit died together. However, Yuanmiao Arhat considered that the Dragon Clan was slaughtered to help the people of the righteous Dao. It was the righteous people who owed the Dragon Clan, so he did not rush to destroy it, but wanted to slow down. Slowly save them for them, hoping that they can reincarnate and rebirth to make up for the guilt of the righteous people! Therefore, the reincarnation disk body and the spirit of the instrument were separated, and the body suppressed the dragon palace resentful spirit, but the consciousness of the instrument spirit entered my mother’s Inside!” Ximen Jing said.

“What’s the use of this? The body and the spirit, why should they be separated? Isn’t this sick?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“No, the resentment of the Dragon Palace is too terrifying. The Samsara Disk has the most positive contact with the resentment of the resentful spirit. They worry that if things go on like this, the sense of the spirits of the Reincarnation Disk will be demonized by the resentment, so, Strip it out, so that the spirit consciousness will not be demonized by resentment!” Ximenjing said.

“What about this?” Wang Ke frowned.

“The spirit of the instrument needs a carrier. My mother was chosen as a saint and became the carrier of the reincarnation disk. She practiced here! Although my mother was in the Arhat Hall, her position was noble, but her real purpose was to always Sacrifice!” Ximen Jing said.

“What do you mean?” Wang Ke asked curiously.

“Yuanmiao Arhat leads all the high monks in the Arhat Hall to constantly supersede the Dragon Palace Wraith Spirits day and night, but at the same time, they also plan for the worst. Once the superseding fails, in order to avoid the destruction of the wraith spirits, we can only let the common people The reincarnation plate and this resentment will go to an end to ensure the common people’s peace!” Ximen Jing said.

“That is to say, the saint of your mother back then was always ready to urge the entire reincarnation disc with her tool spirit, and she was always ready to die with the dragon palace resentful spirit? In other words, your mother is a personal bomb, anytime He who obeyed his orders and blew himself up and destroyed the Dragon Palace’s resentful spirits?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes! Although my mother is a saint and is respected in the Arhat Hall, she is just a victim. My mother was ready to confess her fate, but she met my father during a trip. When I was pregnant with me, my mother listened to my father’s words and completely severed her relationship with Luohan Temple. Later, Yuanmiao Luohan and Gong Shanhai went to Dashan Dynasty to arrest my mother, but they were stopped by father and Shanhuang! They didn’t know, they followed me. At the birth of the reincarnation disc, the spirit of the reincarnation disc came into my body, and I waited until I was in the Martial God Realm to fully activate the spirit consciousness of the reincarnation disc!” Ximen Jing explained.

“The big thing that Yuanmiao Arhat said was…?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes, it has been a thousand years. Not only has Super Du Dragon Palace made no progress, but the grievances of Dragon Palace’s wraiths are getting bigger and bigger. Yuan Miao Arhat is helpless. In order to save the people of the world, he can only retrieve the instrument spirit and prepare to activate the reincarnation disk. , And end up with the Dragon Palace’s grievances, and completely destroy the Dragon Palace!” Ximen Jing explained.

“And then?” Wang Ke stared at Ximen Jing.

“The reincarnation disc is in my mind, revealing the image of the dragon palace resentful spirit, the common people are suffering, and it is not tragic. The reincarnation disc says that it has to sacrifice itself and save the common people. I will not go to **** and who will go to hell! I used to misunderstand Yuanmiao Arhat and Samsara are in the game, they are the truly great people, they…!” Ximen Jing said with a sigh.

“So, are you going to stay with the Samsara Disk?” Wang Ke stared.

“Yes, I want to stay and help them…!” Ximen Jing was about to nod.

However, Wang Ke, Lu Yutian, and Gong Wei stare at themselves together. What do they mean?

“Okay, I see, Ximen Jing, I will tell your father, you can go and die!” Wang Ke said.

“I…!” Ximen Jing was taken aback for a moment.

“You have such a realm and sentiment, I am quite satisfied, after all, after so many years of learning with me, you also have your own responsibility, rest assured, I will bring your ideas to your father, when the time comes, Write some nice epitaphs for you on the tombstone!” Wang Ke waved his hand.

Ximen Jing was stunned for a moment. He was infected by the reincarnation disk before, so he had an impulse in his head, wanting to save the common people, but he saw Wang Ke and the three look at himself like a fool, and Ximen Jing’s instinctive spirit stirred.

“No, why should I die? Why should I die? Buddhism does not only have one Buddha treasure in reincarnation, why not come to destroy the Dragon Palace with some other Buddha treasures? No matter how strong the Dragon Palace is, it is too strong. Climbing to the fairyland? Even if you have a strong climb to the fairyland, can you be better than a group of climbed to the fairyland? Can you be strong than the immortals? Why should I sacrifice myself?” Ximen Jing stared.

“I don’t know, you must sacrifice yourself to save the common people!” Wang Ke stared.

“No, teacher, I don’t want to sacrifice, take me with me and go to Te Niang’s Destroy Dragon Palace, it’s my ass!” Ximen Jing suddenly stared anxiously.

Wang Ke and the three of them looked at Ximen Jing and exhaled lightly.

“You stupid student, finally got the hang of it!” Lu Yutian said.

“Yeah, I was kicked in the head by a donkey before, and I actually said this, tusk!” Gong Wei also showed a weird look.

Ximen Jing: “…………!”

Is my head really kicked by a donkey before?

“It’s none of my business, it’s the reincarnation flickering me, my head is normal! Teacher, you have to believe me!” Ximen Jing suddenly anxiously said.

Wang Ke looked at Ximen Jing again with his caring eyes. Did Simon Shunshui deliberately send his son to cheat himself? Will staying with this product for a long time affect my IQ?

“Well, now that you know Yuanmiao Arhat’s arrangement, you can’t stay here for a long time. Maybe Yuanmiao Arhat will come to let Ximenjing, a human bomb, explode! You have to find a way to go quickly! “Wang Ke said.

“But, I can’t leave. There are monks on and above the Arhat Tower, and there are formations outside. Weiwei and I were sealed and repaired. Unless we become monks here, otherwise, we can’t leave at all. !” Lu Yutian frowned.

“Become a monk?” Wang Ke’s expression moved.

“You have a way? It’s useless. Who doesn’t know our looks? We’ll be discovered when we go downstairs!” Sai Yutian said.

“Yes, it would be great if Zhang Zhengdao’s seventy-two changes were made!” Ximen Jing said regretfully.

“No, I remember Cao Xiong had a leather mask. Maybe it’s okay?” Wang Ke said.


A group of people looked at Da Luo Jinbo suddenly.

Daluo Jinbo isolates the internal voice. Inside, the **** Wang Keda Yen swallows Cao Xiong. No matter how Cao Xiong shouts and attacks, he can’t hear it outside.

“Da Luo Jinbo, let out a little voice, we want to talk to Cao Xiong!” Wang Ke said.


Da Luo Jinbo immediately controlled the volume.

“Come here, Wang Ke, they are going to run away, come here!” Cao Xiong shouted in the mouth of the Great Yen God.

“Don’t make a noise! ​​I want to ask you something!” Wang Ke said coldly.

“Master, Master, come soon!” Cao Xiong’s shout continued.

“Ah, I want you not to be noisy. Are you still noisy? Don’t you know how good I am?” Wang Ke stared.

Suddenly, Wang Ke urged the Great Yen God, pouring some turbid true essence into his mouth.

The Great Yen God was originally formed by the accumulation of countless turbid true essences little by little. This releases a little turbid true essence, isn’t it the same as playing?

“Wang Ke, you, the soul, can’t help me, you talk to me, I don’t believe my voice can’t pass, ah, what is this? What is this? Nah, it smells so bad, what is this special? Oh, Wang Ke, is this a dungpit? Your soul has become a dungpit? Oh~~~~~!” Cao Xiong roared desperately.

At this moment, the Zhuo Zhenyuan in the Great Yen God, like the water of a swimming pool, instantly soaked Cao Xiong in it.

In the past, when Wang Ke used his Zhuo Zhenyuan to others, at most it was just a tuft of his palm, but what was in front of him? It was everywhere in all directions, and Cao Xiong suddenly looked desperate with this foul-smelling horror.

“No, let me go, vomit, I can’t stand it, Wang Ke, what kind of disgusting soul is this, why is there such a soul in this world, it smells so bad, I suffer No more, help, help! Oh!” Cao Xiong’s desperate voice kept coming.

Se Yutian, Gong Wei, and Ximen Jing stared at Wang Ke together.

“You, what did you do to Cao Xiong?” Lu Yutian said blankly.

“In the mouth of your soul, why did he say…!” Gong Wei also stared at Wang Ke.

Ximenjing stared at Wang Ke: “Teacher, you, you just threatened the reincarnation disc and said that it was true that you and me and the reincarnation disc consciousness were thrown into the dung pit as a threat?”

Wang Ke stared at the three of them: “When is it all, what are you doing studying this?”

The three of them looked weird. We couldn’t help but study the torment of Cao Xiong now. We can hear them clearly.

“No, Wang Ke, if you have any questions, just ask, I said, I did it, I did it all, vomit, vomit all, vomit~~~~~~~~~!” Cao Xiong’s weak voice came again.

“This is going to be a trick? It’s too simple, right? Teacher, is Cao Xiong tricking me?” Ximen Jing frowned and stared.

“Ximen Jing, I used to defraud your grandma, I really did it, don’t slander me, I did it, Wang Ke, you withdrew the magical powers, I do it all, vomit~~~~!” Cao Xiong’s voice of grief and anger came.

Cao Xiong is desperate. This stuff smells more than stinks. I can’t prevent my anger. I have rolled my eyes and twitched. Do you still doubt my sincerity? Are you still not human? Is there sympathy? vomit!

PS: After the three shifts, I wish you all a happy New Year of the Ox! Next, take a seven-day holiday for the Chinese New Year, and resume updates on the eighth day of the first month!

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