Indestructible God King Chapter 88: The Domineering Demon Lord

How strong is the Demon Lord? Wang didn’t know. However, Wang Ke watched the arrogant Snake King in front of the Demon Lord, scared like a quail, and did not dare to resist.

Finally, Demon Lord slapped the Snake King away.

The Snake King landed and didn’t even dare to argue. He took a group of snake generals and all the snake groups, and all walked away dingy.

The Demon Lord fell from the sky, and the disciples of the Demon Cult on Shenlong Island felt the pressure disappear, and they all stood up.

Without Mozun’s action, the eight fire men headed by the South Gambling Saint have all been arrested.

One by one kneeled in the hall of the vermillion-clothed palace shivering.

Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing were also taken to the hall. Including Wang Ke and others.

The devil sits directly in the main seat and coldly looks at the vermilion robes who has just been detoxified and sober.

“Zhu Hongyi, a little snake won’t make you so embarrassed, right? You used to be able to grab it with one hand!” Demon Lord said coldly.

“It’s a careless moment, the devil’s forgiveness!” Zhu Hongyi immediately got up and smiled bitterly.

“Suddenly? Humph, it was Nie Jiexue who hurt you seriously, right! You are so badly injured that you can’t deal with a small snake?” The devil’s hoarse voice, coldly looked at Nie Qingqing who was awakening again.

Nie Qingqing looked ugly for a while, and stood up: “Yes, I did the injury in the red shirt. I was going to die with him at that time!”

The devil flicks his fingertips.


Nie Qingqing seemed to be hit hard, and his chest collapsed instantly.


Nie Qingqing’s chest collapsed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out and flew up. Falling down fiercely, he vomited blood in an instant, and was dying.

“No, Demon Lord, be merciful!” Zhu Hongyi stood in front of Nie Qingqing in horror.

“Spare? Huh! Zhu Hongyi, I gave you face and allowed her to be the fifth hall master, but what did she do? People who have been enchanted, but want to die with the devil? Almost even you are dead! How many disciples of my Demon Cult died under her calculation? Something to die!” Demon Lord said coldly.

“Cough, cough, cough, cough!” Nie Qingqing couldn’t stop vomiting blood, but couldn’t resist at all.

“Mozun, I don’t blame her! Please let her go! Mozun forgive me!” Zhu Hongyi knelt and begged for mercy.

Ju Hongyi felt the murderous aura of Demon Lord.

“Red, you have never knelt down to anyone, don’t kneel to him! Don’t…!” Nie Qingqing was weeping in weakness.

“No, I don’t kneel anyone in Zhu Hongyi, no one is worthy of my kneeling, Qing’er, you are worthy, I am willing to kneel for you, as long as you can survive, Qing’er!” Zhu Hongyi hugged Nie Qingqing was in grief.

Mozun looked at the two coldly.

“Nie Qingqing can kill you once, and you can kill you a second time. I won’t leave her by your side! Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. I don’t want Demon Cult to consume a lot because of her!” Mozun stepped forward.

“Mozun, no, don’t kill her. If she dies, I will never live alone!” Zhu Hongyi begged with red eyes.

“Vermilion! Do you know what you are doing?” Demon Lord said coldly.

“I know, I’m more awake than ever, Demon Venerable, you can punish Qing’er, but you can’t kill her, you can’t!” Zhu Hongyi knelt in front of Demon Venerable and begged.

The Demon Lord wears a ghost mask and looks extremely fierce, as if not moved by the vermilion suit.

“Mozun, when the Snake King came just now, Nie Qingqing and Hall Master Zhu stood in front of me together. She is also considered to save me? It is also considered meritorious, or…!” Shengzi persuaded.

But Wang Ke gave Shengzi a look and asked Shengzi to help plead.

“Huh?” Demon Lord glanced at Saint Child.

“Mozun, if you want to kill Nie Qingqing, Hall Master Zhu must also be dead, I don’t want Hall Master Zhu to die! He has been protecting me these days!” Shengzi persuaded.

The Demon Lord pondered for a while before he said in a deep voice: “Nie Qingqing? You rebelled against the Demon Cult, so don’t do it as your fifth hall master!”

The Demon Lord hasn’t finished speaking, Zhu Hongyi’s eyes lit up, and she was surprised: “Thank you Demon Lord for forgiving!”

“I have no forgiveness, capital crimes can be avoided, living crimes are hard to forgive, and I will punish her! As for you, Zhu Hongyi, stay away from her, she is a crazy woman, do everything!” Mozun Said coldly.

“Yes, yes, thanks to Demon Lord for not killing!” Zhu Hongyi said gratefully.

“Humph!” The demon snorted coldly.

Turning his head, the devil looks at the holy son: “Holy son? Have you changed a lot recently?”

“Me? I was scared. Someone is going to kill me, Demon Lord, you have to find out for me!” The holy son said with a moist grievance in his eyes.

“Check it out? I probably know what the reason is, and I blame me. You were implicated by asking you to supervise the prisoners in Shenlong Island! What am I right?” The devil looked coldly at the just arrested prisoner. Nan Gambling Saint and others who came back.

“Mozun is forgiving, Mozun is forgiving. We are all instructed by the altar master. No, he is not qualified to be the altar master. It was the **** Tong Anan’s instigation! We were obsessed with ghosts for a while!” Nan Gaming Sheng immediately begged for mercy.


Mozun Detective pointed, Nan Gambling Sage has a hole in his eyebrows, and in an instant, Nan Gambling Sage fell to the ground and died!

The faces of the remaining seven prisoners changed.

“Don’t tell the truth yet?” Demon Lord said coldly.

In the cold voice, probe your hand a little.


Another prisoner had a hole in his head and died instantly.

The remaining six prisoners trembled.

“Devil Lord, spare your life!” the six prisoners said in horror.

“Don’t tell me yet?” Demon Lord said coldly.


The third prisoner pierced his head and died instantly!


The fourth prisoner pierced his head and died instantly!

“I said, I said!” The remaining prisoner said in horror.

“Oh?” Mozun looked at the four people coldly.

“Yes, it was organized by Tong An’an. He has been buying us over the years. We have also been on his thief ship, and we can’t turn our heads back. Recently we learned that behind Tong An’an, there should be a hall master to support him. , We don’t know the specific hall master. We just say that the hall master can’t understand what the demon is doing. He thinks that you are raising a prisoner of the right way, which conflicts with the teachings of my demon. Those right way prisoners should be caught. After eating them, why can I only raise blood? Demons are demons, and demons are cannibals. Raising righteous prisoners in this way will make my demon sect slowly lose the demon nature. Therefore, I have to provoke the demon by killing the holy child. Zun, then shakes the prestige and foundation of the devil, we, we are all being used. We thought we were unconscious, but, but…!” A prisoner said in horror.

“Heh, in the Demon Cult, there is someone who can’t understand what I do? It’s really embarrassing. He didn’t dare to find me in the bright place, but hide behind him and do his hands and feet?” Demon Lord said coldly.

“The devil is forgiving, we are just pawns, please beg the devil for mercy!” the four prisoners said in horror.

“Pawns? Since you know they are pawns, you should know where the pawns will end!” Mozun said coldly.

Speaking, Mozun stretched out his right index finger, Ling Xu swiped like a laser sword across the necks of the four prisoners, and the four prisoners instantly stared and cut their heads.

“Among the Demon Cult, those who follow me will prosper against me and die! If you dare to make small moves behind your back, you will end up like them!” Demon Lord said coldly.

“Yes!” The countless disciples of the Demon Cult who were kneeling outside the hall were excited, and they all bowed and dared not refute.

Wang Ke stood aside, his expression convulsed, this demon lord is so murderous!

“Through my order, disciples of the demon cult, make every effort to hunt down Tong An’an! Life and death! If you hide Tong An’an privately, you will kill without mercy! Anyone who conspired with Tong An’an this time will kill you without mercy!” Mozun coldly Said.

“Yes!” The demon cult disciple shouted from outside the hall.

Mozun looked at Wang Ke at this time.

“I saw you just now, did you save the holy son?” Demon Lord said solemnly.

Looking at the evil ghost mask, Wang didn’t dare to neglect: “The kid is just protecting himself, and at the same time lucky enough to save the son!”

“If you save it, you will save it. The deity rewards and penalizes clearly. Save the holy son, you should be rewarded!” The demon said coldly.

“Yes!” Wang Ke nodded.

“Mozun, this is the second time that Wang Ke has saved me! He has saved me twice!” Shengzi said immediately beside him.

“Oh?” Mozun looked at Wang Ke unexpectedly.

“Not only that, Wang Ke also obtained the’Shenlong Order’ alone, but the snake king became angry and troubled. Wang Ke completed the task given by the Demon Zun that year, and he obtained the Shenlong Order! Wang Ke, take it out soon! “Shengzi helps Wang Ke to invite meritorious deeds by his side.

Wang Ke smiled bitterly, and Wang Ke would rather not take credit for it. This demon looks too cold and ruthless, and his temperament is unpredictable, he dare not let him have a deep memory of himself.

“Hurry up, Wang Ke!” The Son urged.

Wang Ke had no choice but to take out the Shenlong Order.

The Son grabbed it, and helped the king pass it to Demon Lord.

The Demon Lord took it, looked at it carefully for a while, and there was a moment of silence.

“The Dragon Order is the guard mission I arranged for the Snake King in order to inspire the disciples of the Demon Cult. It is a pity that no one has obtained the Demon Cult in recent years, and gradually I dare not touch it! You? , Actually got the Shenlong Order?” Mo Zun squinted at Wang Ke.

Obviously, Wang Ke’s cultivation level cannot be hidden from Demon Venerable.

“The kid is luck too, just luck!” Wang Ke smiled bitterly.

You don’t need this credit, just don’t remember me.

“Luck is also a part of strength. I don’t care how you get it. If you can get the Shenlong Order, you will be eligible to become a new rudder master, and you can open a rudder! Recruit disciples!” Mozun said solemnly.

“Me? Drive a rudder and recruit disciples?” Wang Ke opened his mouth wide.

“Shenlong Order, set up near Shenlong Island, when the Shenlong is divided into rudders, Shenlong Island, in the past, there was an altar master, the altar master, the master defends an altar inside, and has no right to attack the team outside! The rudder master can attack outside, It can be kept inside! With this Shenlong order, you can be the master of the Shenlong rudder!” Mozun said solemnly.

Wang Ke opened his mouth in shock. In other words, the altar master of Shenlong Island is also under the management of Shenlong Rudder?

“Wang Ke, thank you Demon Venerable for your reward, hurry!” Shengzi shouted from the side.

Wang Ke: “…………!”

I am so confused about to become the rudder master of the demon cult?

Wang Ke was about to speak, a loud shout suddenly came from outside the hall: “No, the king can’t be the rudder master of the demon cult!”

With a loud cry, all the disciples of the demon cult outside the temple take a breath, who is it? Such a bull, when the Demon Lord speaks, dare to object?

But I saw a man with a blue nose and a swollen face, limping hard with a cane.

Because the devil is here, no one dares to stop him without permission, letting that person enter the hall with a cane.

“Wang Ke, with me, you will never become the rudder of the demon cult! Ha, ha ha ha!” The man said with excitement in his misery.

“Who are you? Do we know?” Wang Ke said weirdly.

Everyone looked at the sudden arrival.

“Me? I’m Zhu Nai! You are deceiving too much. Today, I will put on your mask in front of the demon lord!” Zhu said in hatred.

“Zhu Wei?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

Where can I see Zhu Wei’s face in front of my eyes? His clothes all over his body were in tatters, his nose and face were swollen, and his whole body was blue and purple. Is this Zhu Wei? Even beggars are not as miserable as him.

“Zhu Nai? What are you doing?” Zhu Hongyi hates iron for failing to make steel.

Why is this grand-nephew getting more and more distracted? How did you do this kind of virtue?

Zhu Nai endured the grievance, did not tell Zhu Hongyi, but respectfully worshipped the demon.

“Enlighten to Demon Lord, I have something important to report!” Zhu Wei said suddenly.

“Oh?” The devil looked at Zhu Wei.

“He Wang Ke, he is not a disciple of my Demon Cult. He is a disciple of the right way. He is the Sect Master of the Sky Wolf and a disciple of Chen Tianyuan! Please observe the demon!” Zhu Wei reported.

“What?” The disciples of the demon cult outside the hall stared wide-eyed.

This Zhu Wei, go crazy. right way? How can righteous ways be mixed into my demon sect?

Nie Qingqing, who was lying on the ground in weakness, showed a bitter face. After all, he still couldn’t pass this barrier.

“A righteous disciple?” Mozun suddenly looked at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke frowned.

“Wang Ke, ha, ha ha ha, you can’t think of it, you ended up in my hands! You are the right way, you have no evil spirit at all! Today, no one can save you! Wang Ke, you die It’s settled, hahahahaha!” Zhu Wei smiled wildly at Wang Ke.

“If there is devilish energy, is it demon way?” Wang Ke was also nervous.

“Yes, the sign of the magic way is the magic energy! If it weren’t for the group of snakes that broke through the prison, I wouldn’t have had a chance to escape and break you, Wang Ke, you are dead! You are dead! Hahaha, No one can save you!” Zhu Wei laughed.

“What does the devilish energy look like?” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Devil energy? True energy like me is devil energy! As long as you eat people, sin envelops the true energy, it is devil energy. Look, this is the symbol of the magic way. The magic energy is black, which is not in the right way. If you have it, do you have my devilish energy? Do you have…?” Zhu Nian sneered halfway, and suddenly froze there.

Because a real balloon popped out of Wang Ke’s palm. It’s dark!

If Zhu Nian’s true qi is covered by black qi, then Wang Ke’s true qi is black and cool, like a black hole, and the pitch black makes Zhu Nian desperate.

Zhu Fei rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and looked at the infuriating energy in Wang Ke’s palm short of breath.

“Is this devilish?” Wang Ke asked blankly.

Wang Ke’s turbid qi has turned black, and the black is even darker than most devil qi! Is this a magic sign?

Such dark innocence is not a devilish energy, so what is it?

“You, you, you…!” Zhu Nian exclaimed in horror.


Zhu Wei knelt down.

“The devil is forgiving, I was deceived by Wang Ke. He was not like this before. He was not like this before. The disciples of the Sirius Sect all said that he is the right way. I was deceived. Zhu Nai suddenly cried out in horror.

Previously, Zhu Fei could see the murderousness of Demon Venerable from outside the temple. He deceived Demon Venerable, isn’t it the end? God, why is this? Help!

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