Indestructible God King Chapter 87: Permanent home

Tong An’an was knocked away by the Snake King and found that something was wrong!

The strength of the Snake King is between the Nascent Soul Stage and the Golden Core Stage peak. If Wang Ke is a Nascent Soul Realm tycoon, it is impossible to escape hastily. This hastily escape, means that Wang Ke was lying before?

Isn’t he a gangster in Yuanying Realm? What’s more unlikely is a gold medal undercover?

“Is what Zhu Yan said is true? I was deceived by Wang Ke?” Tong An’an stared in surprise.

Recalling Zhu Fei’s description, Tong An’an’s face became more ugly, fake, fake!

“Bastard stuff!” Tong Anan looked fiercely in the direction where Wang Ke was escaping.

“Southern Gambling Saint, you all come here!” Tong Anan shouted.

The snake king has chased him. Tong Anan drank his confidant.

“Altar Lord, it seems wrong, Brother Wang is probably a fake!”

“Altar Lord, what Zhu Yan said may be true?”

“Altar Master, what should I do now?”




Don’t need Tong An’an to tell everyone, everyone has analyzed it too, they have been cheated, everyone has been cheated!

“You all found out, and I explained in that province. We seem to have been deceived. In this case, Demon Lord is not on Shenlong Island!” Tong An’an narrowed his eyes.

“Yes, and Wang Ke deceived us countless property, even the treasury of public funds!” said another demon.

“Those money, if we don’t get it back, we will all be unlucky! Moreover, Zhu Hongyi is also thoroughly investigating the murder of the Saint Son. If we don’t cover it soon, we may…!” Tong An’an said solemnly .

“Altar Lord, what do you mean…?” Everyone looked at Tong An’an.

“Fishing in troubled waters!” A murderous aura flashed in Tong Anan’s eyes.

“Fishing in troubled waters?” Everyone paused.

“Southern Gambling Saint, all of you are in the Golden Core Realm, and you must fight quickly! Taking advantage of the chaos, kill Wang Ke and Shengzi…!” Tong An’an made a beheading action.

The faces of the demons changed.

“At this point, there is still room for retreat! Once Wang Ke dies, we can find all the’stolen goods’ on him, and then we can pour all the dirty water on him!” Tong An’an stared. .

“Yes!” Nan Gambler responded.


The eight golden core realms quietly mixed in the team, quietly masking their faces. When Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing were fighting with the Snake King, they happened to see Wang Ke and Shengzi standing together, so they didn’t hesitate to take action.

There are still many demonic disciples watching around. Be quick, quicker, faster.

But, the Eight Golden Core Realms didn’t expect Wang Ke’s local tyrants to blow up eight flying swords. Even so, enduring the impact of the explosion, the eight people also punched the front Wang Ke at the same time.

The eight people thought, they punched Wang Ke to death, then gave Shengzi a punch, and beat Shengzi to death. Run when you are done.

But, the Eight Great Golden Pills punched Wang Ke, and the strange thing happened again.

Wang Ke, okay?

Is he okay? why?

Didn’t Zhu Wei say that Wang Ke has a magic weapon to protect his body? Why did we not feel the magic weapon in our fists? Fist to the flesh, will Wang be okay?

“Could it be that we got the trick?” A man in black’s face changed.


An air current swelled again on Wang Ke’s body, as if his cultivation base had broken through, and all the eight Golden Core Realms he saw were suffocated.

“It’s fake, we are in the game, Wang Ke is still the Nascent Soul Realm boss?”

“Wang is the gold medal undercover agent?”

“Zhu is tired of lying to us?”

“It’s over!”




The inner activities of the eight people are extremely violent, and a momentary abnormality makes the eight people look scared.

Wang Ke also showed hopelessness.


Burned, burned, the true energy in the body is burning up. I’m going to be cremated!

Wang Ke is distraught, he is finished, right?

Wang Ke’s mournful roar, the face of the eight golden core scared changed. what’s the situation? Isn’t Wang okay? What is it for shouting so desperately? We should call it!

“The situation is not right, retreat quickly, retreat quickly!” The Eight Great Golden Core’s expression changed and shouted.

Although I don’t know why Wang Ke screamed, but the other demon cult disciples all around came around. This action failed. I don’t withdraw now. Are you waiting for death?


Wang Ke was full of fire at this moment. Wang Ke wanted to cry without tears: “The great sun is immortal sword, you are fighting fire, I want to cremate, help!”

The Great Sun Immortal Sword remained motionless, as if sitting and watching Wang Ke cremation.

“Go to your mother’s divine sword, go to your mother’s magical skills, go, go…!” Wang Ke quickly pushed his true energy out of his body in despair.

The turbid true qi burns in the body, do you dare to keep it? Go out all!

Zhuo Zhenqi didn’t need to light a match this time, because Zhuo Zhenqi had completely turned black, and the black burned on its own, as if oil was burning up. The scared Wang Ke opened his mouth and vomited.

How does the body’s zhenqi excrete the fastest from the body? Of course it’s the fastest squirt from the mouth!


I saw that Wang Ke opened his mouth, spit out fierce flames, and went straight to the eight gold cores who were about to flee in front of him.

“What?” the eight golden cores exclaimed.

I saw that Wang Ke seemed to be spitting out a laser cannon, with a scorching glow coming from him.


The flames were spitting into the sky, and the countless disciples of the demon cult who watched were widened.

“What is the big trick that Brother Wang is holding back? Such an exaggeration?”

“Fire spells, right?”

“But, I have never seen a fire spell spouting out of my mouth!”

“Brother King who can breathe fire?”




In the surrounding area, Wang Ke spewed out of turbid innocence, and instantly enveloped eight masked men. The eight masked men turned their heads and ran away, but the turbid qi entangled the eight people, and they were enveloped in flames wherever they ran.

This muddy qi is extremely resistant to heat and will last for a long time. More importantly, the qi can’t be stopped, and it can’t be slapped.

“What kind of flame is this? Why can’t it be extinguished!” the eight masked men exclaimed.

The eight people were wrapped in a raging fire, and in a blink of an eye, all the clothes on the eight people were burned out.

“It’s the South Gambling Saint? It’s them? How come, why are they going to kill Saint Son and Brother Wang?”

“Hurry up, grab it!”

“No matter who they are, it is a capital crime to dare to kill the Son, don’t run away for him!”




Countless disciples of the Demon Cult rushed to the eight masked men.

“No, why can’t this fire be extinguished, why?” eight masked men screamed in horror.

Eight people were exposed to the flesh from the fire, and a big river in the distance jumped into it, trying to hide and escape, but this strange fire can also burn in the water.

Escape? If there is no fire, this chaotic Shenlong Island, if you drill anywhere, you will be unable to find it.

But now, full of fire, even the blind will not be lost.

What happened to the Golden Core Realm? A large number of flying swords poured in, and the eight masked men were immediately hit by an unprecedented blow.

At this moment, Tong Anan, who was hiding in the dark, looked at eight of his men about to be caught, and his face changed wildly.

“Am I making a mistake? The king didn’t lie to me? It was Zhu Wei’s **** who lied to me again?” Tong An’an looked desperate.

Eight subordinates were arrested, and I must be confessed.

More importantly, Tong Anan saw the sky above the snake king fighting, and a man in black was floating. The man in black was wearing a mask that looked like an evil spirit. He was condescending and floating in the sky, watching the battle below. .

“Devil, demon, Demon Lord? Demon Lord is here? It’s over, I’m over!” Tong An shivered in alarm, and immediately sneaked into the dark and disappeared.

And at the entrance of the vermilion suit.

“Wang Ke, how are you? Why are you burning all over?” Princess You Yue cried out in horror.

Wang Ke wants to cry without tears, this cheating technique! I had already exhaled all the turbid zhenqi, but the self-recovery ability of the great day immortal divine art was too strong, which made up a part of the turbid qi, and it burned again.

Wang Ke felt that the pores all over his body were on fire. This turbid innocent qi was very resistant to burning. In a short while, he would be cremated into dregs.

“I’m going to die, I’m going to be burned to death, You Yue! We only kissed the mouth once! I’m not reconciled!” Wang Ke was waiting to die without tears.

Finally talked about a girlfriend you like. Is this all over?

“Fire? Quick, put on my bracelet!” Princess You Yue quickly gave Wang Ke the bracelet to wear.

“You keep it, I’m going to be cremated, and it’s turned into ashes! Remember, pick me a better urn! That is my permanent home!” Wang Ke desperately said.

“The ghoul is frozen!” Princess Youyue shouted.


The bracelet suddenly burst into countless cold air, and instantly rushed into Wang Ke’s body. As soon as this cold air entered Wang Ke’s body, it was helping Wang Ke suppress the flames in his body.

I saw that the flame was frozen bit by bit, and the flames that was blazing Wang Ke’s body were also frozen bit by bit.

Wang Ke’s face was frozen with frost, showing a color of astonishment, sealed? Is the flame sealed?

“My mother said, Acacia is an ancient icy divine insect, wherever it goes, it is ice and snow! Can you seal the flame in your body?” Princess Youyue said anxiously.

“It’s sealed, it’s sealed!” Wang Ke said in ecstasy.

“Crack, click!”

Suddenly, of the eighteen rosary beads, one of them suddenly cracked.

“No good, it seems difficult to suppress, Wang Ke, my ghoul is frozen for at most half a month. I can’t seal the flames in your body forever!” Princess Youyue worried.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, just stick to it for a few days, it’s enough!” Wang Ke suddenly showed ecstasy.

Half a month? In half a month, I can return to the Sirius Sect and save myself with the merits in the fixed light mirror.

“You Yue, I really love you!” Wang Ke excitedly hugged Princess You Yue and kissed her.

However, Princess You Yue tilted her head and passed out.

“You Yue!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

After some inspection, it was found that Princess Youyue was collapsed. Just now, in order to save herself, all her strength rushed to urge the rosary to endure her injuries.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay!” Wang Ke hugged Princess You Yue and hissed.

“Wang Ke, do you want to put on a piece of clothes first?” Shengzi said with a weird expression on the side.

It turns out that Wang Ke was braving all over his body just now, burning almost all his clothes, only a little torn underwear and a large string of storage bracelets hung in his arms.

“Thank you, Shengzi for reminding! Shengzi, you should be careful, maybe someone else wants to harm you!” Wang Ke immediately took out his clothes and changed them.

“I don’t have to worry about it, because the devil is here, look!” Shengzi said proudly.

But I saw that the surrounding smoke and dust seemed to be madly swept away by a large mana, and all the disciples of the demon cult were pressed by a huge aura and knelt on one knee. Perhaps the king was standing by the side of the son, so he was not oppressed.

But, there are other places, not only the disciples of the demon cult, but all the snakes. They suddenly quieted down, crawling on the ground, panicking.

Zhu Hongyi and Nie Qingqing were sitting cross-legged to drive poison.

The snake king was hung in the air by a huge palm, pinching his neck.

The Snake King was struggling in horror, but in front of the palm, he couldn’t get out of it.

In front of the Snake King, there was a black robe figure standing. The black robe figure wore an evil ghost mask and looked at the Snake King coldly.

“The Demon Lord?” Wang Ke looked at the Demon Lord in horror.

Shiwan Dashan, the lord of the Taiyin Demon Cult, the first person of the Demon Dao?

“I said, you are only allowed to settle on the beach in the north, you have crossed the boundary? Do you want to be boiled in soup or grilled by charcoal?” Demon said coldly.

The Snake King showed a look of horror as he struggled.

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