Indestructible God King Chapter 855: Am I an accomplice of the evil emperor?

The Good God Sword and the Evil God Sword return to the Temple of Good God!

The Demon Thirteen rushed down in despair, and instantly arrived at the Temple of Goodness, wanting to rush in and grab the sword.

However, the aura of the good emperor and the evil emperor is too strong, with the strength of the Demon Thirteen, it is impossible to break in.



The Devil Thirteen was immediately attacked by the powerful aura of the two emperors of good and evil.

“Magic Thirteen, you haven’t surrendered to the God Sword for such a long time, you are really useless!” The evil emperor’s angry voice came from the hall.

“I, I, the emperor…!” Mo Thirteen was in grief and indignation.

Where does this make me make sense? Not enough time! Just a little bit, just a little bit, the will of the good emperor in the good **** sword is already weak, give me a while, you can completely erase the will in the good **** sword, you don’t give me Time!

Just when Mo Thirteen was anxious and didn’t know what to do. Suddenly a roar came from the Temple of Goodness.


The loud noise oscillated, and a quaver followed.

“Wang Ke, you actually cut off the connection between me and the Divine Sword of Goodness, you actually helped her? You are looking for death!” The emperor of Goodness roared everywhere.


There was a roar in the Temple of Goodness.

“Magic Thirteen, greet everyone to prepare to withdraw, Wang Ke has already helped me get the good divine sword, we should go!” The evil emperor’s cold voice came from the main hall.

Mo Shisan’s face became stiff, what, what’s the situation? Can the king help the evil emperor get the sword of goodness? Why is Wang Ke inside? Also, what is this? This time, the merits of the robbing of the God Sword belonged to Wang Ke? What happened, what happened inside.


In the Temple of Goodness.

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao played dead! Lying on the ground, no matter how the good emperor and the evil emperor scolded them, both of them fainted, and they could not wake up, nor dared to wake up.

Originally, I thought I had passed the blunder. But, who knew that the good emperor and the evil emperor had summoned their respective divine swords, and the two once again attacked each other with their sword tips, and for a while, countless divine sword sword qi burst out. The terrifying fierce power came straight to Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao.

“Take off? What should I do? I don’t want to die!” Zhang Zhengdao looked at Wang Ke desperately.

Wang Ke also stared at countless sword qi surges. In that instant, did he have to do it? What’s so special, your sister and brother are fighting, it’s my shit, should I be unlucky? This is so special!

The sword is fierce, Wang can’t guarantee that he will be sacked, this is the end?

What to do? Can only resist!

Use the Great Sun Immortal Sword? Obviously not, the Great Sun Immortal Excalibur focuses on attacking but not defending!

Fixing lens? The fixed lens may not be useful either! Moreover, ammunition is also required. At this time, there is no time to get the money for the ammunition, I decided that Haizhu has not loaded it in yet, this sword is not waiting for anyone!

The God King Seal!

Yes, the Shen Wang Yin can resist the sword qi. As long as I infuse a lot of merit, the power can skyrocket. At this time, don’t feel distressed about the merit. Even if the God King’s seal is destroyed, it’s not hesitate to do it, my life matters!

Just when Wang Ke was about to take out the seal of the king to resist, he suddenly stirred.

“What’s the matter, why should I use my own Divine King Seal? Don’t I still have one?” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up.

Suddenly, Wang Ke’s Great Yen God appeared and suddenly opened his mouth.

As soon as his mouth opened, the Great Yen God spit out an imperial seal. It was the Yasha imperial seal that Jiang Shuang urged not long ago to kill Jiang Bing, but it was swallowed by the Great Yen God, and now by the king But it was released, facing the aura on the good and evil swords.


Yasha Imperial Seal burst into golden light instantly, and a fierce might rushed straight up.

“What?” Both the good emperor and the evil emperor opened their eyes wide.

While smashing the sword aura that rushed towards Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao, the Yasha Yuxi exerted the greatest power and smashed into the two long swords of the Good God Sword and the Evil God Sword.



In the imperial palace, the entrance of a hall covered with golden smoke.

Jiang Bing and Jiang Shuang, who are wrapped in crystals, are rapidly shifting their power at this moment. Jiang Bing slowly closes his eyes. Because a lot of power enters the body, the aura of the whole body is getting stronger and stronger, and the whole person’s temperament has been turned upside down. The change.

And Jiang Shuang, at the moment of dryness, his body is soft and his strength is stripped, so that his hair is a little gray, and his face is desperate at this moment.

“No, no, why is this, I am not reconciled, I am not reconciled!” Jiang Shuang shouted desperately.

Why are you so unlucky? Stealing chickens won’t lose the rice?

Even my last glimmer of hope, the Yasha Imperial Seal, which could have turned defeat into victory, was strangely eaten by Wang Ke’s soul. This is inexplicable, why? Why can a spiritual body primordial spirit eat my imperial seal? Isn’t my imperial seal dedicated to the spiritual body?

However, something weird happened in front of his eyes. Jiang Shuang called the heavens to be unwilling, and the earth was not working, with a desperate expression on his face.

The Yasha Imperial Seal was not only eaten by the Great Yen God, but the connection with him became extremely weak, and it seemed that he would not be able to sense the Imperial Seal.

“Imperial Seal? My Royal Seal!” Jiang Shuang tremblingly felt constantly.

Because, Yu Xi is my only hope. The induction is weak, and I can’t manipulate it. I have only a period of merit and power, but I can’t use it. What a sad reminder.

Just when Jiang Shuang was getting weaker and desperate, the Great Yen God in the city of good gods suddenly spat out the Yasha Imperial Seal.

At this moment, Jiang Shuang sensed, and he sensed his imperial seal very strongly. He can manipulate the Yuxi again. Your hope has come?

At this moment, Jiang Shuang had an urge to tears in his eyes. saved.

“Yasha merit, infuse with all your strength, hurry, Yasha Yuxi will come and rescue me, wherever I go, all the obstacles, all break open, come to rescue me as soon as possible, hurry!” Jiang Shuang shouted excitedly.


At this moment, in the Temple of Goodness, the Yasha Imperial Seal released a dazzling golden light, and endless power rushed out, to fly into the sky, but unfortunately, I encountered the good **** sword and the evil **** sword on the top of his head. Suddenly he bumped his head.


There was a loud noise.

The Good God Sword, the Evil God Sword, and the Yasha Imperial Seal collided, suddenly bursting into a powerful air current.

At this moment, in the God Sword of Goodness, the Will of the Good Emperor that had been consumed by the Demon Thirteen was instantly dissipated by the impact.

In this instant, the emperor of Shan lost all control of the sword of goodness in an instant.


The good **** sword was instantly collapsed and fell into the hands of the evil emperor.

The Yasha Yuxi was instantly dimmed by a single impact. After being hit, it instantly fell into the palm of Shan Huang, and was grabbed by Shan Huang.

The evil **** sword flew into the evil emperor’s sleeve, and the evil emperor looked at the good **** sword held in his palm in amazement. How did he suddenly get the good **** sword? So weird?

Wang Ke stared at the scene. I didn’t expect it to be like this. Why is this Yasha Imperial Seal so powerful?

“Wang Ke, you actually cut off the connection between me and the Divine Sword of Goodness, so you actually helped her? You are looking for death!” The emperor of Good yelled at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s face stiffened: “I, I, I…!”

How do I explain this? what do I do? I’m out of luck?


The good emperor seemed to pounce on the evil emperor and **** his good **** sword back. However, how could the evil emperor get the good divine sword for the good emperor at this moment, immediately put away the good divine sword, and greeted him with a palm.


There was a huge roar in the hall.

The good emperor seems to be eager to **** his good divine sword, his power is extremely radical, and the evil emperor seems to see the good emperor’s anger, and does not want to stay.

“Magic Thirteen, greet everyone to prepare to withdraw, Wang Ke has already helped me get the good divine sword, we should go!” The evil emperor’s cold voice came from the main hall.

Outside the hall, there was silence for a long time before the respectful voice of the Demon Thirteen came: “Yes!”


There was a loud noise in the hall, and the good emperor and the evil emperor split apart.

The evil emperor stepped into the sky and wanted to fly out of the Temple of Goodness. When he flew out, his sleeve was flicked, as if he wanted to take Wang Ke away.

“I want to go now? Leave the God Sword!” The emperor Shan immediately slapped it again.


In a hurry, the evil emperor was too late to save the king, so he had to face the good emperor again. In an instant, the evil emperor rushed out of the city of good gods and flew out.

“Go!” The evil emperor shouted.

“Withdraw~~~~~~~~~~!” Mo Thirteen also let out a depressed roar.


In the imperial palace, all the great demon suddenly stopped fighting, fighting for injuries, and instantly soaring into the sky, flying into the sky.

The emperors Jiang Yi, Honglian, and Zilian who were fighting from the outside also immediately gathered at the place of the evil emperor under an instant shock.

“Huang Tianfeng, gone!” The evil emperor turned his head and shouted.

“Yes!” Huang Tianfeng answered in the distance.


A group of peerless powerhouses in the magic way, along with the evil emperor, soared up into the sky and shot towards the south.

Shanhuang rushed to the sky. Chen Tianyuan, Huang Yue’e, and Zhang Xilai also flew to the front, watching the evil emperor and the others fly away from a distance, but did not chase them anymore.

The Tiger King was finally free, flying into the distant mountains and forests, cursing all over his face, it’s so special, it’s inexplicable today, what’s the situation? The evil emperor ran away there? Are there so many powerful magicians?

Also, at the moment, Shan Huang’s face is gloomy, and he is obviously also annoyed. I can’t be seen by him. What if I get beaten?

And in the Temple of Goodness.

Wang Ke and Zhang Zhengdao are free, but at this moment, Wang Ke is not happy at all.

Zhang Zhengdao immediately stood aside and kept his distance from Wang Ke.

“Wang Ke, you are dead, you helped the evil emperor get the good **** sword, and the good emperor will definitely kill you!” Zhang Zhengdao said suddenly.

“You fart, it was Yasha Yuxi who did it. It’s none of my business. Besides, it wasn’t me who made the shot just now, so you are dead? You have to bear this responsibility together!” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

“Uh, I don’t bear it, I can’t bear it, Shan Huang’s anger, who can bear it, you are finished, you are finished!” Zhang Zhengdao immediately stood up a little again.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, what should I do? I said not to stand in line or stand in line, now it’s okay, I became an accomplice of the evil emperor? The evil emperor is the same, you run away, take me! I helped you get the Sword of Goodness, so you left me behind? What should I do? Special, I want to marry You Yue, will my old husband kill me first?

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