Indestructible God King Chapter 835: Recognition of the Four Lotuses Emperor


The thunderbird exploded on the sea, and the stinging light illuminates the heavens and the earth, and even the Tathagata Buddha’s image is submerged in this strong light.

“Old Zi!” Wang Ke exclaimed.


A huge tsunami was set off in the Quartet, slowly calming down between the steps of the Emperor of the Four Lotuses, and the center of the explosion was slowly exposed.

There was a lot of fragmentation in the Buddha’s image of Tathagata, which retracted into the Golden Crow’s body, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface of the Golden Crow’s body, retracting into Zi Bufan’s body.


Zi Bufan spewed out blood, but was seriously injured by a self-destruction. However, Zi Bufan also grabbed the broken first-grade purple lotus with one hand, and slowly flew to the place where Wang Ke and others were.

“Cough cough cough!”

Zi Bufan coughed a few mouthfuls of blood, and when he got to the side of Zhu Hongyi, he sat cross-legged and started to heal.

The damage of the Zilian Saint Envoy blew too much, Zi Bufan was seriously injured at this moment and did not have much effort to escape, but Zi Bufan knew that Wang would definitely protect himself and Zhu Hongyi, and he would heal his wounds with trust. The point was placed in front of Wang Ke, but he threw the broken first-grade purple lotus to Wang Ke before healed.

Wang Ke grasped the purple lotus, his expression was complicated.

“The emperor, Zi Bufan protects the dignity of my magic way. When the two demon gods and the four lotus emperors were helpless against a right way, Zi Bufan was brave and fearless and snatched back the first grade of purple lotus for us! Please reward the emperor!” Wang Can speak respectfully.

The devil thirteen and four lotus emperors stared at Wang Ke, what are you talking about? Are we at a loss for the Purple Lotus Saint Envoy? We did not move, not helpless!

The four-lotus human emperor was annoyed to go to the theory, but the Demon Thirteen waved his hand and stopped the emperor. Today, it is obvious that the emperor cooperates with Wang Ke. Now let’s say a few words, as long as the evil emperor can After that, we still have our own purpose.

The evil emperor looked at the broken purple lotus that Wang Ke handed over.

The first-rank lotus and the second-rank lotus, the magic weapons of this level are very peculiar. As long as they are not completely destroyed, they can slowly repair themselves. Therefore, it is not a big deal if it is broken.

“The purple lotus sage, is the clone of the righteous Taoist Huang Tianshi? Oh, Demon Thirteen, at the beginning, people were approved by you. What do you want to say to me?” The evil emperor looked at Demon Thirteen.

Magic Thirteen: “…………!”

What’s so special, do you want me to be the last one?

“The emperor, it was the minister who had neglected his duty at the beginning, but now, Huang Tianfeng is responsible for the review, and there should be no more mistakes!” Mo Thirteen humbly accepted the crime.

There is no way, I have to ask others, and it is my own fault, how to quibble?

“In this case, I am very pleased that Zi Bufan has been able to protect the devil this time. I want to make him a new Zilian emissary. I don’t know it is feasible?” The evil emperor looked at Demon Thirteen.

The Demon Thirteen stared at the evil emperor, you guys, have you arranged it a long time ago?

“The emperor’s decision, ministers and others should respect it!” Mo Thirteen solemnly said.

“Huang Tianfeng, you are responsible for reviewing the Zi Bufan ingredients. After the Super Girl Fairy event, I want the results!” the evil emperor said solemnly.

“Yes!” Huang Tianfeng was taken aback, and said in response.

So soon, the result is coming?

“After the Super Girl Fairy event, Zi Bufan was appointed as the envoy of Zilian, Zhu Hongyi as the envoy of the Black Lotus, and Nie Qingqing as the envoy of the White Lotus! What do you think of the three emperors?” Look at the three emperors.

The expressions of the three kings changed, so fast? Is it a game today? The evil emperor will confirm their identity today?

“The emperor’s decision is naturally no problem. The Purple Lotus, the White Lotus, and the Black Lotus will definitely assist Zi Bufan, Nie Qingqing, and Zhu Hongyi in attracting the first lotus, so that the three of them can realize their identities! “The Devil Thirteen immediately respectfully said.

This time, I asked the evil emperor, and Mo Thirteen didn’t care about the composition of these three people anymore.

“Huh?” The evil emperor looked at the three emperors.

The three kings looked at each other.

“I am willing to cooperate with the evil emperor!” The Black Lotus Human Emperor solemnly said.

“I am willing to cooperate with the evil emperor too!” The white lotus emperor also nodded.

Only the Zilian Emperor’s face was extremely ugly.

“Why? Purple Lotus Human Emperor, you don’t want to?” The evil emperor said solemnly.

“It’s not that the minister is unwilling, it’s just that the second-rank purple lotus of the minister was taken by the demon. The minister can’t guide the purple lotus dynasty to appoint Zi Bufan as the holy envoy!” The Zilian Emperor smiled bitterly.

“Ah, Zilian Emperor, now, you have to thank me!” Wang Ke suddenly jumped out.

The Zilian Emperor looked at Wang Ke stiffly: “Thank you for what?”

“I just have a blank imperial decree, with your stamp on it!” Wang Ke took out a blank imperial decree.

“What did you say?” The Purple Lotus Human Emperor stared in surprise.

“The blank imperial decree that was accidentally left by the demon lord before he left, I have never taken it seriously, until yesterday, I found out that the imperial decree actually had the mark of the second-grade purple lotus! The imprint of the second-rank Zilian will be signed and drawn by the Zilian Emperor. This imperial decree is no problem. It can guide the merits of the Zilian Dynasty and help Zi Bufan inherit the first-rank Zilian!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

The Emperor Zilian stared at Wang Ke. Did you deliberately set a trap for me?

At this moment, even fools can see that the devil has deceived the evil emperor and deceived the second-tier purple lotus. It is clearly their cooperation! This is to anger the Purple Lotus Emperor alive!

“You, you!” The Purple Lotus Human Sovereign looked resentful.

“Purple Lotus Human Emperor, have you forgotten our previous agreement?” Mo Shisan’s eyes stared.

The Zilian Emperor’s complexion changed, and he understood that Mo Thirteen had broken his teeth and swallowed in his stomach. What could he do at this moment? Revolt? It is the torment of Wannian Gu. The feeling that life is better than death!

“Yes, I respect the evil emperor’s order!” The purple lotus human emperor squeezed his fist and whispered.

“Well, since the three emperors also think it’s okay, then I will start to draw merits later and recognize the three new emissaries!” The evil emperor said solemnly.

“Yes!” said the three emperor.

“The emperor, go back to the terrace on the top floor of the Shenwang Building just now, and then leave it to the minister!” Wang Ke respectfully said.

“Hmm!” The evil emperor nodded.

Holding the baby, the evil emperor turned his head in satisfaction and flew to the terrace of the Shenwang Building.

The evil emperor is in a very good mood at the moment, because this king can do things much better than his previous subordinates. When he first handed over the plan to defeat the Purple Lotus envoy, he still felt that Wang Ke was crazy about dreams, and the fairy jumped? Let a man go to the fairy dance? Isn’t this a bullshit? Especially, although the Purple Lotus Saint Envoy does not have a Taoist companion, he is not so fond of it, but now, it has really become, it is really evil.

The evil emperor left with satisfaction. Huang Tianfeng naturally followed behind, and at the same time looked at Wang Ke with a puzzled look. What is the situation today? Did you do it?

Only the Demon Thirteen and the Four Lotus Human Emperors, at this moment, they looked at Wang Ke and others with a cold face.

Because the four lotus envoys will soon be occupied by Wang Ke, Zhu Hongyi, Zi Bufan, and Nie Qingqing. Are these people all under the demon?

“Go!” Demon Thirteen said in a deep voice.

There are still major things to do today, and Mo Thirteen no longer pursues some trivial matters, and a group of people immediately flew to the terrace over there.

Wang Ke walked to the vermilion coat: “Old Zhu, it’s okay, the dust has settled, now get up and get dressed!”

However, Zhu Hongyi didn’t react at all.

“Wang Ke, the red shirt is really hurt!” Nie Qingqing said.

“What?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“It’s true, do you think I and Zi Bufan were acting just now?” Nie Qingqing stared at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke was taken aback, weren’t you acting just now? All I saw were actor-level performances!

“Red clothes were seriously injured, and the fire dragon soul inside his body showed signs of collapse. Fortunately, Hong Yi was still alive. I helped him clear the injuries in his body. He should wake up soon!” Nie Qingqing sighed. .

“Huh? Lao Zhu sacrificed too much, right? He is…!” Wang Ke said blankly.

I just asked you to pretend to be injured, pretending to be seriously injured by the Purple Lotus Saint Envoy, and then planted and framed him. How did you almost kill yourself? This is the real actor! For the sake of acting career, have you devoted yourself to this point?

“I don’t know either!” Nie Qingqing said blankly.

“Okay, leave everything else alone. You will continue to wake up Lao Zhu. After the Super Girl Fairy event, you will formally inherit the position of the emissary. Once you have the status of the emissary, it should be difficult for anyone to dare to take it. How are you, just like me, I am the Red Lotus envoy, representing the imperial envoy of the evil emperor, who dares to trouble me?” Wang Ke persuaded.

Nie Qingqing looked at Wang Ke with a weird face. You are the Red Lotus envoy, so no one dares to trouble you? Why do I see that you have been chased and killed? Are you suggesting something to us?

“The Rabbit King!” Wang Ke called.

“Boss, here!” The Rabbit King, who was in charge of the security of No.2 Shenwang Industrial Park, immediately stepped forward.

“We must mobilize the company’s security to protect Nie Qingqing, Zi Bufan, and Zhu Hongyi!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Yes!” said the Rabbit King.

Suddenly, a large number of security guards from Shenwang Company were mobilized. The formations were quickly set up one by one, and they started up, covering the sight of outsiders with smoke. In a blink of an eye, the ruins of the hot spring hotel were covered by smoke, making it hard to see everything here.

Wang Ke stepped out of the ruins of the hot spring hotel and walked towards the downstairs of the Shenwang Building, a high platform built.

“Guests and friends, thank you all for coming to the No. 2 Shenwang Industrial Park today to participate in the opening ceremony! A little accident happened just now and it has now been resolved. Next, enter the most important link! “Wang Ke shouted loudly.”

Suddenly, countless people’s eyes were attracted by Wang Ke’s roar.

Everyone saw that on the high platform, a few employees of Shenwang Company came out carrying a huge plaque, which was covered by red cloth.

Wang Ke walked to the plaque.

“Today, I am fortunate to invite the five emperors and two demon gods to participate in the opening ceremony! The previous ribbon-cutting session was changed to the opening ceremony. Next, I will unveil the opening. From now on, the park officially opens! “


Wang Ke speeded up the process without talking nonsense, and instantly lifted the red cloth to reveal a line of characters on the plaque.


The five dynasties of the magic road, and seven mysterious guests, wished and hailed the God King Industrial Park, a happy opening!


As soon as the curtain was opened, the Demon Thirteen, Huang Tianfeng, and the Four Lotuses upstairs all looked at the big characters on the plaque with a black face. Seven more mysterious guests? Isn’t this talking about us? Does it need to be so subtle?

Also, can you be creative? This term, this model, is exactly the same as you did in the No. 1 God King Industrial Park not long ago. It’s exactly the same! Can you use snacks?

PS: Second!

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