Indestructible God King Chapter 824: Wang Ke’s new friend

Snow Devil Mountain, an underground cave!

Wang Ke was pulled deep underground by a rope of a purple electric road network, and was wrapped up by a group of magic weapons.

“Hi, ah yo, what is this place, it’s so cold! What is it, I am wrapped in a mummy?” Wang Ke exclaimed.


Wang Ke gave a crazy blow on his back, but he seemed to be covered by a group of magic weapons, and the magic weapons burst into light, as if they were blocking the surrounding area.

But, is this so rare?

“The fire is coming!”

Wang Ke gave a soft drink.

Suddenly, a cloud of turbid essence appeared in the palm of his hand. The Zhuo Zhenyuan was ignited, and the palm of his hand suddenly burned around like two flame spears.


In a blink of an eye, there was fire all around.

Wang Ke was not afraid of fire at all, and naturally didn’t care at all. He saw that these magic weapons were melting rapidly, slowly revealing a large hole in the cold.


A huge roar of a fierce beast came, accompanied by a strong chill, instantly freezing all around Wang Ke, and even the flame that had just been activated was extinguished.

“Wh, what? Even my flame can be extinguished?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.

However, I saw that a huge monster’s head suddenly emerged from the big hole and came to Wang Ke with a rolling chill.

The head looks extremely ugly, and there are two lotus flowers growing on the eyes, like two light bulbs.


The monster’s head roared, and the rolling cold air once again froze Wang Ke’s surroundings with white frost.

“This is the Ice God Insect King?” Wang Ke was surprised.

The cold ice **** and insect king, the cold breath can condense the fairy ice, no wonder his flames can be extinguished by it.


The King of Ice Divine Insects let out a low roar, and immediately, countless cold air hit Wang Ke’s face, and the cold air instantly shattered Wang Ke’s clothes.

“What are you doing? You brought me here? Impossible, don’t you know how to talk? Also, you have bad breath, why are you angry with me? This is so special, I thought I will be afraid of you? I just haven’t tried my best to spur the flames!” Wang Ke stared angrily.


Wang Ke once again urged the Zhuo Zhenyuan, and the fire went straight to the ice **** insect king, and he wanted to leave it. After all, such a monster’s head was in front of him, not to mention the infiltration, Wang Ke still felt quite dangerous.


The ice **** insect suddenly exhaled countless cold air again, and stood in a stalemate with Wang Ke’s flames.

“What are you going to do? Do you want to fight with me? It’s so special, you are saying something! Are you going to kill me? If you want to kill me, I will be rude to you!” Wang Can screamed.

However, the Ice God Insect King did not rush forward, but only exhaled cold air and collided with Wang Ke’s flames.

“It would be great if this cold breath permeated my body when I was about to be cremated! What’s the use now? You vomit so much, do you have wool for it?” Wang Ke stared.

However, the Frozen Divine Insect King ignored it at all and continued to breathe cold air.

“Do you understand me? Give me a response? Don’t think I’m afraid of you with two white lotus bulbs on your eyes. What’s more, believe me or not, the big yen **** will eat you in one bite. Huh?” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

However, the Ice God Insect King didn’t understand Wang Ke’s words at all, and he still breathed cold breath on his own.

“What’s the matter, what I say, you are the wind in your ears? Thought I was talking? Two light bulbs on my eyes can scare me? Believe it or not, I took the light bulbs off your eyes!” Wang Ke stared.


The King of Ice Divine Insects didn’t understand what Wang Ke said, so naturally he continued to exhale.

“A glacial wall was frozen by you behind me? Endless? You asked for it, don’t blame me!” Wang Ke stared.

Probing his hand, Wang Ke grabbed the bulb with a palm. No, it was the white lotus on the eyes of the King of Ice Divine Insect.

If someone else grabs it, the hand will freeze to pieces in an instant, and even the former Purple Lotus Saint Envoy did not dare to touch it with his hands, so Wang Ke, with Zhuo Zhenyuan in his hand, what cold things do not dare touch?

Suddenly, Wang Ke’s right hand was frozen with frost.

“Ahhhhhh? This bulb is quite tight? Can’t it be pulled out?” Wang Ke was surprised.


The King of Ice Divine Insects breathed more and more cold air, freezing Wang Ke’s whole body into layers of ice.

“What’s so special, I really thought I was afraid of you? I really thought I could do nothing about you? Today, I will take your light bulb off! I burned your eyes blind!” Wang Ke showed a sullen expression on his face. .


The turbid Zhenyuan was fully urged, and suddenly, a golden flame appeared in the palm of his hand. Even if the flame was suppressed by the cold pressure, it was still burning.


I saw that the white lotus bulb was melting a little bit. Wang Ke grasped the bulbs of the ice **** and insect king’s eyes with both hands, and he saw the white lotus bulbs melt more and more.

At this moment, the Ice Divine Insect King seemed to have realized something, and suddenly stopped moving, and stopped spitting out cold air to shock Wang Ke’s body, motionless, as if waiting for something.

“Are you afraid? It’s useless to be afraid, what’s special, I said, if you burn your eyes today, you burn your eyes!” Wang Ke stared.


Under the billowing flames, the heads of the Ice God Insect King were burned up, and the bulbs became smaller and smaller.


The two lotus bulbs burst open suddenly.

The eyes of the King of Ice Divine Insects shrank, and a chill instantly shook Wang Ke’s hands away!


Wang Ke retreated, but was blocked by countless ice behind him.

“Why? There is nothing wrong with your eyes?” Wang Ke said in astonishment.


The King of Ice Divine Insects suddenly roared with excitement.

I saw that the head of the Ice God Insect King instantly exploded a few white lotus flowers again.

“This is, do you have light bulbs in your ears?” Wang Ke stared.

The King of Ice Divine Insects shouted ferociously at several white lotus flowers.

“Crack, click, click!”

I saw that several white lotus bulbs were all exploded in an instant.


The King of Ice Divine Insect suddenly yelled up to the sky, and a huge breath rushed towards Wang Ke with the cold air.

Wang Ke’s face changed: “This breath is not weaker than that of the Purple Lotus Emperor, what’s so special, I’m going to be out of luck today?”

I still have the Great Sun Immortal Sword to protect myself. In this year, God King Coins have also collected enough merits for myself. With a few unexpected merits, I can use the Great Sun Immortal Sword once, but, The king didn’t want to use it, he used a little less of merit, and he wasn’t enough to use it. Is this wasted?

“Fuck, you, don’t force me, Ice God Insect King, I have no grievances with you!” Wang Ke said nervously.

At this moment, the Ice Divine Insect King heard Wang Ke’s voice, and suddenly stopped roaring, and suddenly lowered his head to look at Wang Ke, his eyes were full of silver light, staring at Wang Ke firmly. And, the huge head rushed to Wang Ke, getting closer and closer.

“Teemian, there is no other way. Give merit to the Great Sun Immortal Sword. As long as you attack me, the Great Sun Immortal Sword will automatically counterattack and kill you!” Wang Ke said anxiously.

Now, no merit can be wasted. Wang Ke will naturally not use merits indiscriminately. The Immortal Sword will automatically protect the Lord, and will take just the merits without wasting. Wang Ke was waiting nervously at this moment.

Just when the Ice Divine Insect King’s head was close to Wang Ke, he suddenly slowed down, and suddenly rubbed his head on Wang Ke’s face strangely.

Although there was still a lot of cold air pouring into Wang Ke’s body, after a while, Wang Ke’s face stiffened.

“Here, what kind of attack is this? Are you not trying to kill me? Why do you suddenly become cute?” Wang Ke stared at the Ice God Insect King.

However, the Ice God Insect King kept rubbing his head against Wang Ke’s face, as if he was very close to Wang Ke.

“What? What do you mean? You don’t want to kill me?” Wang Ke was surprised.

But I saw that the King of Ice Divine Insects opened his mouth and inhaled, the cold air around Wang Ke was sucked into his mouth, and instantly the ice on Wang Ke disappeared.

“Gululu, Gululu!”

The ice **** insect king uttered an intimate joy.

Wang Ke’s face became stiff, what’s the situation? I pulled your eyeballs, but you are intimacy with me?

“No, the white lotus bulb just now was not your eyeballs? It was something that hurt you. I helped you just now? So you got close to me?” Wang Ke looked surprised.

However, the Ice God Insect King just made a grunting sound and did not answer. Obviously, he didn’t understand the meaning of Wang Ke’s words.

The king didn’t know that the ice **** insect king was close to him, not just because of the elimination of the white lotus bulb seal, but the purple lotus sacred envoy has been using rabbit head scepters to instill in the ice **** insect king for more than half a year Intimate hypnotic thought, although the hypnotic effect is not great, but the ice **** insect king knows that someone has been comforting and helping himself, and slowly, he has established a feeling of dependence.

This is the calculation of the Purple Lotus Holy Envoy, and it is also the calculation of the White Lotus Human Emperor. Whoever lets the Ice God Insect King see him first, then the Ice God Insect King will believe that this person is the one who helped him for more than half a year. people.

The first person that the King of Ice Divine Insects unlocked was Wang Ke. Then, Wang Ke became the closest person to the King of Divine Insects.

“Ha, ha ha ha, the ice **** insect king, yes, I saved you, I did it! From now on, you just follow me, I am your best friend!” Wang Ke suddenly ecstatic.

Unexpectedly, there will be this windfall today, which is great!


Although the cold ice **** insect king did not understand Wang Ke’s words, he opened his mouth and vomited again. In an instant, all the magic weapons of the purple lotus envoys around were frozen, and then quickly shattered and turned into broken ice. Falling down.

What was exposed in front of Wang Ke was a white cage, trapping the ice **** insect king.

“What kind of cage is this? It can trap you? Old Han, don’t worry, just leave it to me, I will save you!” Wang Ke patted his chest.

Speaking, Wang Ke immediately grabbed the cage railing, and as soon as he grabbed it, a chill immediately followed the railing to Wang Ke’s men.

“His, it’s cold! Is this colder than you vomit?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

Lenggui Leng. With Wang Ke’s turbid essence, he could still hold it. Suddenly, Wang Ke injected a large amount of turbid essence to penetrate the railing.

“The fire is coming!” Wang Ke snapped his fingers.


I saw that the railing burned instantly.

It didn’t take long for the railing to burn red.

“What kind of cage is this? It is so resistant to burning? So many turbid essences are not enough? Come again!” Wang Ke immediately poured a large amount of turbid essences again.


Under the burning of Zhuo Zhenyuan, after a stick of incense, finally, the railing burned.


Listening to the sound of burning, Wang Ke’s eyes widened: “Where did this cage come from? It’s so powerful? It took so much of my turbid essence to burn?”

“Roar!” The Ice God Insect King let out a loud roar of excitement.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I will continue to burn, and then burn a few more, let you out soon!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“Gurulu!” The ice **** insect king looked at Wang Ke, but showed gratitude and affection.

PS: Three changes are over!

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