Indestructible God King Chapter 807: The Eye of Heaven

“Here, here he is!” Hades roared savagely.

Amidst the ferociousness, there was a hint of horror.

The dying tiger emperor and the purple lotus emperor all looked at Pluto in surprise, why is there a look of horror on Pluto’s face? Who on earth is here?

Wang Ke and You Yue in the far corner also opened their eyes wide.

“Could it be that your father is here?” Wang Ke looked at You Yue.

“I don’t know! But, I feel that the ghost sword trembles more severely, as if it is about to fly out of my body and fly to the Pluto!” You Yue doubted.


Pluto yelled at the sky.


I saw that the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. The sky that was originally overcast was covered by the sudden dark clouds, and the sky was dark again. No, the darkness this time was not dim, but for a moment, it turned into the darkness of night. When the darkness falls, everyone’s heart is abrupt.

A terrifying might of the sky instantly oppressed, causing Wang Ke and You Yue to suddenly fall to the ground.

You must know that the current Youyue is the mighty power of the Martial God Realm. Under this mighty heaven, there can be no resistance at all.

“This, is this heavenly mighty? It’s not right, You Yue, quickly, throw away the ghost and **** sword!” Wang Ke suddenly looked at You Yue.

“What?” You Yue asked in a puzzled way.

“It’s not right, it’s not right, hurry up, the ghost sword may be a curse, it’s almost lost!” Wang Ke shouted.


You Yue suddenly spit out the ghost sword.

The Ghost God Sword came out of You Yue’s mouth, suddenly trembling, and shot towards the distant Pluto.

“Hurry up!”

Wang Ke pulled You Yue, and immediately fled towards the distance.

Wang didn’t know how the sky was so magnificent, but the majesty of the sky gave Wang Ke a horrible feeling. At this moment, the great sun immortal sword in his body was also trembling, as if he was a little excited.

As the ghost sword flew towards the Pluto, it became bigger and bigger, and it made a burst of joyful tweets, and it turned into an eighty-foot-long piece and reached the Pluto’s hands.


The Pluto explored his hand and grabbed the ghost sword. At this moment, he was also taken aback, as if he was a little unbelievable.

As soon as he turned his head, Pluto looked far away, but saw Wang Ke quickly ran to a mountain in the distance with You Yue and hid.

Seeing that scene, Pluto’s eyes lit up, but the next moment, his eyes left Wang Ke and You Yue instantly, but stepped on them.


The vast ocean and the sea of ​​springs skyrocketed instantly, and instantly flooded Wang Ke and You Yue, who had fled in the distance.

“Not good!” Wang Ke’s expression changed.


Huangquanhai covered Youyue and Wang Ke and plunged into the deepest part of Huangquanhai.

Wang Ke and You Yue were ready to resist, but the next moment they found out that Huang Quanhai didn’t seem to be attacking the two of them, but was helping to cover up his figure?

The two were caught in a cave by the yellow spring water, but they could vaguely see the outside scene.

“Wang Ke, this…!” You Yue said in surprise.


The king can condense an enchantment with his true energy and isolate the two voices!

“Speak down, try your best to converge your breath, don’t leak a breath, and at the same time, don’t make your voice surpass my innocent soundproof barrier, hibernate first!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Hmm!” You Yue nodded.

This Pluto, seems to be protecting us?

Although they don’t understand why, but at this moment, Wang Ke and You Yue restrained their auras, trying hard not to expose themselves.

When the two of them stared up, the Hades waved his probing hand, and the ghost sword burst into a dazzling purple light. A huge aura radiated, causing the Quartet to roll up a monstrous storm.

This breath is too big, so big that the Purple Lotus Human Emperor and Tiger Emperor can’t raise their heads.

However, the horror in Pluto’s eyes at this moment is still there, as if the enemy in the sky is stronger.


The sky and the earth are completely dark, but the thunder and lightning shining in the dark clouds can still illuminate something.

“Is this a catastrophe?” You Yue asked in surprise.

“No, it’s a natural punishment, and it’s more terrifying than all the natural punishments I’ve seen. The four hundred catties of heaven supervising the pumice stone is not so exaggerated?” Wang Ke was surprised.


A loud bang came, but I saw the dark clouds in the sky split in half. It was as if the sky had cracked, and a thin slit appeared among the dark clouds. In the thin slit, the breath exuding even greater, instantly let the Huangquanhai calm down, as if the world had quieted down here. Under the prestige of the sky, the void seemed to be blocked, and everyone’s breathing was stagnant.

The slits were slowly separated, the more they got bigger, and the bigger they got, gradually revealing a huge eye, a huge eye that is thousands of feet long.

The pupils of the eyes are pitch black, with a hint of silver light in the pitch black. With a ferocious look, I looked at everything below.

“The Eye of Heaven? Is the Eye of Heaven?” Tiger Emperor cried out in horror.

“The Eye of Heaven? Heaven is above, and below has been conscientious, and below has nothing to do with the Hades. I was hit hard by it below. Heaven, Zilian Dynasty, Yongzhongtiandao!” The Zilian Emperor also screamed in horror.

At this moment, Wang Ke under Huang Quanhai’s eyes widened.

“This is, God has eyes? Is it true that God has eyes?” Wang Ke stared in surprise.

“The Eye of Heaven? I heard my mother say that the eye of Heaven is open, which represents the full attention of Heaven. Every time the Eye of Heaven is opened, there will be a battle of earth-shattering destruction!” You Yue said.

“The Eye of Heaven?” Wang Ke was also surprised.

But I saw that the Eye of Heaven opened, and there was a cold ignorance in his eyes, staring at Pluto.

“Ghost Emperor? Your consciousness has not disappeared?” There was a majestic voice between heaven and earth, but it was the eye of heaven.

“Ha, the corpse emperor, the cartilage, surrender to you, kill me, listen to your orders, dig out my soul of the soul, seal my consciousness in it, and let me suffer from the suffering of the tribulations! The suffering of the tribulations? I’m not afraid! As long as I am immortal, there will be a chance. In this accident, you found out again, so what? It’s a big deal, die again, devil, let me blind you in the eyes of heaven today, let me kill you today This devil, die!” Pluto shouted loudly.

Under the big drink, the ghost sword in his hand was suddenly cut to the sky’s eye.


A dazzling purple light instantly pierced the heavens and the earth, and the ghost sword Gang became even more than a thousand meters in size. With the roar of endless ghosts, it went straight to the pupil of the Eye of Heaven.

“Did you forget?” The Eye of Heaven said coldly.

But I saw that in front of the Eye of Heaven, another giant of hundreds of feet suddenly condensed, and a sword rushed down to face the sword that Hades swung.


Like a big collision between heaven and earth, the two swords burst into a violent storm and swept in all directions, and the sword of Pluto was physically blocked.

At this moment, everyone looked up at the sky, but saw that the one who blocked the Pluto just now was like another Pluto. On top of the Pluto, a woman in purple was standing, looking at the Pluto below indifferently.

“You~~~~~~!” Hades said in horror.

“Recognized? This is your corpse. Now it’s my puppet. You will, she will, you have, she has. Even the sword in your hand, I will give it a handle. Yes, this is you in the heyday! Now, just listen to my orders! It’s too easy to deal with you!” The Eye of Heaven said solemnly.

“Me? My corpse? You refined my corpse? You trained my corpse into a puppet soldier? You…!” Pluto said in horror.

“I have more than one weapon like this, but this one is enough! Don’t resist, no one can resist me on this planet. When I completely refine the way of heaven for myself, the world will Invincible, you are all mine!” The Eye of Heaven said solemnly.

“No, no, I won’t let you succeed!” Hades roared in surprise.

“You won’t let me succeed? It’s useless, no one’s use! Now you are just a heart, just a group of scattered powers, what can you have? Even your husband, the emperor, listen to me and listen to everything. Mine will kill you, what else do you have? This time, you disturbed my sleep, disturbed me to sacrifice to Heavenly Dao, it has already delayed me a lot of time, it should be over!” The Eye of Heavenly Dao Binghan said.

But I saw that the new Pluto released by the Eye of Heaven seemed to be instructed and trembled slightly, and the woman above her head slowly merged into the new Pluto.

As soon as the long sword in his hand came out, he cut it towards the Hades below!


The two Plutos fought into battle immediately. For a time, the two condensed a larger Huangquanhai collision, and countless ghosts collided with each other, and the Pluto battle was extremely fierce. The battle between a person’s corpse puppet and the primordial spirit of consciousness suddenly hit the land and cracked, and the yellow spring sea rushed and exploded.

The sky, the Eye of Heaven looked so coldly, as if enjoying a big show.

The four directions turned the river to the sea, and the tiger emperor and the purple lotus emperor were also quickly tossed in the aftermath of the impact, and the swords were shot again and again, which made the two people’s exhausted bodies even more injured. It’s not tragic.

Only Wang Ke and You Yue, huddled underneath at this moment, seemed to be protected by a stream of yellow spring water, which was fairly safe.

Looking at this shocking battle, the two have already been dumbfounded.

“This Pluto, is a woman? What is the name of the ghost emperor? She wanted to kill Tiandao in the past? She, how did she have such thoughts? As a result, she was killed by Tiandao, dug out her heart to seal consciousness, making her suffer In regret? Then her body was trained into a puppet weapon by Heaven?” Wang Ke stared.

“Ghost Emperor? Ghost Emperor?” You Yue’s expression was complicated.

“What’s wrong? Have you heard this name?” Wang Ke curiously asked.

“I heard my mother mentioned it once before. My mother never mentioned her life experience, but once when my mother fell asleep, she seemed to have heard her in a dream. Dear, I don’t want you to be a ghost emperor, mother, I want you to come back!’ Mother was talking in a dream, and there were still tears in her eyes!” You Yue recalled.

Wang Ke’s face froze: “What do you mean, this Pluto, is your grandmother?”

“I don’t know. Every time I ask my mother, my mother refuses to say!” You Yue shook her head.

“I guess, it should be, otherwise, why does the ghost emperor’s consciousness use Huangquanhai to protect you and me? Also, why does the ghost **** sword recognize you and the ghost emperor? Obviously, the ghost **** sword used to be this The sword of a ghost emperor! Your grandmother? It’s really scary. She actually had the mind to kill the Dao of Heaven. He was really a great man before his death!” Wang Ke exclaimed.

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