Indestructible God King Chapter 801: Fishing

Two months later, all the gods, go to the study!

Shanhuang sat behind the desk and looked at the memorials in front of him. Simon stood in front of him respectfully.

“The emperor, the third prince, the cultivation base is advancing by leaps and bounds these days!” Ximen smiled smoothly.

“After all, I was a little too impatient, otherwise it would be better to fight steadily!” Shan Huang showed a trace of satisfaction.

“Being with Wang Ke still has certain benefits. The third prince who is the least exciting is working hard! My son Ximen Jing, like the third prince, has been stimulated more in front of Wang Ke, and he will even break the bottleneck when he comes back!” Shun Shui smiled.

Speaking of Wang Ke, Shan Huang’s smile instantly converged, and his face blackened: “Don’t talk to me about Wang Ke, that little bastard, every day, I’ll be angry! Youyue too, how can I stand him? Of?”

“Wang Ke did everything he could to Princess Youyue. This time he helped Princess Youyue ascend as the Queen of Ghouls. What the emperor saw was only more than three months, but what the emperor didn’t see was this For more than three months, Wang Ke almost bankrupted his family to pave the way for Princess Youyue. Others could not see Wang Ke’s efforts behind his back. How could the thoughts of the people of a country be so unified? Wang Ke dispatched from the Shiwan Mountain. People go, and at the same time, the money made by Shenwang’s company over the years, Wang Ke spit out even more desperately. Others just saw Wang Ke’s Shun, including Zhao Qian and Sun’s three Wu Wangs, but saw that Wang Ke’s everything was like a godly help. Every speech can be brainwashed, but I don’t know how much Wang Ke secretly paid! His success is that he spilled countless money, and he arranged countless’supports’ to foil it!” Ximen solemnly said smoothly.

“Hmph, you will speak for him!” Shanhuang stared.

“The minister is seeking truth from facts. For example, in this Super Girl Fairy event, although there is a suspicion of using the Big Five Platform, the effect of the event can be maximized. I am afraid that the emperor doesn’t know yet, because of the Five Big Platforms. , The five dynasties, now a wave of searching for super female fairies has completely started, and it can’t be suppressed at all. It is all people trying to find them spontaneously. This kind of effect can be described as unprecedented!” Ximen sighed smoothly.

“Hmph, it’s been two months, has he got any results? Hasn’t he found nothing yet?” Shan Huang said uncomfortably.

“The emperor, you should be aware that you are already looking for a needle in a haystack if you want to find a super female fairy. Moreover, this super female fairy may be the body of an evil demon. Besides, these countless true essence blood needs to be screened. Time!” Ximen explained smoothly.

Shenhuang frowned and said: “Ximen goes well, have you been brainwashed by Wang Ke? Help him say everything?”

“No, the minister just thinks that it is good for the great, the emperor is good, and the people are good. The minister will support him. The emperor wants a courtier who can tell the truth, not a courtier who can only flatter you! Therefore, please accept the suggestion of the minister! Although Wang Ke is sometimes indifferent, everything he does is very hard to do, and is developing in the direction of great good and good. Why should the minister choose? What’s wrong with him? Only a capable person who has a little problem will appear more real! If it is perfect and everyone praises, such a person will be dangerous and need to be guarded!” Ximen solemnly said.

Shanhuang stared at Ximen Shunshui for a while, his face sinking. Obviously, Ximen couldn’t satisfy himself if Ximen went well, but he believed that Ximen went well, and he couldn’t do anything about it.

“The emperor, the minister felt that this time the third prince assisted Princess Youyue to ascend the throne as the queen, there is a great contribution, as a reward, a great contribution!” Ximen said quietly.

“The third child? He is almost!” Shan Huang frowned.

“No, the emperor, you invite the emperor to come and announce that you are going to open the seal of the 100,000 mountains, and the news of fighting the demon celestial alone should have a result soon. The game we set may come out at any time. So. , The third prince goes further, it is imperative!” Ximen said solemnly along the river.

“Are you so sure?” Shanhuang squinted his eyes and looked at Ximen smoothly.

Ximen Shunshui frowned slightly: “The minister also didn’t want to think badly, but the minister has been observing Zhongshenzhou for many years, and based on some clues, he is still certain. Please prepare for the emperor early!”

Shanhuang looked ugly, and finally nodded: “I will consider it!”

“Yes!” Ximen replied.

“By the way, in the news you handed over this time, the Tiger Emperor and the Purple Lotus Emperor have been fighting for two months?” The Emperor Shan frowned.

“Uh, yes, in the border land, the interruptions are so intense! This time, Wang Ke seems to have pitted the Tiger Emperor again?” Ximen smiled bitterly.

“Again?” Shan Huang said with a strange expression.

“Yes, it’s the third time. Although the Tiger Emperor is fierce, but after all, I don’t know that the human heart is sinister! It’s a pity!” Ximen said with a strange expression.

“Which is the Tiger Emperor, I don’t know the sinister heart. It’s Wang Ke. That little **** is too shameless. He actually used our aura to suppress the Tiger Emperor and let the Tiger Emperor take the blame. This little slippery head is still with him. The **** king mansion is making money from the black heart, right?” Emperor Shan said with a stare.

“Whether that’s the case, some people may be displeased by Wang Ke recently, and secretly destroy some of Wang Ke’s properties!” Ximen frowned.

“Oh?” The Emperor Shan was puzzled.

“It seems that the source is in Yinbeixian Town next to Yinshan Mountain. That is a stronghold of Shenwang Company. Wang Ke should go to investigate the case now!” Ximen said smoothly.

“Investigate the case?” Shan Huang asked in doubt.

“Yes, but Wang Ke pretended to be still in the No. 1 Shenwang Industrial Park. He should have gone quietly. Every day, Princess Youyue still shows up to help the king prove that he is still in the No. 1 Shenwang Industrial Park!” Ximen Shun Shui said.

“Let You Yue help him create an illusion? To create an illusion that is still in the No.1 God King Industrial Park, he sneaked to the vicinity of Yinshan Mountain? Why? It’s so mysterious?” Shan Huang asked puzzled.

Ximen Shunshui looked at Emperor Shan with a weird look: “The emperor should be able to guess!”

Shanhuang’s expression suddenly changed: “Because Wang Ke knows that he has many enemies and is afraid of being hacked to death when he goes out. Therefore, these days he has been staying in the No. 1 God King Industrial Park and expecting me to sit in the Good God Capital. Help him frighten a group of Xiaoxiao?”

Ximen Shunshui smiled bitterly, although he didn’t want to admit it, he nodded.

“I understand, this king is really afraid of death! Here, expect me to protect him? For the first half year, he has been in the corpse, ghosts and gods, and he is afraid of death and dare not go out, so that You Yue can Mobilize the power of a country to protect him?” Shanhuang looked ugly.

Ximen Shunshui smiled bitterly: “Maybe, almost! He has too many enemies, from the right way to the evil way. The enemies are everywhere, but they are constantly dying!”

Shanhuang: “…………!”


On the side of Yinshan Mountain, Yinbeixian Town!

In the past, Wang Ke took You Yue and lived at the mayor’s house for a period of time, and got acquainted with the original mayor Huang, who was also the demon **** Huang Tianfeng.

Although Huang Tianfeng has left, there is no Mayor Huang in Yinbeixian Town, but Shenwang Company has formed an important station here.

The residents of Yinbeixian Town got on the ship of the Shenwang Supermarket. It has only been more than a year, and they have been very prosperous. They have made a lot of money, and they are also very polite to the employees of Shenwang Company. To set up a station here and recruit residents of Xianzhen as employees will also make Yinbei Xianzhen richer. Now, anyone here who dares to say something bad about God King’s Company will be spurned and hunted down by the whole town.

This place is the handover of the two dynasties, and it is also an entrance and exit of Shiwan Dashan. Countless goods of Shenwang Company will be piled up and stored here. It is also a supply point for Shenwang Logistics, which is extremely important.

At this moment, Wang Ke was standing in an office hall here, looking at the ruins burned in front of him.

“Patriarch, it’s an evil demon. I saw it with my own eyes, and the evil demon from nowhere suddenly attacked our warehouse here!” said a subordinate.

“Patriarch, most of the warehouse was burned and we suffered heavy losses, but the security team caught a few demons. After interrogation, they were extremely stiff and no one would say anything!”

“Patriarch, the demons that were captured are detained below, the family chief should go and see?”



A group of subordinates kept telling Wang Ke about the sneak attack and the loss this time, one by one filled with righteous indignation, as if waiting for Wang Ke to take the Lord.

Wang Ke stood at the entrance of the hall, looking at the burning ruins in front of him, but he was extremely calm and did not speak.

Wang Ke waited again, waiting for someone to come over.

Old Murong dog and a few veteran ruffians next to him have already sealed off the Quartet. At the same time staring at some people in charge here.

Old Murong dog stood next to Wang Ke, and with a wave of probing hands, an enchantment enveloped him and Wang Ke.

“Wang Ke, why are you not in a hurry? We have been here for two days. In these two days, we sneaked in, first went out in a micro service, searched for clues in the town, and then looked for merchants around Clues, today you are just staring at this pile of burning ruins, and counting the lost things in the ruins, instead of interrogating the demons you caught? Your case-handling procedures are wrong, shouldn’t you interrogate the prisoners first?” Frowned.

Wang Ke’s face froze: “Huh? I made a mistake in the procedure for handling the case? You said it earlier!”

“Huh? Do I have to say this earlier?” Murong Old Dog stared.

“What’s the matter, it’s careless, I should interrogate those demons first. Really, what should I do if people see it? Go, go, hurry, let’s go to interrogate the prisoner!” Wang Ke anxiously said. .

“Uh, what, what do you mean? What does it mean to be careless?” Murong Old Dog was puzzled.

“The people I arranged myself, I relaxed my guard against them. The logic of this visit is a bit messy, but don’t be seen by others!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“What, what? The demon who set fire to the warehouse was arranged by yourself? You arranged for someone to burn your own warehouse? Are you sick?” Murong Old Dog stared.

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’m fishing. Come on, don’t let the big fish be alarmed and scared away, let’s go to interrogate the’prisoner’!” Wang Ke said immediately.

“Fishing?” Murong Old Dog looked blankly.

“So are you. My case handling procedures are wrong. You should remind me. Only now, what do you want you to do?” Wang Ke stared.

“Blam me? You used to think about everything, who knows what you are doing?” Murong Old Dog stared.

“Have a horse stumbled, I hope I don’t stun the snake, go, go!” Wang Ke urged.

Just when Wang Ke was going to interrogate the ‘prisoner’.

Suddenly, a purple light fell from the sky and turned into a small purple enchantment. A large number of thunder snakes walked upstream of the enchantment, and instantly enveloped the hall where Wang Ke was.

“Hahahaha, Wang Ke, you really are here, today, you can’t escape with your wings!” A smug laugh blasted through the entire Yinbei Fairy Town.

But Wang Ke suddenly brightened his eyes: “Here? Fortunately, haha!”

Old dog Murong’s expression changed: “You provoke a strong enemy, why didn’t you tell me in advance? Fuck, this is the breath of the Martial God Realm, the Martial God Realm, we are not prepared at all, this, This is our life!”

“I’m not worried about your lack of acting skills?” Wang Ke said.

“Bah!” Murong old dog cursed.

PS: I’m going to a meeting tomorrow for a few days. I can’t continue to explode these days. It has been a few months since watching chess exploded. This time I’m really desperate. In the next few days, we will resume two shifts every day! After returning from the meeting, the outbreak will continue. Three more complete!

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