Indestructible God King Chapter 793: The Great Throne

  Good God Capital, in the Good God Temple.

  Wang Ke asked Ximen Shunshui to arrange for the delivery of the letter, and then followed Ximen to the Temple of Goodness.

  In the Temple of Goodness, there are some decorations at this moment. There are no hundred officials, only a dragon chair and six huge thrones.

  Three in the left column, sitting with You Yue, Jiang Shuang and Jiang First.

   There are three in the right column. The first two are sitting with two men wearing dragon robes. One dragon robe is black and the other is gold. Both of them looked majestic and curiously looked at Wang Ke and Ximen who were walking in the hall. The third position is vacant.

  Wang Ke entered the main hall, he saw Emperor Shan sitting on the main dragon chair, his expression calm, as if he had forgotten that he had made things difficult for Wang Ke just now in the study.

  ”Chen Ximen came late, and see the emperor!” Ximen gave a respectful salute.

  ”Meet the emperor!” Wang Ke was also a salute.

  ”Dashan Ximen goes smoothly, I have seen all the emperors!” Ximen Shunshui also saluted the surrounding emperors.

  Wang Ke also looked at the crowd at the moment, You Yue and Jiang Shuang, Wang Ke knew naturally, and Jiang was the first, and Wang Ke was also familiar. Although Wang Ke did not recognize the two dragon-robed men here, he also guessed that they were the Yama Emperor and the Reincarnation Emperor.

  The five princes of the right way are gathered together? Shan Huang’s appeal is still great! Although the righteous way alliance is not so close, but the word of the emperor, it is all here.

  But, what should I do next? There is only one empty seat! How did you arrange the venue this time? A seat, how can Ximen and I be separated? If it were other people, he would have sat there, but Ximen Shunshui helped him a lot this time, so he could save face.

   “Prime Minister Ximen, sit down, I’ll squeeze with You Yue!” Wang Ke whispered to Ximen smoothly.

  Ximen Shunshui’s face stiffened. Not far away, the Four Empresses and Jiang First also stared at Wang Ke. You and Empress You Yue squeeze? Do you think this is your home? Can you be serious?

  Shanhuang even stared at Wang Ke viciously.

  ”Wang Ke, you are the God of War in the Temple of War, representing Chen Tianyuan, the God of War, this one should sit for you, and I have the responsibility to stand in the temple!” Ximen explained smoothly.

  Wang Ke is taken aback, don’t you sit down? You said it earlier, that made me lose my face just now!

   “Hmm!” Wang Ke nodded.

  Stepping, Wang Ke sat down directly.

   Ximen opened his mouth smoothly, and finally swallowed what he was about to say. According to etiquette, the king should first thank the emperor Shane, and the emperor Shane will allow you to sit, you can sit, you…!

  On the Zhengbei Dragon Chair, Emperor Shan also looked at Wang Ke with a dark face. After all, he didn’t say anything because of the occasion!

  Ximen also walked to the center of the hall along the river: “The emperor, let the minister start!”

   “Hmm!” Shanhuang replied.

  Ximen Shunshui only then gave a small salute to the crowd.

  ”Everyone, this time the Emperor Shan is inviting you to come, first of all, for the Queen Youyue to meet with you. The five dynasties are righteous, and the alliance is one, and naturally each other is a kingdom of brothers!” Ximen Shun Shui solemnly Tao, then looked at You Yue.

  At this time, You Yue got up, bowed to the emperor Shan, and then bowed slightly to the emperor.

  ”Ghoul Dynasty, Ghost Youyue, I have seen all the emperors!” Empress Youyue solemnly said.

  Jiang Shuang’s expression changed slightly, but the two emperors opposite, the Yama emperor and the reincarnation emperor, narrowed their eyes.

  ”Good emperor, you are so capable? Take the great good dynasty, and have a pair of children, the hand ghoul dynasty and the Yasha dynasty? I don’t know what the purpose of the good emperor is?” The Yamaren emperor narrowed his eyes to the good emperor.

  Reincarnation Emperor’s face also darkened slightly.

  ”The five dynasties, where the Germans live, my sons and daughters, the blessings of heaven, the two dynasties, why not? The dispute between the Yasha and the ghouls, you and I did not intervene, the Yama is here What do you mean?” Shan Huang said calmly.

  The Emperor Yan Luo took a deep breath, looked at the Empress You Yue, after all, he didn’t say anything.

  You Yue bowed slightly and sat down slowly. Obviously, I’m afraid that today is not just as simple as meeting you with the emperor.

  ”Everyone, do you remember the Central God Continent a thousand years ago?” Ximen Shunshui suddenly said.

  ”A thousand years ago?” The Emperor Yan Luo stared at the west gate.

  Jiang No.1 and Jiang Shuang curiously looked towards Ximen along the way.

  Everyone understands that the role of Ximen Shunshui at this moment is to help Shan Huang describe some complicated things. At this moment, although Ximen Shunshui is only speaking as a minister, it completely represents the will of Shan Huang.

  ”A thousand years ago, the Central Divine Continent was in chaos, demons raged, and the common people suffered disasters. The way of heaven was injustice, and it gave the’big emperor throne’ to a demon immortal, and that devil immortal gained the throne and destroyed the Sifang dynasty. The Central God Continent is about to be unified, and the demons will come to the world, and the common people will die!

  The five great divine continents in the world will naturally not sit back and watch the Central Divine Continent be completely annihilated by demons. Therefore, the imperial dynasty of North Shenzhou, the Taoist gates of East Shenzhou, and Buddhism gates of West Shenzhou each sent a large number of powerful people to support and participate. Battle of Zhongshenzhou!

  Finally, the Demon Immortal Emperor of Zhongshenzhou was suppressed on the Shiwan Dashan!

  At the same time, there are three peerless powerhouses in the fairyland who are responsible for suppressing the devil. These three peerless powerhouses in the fairyland come from the Temple of War, Taoism, and Buddhism!

  Three righteous heroes who climbed into the fairyland, suppressed the magic fairy on the hundred thousand mountains! However, demons are rampant and have not been wiped out! In the south of the broken Central God Continent, a new dynasty will be established! And the righteous way alliance between us and Zhongshenzhou has successively established the five great righteous dynasties to contend with and protect the people of the world! “Ximen said smoothly.

   “Ximen goes well, what do you say about this history?” Yan Luo Emperor asked in doubt.

  Everyone looked at Ximen and went smoothly.

  And Wang Ke’s eyes widened. I understand, that demon fairy, isn’t he the husband of the evil emperor? Suppressed by the three great climbs in the fairyland in Shiwan Dashan? Could it be the abyss where the Dragon Emperor was originally? At the beginning, I fell into the abyss, and I saw a lot of ghosts and strange monsters.

  There is a fairy below that? Or is it a demon god?

  If a group of big guys were out of trouble, wouldn’t they be finished?

  ”Shenhuang, you invited us to come today, don’t you have any ideas?” The Samsara Human Sovereign doubted.

  Ximen stood aside along the water, also looking at Emperor Shan.

  The emperor’s fingers tapped the armrest of the dragon chair lightly, and he muttered for a while: “In the past thousand years, there has been a tacit understanding between the right way and the magic way. No one is allowed to step into the 100,000 mountains, and no one can touch the mind of that seal! “

  ”That is natural, what happens under the seal, who knows? If the devil is out of trouble, can I still be able to stop it? Now, all the major continents are in chaos, demons are rampant, and the world is demons! If it were that The seal is broken, so I can only wait to face it!” Yan Luo Renhuang said solemnly.

  ”Only more than two hundred years ago, the Dragon Emperor fled from another divine continent and occupied one hundred thousand mountains for a few years, but was not later sealed by Zhang Tianshi? One hundred thousand mountains is a forbidden place! You can’t touch it!” The emperor said solemnly.

  ”Is the Hundred Thousand Mountains a forbidden place? I don’t think it!” The Emperor Shan said calmly.

  ”Shenhuang, what do you want to do?” Yan Luo Renhuang frowned.

   “I invite you to come, just to discuss with you and open this seal!” Shan Huang said in a deep voice.


  The Samsara Emperor suddenly stood up.

  ”Shenhuang, what do you mean? Open the seal? What do you want to do? It is sealed with the devil and the immortal!” The reincarnation emperor stared.

  ”Once the seal is opened, the entire Central God Continent will be in chaos again!” The Emperor Yan Luo also stared.

  Shanhuang smiled slightly: “That’s why I want to discuss it with you!”

  ”Shenhuang, you should know the consequences of opening the seal. Who can handle it then?” Samsara Human Emperor said solemnly.

  Shanhuang smiled slightly: “Aren’t you just worrying about that demon? Don’t worry about that demon, I will deal with it!”

  ”What?” everyone in the hall asked in surprise.

  ”The demon fairy is out of trouble, I will kill him personally, and return to the Central Shenzhou a peaceful place. The three heroes who have climbed into the fairyland have suppressed the demon fairy for a thousand years, and they have worked hard. I don’t know if they are still alive. It’s time to let them. Come out and rest!” Shan Huang said solemnly.

  There was a dead silence in the hall. One by one looked at Shan Huang in surprise.

  How much self-confidence do you dare to say such a thing? Kill the fairy? Are you going to kill the fairy alone? Are you kidding me? Are you going to die?

  ”Everyone, for the people of the world, once and for all, how about it?” The Emperor Shan looked calmly at the crowd.

  Everyone pondered for a while.

  ”Shenhuang, you are so confident!” Yan Luo Renhuang said solemnly.

  ”It’s time. A thousand years ago, I couldn’t do anything. After a thousand years, I can do it!” Shan Huang believed in himself.

  Samsara Human Emperor staring at Shan Huang suddenly said: “Do you want to seize that demon immortal’s’big emperor’?”

  ”Emperorship?” The Emperor Yan Luo also shrank his pupils.

  Not far away, Jiang Yi and Jiang Shuang also shrank their pupils. Only Wang Ke and You Yue were confused. What do you mean? Throne? What is that stuff?

  ”Given by the way of heaven, it cannot be obtained by the evil spirits. A thousand years ago, something must have happened before the emperor’s throne will fall into the hands of the evil spirits. This time, I will return it to its original place! Return the world. A peace! Everyone, can anyone object to it?” Shan Huang said solemnly.

  A group of people were silent for a while. At this moment, everyone had their own thoughts and did not reach a consensus in an instant.

  ”Why? Don’t you have any confidence in me?” Shan Huang looked at Yama and Samsara.

  ”This matter, I have to consider it later!” The Samsara Emperor said solemnly.

  ”Yes, such a major event is related to the rise and fall of the Zhongshenzhou Righteous Path. How can we immediately make a decision?” Yan Luo Renhuang also said solemnly.

   Jiang Shuang and You Yue have not spoken. Obviously, as the sons and daughters of the good emperor, they need not say much at this moment, and they are also on the side of the good emperor.

  In the hall, there was a dead silence. Shan Huang is not in a hurry, waiting patiently.

  After a long while, Yan Luo and Samsara still did not give a supportive reply.

   “It’s okay, you can discuss this matter later, I am not in a hurry, I have waited for a thousand years, and still care about the time of the past few years?” The Emperor Shan said calmly.

   “Thank you for your understanding!” Yan Luo and Samsara took a deep breath.

  ”In that case, it just so happens that Wang Ke prepared a program for us. Everyone is fine, let’s go and see it together!” Shan Huang stood up and said.

  A group of people are taken aback, what do you mean? Isn’t your topic skipping too much? Just now I was talking about the struggle for hegemony in the Central Shenzhou. Did you go to the show in a blink of an eye? Or is it Wang Ke’s show?

  Wang Ke was also caught off guard. I thought you were going to talk up and down without a result. No one will be able to leave today. This, that’s the end of the talk? I’m not prepared! The purpose of Shan Huang this time is to send you an announcement? Isn’t it?

  Wang Ke looked at Ximen not far away, and Ximen followed the water with his eyes and nose and heart, standing aside without saying a word, which made Wang Ke very surprised. But Wang Ke knows that Ximen is so good. He and Shanhuang team up to send everyone an announcement? Impossible, there must be a follow-up, but the follow-up cannot be immediately revealed!

  ”Wang Ke, are you ready over there?” Shan Huang asked.

  ”Okay, okay, the emperor, and all the emperors, please move to the No. 1 Shenwang Industrial Park, we will start right away!” Wang Ke said immediately.

  The emperor also looked at Wang Ke and the emperor Shan with a face of confusion. Everyone was surprised that the emperor Shan was just here to announce something? Are there other traps waiting for us?

  ”Let’s go then!” Shan Huang said.

  ”Yes!” Wang Keying said.

  Under Wang Ke’s guidance, the five emperors and Jiang No.1 all got up, and followed Wang Ke to the No. 1 Shenwang Industrial Park!

  PS: First!

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