Indestructible God King Chapter 773: The chaotic palace

Outside the Ghoul Temple!

The Bujie monk fought against King Qian Wu, roaring everywhere, regardless of the outcome of the two sides. King Zhao Wu rushed over with another bottle of antidote, Huang Shuifei endured the stench, his face changed abruptly and chased away!

There was a roar in the sky, and there was also a melee below.

In the realm of the Heavenly Master, Zhang Zhengdao and Zhang Shenxu fought against King Sun Wu, while Nie Qingqing and Zhu Hongyi wore black robes and quietly went inside to help, but no one noticed that a snow flew into it, it was Bailian. A clone of the emissary.

Wang Ke, Princess Youyue, and National Ghoul Master enter the Ghoul Temple, which is blocked, and others can’t see the inside at all. Ximen Jing also chased in. However, I stepped out soon.

“Ximengjing? What’s the situation inside?” Jiang Bing shouted while fighting.

“Uh, the teacher said, he can handle it!” Ximen Jing shouted.

“Wang Ke and my sister, how do you deal with the ghoul national teacher? He got a fart!” Jiang Bing shouted as he fought.

“It’s not against the ghoul national teacher, there is also a body and a clone of the White Lotus Saint Envoy!” Ximen Jing said.

“What are you talking about? There are still two white lotus envoys in the ghoul temple? Isn’t the king dead?” Jiang Bing exclaimed.

Jiang Bing knows that the white lotus envoy can’t wait for the king to die, and the ghoul national teacher can’t wait for the king to die. Isn’t the king dead?

“I won’t tell you anymore! I have something else!” Ximen Jing shouted.

Speaking, Ximen Jing stepped into the realm of the Heavenly Master.

At this moment, Princess Youyue in the ghoul temple took out the ghost **** sword, and when the ghost **** sword came out, the meaning of the ghost **** spewed out instantly.

However, this time, no skeletons or zombies emerged, but a black wind swept from all directions from the ghouls and gods, crashing into the triple coffin formation.

“Boom, boom, boom!”

Under the collision of the black wind, a dragon chant suddenly sounded out of the ruins of the palace.


A dragon head of the earth dragon vein emerged from the ground and opened his mouth to take a breath.


The black wind was swallowed down by an earth dragon vein, and the earth dragon vein instantly grew by one point and instantly became excited.

“Ang!” “Ang!” “Ang!”

Around the palace, dragon heads emerged one after another from the ground, so that both sides of the battle were suddenly surprised.

“This, what’s going on? What happened? Why are there so many earth and dragon veins?” Jiang Bing exclaimed.

“These earth dragon veins are devouring the yin and ghost energy coming from all directions, this ghoul, has so many earth dragon veins? Are they all coming out?” an old soldier screamed.

“What the **** happened? Did Wang Ke trigger something?” another veteran ruffian exclaimed.

“What happened in the Temple of Ghouls?” Jiang Bing frowned.

A group of people wanted to rush in. However, Huang Shuifei and Guo Shi’s men around him were blocking everyone, making everyone anxious.


At this moment, a golden light shot into the sky from the Ghoul Temple, and the golden light pierced the sky and the earth, as if a huge sword appeared from the clouds, piercing towards the Ghoul Temple below.

“What is that?”

“What a terrifying Jian Gang!”

“Is this going to smash the triple coffin array?”

“No, the triple coffin formation didn’t stop this Jian Gang at all, what’s the matter?”

“Jiangang rushed into the ghoul shrine!”



Countless people exclaimed.

I heard a roar in the ghoul temple, and all the swordsmen outside the temple were blown up.

What’s wrong with this? The dragons dance in a wild, and the heavenly sword descends? What happened in that ghoul temple?


At this moment, the realm of Heavenly Masters not far away burst open instantly, and a group of people fell from the realm of Heavenly Masters.

“Ximengjing, your special mother’s neurosis, did you sprinkle this Wang Ke’s antidote indiscriminately? It stinks to me? I was not killed by the white lotus envoy, so I was stinky to death by you, ah, ah Ahhhhhhhhh!” Zhang Shenxu roared sorrowfully, covered in blood.

“Ximenjing sacrifices even more, so bear with it, this smell, you get used to it by smelling it, you just smell some smell, you see King Sun Wu is miserable! Nah~~~~!” Zhang Zhengdao He was covered in blood and vomited on the ground.

I saw that not far away, Ximen Jing stuffed a tuft of turbid true essence into King Sun Wu’s mouth along with the broken glass. King Sun Wu beat Ximen Jing violently and beat Ximen Jing all over his body with blood. While vomiting desperately, he looked desperate and angry.

“What’s wrong with me? Did I fall into the cesspit? Damn it, who put something in my mouth? I want your life, vomit~~~~~!” Sun Wu Wang shouted desperately.

On the other side, a white lotus envoy, one foot and one foot, stepped Nie Qingqing and Zhu Hongyi on the ground.


Both of them vomited a mouthful of blood. Obviously, there was still a big gap in strength in the previous internal battle. The White Lotus Saint Envoy was not happy because he knocked down the two of them, but looked at the Shrine of Ghouls not far away with a look of horror.

“No!” The clone of the Saint White Lotus exclaimed.

“Ahem, Saint Bailian, if you give me a little more time, I will not lose to you, you dare to hurt Qinger, I want your life!” Zhu Hongyi roared angrily.

It’s almost, it’s almost, I’m only in the Primordial Divine Realm, and there is a natural disadvantage in the Martial God Realm. Even if I have the Fire Dragon Primordial God and Congenital Bone Demon Seed, it is not enough! Can only watch the defeat.

But what does the panic of Saint White Lotus mean?

I saw that at this moment, the sky above my head was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the heavenly powers rushed down.

“This is God’s Punishment? Wang Ke, a liar, he still has the pumice supervised by Heaven? He lied to us, bah!” An old soldier exhaled.

As soon as the familiar formula came out, everyone was relieved about Wang Ke’s safety.

“But what happened to Jianguang just now?” Jiang Bing asked curiously.

“You ask me, who am I asking?” The old soldier stared.


At this moment, a group of snowmen suddenly rushed out of the hall. The snowman was wrapped in heavy snow, and instantly rushed towards the clone of the White Lotus Saint Envoy.

“Wang Ke, I will come back. When I get back, it’s your death date. I want to tell the four lotus emperors, I want your life!” The white lotus sacred envoy roared.

“Is that Snowman the body of the White Lotus Saint Envoy? I feel that Heaven’s Punishment is locked on him!” Jiang Bing said in surprise.

“My first-grade white lotus!” The avatar of the white lotus envoy suddenly grabbed Nie Qingqing.

“Stop, return my youth!” Zhu Hongyi exclaimed.


The white lotus sacred envoy made an angry kick and slammed on Zhu Hongyi’s body. With a roar, the ground was stepped out of a big pit, and Zhu Hongyi was seriously injured and stepped into the big pit.

The avatar of the White Lotus Saint Envoy, grabbed Nie Qingqing, supported the Snowman’s body, and immediately rushed to the outside of the triple coffin.

“Return my youth!” In the big pit, Zhu Hongyi shouted weakly.

“The White Lotus Saint is running away?” Zhang Shenxu’s expression changed.

“Quickly, King Sun Wu wakes up, King Sun Wu, quickly stop the Saint White Lotus from escaping, and do it! King Sun Wu!” Ximen Jing quickly shouted.


Sun Wu Wang is awake, but he is still vomiting at this moment, chase? Wait until the vomit is finished.

“Grandpa, King Sun Wu is awake!” a subordinate screamed.

Huang Shuaifei, who was fighting high in the sky, suddenly changed his expression.

I’m still vomiting here, I can’t stop King Zhao Wu at all. Over there, King Sun Wu is about to wake up again. He must hate me to death. Keep on procrastinating, can I still go away today?

Huang Shuaifei’s face changed wildly, why hasn’t the corpse of the country been moved until now? If you drag it on, will you not be able to leave?

“Huang Shuaifei, do you dare to hypnotize me, I want your life! Nah!” King Sun Wu vomited and thought of everything, going to the sky.

“Go!” Huang Shuifei yelled depressedly.

Suddenly, Huang Shuaifei gave up blocking King Zhao Wu and rushed straight down. However, Huang Shuifei’s subordinates did not dare to hesitate, and immediately turned around and fled.

“Stop! Don’t run if you have a kind!” a group of veterans roared.

No matter what, this group of people has decided to go, even if they are severely injured, they will escape with Huang Shuaifei.

The entire palace is in chaos. However, the balance is broken and everything is moving in a good direction.

“Don’t stop Arhat, hug the old money, yes, thank you for not stopping Arhat, I will wake him up!” King Zhao Wu shouted.

“I have a golden Arhat body, even if it is painful, I can’t stand it for too long, hurry up!” Bujie monk hugged King Qian Wu from his back and shouted.


Wang Zhao Wu put another bottle of antidote in his hand and slammed it into King Qian Wu’s mouth. King Qian Wu was going to struggle, but as soon as this turbid true essence entered, the whole person suddenly had a meal, and then the whole body was shaking like a sieve.

“Oh~~~~~~~~!” King Qian Wu vomited and convulsed in despair.

“Huh, it’s finally all right, quickly, you take Qian Wu Wang, I’ll go see how Wang Ke is!” Without warning, Luo Han will send Qian Wu Wang to Zhao Wu.

“Oh, who, what do you give me, vomit, help, vomit!” King Qian Wu vomited.

Wu Zhao supported King Wu Qian to fall from the sky, and at the same time looked up at the sky.

“Which, what’s going on? There is still a robbery?” Zhao Wu Wang exclaimed.

“No, the white lotus envoy has already fled, and left with a heavenly punishment robbery cloud, why is there another one above his head? Could it be that there are two heavenly punishments? By the way, there is also the ghoul country. As for the teacher, does Wang Ke still have a lot of floating stones supervised by heaven?” Zhang Shenxu asked in astonishment.

“Stop talking nonsense, go in and take a look!” Without stopping Arhat being the first to bear the brunt, he went straight to the ghoul temple.


Suddenly there was a sound of gold and stone, but the head of Luo Han bumped against Wang Ke’s head.

“Ah, it hurts, who?” No Quiet Arhat exclaimed, clutching his forehead.

But he saw Wang Ke walking out of the ghoul temple, clutching his head.

“Whose head? It hurts me so hard, who!” Wang Ke screamed.

But I saw that not far away, Luohan was clutching his head that was hit.

“I’m Luohan Jin, my head bumped with you, my head is red, why is your head not reacting at all?” Luohan exclaimed, holding his long bag head.

“How can I react? Who said I don’t hurt! What’s the situation outside? Where’s the white lotus envoy? Where is it?” Wang Ke cried.

“Ang!” “Ang!” “Ang!”…………

At this moment, all the dragon veins around the palace suddenly moved towards the ghoul temple.

“No, the princess is still inside!” Wang Zhao Wu called out.

“Don’t go in. The Queen of Ghoul is protecting Youyue Law and helping Youyue cross the robbery. You all stay outside!” Wang Ke stopped everyone immediately.

“What? Wang Ke, who are you talking about?” Zhao Wu Wang said excitedly.

“You just said, Empress? Oh!” King Sun Wu got up from the ground, his whole body excited.

“The queen is inside? Oh, you said the queen is inside?” Qian Wu also got up from the ground excitedly.

At this moment, no matter how bad the stench is, the two of them can tolerate it in general, each showing a excited expression.

PS: Second!

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