Indestructible God King Chapter 769: Conspirator, national teacher


Amidst the triple coffin formation, the battle roared. Even with the impact of the Martial God Realm, the formation remained motionless, so that the people outside could not hear a sound.

At this moment, with the order of the ghoul national teacher, countless strong men rushed forward, and Wang Ke was also very prepared for this trip. Murong Laogu and others joined the battlefield one after another. Can resist several strong at the same time.

In an instant, there was flying sand and rocks in the entire palace, the palace collapsed, and countless rubble flew around, making it muddy.

There are only four people who have not fought, the ghoul national teacher, Wang Ke, Princess Youyue, and Ximen Jing.

“Ha, ha ha ha ha, Wang Ke, I thought you really prepared meticulously this time, and there are other hidden masters. It turns out, no, those black-robed men are just the warlords and Zhao from the Temple of War Subordinates of King Wu, you are at the end of your way!” The ghoul national teacher laughed loudly.

The ghoul national teacher asked his subordinates to take action first to test Wang Ke’s details. After all, this group of uniformly uniformed people in black robes actually blocked their own three Martial God realms, which is a bit dangerous. As a result, a false alarm.

“What is your look? You look down on us? Do you think, how can you get us?” Wang Ke stared.

“Only you?” The National Ghoul Master showed a look of disdain.

“Teacher, I just saw…!” Ximen Jing wanted to speak.

“Shut up! Don’t talk!” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

“Me!” Ximen Jing’s face twitched.

You let me say a few words! Let me just say one thing!

However, Wang Ke warned Simon Jing with vicious eyes and told him to close the crow’s mouth.

“Ghoul National Teacher, now you are working with Huang Shuaifei, betraying the goodwill faction, betraying me, there will be no place for you in the ghoul dynasty!” Jiang Bing stared.

“Third princes, at this moment, you still don’t understand? Goodwill faction? Ha ha, do you think they are loyal to you? Huh, they were convened by me, I instigated rebellion, you should listen to me What are you? You are in the Primordial Divine Realm, do you think they really subdued you? Also, I betrayed you? Do you think I’m in favor of you? I just need a puppet to call for goodwill, and you are worthy of me. Fuck up? Betrayed? You haven’t figured out who betrayed anyone! Hmph, if your head is confused and you want to support Princess Youyue and help Wang Kece against the goodwill faction, I will not abandon you, you are not obedient. What’s the use of keeping you!” The ghoul national teacher said coldly.

“You!” Jiang Bing stared.

“The Goodwill Faction? It doesn’t matter without you, I can turn them into a faction close to the Yama Dynasty! So, you are useless! Don’t worry, you are the son of the good emperor, I will not kill you, but , Today’s dispute, don’t provoke me, otherwise, don’t blame me for being polite!” said the ghoul national teacher coldly.

“You are looking for death!” Jiang Bing roared angrily.

“A Bing, what the national ghoul master said is correct, just listen to him, don’t quarrel with him!” Wang Ke persuaded.

“What did you say? Where are you from?” Jiang Bing stared at Wang Ke.

“I mean, you are also Youyue’s third brother anyway, I should always protect you? This ghoul national teacher is neurotic, although he says he won’t kill you, but what if you will kill you later? Do? Don’t believe what he said, don’t fight with him either, you and Simon Jing go to help Murong old dog and they fight, they are about to be unable to stop them, there are too many people on the other side!” Wang Ke said.

“What did you say?” Jiang Bing stared at Wang Ke.

You asked Ximen Jing and I to help Murong old dog and them, then you and You Yue resist the ghoul national teacher?

“Three brothers, you go, national ghoul teacher, we can handle it!” Princess You Yue nodded.

Jiang Bing stared at the two of them, are you kidding me? You two are not as good as me!

“What are you glaring at us for? I said that if you can handle it, you can handle it. Hurry up, Murong’s old dog will become a tired dog with one enemy ten!” Wang Ke urged.

Jiang Bing stared at the two dumbfoundedly for a while.

The ghoul national teacher on the opposite side also sank, isn’t it right?

“Wang Ke, do you still want to use the pumice stone supervised by the heavens to deal with me? It’s useless! The same move, I can’t be fooled by you twice!” .

Everyone looked at the ghoul national teacher.

“Leave him alone, A Bing, you don’t need your help here, you go to help the old dog Murong, hurry up, he has been chopped down!” Wang Ke pointed away and said.

Jiang Bing stared at Wang Ke, you really let me go!

“What are your eyes? It’s useless for you to stay, you can’t beat the ghoul national teacher, go!” Wang Ke urged.

“Wang Ke, you let me go. If you die, you deserve it!” Jiang Bing stared.

“Bah! What are you talking about? How could I die? I’m saving your life, but you’re cursing me to die? It’s not a thing!” Wang Ke scolded, staring.

“Humph!” Jiang Bing snorted coldly.

Turning his head, Jiang Bing glanced viciously at the National Ghoul Master: “You know the National Ghoul Master. It doesn’t matter if you kill the king. If you dare to hurt my sister, no one can save you!”

Speaking, Jiang Bing went straight to the battlefield of Murong Old Dog not far away.

At this moment, the National Ghoul Master also looked at Wang Ke with an uncertain expression. Where on earth are you confident? Is there anything else I don’t know?

“Ximen Jing, what are you doing here? Go and help!” Wang Ke urged.

“Teacher, I want to say…!” Ximen Jing wanted to speak.

“Don’t speak, you must not speak, just talk about it in ordinary times, the two armies are fighting, the most intense moment of the battle, you, the crow’s mouth will add countless troubles to me, just go and help, just do it! “Wang Ke urged.

“I want to say…!” Ximen Jing said anxiously.

“Do you think? When is it my turn to think? Hurry up…!” Wang Ke urged.

Ximengjing was just standing here, and she was so uncomfortable that she couldn’t say anything.

Wang Ke stared at Simon Jing, are you stupid? What’s the matter, why do you have to pit me? Ask you to help fight, what are you doing like constipation?

“Wang Ke, forget it, the ghoul national teacher is still here, and the third brother used to help, and there has been a lot of relief over there!” Princess Youyue persuaded.

Wang Ke stared at Ximen Jing fiercely: “I said so well before I came here, you have to follow orders, and you will not be obedient when you get here. I knew I would not bring you here, huh, and your wife would help you intercede. , Or else, I will write down your defiance of your teacher’s order and see if your father will not smoke you!”

“Teacher, listen to me, I…!” Ximen Jing said anxiously.

“Shut up! Don’t say it!” Wang Ke stared.

Ximen Jing: “………………!”

Am I special, can’t you speak today? I really have something important to say!

Wang Ke turned his head and looked at the ghoul national teacher not far away: “I’m sorry, the bad guys are stubborn and interrupted our speech. Where did we talk about it?”

Ghoul State Master: “…………!”

How do I know where you are talking?

“Oh, by the way, did you just say I use pumice stones? I can’t guarantee you this, anyway, I promise, if you do, I will save you!” Wang Ke took a deep breath.

The merit that Demon Lord gave him last time, he has poured into the Great Sun Immortal Excalibur. That merit is more than that of the last time the Dragon Emperor was killed. The Great Sun Immortal Excalibur can also automatically protect the lord. Wang Ke is naturally backed at this moment.

“Wang Ke, do you think I was frightened?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“Come on!” Wang Ke glared and believed.

Ghoul State Master: “…………!”

Special, what happened today? Why is it so evil? Which link went wrong? Why is Wang Ke so confident?

“You Yue, I am staring at the ghoul national teacher, you open the coffin enchantment of the ghoul temple, and go inside to get the imperial seal!” Wang Ke said.

“But…!” Princess You Yue still worried about Wang Ke.

Although Wang Ke had already told You Yue that he still had support, even if he faced the Martial God Realm, he was not afraid, but You Yue didn’t know what it was, so naturally he was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, it’s time to put an end to the grievances between the national ghoul master and me!” Wang Ke said.

“Wang Ke, there is no need…!” Princess You Yue said worriedly.

“What’s unnecessary? I’ve checked the information, Ghoul Kingdom Master. It was established in the Ghoul Dynasty shortly after you were born. It is a chess piece that the Dashan Dynasty entered the Ghoul Dynasty. Humph, I asked. After King Zhao Wu, who first revealed that your mother was a demon? Old Zhao said, “I don’t know it anymore. I have been spreading it all the time! But before, who knew that your mother was a demon? Only your father! Then how did the news leak? For sure? It’s your father, Shan Huang, who leaked it out! Such a secret thing, Shan Huang is not good to talk around, at most, he accidentally leaked his mouth at home, and the people who can eavesdrop on Shan Huang, except your father’s harem also Who can there be? If the concubine in the harem knows, and dare not spread it, at most to her son, it is the three princes who know about this, and the ghoul national teacher is the apprentice of the prince Jiang No. 1. It is very likely that everything is It was planned by Jiang Yidi, and the news that your mother is a devil came out of this ghoul national teacher!” Wang Ke took a deep breath and said.

The ghoul national teacher has a black face: “You are all guessing!”

“Yes, I just rely on guessing, do you dare to say that it’s not you?” Wang Ke stared.

“It’s not me!” The ghoul master stared.

“Do you dare to swear? If you dare to swear in the name of Jiang Yiyi, you will lie, Jiang Yiyi will explode and die on the spot. If you dare to swear, I will admit that I guessed wrong!” Wang Ke stared. Look at the ghoul national teacher.

The ghoul teacher’s face twitched, you are special, can I make this kind of oath? Even if I didn’t lie, I dare not swear by Master! Can you not hurt like this? Besides, do you admit that you guessed wrong, it’s my shit?

“Look, he dare not? He admits it!” Wang Ke stared.

“Wang Ke, your special mother…!” The ghoul national teacher stared angrily.

“Really you? The National Master of the Ghoul, is my mother you sent someone to expose? I remembered that when I sealed my cultivation base and expelled me from the Ghoul Dynasty, it was also you…!” Princess Youyue His face was ugly.

“You Yue, rest assured, I will help you out. If he dares to do it today, I will kill him immediately! If he doesn’t dare to do it, wait for a while, wait for King Wu to untie the hypnosis of King Sun Wu and King Qian Wu. Let’s start together and arrest the ghoul national teacher, and then have a good interrogation!” Wang Ke comforted.

“You, Wang Ke, I want to kill him!” Princess Youyue looked bitter.

“You don’t need to do it, I’ll do it!” Wang Ke said suddenly.

“No, I want to avenge myself!” Princess Youyue has red eyes.

“You still have to take the imperial seal, you have to stay awake. Let me do it, don’t worry, you and I are divided into each other, I will kill him!” Wang Ke persuaded.

“But…!” Princess You Yue was a little unwilling.

On the opposite side, the ghoul national teacher has a black face, are you kidding me? Any one of you can kill me? When I was a three-year-old kid, was it so foolish?

Not far away, Jiang Bing was also fighting while staring at Wang Ke’s side.

“Bah, you two, what kind of cowhies are you bragging about! What’s so special, are you chickens in the Martial God Realm? You want to slaughter? Still scrambling to do it?” Jiang Bing cursed in a low voice, displeased.

PS: First!

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