Indestructible God King Chapter 765: Mountain rain is coming

An impact from King Zhao Wu and Shuaifei Huang, the loud noise drove the collapse of the main hall, and instantly attracted countless enthusiastic people!

“Everyone, thank you for your concern, it’s okay, it’s okay, the princess is not hurt!” Wang Ke shouted to countless enthusiastic people.

“Thank you for your concern, it’s okay, just a little misunderstanding just now!” Princess You Yue also said.

“Princess, didn’t someone attack you just now?”

“Princess, don’t have anything to do with you!”




A group of people kept talking about their recognition of Princess Youyue, which moved Princess Youyue very much.

At this moment, the city is full of happiness. This time the attack of the four major factions was completely resolved.

Wang Zhao Wu naturally protected Princess Youyue, suddenly raised his brows and looked at a mountain in the distance.

“Wang Zhao Wu, what’s the matter?” Murong Old Dog was also alert.

“I suddenly felt that someone was staring at us over there!” King Zhao Wu frowned.

“Over there…?” Old Murong dog looked over.

But I saw that on the mountain peak, there was nothing but a big tree and no one at all.

“Maybe I’m dazzled, it’s okay, no one can assassinate the princess with me!” King Zhao Wu said solemnly.

A group of people nodded and continued to deal with the enthusiastic people.

Just as everyone turned their heads, a white figure slowly appeared on the top of the mountain. The figure in white clothes is not someone else, it is the emissary of White Lotus!

The White Lotus Saint Envoy squinted at the harmony between the monarch and the people in the distance, and his face was ugly.

“Wang Ke, ah, Wang Ke, are you really fate? You are really amazing! This endgame of the ghoul dynasty actually made you revive? King Zhao Wu desperately protected you? The four major factions are attacking, unexpectedly Was broken by you and all walked away in embarrassment? Ha, ha ha ha, I really underestimated you before!” Saint Bai Lian squinted and looked into the distance.

Obviously, before the people from the four major factions came, the Holy Envoy of White Lotus had arrived, but the Holy Envoy of White Lotus had learned cleverly this time and did not rush to do it.

“Don’t worry, I won’t know how to do it, King Zhao Wu? No, you must have other support! I will wait patiently, people from the four major factions, it’s not going to be the case, I’ll wait until you Real hands-on, after you have exhausted all the means, I will come back to kill you with all my strength! Hmph, this time, I will not let accidents happen again! This time, you will definitely die!” Bai Lian Sheng Envoy said coldly.

The white lotus envoy did not do anything, but was waiting for the opportunity, waiting for Wang Keshan to be exhausted. The chaos of a country will not be resolved so easily. There will always be a time when Wang Ke will do his best. When that time comes, he will assassinate himself. The best time.

In the distance, Wang Ke was comforting the people with Princess Youyue, and suddenly the hairs on his body stood up, turning his head to look in the direction of Saint White Lotus.

However, when Wang Ke looked over, the white lotus envoy had disappeared in place.

“What’s wrong?” Murong Old Dog asked curiously.

“I don’t know, I have the feeling of being stared at by a poisonous snake! That direction!” Wang Ke pointed to the place where the White Lotus envoy disappeared.

“Come some people, come and see with me!” Murong old dog suddenly shouted.

“Old dog, what’s the matter?” a warrior asked curiously.

“The King Zhao Wu also said that there was a problem there, and Wang Ke also said that there was a problem. Let’s go and take a look!” Murong Old Dog said.

A group of generals nodded. Immediately rushed to the mountain where the white lotus envoy was, but unfortunately, when everyone arrived, the white lotus envoy had already disappeared.

“Wang Ke? You said that you feel as though you are being stared at by a poisonous snake. Did someone ambush you in secret?” You Yue curiously asked.

Wang Ke frowned and thought for a while: “Perhaps, but You Yue, don’t worry, even if a poisonous snake is staring at me, it’s okay. Turn around and grab the snake soup!”


Ghouls and gods! National Teacher’s House!

“Third prince, the king is a liar, you don’t know, he is fooling us, obviously you are the speaker of the goodwill faction, obviously you can fight for the throne of the ghoul man, why did you give up? Just gave up?” The ghoul national teacher anxiously persuaded.

“I think there is a certain truth to what Wang Ke said!” Jiang Bing said.

“What’s the point? He is a lie, you can obviously be the emperor!” The ghoul national teacher wanted to wake up Jiang Bing.

But at this moment, Jiang Bing seemed to be possessed, and kept shaking his head.

“Father let You Yue inherit the throne of the ghoul man, she is still my sister! I can’t do too much. Although Wang Ke is not a thing, but there is a saying that is right. I want to make merit and work and keep my eyes on home. Besides, instead of competing with my family for something, such a success is not rare for me!” Jiang Bing said solemnly.

The ghoul master stared at Jiang Bing, are you thoroughly brainwashed? Look at the inheritance of the mortal dynasty. Which dynasty is not for the prince to kill, but only for the ninth-five-lord? How are you…?

“Third Prince, you can’t pick your sons, everyone in the goodwill faction has put your wealth and life on you. If you give up and give up, what should they do?” The ghoul said anxiously.

“They? After coming back the day before yesterday, I asked some goodwill officials to find out, and they also agreed with my choice!” Jiang Bing said.

The ghoul national teacher has a black face, this is the most annoying.

The group of goodwill officials, but they worked so hard to win over. As a result, when Wang Ke said a few words, he turned his back on me? A group of things eating inside and out.

The ghoul national teacher knows better, why this group of goodwill factions are drawn in? Not because of the name of the national teacher, but the support of the Dashan Dynasty. They are the goodwill faction, not the pro-national teacher faction! If you are close to yourself, why should you let Jiang Bing be a puppet? You can be the leader of a faction by yourself. However, I don’t have this prestige!

“Guo Shi, don’t care too much, I know, according to my plan with You Yue, she will become the emperor, and I will be the master of the country, you will lose your current power, but you can rest assured that I will I help you fight so that you will not lose too much, so that you can still have a huge power in the ghoul dynasty, at least at the same level as the three kings of Zhao Qiansun, and I will let You Yue also seal you. How about the position of King Wu?” Jiang Bing comforted.

The ghoul national teacher stared at Jiang Bing, do I care about the status of this national teacher? Do you know that Master, that is, your elder brother Jiang No.1, how much did it cost to make me stand firm in the ghoul dynasty? Do you know how hard it took Jiang Yizhi to make the Goodwill Faction contend for the throne? Once you compromise, wouldn’t the master and I’s plan all fall apart? Master and I want a country, not a martial king.

“Guoji, don’t worry, I will consider it for you!” Jiang Bing was still persuading.

The ghoul national teacher had a dark face, not knowing what to say. Master and himself have put so much effort into the ghoul dynasty. As a result, they will be destroyed by Wang Ke again? We were left with nothing? This, this, this **** king!

“By the way, a few important officials from the goodwill sent me to discuss how to help Youyue ascend to the throne. Would you like to go together?” Jiang Bing asked.

“Discussion? Let the princess ascend the throne? I won’t go, you go!” said the national ghoul, suppressing the anger in his heart.

“That’s OK, I’ll go now!” Jiang Bing nodded and stepped away.

Leaving the National Ghoul Master alone in the main hall, braving the sky and having nowhere to vent, at this moment, the National Ghoul Master felt a deep sense of powerlessness, how difficult it is for me!

I don’t know how long I have been standing there, but one of the people came up: “Know the Chinese teacher, Huang Shuifei, please see me!”

“Huh? Let him in!” The ghoul master asked in doubt.

About Huang Shuaifei, the ghoul national teacher has also heard about it. The day before yesterday, Wang Ke and his party played a trick. The dignified Yan Luo Dynasty faction talker actually kissed Zhang Zhengdao in public. This is really enough. shameful. Huang Shuifei must hate Wang Ke to death, right!

The enemy’s enemy is a friend! The ghoul national teacher did not reject Huang Shuaifei anymore.

Soon, Huang Shuaifei stepped into the hall.

“Guo Shi, you are so patient!” Huang Shuaifei said solemnly, leaning on the rabbit head scepter.

“What did you say?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“People from the goodwill faction are going to support Princess Youyue. You are so indifferent. I really admire you!” Huang Shuifei said solemnly.

“Hmph! You are not the same, Princess Youyue is now in full swing, don’t you also have no action?” The ghoul national teacher said coldly.

“Guo Shi, I think we don’t want Princess Youyue to become the emperor, why don’t we two cooperate?” Huang Shuaifei took a deep breath.

“Cooperate? How do you cooperate? Ha, didn’t you also have to eat alone before? Want to hypnotize Princess Youyue? Ha, after all, you shot yourself in the foot with a rock!” The ghoul master said in a deep voice.

“I suffered a big loss, but you are not the same? National Teacher, we satirize each other, it will only make Wang Ke more proud, you don’t want to take revenge?” Huang Shuifei solemnly said.

“Take revenge? What can you do?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“I have a way to get Wang Ke to have a big somersault! It depends on whether you are willing to cooperate!” Huang Shuifei solemnly said.

“Cooperate? Let Wang Ke fall into trouble? Now, the general trend of Wang Ke and Princess Youyue is complete. My goodwill faction is basically on their side. Then, King Qian Wu and King Sun Wu, huh, he two I also lost my fighting spirit, my spies came to report, and they are about to stand on their side. They have Zhao Qian Sun and the three great kings to help! Can you still have the technique of returning to the sky?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“Yes! But, I need your help!” Huang Shuifei solemnly said.

“Oh?” National Ghoul Master asked curiously.

“I can, turn King Qian Wu and King Wu Sun into our people!” Huang Shuifei solemnly said.

The ghoul national teacher raised his brows, and looked at Huang Shuaifei abruptly: “What do you mean? Your hypnosis can hypnotize the Martial God Realm?”

“It is not easy to hypnotize the Martial God Realm, but it is not as simple as the Yuanshen Realm, but as long as you cooperate, you can try it!” Huang Shuifei nodded.

The ghoul national teacher was shocked suddenly, hypnotizing the Martial God Realm, it was extremely terrifying, once it succeeded, wouldn’t it be…!

“You have to understand that as long as King Qian Wu and King Sun Wu are hypnotized, the two of them will stand on our side. It is not difficult for the four major factions to fight Princess Youyue again. We have four martial **** realms. And Wang Ke They only have the help of King Zhao Wu. If the faction’s ability is not enough, we can use force! The so-called one force drops ten guilds, and the four great martial arts realms are shot at the same time. In the face of absolute power, all calculations are pale! The situation has changed!” Huang Shuifei solemnly said.

There was a strong change in the eyes of the ghoul master. The four great martial arts realm, shot at the same time, even if they push horizontally, Wang Ke and the others will undoubtedly lose!

“Tell me, how to do it!” The National Ghoul Master suddenly breathed a little bit.

“You agreed? Okay! We just do what we say. This time, he must die without a burial place!” A hideous color flashed in Huang Shuifei’s eyes.

PS: Three changes are over!

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