Indestructible God King Chapter 759: What is your goal in life

We are our own!

A group of people stared at Wang Ke, what’s special, why did you talk to you about this?

“Wang Ke, what are you talking nonsense to us? Who is yours with you?” The ghoul master screamed.

“Guo Shi, what are you excited about? I didn’t talk to you. The third prince is the talker of these goodwill officials. You are not. What are you calling?” Wang Ke stared at the ghoul.

“I think you are disturbing the audition! Do you want to lead our way of thinking? Wang Ke, I just gave you two paths. Is it the princess who withdraws from the campaign or the ghouls and gods?” The teacher said solemnly.

Wang Ke glanced at the National Ghoul Master, then at Jiang Bing: “Third Prince, ignore him, let’s continue to talk about us!”

Ghoul State Master: “…………!”

Do you treat me like a dead person? I’m talking to you, don’t you hear me?

“Wang Ke, you said, you just want me to give up running for the emperor, let us all support You Yue? Humph, no matter how much you say, it’s useless, I’m the emperor. It is bound to win!” Jiang Bing looked at Wang Ke coldly.

“Don’t get excited, aren’t we here to negotiate? Let’s talk calmly, you have your demands, it’s okay, we just need to ask for common ground while reserving differences, don’t worry, we need to be a bit of a city. Let’s have a good chat!” Wang Ke said.

Jiang Bing looked at Wang Ke with a black face. Has the word “chengfu” become a commendatory word?

“What about my opinion, it’s better to choose between you and You Yue for the throne of the ghoul man! This, I don’t think you all have any opinions? Officials, sirs, do you think I said Is there something wrong with this? At least in this matter, are we our own?” Wang Ke looked at the officials.

The officials looked at the National Ghoul Master, and then at Wang Ke. This is true. We are a goodwill faction. The princess and the third prince are both sons and daughters of the good emperor. It is better for them to be the emperor than to be taken advantage of by others.

“If this is the case, then many things are really easy to talk about! I know why you came this time. Isn’t it just watching Youyue and I have a speech meeting around and constantly canvassing votes, does it cause you pressure? What? If you feel pressured, you can also learn from us, hold a lecture, take a picture of a gourd, and talk around. I think so many of your officials are the elite of the elite. Find a few literary talents. Okay, no problem. Just read the manuscript at that time, and you can canvass for votes too!” Wang Ke said.

“Huh, Wang Ke, you are a despicable method, we disdain to use it!” The ghoul national teacher said coldly.

It’s not disdain to use it, but it’s not at all. Princess Youyue has a foundation of popular support, and there are righteous prisoners to attract attention. In addition, the effect of whitewashing the queen before has the effect. Let’s give a speech. How many people came to watch the show?

“Wang Ke, do you think it is interesting to say this?” Jiang Bing said coldly.

“Third Prince, I told you, you don’t care about the attitude of the ghoul national teacher, let’s talk about us! What I mean by this, you also understand that you can’t do it, right? Or else you You won’t come to negotiate with us. Youyue has a natural advantage, which is the human heart. This is something you don’t have!” Wang Ke said.

“Humph!” The National Ghoul snorted coldly.

Jiang Bing also frowned.

“The problem now comes, you also want to be the emperor, and You Yue also want to be the emperor. As my own person, I naturally do not advocate internal friction. What I advocate is, is there any way to make you How can you achieve a win-win situation?” Wang Ke said.

“Win-win? How to win-win? Are you kidding? There are still two emperors in the ghoul dynasty?” The ghoul national teacher sneered.

“Ghoushi Guoshi, can you stop interrupting? I’m chatting with the third prince. He is the speaker of the good emperor faction. What do you mean by always interrupting? Can you listen to me and finish? You Didn’t you come to negotiate? Or did you just come here with internal friction?” Wang Ke stared.

“Humph!” The National Ghoul snorted coldly.

“A win-win situation? What a win-win approach?” Jiang Bing didn’t believe it either.

“Actually, what should be said. We have already said that You Yue is the emperor who asked her to fight for the throne of the emperor. You want to be the emperor in order to fulfill your life ideals. These officials actually It doesn’t matter, as long as either of you becomes the emperor of the ghoul, they can accept it, right?” Wang Ke looked at Jiang Bing.

“Yes!” Jiang Bing said solemnly.

Not far away, a group of officials looked complicated. They looked at the national teacher and then at Wang Ke. Where should we stand?

“That’s easy to say, I want to ask your third prince, why are you fighting for the emperor? What is your ideal in life? Is it just over to be a emperor?” Wang Ke looked at Jiang. C.

Jiang Bing was taken aback, what do you mean by that? What does it mean to be ‘just’ being a human emperor is over?

“Wang Ke, what do you mean?” The ghoul national teacher said solemnly.

“Don’t interrupt, I’m chatting with my third brother-in-law, why are you always interrupting?” Wang Ke stared.

Ghoul State Master: “……………!”

It’s not that I want to interrupt, but, what are you talking about?

“Wang Ke, what do you mean?” Jiang Bing said solemnly.

“I mean, is your goal in life just to be a ghoul man king? You haven’t thought of anything else?” Wang Ke asked.

“I don’t understand what you said!” Jiang Bing said solemnly.

“If I guess right, you should prove your ability to the Emperor of Goodness, so that the Emperor of Goodness can pay more attention to you, and praise you a lot. Do you want to get more attention from the Emperor of Goodness?” Wang Kejian Xiang Jiang Bing.

“Huh, Wang Ke, what do you want to say?” Jiang Bing said coldly.

“What I mean is, you want to make a career to prove yourself, and let Shan Huang look at you with admiration. There is no need for you to fight against Shan Huang. Shan Huang let You Yue compete against Shan Huang and represent Shan Huang. If you want Youyue to be the emperor of the ghoul, you can not make the emperor happy except to prove that you are powerful! Your goal is to get the praise and praise of the emperor, not the frown of the emperor!” Wang Can be said.

Jiang Bing’s face darkened: “Huh, what do you care about me? You just want to stop me!”

“No, you didn’t understand what I meant. Let’s look at it from another angle. Look at your eldest brother. Now he is the third-ranked God of War in the Temple of War. The scenery is infinite. He got it by his own strength. Will take a high look. How about you? If you become the emperor of the ghoul, what would it be? You robbed your sister’s throne in exchange for the throne. You think that an older brother snatched something from his sister, and then went to his father Inviting credit, will your father praise you?” Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing’s face froze, what do you say from another angle?

“What about Princess Youyue, who hasn’t been decided by the Ghoul Human Emperor yet?” The Ghoul State Master stared.

“Leave him alone, third prince, think about it for yourself, am I right? Your sister’s mother left your sister with the toy, but your father also let your sister hold it. As a result, your brother grabbed it arrogantly. In the hands, then go to your father to show off, do you guess your father will praise you, or will he smoke you?” Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing’s face twitched for a while, something special, can this be the same?

“Three princes, achieve your life goals, prove yourself, and you are not wrong. I also support you, but I think you should put the goal you strive for outside the home, not inside the home! The five dynasties of the righteous way, you can Fight for the throne of other dynasties! No matter how bad you are, you can start a dynasty by yourself! Why steal your sister’s toys?” Wang Ke asked.

“Is Dynasty, is it a toy? Is it so competitive? Wang Ke, do you want to kidnap the third prince morally?” The ghoul national teacher said coldly.

“Leave him alone! Third prince, do you think about it, right? It’s not a good thing to be in the nest, it’s really good to go out and break out of the world!” Wang Ke looked at Jiang Bing.

“Wang Ke, do you think all this is easy? Is it so easy to seize the emperors of the various dynasties? What you said is simply unrealistic.” Jiang Bing said coldly.

“Third prince, you are wrong, co-author, it is not easy to **** things from outsiders, so don’t dare to go. It is easy to **** things from your sister, so you can **** your sister? Is this still a human?” Wang Ke stared. Tao.

“Wang Ke, are you scolding me?” Jiang Bing stared.

“No, don’t get excited, listen to me, in fact, it’s not difficult to compete for other human emperors, and what is the ghoul dynasty? You can even fight for the great good emperor in the future!” Wang Ke persuades Tao.

“Wang Ke, are you instigating me to rebel?” Jiang Bing stared.

“Don’t be excited, don’t be excited, I’ve said it, don’t be excited, who said that you rebelled? You have a deep affection with the emperor and son, I didn’t let you turn your heads, listen to me!” Wang Ke Persuade.

“Huh!” Jiang Bing stared at Wang Ke.

“Look, what does it mean that the Emperor Shan is not in the dynasty all year round and travels around the world? It means that the Emperor Shan is not interested in fighting for the hegemony of the dynasty. In the eyes of the Emperor Shan, maybe not a peerless beauty is important! Right?” Wang Ke looked at Jiang Bing.

“So what?” Jiang Bing said solemnly.

“The Emperor Shan doesn’t like to manage the dynasty, but he only comes back to manage it occasionally, which shows that he is not in the dynasty for hegemony. That also shows a problem. The Emperor Shan is likely to find a successor to inherit the throne! He is looking outside now. Beauty, you still have to consider the affairs of the Dashan Dynasty. Isn’t it tired? Let yourself be an emperor without psychological pressure, and devote yourself to the path of finding a beauty. Isn’t he fragrant? So, don’t worry, maybe it’s something. God, the Emperor Shan suddenly thought, among the three sons, if he finds someone to inherit the throne, he can free his hands to hug more beauties, right?” Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing stared at Wang Ke: “You rely on guesswork!”

“Yes, I rely on guesswork, but is there such a possibility?” Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing frowned slightly.

“The King of Goodness will choose an individual to inherit the throne. It must be passed on to one of your three brothers. At that time, you will have a chance? Guess, who will the King of Goodness choose?” Wang Ke asked Tao.

Jiang Bing’s face is gloomy, how do I know?

The eyes of the officials around us were even widened. Have we heard some great secret? Is this all exaggerated? Aren’t we talking about the throne of the ghoul man? Why did you get to the throne of Dashan? Can we still interrupt?

“I guess that Emperor Shan will definitely look at the past of your three brothers. After all, the Dynasty will give you the one who is pleasing to the eye, right? So what kind of pleasing to the eye? This is at least a filial piety, right? This heir must have a deep brotherhood and love his brothers and sisters! The emperor of the good will never hope that when he passes the throne to you, your brothers will kill each other? I definitely hope that you are in harmony, hello, me, and everyone! At this time, morality is very important. Those who love their relatives are definitely the first choice, and the son who once cruelly snatched toys from his sister, do you think Shan Huang will rest assured that he will let you be the heir?” Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing’s face twitched for a while, are you kidnapping me with morals in a circle?

“Wang Ke, what you are talking about is nonsense, the emperor of the good will always be the emperor of the good, and it is impossible to pass on the throne!” The ghoul master stared.

“I’m talking about family affairs with the third prince, what are you talking about as an outsider? Really, annoying? It’s not your family affairs, what are you calling for?” Wang Ke stared.

“You!” The National Ghoul Master suddenly became angry with some internal injuries.

Jiang Bing also calmly said: “Wang Ke, you have been around for a long time, don’t you just want me to give up running for the throne of the ghoul man? Huh, do you think I will listen to you?”

“Third Prince, I am doing well for you too. I mean, don’t be stubborn. If you grab your sister’s toy, you won’t let the emperor have a high look at you. You have to set your goal outside your home! I have a suggestion, you can think about it!” Wang Ke said.

“Proposal? Tell me, what proposal?” Jiang Bing sneered.

“Yes, you are all brothers and sisters anyway, and you also embody a little tradition of respecting the old and loving the young. As for the throne of the ghoul, you should stop fighting. It will not affect you well. It will make the emperor feel disgusted, and the troubled house is not peaceful and not beautiful. It is better to support Youyue ascending the throne as the emperor of the ghoul. In this way, the emperor will treat you differently when he sees you love your sister so much!” Wang Ke said.

“Huh, is this your proposal?” Jiang Bing stared unwillingly.

“Don’t worry, I said a win-win situation. Naturally, you won’t suffer. Youyue will become the emperor and will compensate you! Don’t you just want to realize the value of life and let the emperor look at you differently Right?

First of all, you respect the old and love the young, indicating that you have excellent character. Secondly, you help your sister to seize the throne of the emperor, which is also an achievement, which shows that you have excellent abilities. In the end, You Yue will re-appoint you as the national teacher of the ghoul dynasty, so that you will be under the tens of thousands! Of course, the so-called being under one person is just to talk about it. You brothers and sisters have all lived and died. Do you still care about your status? You are the national teacher of ghouls, and you ruled the ghoul dynasty together with You Yue. At that time, you also had a lofty position. If the emperor Shan chooses the heir in the future, you can run as a national teacher. Similarly, there are other great dynasties. , Or if the five dynasties of the Devil Dao are in trouble, the entire ghoul dynasty can help you fight the world. At that time, the two dynasties of the great good and the ghoul will be your strong backing. You can go wherever you want to be a human emperor. Isn’t it more comfortable? “Wang Ke asked.

Jiang Bing looked at Wang Ke with a twitching face. How could a country’s emperor come to your mouth, and wherever he wants to be a emperor?

“Wang Ke, what are you talking about? You let Princess You Yue become the emperor of the ghoul and the third prince as the national teacher? What about me? How do I count as the national teacher of the ghoul?” .

“You? What are you still clamoring for? It’s your honor for the third crown prince to take your place. What else are you calling for?” Wang Ke stared.

The ghoul national teacher’s face became stiff, do you mean to dismiss me? Special mother, is this what people said?

“Wang Ke, is this not so good?” Jiang Bing frowned.

“What’s not so good? Third Prince, you don’t have to give him too much face. He is your elder brother’s apprentice. To put it bluntly, he should call you’Uncle Shi’, he is a junior You are in a generational grade! What are you doing to give him face? You don’t have to give him face! With such an important status as the ghoul national teacher, he is a junior and unworthy of virtue. This kind of prominent status is only worthy of you. Come on, you are the best candidate for the national teacher!” Wang Ke persuaded.

Jiang Bing thoughtfully.

“Wang Ke, you are deceiving too much!” The ghoul national teacher stared and roared.

“Third Prince, ignore him, he is a junior, no big or small, how can he deal with you? You are the son of the good emperor, what can he do with you? You should understand, let the good emperor look at you At a glance, it is not something you can do by stealing things from your sister. If you help your sister protect the toys, the emperor will look at you high. You become a ghoul national teacher, with the same outstanding status and the same realization of the value of life, although this time there is no To fight for the emperor, take a small step back, but the small step you take back is to prepare for a big step in the future! The emperor sees you loving and caring for your loved ones, and you are capable, and you are more decisive. You can’t help but give you a thumbs up with his eyes! The third prince, the master of the ghoul, is yours!” Wang Keyu said earnestly.

Jiang Bing was lost in thought. Not far away, a group of officials were even more dumbfounded, staring at Wang Ke. What’s the matter? Isn’t the situation right? We are not even qualified to intervene in the issues discussed at this time? Our leadership is going to be shuffled?

Only the ghoul national teacher stared at Wang Ke. At this moment, he was so angry that he couldn’t help but immediately ambush Wang Ke. If you continue to tell you something, I will be left with nothing you said. You **** king!

PS: Three changes are over!

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