Indestructible God King Chapter 75: Your virtue

Dragon Island prison!

All the demons looked at Wang Ke, shocked by Wang Ke’s fearless spirit.

Tong An’an looked at Wang Ke with a twitching face, and didn’t know what to say for a long time.

“That’s wrong, did Wang Ke really jump into the Ten Thousand Snakes Pool? Why would he be okay?” The Northern God of Gamblers was still unwilling to say.

“Yes, every one of the poisonous snakes in Wanshe Pond is extremely poisonous. If they are suppressed, they will hurt if they bite them? Why is Wang Ke okay?” Tong An’an frowned and looked at Wang Ke.

“Huh?” Zhu Hongyi also looked puzzled.

“Holy Son, isn’t it okay?” Wang Ke frowned suddenly.

“Holy Son? He has a special constitution, so he won’t be invaded by poison!” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“The saint son is not invaded by a hundred poisons?” Wang Ke asked unexpectedly.

“Yes, what’s the matter with you?” Zhu Hongyi asked in confusion.

“I…!” Wang Ke frowned.

How can this be explained? I said I have a special physique. What if you want to check my body later?

“Wang Ke, are you ready to jump into the Ten Thousand Snake Pond, so you have prepared a special magic weapon to protect against poisonous snakes?” The Northern Gambler asked in a deep voice.

Wang Ke was about to follow his words and nod, but his instinct was aroused.

This northern **** of gambling, really isn’t something, are you giving me a trick? If I admit it, doesn’t it mean that I had premeditated jumping into the Ten Thousand Snake Pool? So saving the Son is also premeditated? Is there a premeditated plan to kill the Son?

What a special one! This northern **** of gambling is indeed a bad embryo.

Beijing God of Gambling, Tong An’an and others are waiting for Wang Ke’s reply.

No matter how Wang Ke responds, he must be splashed with dirty water, so that he may be suspicious of Saint Son. Then I will come back and fix him slowly.

But, Wang Ke has been walking around for many years, would he be afraid of such a small planting?

“Holy Son, some people think that I shouldn’t save you! They think that when you are bitten by ten thousand snakes, who saves you is unpredictable! Son, how do you say I should answer them?” Wang Can suddenly show pain on his face.

Tong An’an and the North Gambler’s eyes suddenly widened. I have not had time to plant you, have you started planting us? Do you know how to come first, come first?

“Wang Ke, you dare to slander us!” Tong An’an stared angrily.

“Uh? I’m talking about the Northern God of Gamblers. Didn’t he question me just now? Why are you…?” Wang Ke looked at Tong An’an in astonishment.

Tong An’an’s face changed, and he snatched the word?

“Wow~Wow~~! Hall Master Zhu, they, they are all bad guys, they want me to die! I want to tell the devil, I want to tell the devil! The king can save me, they don’t allow it, it’s them Harm me, I want to tell Demon Venerable!” Shengzi suddenly started to cry.

“Okay, okay, saint son don’t cry, don’t worry, I will find out, and I must not let the person who harmed you go unpunished!” Zhu Hongyi immediately comforted.

“It’s him, it’s him who didn’t allow Wang Ke to save me just now!” Shengzi pointed at the North Gambling God and cursed.

The Northern God of Gamblers knelt instantly. Everyone can tell that the king is the one who planted me, so how come you can’t tell the Son? Saint son, you are really a kid, you believe when he lied to you?

“It’s none of my business, it’s none of my business! I didn’t let the king save the saint son! The hall master is watching!” The Northern God of Gamblers immediately begged Zhu Hongyi for mercy.

Ju Hongyi frowned slightly, and Zhu Hongyi could also hear that Wang Ke avoided the heavyweight and bit the Northern God of Gamblers. However, now that the Son is angry, it is not good for him to criticize the Son too much.

“Come here, arrest the Northern God of Gamblers for me, and I will try it myself!” Tong An’an exclaimed.

“Hall Master!” The Northern God of Gamblers exclaimed.

Tong An’an, is this trying to separate the relationship?

Tong Anan has to do this. This matter can’t be a big deal. If it’s a big deal, what should I do if I look back on him? Find a scapegoat as quickly as possible.

I accidentally grabbed the word just now, this time we must draw a clear line with the Northern God of Gamblers.

First grab the Northern God of Gamblers, comfort the holy son, go back to the trial, find out the ‘truth’, and just point a scapegoat. When the scapegoat ‘suicides’, it’s nothing to do with me.

The Northern God of Gamblers also guessed Tong An’an’s thoughts and yelled, so he didn’t dare to resist.

“Don’t try it yourself, you, where have you been before dawn?” Zhu Hongyi looked at the Northern God of Gamblers in a deep voice.

“Me? Before I…!” The Bei Gambling God’s face froze.

“Say!” Zhu Hongyi’s eyes stared.

“I, I was in the Altar Lord’s Mansion before dawn, I am not in the prison, it is none of my business!” The Northern Gambler said anxiously.

Tong Anan’s eyes stared, what are you doing? I want to be dragged into the water by you, who will fish you ashore?

“Hall Master Mingjian, the Northern God of Gamblers came to my house before dawn and reported the matter to me!” Tong An’an said immediately.

“Oh? It’s in the middle of the night, what do you want to report?” Zhu Hongyi’s face became cold.

Obviously, this is something! How can you report ordinary trivial matters in the middle of the night? Won’t go again during the day? Originally, Zhu Hongyi didn’t doubt the Northern God of Gamblers, but with this question, something went wrong.

Tong Anan can’t wait to kick this northern gambling **** to death. What’s more than success is not enough, why do you pull me up?

If you don’t give the hall master a good explanation, I’m really going to stumble today.

“The Northern God of Gamblers said that the moon is about to be full. Brother Wang has not received the baptism of enchantment and has no demonic energy, so I may not be able to bear it in these two days. Let me find a living person for him. Can he make evil and eat people? I, I promised!” Tong Anan explained.

At this moment, I can only use the excuse I prepared earlier, otherwise, Wang Ke talks more, isn’t that a gangbang?

“Oh?” Zhu Hongyi looked at Wang Ke.

Wang Ke nodded with a weird face: “There is such a thing, but they found me a righteous prisoner, and asked me to draw the prisoner’s true blood, until he died!”

“Prisoner of Righteous Way? Impudent!” Zhu Hongyi’s eyes stared.

“What?” Wang Ke was surprised.

Zhu Hongyi looked at Tong Anan: “The devil has an order, these prisoners detained in Shenlong Island are not allowed to eat! Only blood drawn in captivity, let you be responsible, and let the holy son supervise you! Hmph, hello Are you brave enough to dare to violate the power and the yin? Aren’t you afraid of the devil’s sin?”

“No, no, the righteous prisoner, he went on a hunger strike, and he has a desire to die! It was only at this point that I helped Brother Wang apply. I didn’t violate the righteousness. He really went on a hunger strike and begged to die. !” The Northern God of Gamblers was anxious.

“Hunger on a hunger strike?” Zhu Hongyi frowned slightly.

Because prisoners on hunger strike are allowed to be eaten! If this is the case, it is not a violation.

“Brother Wang, please tell the hall master, that prisoner, he is begging to die, I have applied for this benefit for you, at least you can be a witness for me!” The Northern Gambler said anxiously.

Wang Ke was silent for a while.

“Wang Ke? What he said is the truth?” Zhu Hongyi said solemnly.

“No, the prisoner did not go on a hunger strike to die!” Wang Ke said immediately.

The northern **** of gambling stared at Wang Ke, this kid, taking my advantage and slandering me?

“Why not? Everyone has seen it. It is the second senior brother of the Sky Wolf Sect. He has been on a hunger strike for a few days. It has been a few days. Wang Ke, don’t think he is dead, you can Feel free to slander me!” The North Gambler screamed.

“No, he is not dead, he is still alive!” Wang Ke explained.

The Northern God of Gamblers: “………………!”

Zhu Hongyi looked at the Northern God of Gamblers coldly: “Are you sure, the second brother of the Wolf Sect, went on a hunger strike for death that day?”

“I, I’m sure!” The Northern God of Gamblers swallowed, but for some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling.

“Really not. If you don’t believe me, go and see, he is in that room!” Wang Ke pointed to the cave room not far away.

Amidst Zhu Hongyi’s doubts, an evil demon quickly opened the door.

The door has an array restriction, it is difficult to open from the inside, but it is not difficult to open from the outside.

Soon, the cave door opened. Everyone came closer and took a look.

But I saw many prisoners inside, surrounding the second brothers who were tied to the pillars. The second brother’s two hands, one hand with a spiritual stone, were absorbing and healing the wounds and restoring the true essence. At the same time, the prisoner’s brother was fed chicken legs in his mouth, and the second brother was gorging and eating.

It turned out that Wang Ke had dug a hole in the wall earlier, and a group of prisoners got in from the cell next door.

The second senior ate the chicken legs hungrily, and used the spirit stone to restore the true essence.

“You call this a hunger strike for death? Are you insulting our IQ?” Zhu Hongyi looked murderously at the North Gambler.

“No, no, it wasn’t like this before, he really went on a hunger strike before to die, really, really, you have to believe me!” The Northern God of Gamblers suddenly cried out in horror.

A wave of unrest and another wave, the charge of murdering the Son has not been cleared, and the charge of murdering the prisoner? This is what the Demon Venerable confessed, it is not allowed to kill the prisoners who survived. Is this the rebellious Demon Lord?


Tong An’an hit the killer in pain and slapped it away. Suddenly, the face of the North Gambling God was beaten and his teeth spurted out with blood.

“Well, you bastard, you dare to lie to me? Talking about the prisoners on a hunger strike? If the hall master hadn’t found out, I had been fooled by you! So it seems that you have a big suspicion of murdering the Son, I don’t today Take care of you, I’m sorry for the trust that Mozun and the hall master have placed in me! Say, why do you harm Saint Son!” Tong An’an roared.

At this moment, we must clear the relationship, the special northern gambling god, give me all the moths.

“I didn’t!” The Northern Gambler called weakly.

“Don’t tell me yet? Okay, you have forgotten my demon sect’s punishment. Come here, use my demon sect’s great torture, and give it to him again until he says it!” Tong An’an said bitterly.

“Yes!” A group of demons dragged the Northern Gambler towards the torture instrument not far away.


In the prison, there was the scream of the Northern Gambler.

This screaming scream made the frightened Son tremble.

Zhu Hongyi said solemnly: “Okay, when the son returns, you will try again! Don’t scare the son!”

“Yes, yes, the hall master can rest assured, I must find out, give the hall master an explanation, give an explanation to the holy son, give an explanation to the king brother!” Tong Anan immediately sweated profusely.

Ju Hongyi looked at Tong An’an with a complicated expression, and then looked at the surrounding demons. After all, Tong An’an was allowed to investigate thoroughly.

“Holy Son, it’s not safe here. You can go back with me first. Recently, you have followed me!” Zhu Hongyi comforted.

“I, I don’t, I want to be with Wang Ke! What if someone else harms me?” Shengzi said in horror.

“Don’t worry, no one will harm you again. Wang Ke is weak. He can’t protect you. Follow me, no one can harm you again. Also, you’ll go back with me and rest for a while. In the afternoon, Wang But here comes!” Zhu Hongyi comforted.

“Afternoon?” Shengzi said blankly.

Zhu Hongyi glanced at Wang Ke, and his face sank: “Come to my palace in the afternoon, Qing’er wakes up and wants to see you!”

Qing’er wakes up? Did Nie Jiexue wake up? Great, I am safe.

Wang Ke immediately became excited: “Yes, I will definitely come this afternoon!”

Zhu Hongyi turned his head to look at Tong An’an: “Children Altar Lord!”

“Yes, here…!” Tong Anan said respectfully, sweating profusely.

“Murder of the Son, ha ha, this is not a small crime!” Zhu Hongyi sneered.

“Hall Master, I don’t have one, Hall Master, I must find out what happened!” Tong An’an immediately panicked.

“Okay, I’ll wait for your success!” A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhu Hongyi’s mouth.

“Yes, I must give the hall master a satisfactory answer!” Tong An’an suddenly bowed his head and bowed.

Ju Hongyi looked at Tong An’an meaningfully again, and then he picked up the son to leave.

“Respectfully send off to the host!” Tong An’an respectfully bowed down.

“Send to the Hall Master!” All the demons respectfully bowed down.

Zhu Hongyi ignored the others, instead, she swept her eyes around and suddenly saw Zhu Wei coming by.

“Uncle, Uncle!” Zhu Hongyi smiled and welcomed Zhu Hongyi before he got rid of the poison.

But when Zhu Hongyi saw this grandnephew, there was a burst of anger for no reason. I won’t talk about the previous things. It’s been a few days since I came to Shenlong Island. Why are you still dirty with poisonous blood? His face is even more purple and black, how did it become so sloppy?

“Look at Wang Ke, and then look at your virtue! Shame on me, hum!” Zhu Hongyi snorted coldly.

Said Zhu Hongyi ignored Zhu Wei and left. After leaving Zhu Wei with a depressed face, why did he compare me to Wang Ke? The poisonous blood on my clothes is not the king’s harm? Are you trying to kill him? How did you praise him? Why? Why?

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