Indestructible God King Chapter 744: Five factions

Ghoul warlords are in the camp!

Wang Ke and Princess You Yue watched Zhao Si leave.

“Then Zhao Si, is a person from the Hundred Thousand Dashan Mountain?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect that the four brothers Zhao would actually appear here, they are the distant nephews of King Zhao Wu, tusk, this world is really wonderful, God is helping us!” Wang Ke’s eyes lit up. Tao.

“What did you give Zhao Si?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“The imperial edict, the imperial edict your mother gave to King Zhao Wu, I let Zhao Si bring it to King Zhao Wu!” Wang Ke laughed.

“My mother’s imperial decree? Why don’t I know?” Princess You Yue said in astonishment.

“I’m a fake, of course you don’t know!” Wang Ke said.

You Yue laughed suddenly: “Fake the imperial decree? You really dare, you are not afraid that King Zhao Wu will see it?”

“He can naturally tell that it is fake at a glance, but it doesn’t matter if it is fake or not. What I wrote in the key imperial edict is equivalent to writing a letter to him in your mother’s tone. Just read this letter. How great is the effect!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Wang Ke, you take us all here to wake up the righteous prisoners who have been rescued, and even release the news, for this King Zhao Wu?” Princess Youyue asked curiously.

“Yes, the purpose of this trip is for King Zhao Wu, or to say that we went to Snow Demon Mountain to rescue the righteous prisoners before, but also to fight against this King Zhao Wu!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Why?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Because King Zhao Wu is a sincere person, sincere people can just play the emotional card!” Wang Ke laughed.

“This King Zhao Wu, is it important?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Uh, although you are a ghoul princess, you were so well protected by your mother before, so I can’t understand many things! I also studied for a while before I came to understand that, in fact, the five dynasties of the right way are very complicated! “Wang Ke said.


“The Dashan Dynasty was a six-part system of prime ministers, while the Yama Dynasty in the East was controlled by the Daoist dynasty, and the Ghoul Dynasty was caught in the middle. The government of the Ghoul Dynasty was actually a collection of many immortal families and sects! Many of these families , There are schools in Shiwandashan, and Zhao Si’s school is one of them!” Wang Ke said.

“Do you mean…?”

“The regime of the Ghoul Dynasty is a bit like democratically elected, but this democracy is not very democratic! When your mother is in power, all the families of the Ghoul Dynasty have to recognize it as the emperor who is not allowed to do my part! Now, as soon as the news that your mother is a demon comes out, the right way naturally cannot tolerate her, and your mother escapes, then the ghoul dynasty must re-elect a new human emperor, and this human emperor needs to be recognized by the major families!” Wang Ke said.

“What then?”

“During your mother’s reign, she has actually sorted out the Chao Gang very clearly. Your mother has cultivated three martial kings, Zhao Qian Sun and three families. These three families are the people of the major clans, which are equivalent to the three major factions, and they check and balance each other. , And they can complement each other. The countless officials across the country are actually the protégés of these three families. The three major martial kings of these three families are loyal to your mother, and everything is under control!” Wang Ke said.

“Zhao Qiansun, the three big martial kings? I know, I once heard my mother say that they broke through to the Martial God Realm, but my mother helped a lot!” Princess You Yue recalled.

“Yes, these years, the ghoul dynasty has had no heads, but it has left the ghoul dynasty in chaos. During this period, the Dashan dynasty and Yama dynasty on the left and right have actually sent people to infiltrate and instigate the rebellion, allowing countless families to embrace the two The people who infiltrated the dynasty turned the ghoul dynasty of the three major factions into five major factions!” Wang Ke said.

“Five factions?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Yes, the three major factions of Zhao Qiansun, then the faction of the Dashan Dynasty, the faction of the Yama Dynasty!” Wang Ke explained.

“Do you mean…?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“You want to inherit the throne and take back all that your mother left you. It is difficult to say, easy and easy to say!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Difficult? We are not…!”

“The difficulty lies in the fact that you have nothing but a name, and the hearts of the people are not on your side. You want to become the emperor, it is almost a fantasy! The gratitude of these righteous prisoners is not enough, because They have been arrested for many years, and they can’t represent their family will at all! They can only be icing on the cake, they can’t help you seize the first-in-law!” Wang Ke solemnly said.


“It’s easy and easy. As long as the five major clans have more than half of the people who support you, they can help you become the Queen of the Ghoul!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Who is the story of the five major factions?” Princess Youyue said.

“Don’t think about the factions that have infiltrated the Yama Dynasty. As for the infiltration of the Dashan Dynasty, I don’t think there is too much illusion, because most of them are in the hands of the ghoul national teacher, and Jiang Di After all these years of business, although some people will support you, I don’t think there is much hope! In the end, it is the faction of the three great kings of Zhao, Qian and Sun. This is the best treasure your mother has left for you, but, your mother is gone. Later, their spiritual pillars also collapsed a lot, and they may not be facing you at the moment. Otherwise, when you were deposed and exiled, how come no one came forward to protect you?” Wang Ke said.

“That…!” Princess You Yue frowned.

“The people of the five major factions, at this moment, are also recognized by the ghoul dynasty as the five great princes, all of whom have the strength to fight for the throne, and you are also the prince, without strength, only the first name!” Wang Ke said.

“Am I also a prince?” Princess Youyue smiled bitterly.

“Why not count? You are the only daughter of the Queen of Ghoul, the princess of the Ghoul Dynasty. You are not the prince, who is? If you are a demon, you will lose your name. It has been proven not long ago Now, if you have the merits of punishing the devil, then you are the prince!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“Then King Zhao Wu is also the prince?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Yes, King Zhao Wu is also one of the six princes, who can fight for the throne! But, he didn’t fight!” Wang Ke said.

“Didn’t fight?” You Yue asked curiously.

“Yes, right now, the major princes are actually battling each other for power and gain. When they are drawing together and fighting each other secretly, everyone is trying hard to become the emperor of the ghoul. But, this Zhao King Wu didn’t, but he came to the border to hide in peace!” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

“Is this…?”

“When he left the capital, he just gave up this opportunity to compete for the emperor. Maybe he consciously couldn’t take the emperor by himself, but he didn’t fight with others. That is an opportunity for us!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“You asked me to get King Zhao Wu’s support?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Yes, we go directly to the imperial capital. It is a joke at all. If King Zhao Wu takes his subordinates to support you to the imperial capital, that will be the basis for you to step onto the throne!” Wang Ke solemnly said.

“But, will King Zhao Wu agree?” Princess You Yue asked curiously.

“Wang Zhao Wu is sincere and sincere. At the same time, he also values ​​love and righteousness. He is more patriotic and loves the people! He is a good person!” Wang Ke said.

“A good person?” Princess Youyue asked with a weird expression.

When I heard you mention this before, you seemed to be disgusted, as if you were saying that this was a curse? how……!

“Heavy affection and righteousness, I guess, he should still recite the kindness of your mother back then. Demons and righteous ways, although they are in conflict, they are all human beings. People will have feelings. I asked Zhao Si to give it away. The imperial decree is to arouse his gratitude to your mother, and hope that he will keep this gratitude on you!” Wang Ke said.


“Secondly, he loves the country and the people! You rescued the right way prisoners this time, just to show him. He hopes that the ghoul dynasty is strong, and does not want the ghoul dynasty to fall apart. He has a patriotic heart. And you are here. Guarding the ghoul dynasty, you are saving the ghoul dynasty. You have made countless families of the ghoul dynasty show long-lost smiles. What you do is for the country and the people. Why does he not favor you? Especially with my help Your ghoul dynasty?” Wang Ke said with a laugh.

Hearing Wang Ke’s description, Princess You Yue recalled: “Wang Zhao Wu, it seems that he is the kind of person you are talking about! You are so accurate!”

“Of course, when the princes are busy fighting for the throne of the king, only if he silently comes to guard the frontier, you can see his patriotism and love for the people, so I will be the first to look for him. Don’t worry, with me, I will do my best to help you become a queen. This is my second dowry!” Wang Ke said with a smile.

Princess Youyue’s eyes were moved: “Wang Ke, thank you! If it weren’t for you, I might have been gone. I am glad that after my mother left, I met someone who was the best to me!”

“You are my girlfriend, but I am the wife I want to marry. I am not good to you, who is good to you?” Wang Ke laughed.

Princess Youyue’s eyes were moved: “But, I can’t do anything for you, I’m not smart enough, I don’t know what I can do for you?”

“You are a princess, you just want to be spoiled by me. What do you want to do? Besides, your boyfriend is so powerful, how can I still need you to do anything?” Wang Ke laughed.

“Well, I actually don’t care much about the Queen of Ghoul. If it doesn’t succeed, it will be fine. I will run away with you then! We don’t care about any of us, as long as we follow you!” You Yue said moved.

“Elopement? Good or bad, but I still hope that when I am with you, I can take your clothes off. Uh, no, take your Ziluo fairy clothes off, and then do something that should be our age. Something!” Wang Ke said seriously.

Princess Youyue flushed immediately and punched Wang Ke’s chest.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky.


The golden light enveloped Wang Ke, making Wang Ke’s face suddenly changed.

“What’s the situation? Didn’t this ghoul camp start a big battle? Who attacked me?” Wang Ke exclaimed.

“No, it seems to be merit?” Princess You Yue asked unexpectedly.

“Bonus?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

Sure enough, a huge amount of merit suddenly fell from the sky and enveloped Wang Ke.

Wang Ke’s face changed, and he immediately took out his poinsettia.


The billowing merits rushed straight into the poinsettia red lotus.

“Here, where does the merit come from? So much? God is so good to me? What do you suddenly give me a lot of merit? So much? Did I just say something that moved God?” Wang Ke was suddenly overjoyed. Tao.

The amount of merit is as large as when he broke through his cultivation last time, so huge, this sudden merit made Wang Ke immediately ecstatic.

Just when all the merits were put into the Poinsettia Red Lotus, a voice suddenly oscillated with the merits.

“The first-grade black lotus locks the breath, this deity’s innate merits are all sent to the red lotus sacred envoy Wang Ke, as the method of the last transmission, quickly transmitted to Wang Ke!” The voice vibrated around the merits.

“Is the voice of Demon Lord? The merit that Demon Lord gave me?” Wang Ke was suddenly surprised.

“Wang Ke, the deity’s voice, I don’t know if you can hear it! Longyu received your gift and liked it very much! Last time you said that your practice will lead to life and death. I wonder if you have already survived. After that, Long Yu asked me to give you another innate merit to help you break through the calamity of life and death! Use it if there is difficulty, and keep it if there is no difficulty! Don’t die!” Demon Lord’s voice came again.

Wang Ke’s face froze, Mozun, you gave me a lot of innate merit? I’m very grateful for this, but, You Yue is by the side, what should I do if you mention Longyu?

Wang Ke looked at Princess Youyue, but Princess Youyue was not angry at hearing Longyu’s topic, but suddenly looked at Wang Ke.

“Your practice, there is a calamity of life and death? Need merit? Or you will die?” Princess Youyue stared at Wang Kedao.

“Uh, don’t worry, it’s been over, now it’s all right!” Wang Ke immediately calmed down.

“You, why don’t you tell me? The catastrophe will kill you? Why don’t you tell me? I finally understand why you are issuing the King’s Coins, you are in trouble, why don’t you tell me, Did you treat me as your girlfriend!” You Yue cried out with moist eyes.

“You Yue, don’t be nervous, everything is under my control, it’s okay, I have survived a few catastrophes! I don’t want you to be nervous!” Wang Ke immediately wiped your tears in a frenzy.

You Yue bulged her mouth, looking at Wang Ke as if sulking.

Wang Ke was soothing again. After a long while, Princess You Yue died of distress.

“You should have told me earlier, I can give you a lot of merits from the Great Good Dynasty!” Princess Youyue said with red eyes.

“Uh? Steal your father’s merits to me? This…, it’s not so good, he knows, and he wants to beat the mandarin duck!” Wang Ke’s face froze.

You Yue, this little girl, is so courageous!

“Then I must become the Queen of the Ghoul this time. After I become the Queen of the Ghoul, I will use all the merits of my country!” Princess Youyue immediately gritted her teeth.

“Huh?” Wang Ke was taken aback.

“I want to be a queen, I must be a queen! Wang Ke, you help me, and I will definitely help you get all the merits of the ghoul dynasty to you!” Princess Youyue squeezed her small fist.

Wang Ke was surprised and delighted suddenly, this, how is this embarrassing? But I don’t want it from my daughter-in-law. Isn’t it too outrageous? This can be!

PS: Three changes are over!

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